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 Note:  Only those rolls covering periods when CONSTITUTION was in squadron service have been researched. 


Note: Only the entries specifically containing "Constitution" have been transcribed from the original records, with no attempt to alter punctuation or enlarge upon abbreviations.  They have been rearranged to be in integrated alphabetical order by volume.


Researchers' Note: Comparison of the information in these volumes with primary sources, such as logs and letters, indicates that it is, in the main, fragmentary and unreliable.




Roll 1, Volume A (May 1798 ‑ February 1801)


William Amory ‑ 2nd Lieut of Marines appointed to the Constitution ‑ 6th Decr 1798 ‑ accepted 25 July 1798 ‑ (Retd. by) delivered [?] 14th Jany 1799.


Charles Angier ‑ Midsn appd. Warrt dated [?] & ord'd the Constitution 21 Aug 1800 ‑ acc'd 3d Sept 1800 ‑ Dischd 6 July 1801.


Charles Blake ‑ appointed Surgeon's Mate for the Constitution 9 March 1798 ‑ notified him 12 March 1798 ‑Accepted 1 April 1798 Sent Commn 6 July 1798 dated 9 March 1798.  Resigned 1st Sept 1799 [?].


Edwd Boss Lieut appd for the Constitution 27 June 1798 ‑ Commission then dated & delvd by the President entered the service 27 June 1799 ‑ Discharged under the P.E. act 30 Apl 1801.


Nathaniel Bosworth ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed for the Constitution 5th Decr 1798 ‑ Warrent sent Capt Nicholson 5th Decr 1798 ‑ Promoted Lieutenant 30th Novr 1799.


James Connell ‑ Boatswain ‑ appointed for the Constitution 28th May 1798.  Warrant dated 5th Decr sent to Capt. Nicholson 5th Decr 1798 ‑ Returned by Capt. N.


John Blake Cordis ‑ Lieutenant ‑ No. 2 on board the  Constitution appointed 9 April ‑ accepted 11 April 1798 ‑ commissioned 6 July dated 9 April 1798.  Discharged under the P.E. act 30 Apl 1801.


 James S[mith]. Deblois ‑ Purser ‑ appointed to the Constitution 5 May 1798 ‑ accepted 11 May 1798.  Warrant delivered 6 July 1798.


John B. Delouisy ‑ Midshipman ‑ Warrant sent Capt.  Nicholson 5 December 1798 ‑ resigned 12 March 1800 ‑ admitted into service again 3d Sept 1800 & requested Capt Talbott [sic] to order him for the Constitution ‑ acted as Lieut. dischd. under the P.E. act 12th Oct 1801.


James Dobell, junior ‑ Lieut. ‑ appointed 17th June 1799.  Commission dated 17th April 1799 ‑ sent on 17th June 1799 ‑ directed to enter on board the Constitution ‑ personally accepted 17 June 1799 ‑ The President would not confirm his appointment.


William Dunn ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed 10 July 1799  Warranted 30 June delivd. by the Pres. 10th July 1799 ‑ then suppose accepted ‑ entered the service on board        the Constitution 1st July 1799 ‑ Discharged under the P.E. Law 6 Aug 1801.


Isaac Hull ‑ Lieutenant ‑ 4 ‑ appointed to the Constitution 9 March ‑ accepted 16 June 1798 ‑ commn. delivered ‑ 6 July ‑ dated 9 March 1798.


Thomas Hunt ‑ Midsn. appd. Warrt dated & forwd. To Watertown Massa ‑ 14 April 1800 ‑ Pay  to commence from orders to join the service. accepted 22 May 1800 ‑ 5 Septr. ord'd for the Constitution.


Philip Jarvis ‑ was appd. Lt by Capt Nicholson 1 Nov 1798 ‑ & continued to act till 10 Septr 1799 ‑ when the Secy did not chose [sic] to confirm his appt. – acted on bd. the Constitution.


Henry Jackson Knox ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution ‑ 30 April 1798 ‑ accepted 7 May 1798 ‑ promoted Lieutenant 20 June 1799 Commission delivered by the President & suppose dated 19th June 1799 ‑ Accepted June 1799.


Lorannus Leonard ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed by the President 10 July 1799 ‑ Warrant dated 27th June 1799 ‑ delvd. 10 July 1799 ‑ then suppose accepd. entered service on board the Constitution 31st May 1799.  Resigned 18th March 1800.


 John Longley ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed by the Prest. 10th July 1799 ‑ warrt. dated 30th June 1799 ‑ delivd. & suppose accepted 10 July 1799 ‑ Entered the service on board the Constitution 31st May 1799 ‑ Dischd. Under the P.E. Law 6 Aug 1801.


John Peters Mackie ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution 5th Decr. 1798 ‑ Warrant sent Capt. Nicholson 5th Decr. 1798 ‑ entered the service 11th   June 1798 ‑ Resigned 13 May 1799 again entered the service 31st May 1799 ‑ Warrant returned by Capt. Talbot 24 August 1799.


James Milne ‑ Midsn. ‑ appointed to the Constitution 30th June 1799 ‑ Warrant then dated sent [sic] Capt Talbot 27 July 1799 ‑ entered the service 16 June 1799 ‑ Disch under the P.E. act 12th Oct 1801.


James Nazro ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution     30th June 1799 ‑ warrant then dated, sent Capt. Talbot 27th July 1799 ‑ entered the service 15th June 1799 ‑ Resigned 3rd Septr. 1800.


Samuel Nicholson ‑ Captain ‑ appointed 4 June 1794 ‑ accepted 10 June 1794.


Samuel Nicholson, junior ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution 30 April 1798 ‑ accepted 6 May – Warrant sent 6 July 1798 ‑ died in service 25 Sept. 1798.


James Pettis ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution 5th Decr 1798 ‑ Warrant dated 5th Decr 1798 sent Capt. Nicholson 5th Decr 1798 ‑ entered the service. Warrant returned by Capt. Nicholson 24 August 1799 ‑ Resigned 10th Novr. 1799.


Samuel Poole ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed 30 June 1799 ‑ Warrant then dated, sent Capt Talbot at Norfolk 27th July 1799 ‑ entered the service 15 June 1799 ‑       Resigned 3rd Sept. 1800.


Edward Prebble [sic] Lieutenant ‑ 1 for the Constitution, appointed 9 April 1798 ‑ [?] 12th (absent) – accepts 15 Novr 1798 ‑ Commn. dated 17th Jany 1799 & then sent him ‑ to take rank from the 9th April 1798 – promoted Captain 15th May 1799 ‑ Commission dated 7 June 1799, to take rank from the 15 May 1799 ‑ sent 7 June 1799 ‑ ordd. for the Essex 21 Octr 1799 ‑ ret. under the P. E. act 1 Apl 1801.


Samuel Prescott ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed 30 June 1799 ‑ to the Constitution ‑ Warrant dated then ‑ sent Capt Talbot 27th July 1799 ‑ entered the service 15th   June 1799 ‑ resigned 3d Septr. 1800.


William Reed ‑ Surgeon ‑ appointed to the Constitution 9th ‑ notified 12th March 1798 ‑ accepted 24th March 1798 ‑ died in the service in the yellow fever at Norfolk 26th Septr. 1798.


James Roach ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution  5th December 1798 ‑ Warrant dated 5th Decr. & than sent Capt. Nicholson ‑ ord'd for the Warren 18th Octr. 1800. ‑ Discharged, agreeably to his own request 16th July 1801 ‑ or Discharged under the P.E. Law 12th Octr. 1801.


Charles C. Russell ‑ Lieutenant ‑ appointed temporarily by Capt. Nicholson ‑ to supply the Place of E. Prebble [sic] 1 Lt. to the Constitution ‑ 8th April 1798 ‑ accepted 21 July 1798 ‑ His Appointment confirmed 5th Decr. 1798 ‑ and inserted in his Commn. to take rank from the 8th April 1798 ‑ Sent to Capt. Nicholson 5th Decr. 1798. ‑ returned by Capt. N ‑ delivered Mr.             Russel [sic] from the dept. 14th Jany. 1799 – Promoted Mastr. Commt. 15th Jany 1800  Discharged under the P. E. Law 23rd Octr 1801.


Peter St. Medard ‑ Surgeon to the Constitution – appointed temporarily by Capt. Nicholson, and entered upon the duties of his Appt. 17th Decr. 1798 ‑ Appt.     confirmed by the Prest. 14th July 1799 ‑ Commission dated 14th July 1799 ‑ Sent on to Norfolk 27th July 1799.  Discharged under the P.E. Law 23r [sic] Octr.      1801.


Benj. Shattuck ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution 30th June 1799 ‑ warrant then dated, sent Capt. Talbot 27th July 1799 ‑ Dischd. 6 July 1801.


John Shore ‑ Midsn. appointed to the Constitution 30th June 1799 ‑ Warrant then dated, sent Capt. Talbot 27th  July 1799 ‑ Resigned 3rd Septr. 1800 ‑ admitted again into Service 21 Feb 1801.


Charles Swain ‑ Sailing Master ‑ appointed temporarily by Captn. Nicholson and accepted 21 July 1798 – his Appointment confirmed 5 Decr 1798 ‑ Warrant sent Capt. Nicholson dated 5 Decr. 1798.  returned [sic] by Capt Nicholson.


Silas Talbot ‑ Captain ‑ appointed 11 May 1798 – entered upon the duties 17 July 1798 ‑ commn. dated 25 June 1799 ‑ to take rank from 11th May 1798 ‑ sent to the                Prest. for his Signature 25 June 1799 – thence forwarded to Capt T.  ‑ Resigned.


Joseph Tarbell ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed to the Constitution 5th Decr. 1798 ‑ Warrant dated 5th Decr. ‑ sent Capt. Nicholson 5th Decr. 1798 ‑ Promoted Lt.                   25 Augt. 1800 ‑ Commn sent Capt Talbot 16 Octr. 1800 ‑ Retd. & ordd. for the Essex 15th Apl 1801.


William Tilt [sic: Felt] ‑ Sailmaker ‑ appointed to the   Constitution 5th Decr 1798 ‑ Warrant dated then & sent Capt. Nicholson ‑ entered the service.


Joseph Torrey ‑ originally appd. Gunner & promoted temporarily by Capt. Nicholson Acting Lieutenant 27th Decr. 1798 ‑ instructed the accountant to settle with him up to 14th Jany. 1800 ‑ from which period he is discharged the service.


Sybrant Van Schaick ‑ Midshipman ‑ appointed 31st Decr.1798 ‑ notified 21st Jany 1799 ‑ accepted 28th January 1799 ‑ Warrant dated 31st Decr. 1798 sent Capt Talbot 27th July 1799 ‑ Retd.



Volume B (March 1801 ‑ December 1803)


Louis Alexis ‑ Midsn. ‑ appointed & warrant dated 2 [?] June 1802 ‑ to take rank from the time he entered on board the ship [Constitution] ‑ accepted 10 June 1802             ‑ furloughed for an European voyage 2 Aug. 1802 ‑ revoked 21 Aug. 1802 ‑ ordd.to Washington 31 Aug. 1802 ‑ reported  himself at the office & ordered for the New York 27 Septr. 1802 ‑ ord'd to place himself under Commo Preble's command in the Medn. July 5, 1803.


Thos Baldwin, junior.  Midshipman.  Appointed & Warrant dated & sent May 30, 1803. ‑ Accepted June 6, 1803.‑ Ordd. to the Constitution at Boston June 16, 1803.‑ Resigned to Commodore Preble in the Mediterranean.


Samuel G. Blodgett ‑ Midsn. Retained 9th July 1801 ‑ 28th Septr. 1801 ord'd for the Constitution ‑ ord'd for the Constitution 5 Jany. 1802.  Ord'd to Portsmouth; to place himself under Capt. Preble's command Apr. 4. 1803 ‑ order for proceeding to Portsmouth countermanded and directed to remain on furlough until further orders by Letter sent to Balto. Ap. 25, 1803.


William Smith Butler ‑ Midsn. (Pittsburgh) app'd Warrt dated & forwd. 18th Feb 1802 ‑ 26 Feby. ordered for the Constitution. accepted 1st Mar 1802.  attached to the New York 18 Aug 1802 ‑ furld. until called upon Decr. 16, 1803.


John Davis.  Midsn.  Retd. & ord. for the Constitution 27 Aug 1801.  furloughed to make a W.I. or European voyage 15 July 1802 ‑ furlough revoked 21 Aug. 1802.               furloughed until called upon 8 Nov. 1802.‑  Ordered from Warwick, Md. to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


David Deacon.  Midsn. ‑ furld. till 1st Feby. ‑ furld. 2d Dec 1801 for 12 mos. ‑ Permitted to enter the merchant service, May 11, 1803.‑ Ord'd from Balto. to Boston to the Constitution June 7, 1803.


James S[mith]. Deblois.  Purser.  Retd. 4 Aug 1801.   Ordered to the Constitution at Boston & order delivered to him personally May 24, 1803.


John H[erbert]. Dent ‑ Lieutenant.  Retained & ord'd for the Essex 11 May 1801.  ordd.to take passage in the New York in the Mediterranean, then to join such ship as the commodore of the station shall order.  23 Aug 1802. ‑ ordd. for the John Adams 25 Aug 1802.  Turned over to the Adams in the Mediterranean ‑ April 4, 1803.‑ ord'd to join the Constitution in the Medn. July 6, 1803.


Daniel S. Dexter.  Midshipman.  Retained ‑ ordered for the New York, 16 Aug 1802.  furloughed till called upon 27 Sep 1803.‑ ord'd to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


John Dorsey ‑ Surgeon's mate appointed July 16th 1803 ‑ ordered to repair to Boston & Report himself to Commodore Preble ‑ Accepted Augt. 3, 1803. ‑ did not repair to Boston ‑ ord'd to the Constitution; if she has sailed, to go on board the Argus & join the Consn. in the Medn. Augt. 8, 1803. ‑ Order repeated Augt. 27, 1803.


Samuel Elbert.  Midshipman.  Retained.  Ordered for the President 13th May 1801  furloughed until called upon 9 Novr. 1802.  Promoted Lieutt. & commission dated 4 March 1803.‑  ord'd to the Constitution at Boston, May 24, 1803.


Charles Gordon.  Lieutenant.  Continued & ordered for the Philaa. 28th April 1801,‑ ord'd to go out in the Geo. Wash. 10 June 1801 to join the Phila. ‑ furloughed 12 May 1802.‑ ordered for the New York 16 August 1802.‑ ord'd to join the Constitution in the Medn. July 6, 1803.


John Godwin.  Midshipman.  Retained, & ordd. for the Constitution 4 June 1801, after 3 mos. furlough.  12 July 1802, furloughed for 6 mos.


Robert W[illiam]. Hamilton.  Lieutt.  Retained and ord'd to remain on bd. the Constitution 17th July 1801.‑ ord'd for the Adams 13 Jany 1802.  Resigned 25th       Jan 1802.


Nathaniel Harriden.  Sailing Master.  retd. 14 Sept. 1801 ‑ on board the Constitution.


Montresor Haswell.  Midsn.  Retained & furld. for 18 months (1/2 pay) 12th May 1801 ‑ ord'd for the Boston 30 July 1801 ‑ ordered to join the Constitution 9 Novr.1802.


Daniel Charles Heath.  Midsn.  Retd. & ord'd to the Boston say [sic] Constitution 27th Aug 1801 ‑ ord'd for the Constellation 7th Decr. 1801 ‑ ord'd for the

Enterprize as act. Lt. 30 Jany 1802.  Retd. home in Rodgers' squadron & furld. until called upon Decr. 16, 1803.


Robert Henley.  Midsn.  Retd. ord'd for the Adams 13 Jan 1802 ‑ on board the Constitution from the Adams.


Thomas Hunt.  Midsn.  Retained & ord'd for the Boston 2d July 1801 ‑ attached to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


Isaac Hull. Lieutt.  Retained & ord'd to remain on board the Constitution 8th July 1801 ‑ and to take charge of the Constitution 21 Sept 1801.  ord'd for the Adams 1 Apl  1802 ‑ Transferred from the Adams to the Enterprize Schooner as commander.  From the Enterprize to the Argus.


Leonard Jarvis Hunnewell.  Midshipman.  Appd. Warrant dated & sent to Capt. Preble at Boston & attached to the Constitution June 6, 1803.‑ Accepted June 25, 1803.


William C. Jenks.  Lieutenant.  Retained & ord'd to join the Boston 13th June 1801 ‑ furld. until called upon 8 Novr. 1802 ‑ ord'd to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.‑  Sent home in the Adams Novr. 21, 1803.  On furlough.


Ralph Izard, jr.  Midshipman.  Retained 3d July 1801 & ord'd for the Boston ‑ ord'd to take charge of the U. States in ordinary 12 Novr. 1802 ‑ furloughed until called upon Feby 4, 1803.  ord'd from Charleston, S.C. to Boston and attached to the Brig building there [Argus] May 9, 1803.‑ revoked an attached to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


Alexander Laws Midsn.  appdt. and ordered for the John Adams 25 Aug 1802.  Warrant then dated. Delivered personally 5 Octo. 1802.  Accepted 7 Sepr 1802. Did not join.‑  Ord'd from Dover D. to Boston to the    Constitution June 10, 1803.


Charles Ludlow.  Midsn. ‑ retained & ord. for the President 12th May 1801 ‑ 12th June 1801 furld. till 1 Novr. then join the Constitution ‑ promoted Lt. Commn.dated 22 April 1802. sent Capt Campbell.  On furlough from the Adams.


James Macay ‑ Midsn ‑ Retd. ‑ furld. for 6 mos. 13th July 1801 ‑ March 9, 1802 furlough extended till his health established ‑ then to join the Constitution ‑ furloughed to make a W. I. or European voyage 17 July 1802.‑ revoked 21 August 1802 ‑ reported himself 22 Sept. 1802 ‑ permitted to avail himself of his furlough of 17 July 1802.  Tendered his resignation [?].


George Mann ‑ Midsn.  Retd. & ord'd for the Boston [?] Augt. 1801 ‑ furld until called upon 9 Novr. 1802 ‑ ordd. from Annapolis to Boston to the Brig Argus [?]1803 ‑ revoked and ordered to the Constitution at Boston June 9, 1803.


Thomas Marshall Surgeon's Mate ‑ Retd. furld. till upon [sic] 16 Aug 1802 ‑ ord'd for the John Adams 25 Aug 1802.   Constitution.


Charles Morris, jr.  Midshipman. Retained & ord'd for the Constitution 4 June 1801, after 3 mos. furlough ‑ 22d Septr. 1801 furld. for 3 months ‑ ord'd to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


Noahdiah Morris.  Chaplain ‑ ord'd for the Constitution by Commodore Preble July 5, 1803.


William Moshier.  Boatswain.  Appointed Warrant dated, sent to Nathl. Harriden Sg. Master, and attached to the Constitution, April 2, 1803.  Accepted April 14, 1803.  Turned over to the Argus by Commodore Preble.‑ Ordered Lt. St. Decatur commander of the Argus to discharge him Augt. 8, 1803.


William Newman, [Jr.].  Midsn.  Retained & ord'd for the Boston 2d July 1801  Warrnt. dated [?] sent Capt. McNeil 22 Septr. 1801 ‑ attached to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.  Tendered his resignation June     1, 1803.  Accepted June 14, 1803.


Joseph Nicholson.  Midshipman, appointed Warrant dated July 15th 1803 and ordered to join the Constitution Commodore Preble.  Accepted July 22, 1803.


Pascal Paoli Peck.  Midshipman.  Appointed and Warrant dated May 9, 1803.‑ Accepted May 21, 1803.‑  ordd. from Providence R.I. to Boston to the                Constitution June 16, 1803.


Edward Preble  Captain  Retained, ord'd for the John Adams 12 Jany 1802.  furloughed April 16, 1802 for recovery of his health.  Ordered to superintend the building of the 16 Gun Vessel at Portsmouth, countermanded ‑ ordered to superintend the buildng of a brig at Boston Ap. 13, 1803.‑ ord'd to assume the command of the frigate Constitution at Boston May 14, 1803.‑ appointed to command the Mediterranean Squadron May 21, 1803.‑  Relieved from the superintendence of the Brig by Lieut. Decatur, May 27, 1803.‑  ord'd to recruit a crew for the Constitution, June 7, 1803.‑ Sailed August 14, 1803.


Hethcote [J.] Reed.  Midshipman.  Retained ‑ permitted to remain on furlough until called upon 21 Septr. 1802.‑ Ordered to the Schooner Vixen at Balto. May 18, 1803.‑ revoked & ordered to the Constitution at Boston by the "Adherbal" at Balto. June 10, 1803.


Thomas Robinson, junior.  Lieutenant.  Retained, ord'd for the G. Washington 13th May 1801 ‑ ordd. for the New York 23 Aug 1802 ‑ order revoked and permitted to go on furlough until called upon 11 Septr. 1802.  Ord'd to the Nautilus at Balto. May 5, 1803.‑ revoked and ord'd to the Constitution at Boston May 21, 1803, order delivered to him personally.


John Rowe.  Midshipman.  Retained, permitted to retire 16 July 1801 furld. till called upon 16 Aug. 1802.‑ ordd. to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


Patrick Sim.  Surgeon's Mate.  Appointed & commission dated July 1, 1803 and ord. to Boston to the  Constitution same day ‑ accepted July 2, 1803.


Robert Traill [sic] Spence.  Midsn‑ Retained & ord'd for the Boston 2d July 1801 ‑ ord'd for the Constitution 6 Aug 1801 ‑ 5th Decr. 1801 ord'd for the Constellation ‑ ordd. to Phila. to place himself under Capt. Bainbridge's orders March 29, 1803.  Attached to the Brig Siren at Phila. May 24, 1803.


Isaac Steele.  Sailmaker.  Retd., furloughed from the   Boston until called upon 12 Novr. 1802.  Ordered to the Constitution May 24, 1803.


Isaac Stevens.  Gunner ‑ attached to the Constitution.  Continued on board until Commodore Preble took command May 14, 1803, then employed in the Navy    Yard.


Joseph Tarbell.  Lieutenant.  Retained & ord'd for the Essex 15 Apl. 1801 ‑ furld. till upon [sic] 16 Aug. 1802 ‑ ord'd to the Constitution at Boston May 24, 1803.


Nathan Tisdale.  Surgeon's Mate.  Retd. & furloughed until called upon 22 Septr. 1802 ‑ ord'd to the Nautilus at Balto. May 5, 1803.‑ revoked May 17, 1803.‑ ord'd to the Constitution May 24, 1803.


Samuel [Edward] Willet.  Surgeon's Mate.  Retained & furld. until called upon 18th June 1801.  Ordered for the Constitution Ap. 13, 1802.  Did not join the                   Constitution.  No account can be obtained of him from June 18, 1801 to Decr. 31, 1803.



Roll 2, Volume C (January 1804 ‑ December 1808)


Louis Alexis.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated to rank from 15 July 1798.  Entered the service on board the Constitution July 15, 1798 to March 1801, then on board the Constitution in ordinary to June 1802.  New York & turned over to Constitution.  Returned home in Congress Novr. 1805.  Ord'd to Etna ketch 29     Apl. 06.  Resignation refused 26 May 1806.  Appointed Lieutenant & confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807.  Commission issued Apl. 17, 1807 dated the rank March 4, 1807.  Pay to commence 8 Jany. 1807.  Commission sent to commndg. officer at N Orleans by [?] from Balto. Apl. 1807.


 Walter G. Anderson.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated March 2, 1803.  Voyage to Europe.  On furlough.  Ord'd from Balto. to Washington March 21, 1804.  Had sailed for West Indies. Returned.  Attached to the Constellation  May 12, 1804.  Retd. to the U.S. in Constitution at New York Decr. 07.  Ord'd from Gloria C. H. to Norfolk [?] 2 Mar. 08.


 Hugh George Campbell.  Captain.  Commission dated Octr. 16, 1800.  On furlough.  Ordd. from Phila. To Washington to set as a member of the Court of Enquiry on Capt. Rd. V. Morris March 10, 1804.  Ord'd verbally to take command of  Constellation March 1804.  Retd in Constitution to Boston Oct. 07.  Ord'd round  to N York 22d Oct. 1807.  Apptd. member of a C. martial & ord'd to Norfolk 7 Decr. 1807.


John N[ewton]. Cannon.  Boatswain.  Warrant dated May 8, 1802. On board the Constitution.  Retd. on [?] Novr. 1805 & furld. to Boston 5 Decr 1805.  Ord'd to Boston to report himself to Lt. Jones to go to Orleans June 30, 1806.  Ord'd from Boston to Portland under Com. Preble 18 July 1807.  Order returned as dead letter.


Henry P[urdon]. Casey.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated July 17, 1800. Entered the service July 17, 1800, on board the President.  John Adams turned over to the Constitution.  Retd home in Congress Novr. 1805.  Dismissed from the service Decr 9, 1805.

Wolcott Chauncey.  New York. Midshipman.  Appointed 5 April 1805.  Warrant dated 28 June 1804.  Attached to J. Adams 5 Apl. 1805.  Accepted Apl. 12, 1805.   Returned in Constitution to N York Octr 1807.


John Davis.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Novr. 7, 1800.  Entered the service Novr. 7, 1800 on board the Ganges 2.  Europe.  Constitution.  Present at Burning of the frigate (late the U. States frigate Philadelphia) in the harbor of Tripoli, on the night of 16 Feby. 1804. returned home in Congress Novr. 1805.  furld. To merchant service 24 apl. 1806.  Ord'd to Norfolk from Wash. to report himself to Commndg officer G. boats Jany 9, 07.  Appointed Lieutenant and Commission confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807 & commission issued Apl. 17, 1808 dated and to rank March 25, 1807.  Pay to commence Jany. 8, 1807.  Killed himself at     Norfolk January 12th, 1808.


David Deacon.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Octr. 10, 1799. entered service on bd. the Augusta Novr. 1, 99.  9 mos. ‑ Experiment Stewart 4 ‑ ord'd to a prize. Maryland, Rodgers, to France.  European & [?] voyage.  Constitution, to Congress retd. home Decr 1805.  On 15 March 1805 Commission as Lieutt.             issued dated 18 May 1804 & sent to Medn. to be numbered & Delivered by Commndg officer after examination.  Returned in Congress Novr. 05.  fd to                 Europe June 19, 1806.  retd. from Hamburg Decr. 06.  Commission above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confimed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807 and commission issued Apl. 17, 1807 dated to rank March 2, 1807.  Pay as Lt. to continue from service on board the Congress.  fd. to India 13 Feby. 1807.  The 1st Apl. 08 to Phila. attached to Phila. station 17 Apl 08.  Commission sent 25 Apl. 1808.


John H. Dent.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated July 11, 1799.  On board the Constitution.  Promoted Lieutenant Commandant & commission dated May 18,     1804.  Confirmed by Senate 22 Novr. 1804.‑  Appointed commander of the Nautilus on the death of M. Cmdt. Somers by Preble.   Promoted Master                Commandant sent out to him by J. A. D. Shaw, in letter to Barron Ap. 23, 1805.  Commission dated 14 March 1805 to take rank from September 5, 1804.           Returned in J. Adams Novr. 05 ‑ ordered to relieve Chauncey in command of the Hornet for Medn. 29 March 1806 being ord'd to stop at Court to land Mr. Skipwith.  Confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807 Commission issued and dated Jany. 9, 1807 to take rank from Septr. 5, 1804.  Retd. to U.S. in Hornet to Charleston Decr. or Decr. [sic] 07.  Apptd. member of a C. Martial ord'd to Norfolk 7 Decr. 07.  Order revoked 14 Decr. 07.  Considered as the senior officerat Chstn S.C. from his arrival 23 Jany. 08.


Daniel S. Dexter.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated April 9, 1800.  Entered the service June 30, 1800 on board the G. Washington 1.  Philad 2.  Constitution.  On 15 March 1805 commission as Lieutt, issued dated May 18, 1804 and sent to Commanding officer in Medn. to be numbered Delivered [sic].  From the                         Constitution to the Congress & retd. home Novr. 1805.  Ord'd to command No. 82 Newburyport, 29 Apl. 06.  Commission above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807 and Commission issued Apl. 17, 1807 dated and to rank Feby. 13, 1807.  Pay to continue from service in   Congress.  Commn. sent to Commndg officer at Orleans by "Adherbal" from Balto. Apl. 07.


James Dodge.  Surgeon.  Commission dated April 2nd 1804.  Accepted April 16, 1804.  Ord'd to Washington: attached to the Congress May 21, 1804.  Changed to Constitution in Medn.  Confirmed by Senate Novr 20, 1804.  Commission issued dated 27 Novr. 1804.


John W. Dorsey.  Surgeon's Mate.  Appointed July 16, 1803.  On board the Constitution.  Retd. as Surgeon of Vixen Aug. 06.  Attached to Wasp 16 Fbey.        1807.  Resigned July 9, 1807.


Marmaduke Dove.  Sailing Master.  Warrant dated Novr. 11, 1802.  Sent him Jany 26, 1804.  Accepted Feby 1, 1804. furloughed for 1 month Feby. 2, 1804.  Attached to the John Adams March 31, 1804.  Transferred to the Constitution in the Medn.  Retd. in President Sepr. 05.  Ord'd to Charleston, S.C. to No. 1, Octr 11, 1805.  Resigned January 4, 1806.


John Downes. Midshipman.  Warrant dated Sepr. 9, 1800.       Entered the service on board the Constitution Sepr. 9, 1800.  On board 9 months.  New York. 2.  Navy Yard under Mr. Thompson.  Attached to the Congress Ap. 4, 1804.  Retd. as Master of Spitfire Bomb Augt. 1806.ordd. to Washn. to Hospital 20 Feby 07.  Appointment as Lieutt. confimred by Senate Jany 8, 1807 and Commission issued Apl. 17, 1807 dated and to rank March 6, 1807. Pay as Lieut. from 8 Jany 07.

Commission given to him by M. C. Smith Apl. 07.


Samuel Elbert.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated March 4, 1803.  On board the Constitution.  Returned in J. Adams Feby. 1805 & came to office and thence        ord'd to Charleston S. C. to take command of gunboat No. 9.  Ord'd to said 17 Apl. 05.  Retd. to Charleston, S.C. 22 July 1806 ord'd to Wash. to settle his a/cs   22 Sepr. 1806.  Ord'd from Wash. to Chasn S. C. to take charge of the G. boats 24 Decr. 06.  Prepare gunboats for service except crews 3 July 07.


 Christopher Gadsden, Jr.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Feby. 22, 1799.  Entered the service June 5, 1799, on board the John Adams to Decr. 1801.  Boston 1,  transferred to the Philadelphia 2.  New York 2, transferred to the Constitution (verbal).  Left the Constitution on account of ill health and sailed from Gibraltar Jany. 4, 1804, with dispatches for Government.  Attached to the U. States as Acting Lieut. Ap. 2, 1804.  Ord'd to Charleston to recruit Ap. 3, 1804.  April 8, ord'd back.  Order to the U. states to be Essex.  On 18 May 1804 Commission as Lieutt. issued & sent to Commdng officer Medn. to be numbered     & delivered.  Returned here in a private Vessel Spring of 1806.  Ord'd to take charge in ordy. at Charleston of No. 2, 3 & 9 July 12, 06; relieved by Lt. Elbert to       be under his command 24 Decr. 06.  Commission above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 07 and Commission       issued Apl. 17, 07 dated and to rank Jany. 12, 1807.  Pay as Lt. to continue from service in Essex, sent by mail to Charleston S.C. 22 April 1807.


Charles Gordon.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated Jany. 16, 1800.  On board the Constitution.  Returned to the U. States in the J. Adams Feby. 1805.  Came to     Washington March.  Ord'd to Phila. to recruit March 7, 1805.  Ord'd on his arrival in Phila. to give his recruiting orders to Lieut. Bardin & to place himself under Command of Cmre Preble and to assist him in building 2 Bomb [sic] & 2 Gunboats 9 March 1805.  Ord'd from Chestertown Md. to Phila. 15 Mar. 1805.              Went to No. [?] under Preble's orders.  Ord'd to be a Lt. to Adams Frigate 13 July 1805.  To receive pay & emoluments of Mast. Cmdt. from date orders attaching him to Adams to day of leaving her.  Promoted Master Commandant and Commission dated & to rank April 25, 1806.  Sent Apl. 28 to Chestertown Md.  Furld. to E. Indies March 11, 1806.  Did not go to E. Indies.  Appointment as Master Commandant confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807.  Ord'd to Washn. Jany.      21, 07.  attached to Chesapeake Feby. 23, 1807.  Confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807 as above mentioned and commission issued and dated Jany. 9, 1807 to take  rank from April 25, 1806.  Comms. Given to him at office May 07.  Send 2 [?] to NYork to bring around when recruited by Lt. Lawrence 7 May 07.  C. martial    appointed on him.  Sentenced to be privately reprimanded [?] 08.


 Francis Hall.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated March 2, 1803.‑     (1st cruize) Constitution. returned in the President Sepr. 1805.  Resigned September 23rd 1805.


Nathaniel Haraden.  Sailing Master.  Warrant dated June 30, 1799.  On board the Constitution.  Returned in J. Adams Feby. 1805 and ord'd to relieve Lt. Spriggs in command of gunboat No. 8 Boston & to equip her for Medn. 22 Mar. 1805.  Commission issued dated 18 May 1804 as Lieutenant and sent by J. Adams to Comre. Barron Medn. to be numbered & delivered by him to Lt. Haraden on his passing examination.  Ord'd to command No. 8 Boston & to take her to the Medn. 8 Apl. 1805: add. to sail 17 Apl. 1805.  Returned to Chastn, S.C. July 06.  Ord'd from Boston to Wash. 3 Sepr. 06 ‑ ord'd to report himself to Tingey 3 Oct. 06.‑  Comm. above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807 and Commission issued Apl. 17, 1807 dated & to rank March 31, 1807.  Pay as Sailing Master to the Yard.  Commission sent to him at Navy Yard Washn. Apl. 07.  Ord'd to Norfolk under Decatur 3 July 07.


Gwinn Harris.  Purser.  Warrant dated April 9, 1804.  Accepted April 19, 1804.  Went ut to Medn. In ________  Returned in Constitution as Purser to NYork Decr. 07.  May come on to Washn. to settle a/cs Decr. 5, 07.


John M[ontresor]. Haswell.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Octr. 15,      1800.  Entered the service July 25, 1800, on board the Boston to November 1800.  Boston 1.  Constitution.   Appointed by Cmre Preble Acting Lieut. to the Scourge.  Returned in the Scourge to the U. States Feby. 05.  Furld. to Europe or E. Indies      21 Feby. 05.  revoked.  Ord'd to Adams Augt. 2, 1805.  Retd. [?] 06.  Ord'd to Boston under Command of Cmre Preble Jany 11, 1806.  Ord'd to ketch Vesuvius  29 Apl. 06.  Appointed Lieutenant and confirmed by Senate Jany 9, 1807, and Commission issued Apl. 17, 07 dated and to rank Feby. 26, 1807.  Pay as Lieut.    to continue from service in Scourge.  Commission sent to Commdng officer at NOrleans by "Adharbal" from Balto. Apl. 07.  Retd. In k. Vesuvius.  Ord'd with       Vesuvius to New York station 31 July 07.  Ord'd under command of Lt. Woolsey July 2, 08.


Samuel D. Heap.  Surgeon's Mate.  Commission dated Ap. 5, 1804.  Accepted April 9, 1804.  Under Lt. Murray the recruiting officer [?].  Attached to the President May 22, 1804.  Revoked & ordd. to Constn June 2, 1804.    returned in Constitution Decr. 07 to NYork.  Ord'd to NOrleans 4 Mar. 08.‑ Appointed Surgeon & commission dated and forwarded June 17, 08 to NOrleans.


Robert Henley. Midshipman.  Warrant dated April 8, 1799.      Entered the service July 16, 1799 on board the Constellation 4.  5.  Adams 3.  Turned over to the Enterprize, say Constitution.  On 13 May 1804 commission as a Lieut. issued & sent to Commdng officer Medn. to be numbered and delivered.  retd. On bd. J.    Adams 1805 Novr.  Commission above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807 and Commission issued Apl.             17, 07 dated and to rank Jany. 29, 1807.  Pay as Lt. To continue from service on J. Adams.  at sea July 07.  Ord'd to Norfolk station Aug. 07 full pay to commence  when he obeyed the order.  Obeyed the order Augt. 6, 1807.  commission sent to Norfolk Aug 6, 07.  Relieved at Balto. in command of No. 5 G. S. Master Hipkin [?] 9.08 to be on furlough on receiving of this he will then to report himself to M.Cd. Evans.


John B. Henry.  [Midshipman.]  Appointed 30 Octr. 1804. Informed that he is to rank April 2, 1804.  Appointment forwarded to care of Capt. Campbell of the Constellation, Mediterranean, on bd. of which Ship Mr. Henry had entered as an Ordinary Seaman.  Pay to commence from entrance on bd. Ship.  Warrant issued Novr. 21, 05 dated 2 Apl. 1804.  Sent to Capt.Campbell Medn. on bd. Essex to wh. ship Mr. Henry was transferred.  Returned to U.S. in Constitution to        NYork Decr. 07.  Dismissed July 13, 1808.


Leonard Hunnewell, J.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated June 6,     1803.  (1st cruize) Constitution.  Came home in J. Adams Feby 1805.  Ord'd under Capt. Preble's orders 15 Mar. 1805 & order directed to New York.  Ord'd to Washn. to Adams  9 July 1805.  Resigned 29 July 1805.


Clement S. Hunt.  Purser.  Warrant dated June 7, 1803.‑ On board the Schooner Vixen June 7, 1803.  Retd. Aug 06.  Ord'd to report himself at office from Balto. June 07.  Ord'd to [?] at Balto. from Washn. 3d July 07.  Retd. Decr 07.  Ord'd to report himself at Capt. Chauncey NYork he being at NYork 20 Jany. 07.  From Decr. 1808 to 16th Octr. 1813 on board the Frigates Constitution & President.


Robert Huntress.  Gunner.  Warrant dated Sepr. 1, 1803.  On board the Argus.  retd. on bd. Argus July 1806. ordd. to Chesapeake 26 Jay. 07.  orders retd. Dead letter.  New York station.‑  Constitution July 1809.  Resigned 31 July 1809.


 Ralph Izard.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated October 2, 1799.‑ Entered the service July 8, 1801, on board the Boston 1.‑  Constitution.‑  About 2 months on board the  John Adams 1. prior to the Boston. Present at the Burning of the Frigate (late the U.S. frigate) Philadelphia in the harbour of Tripoli on the night of the 16 Feby. by  Lt. Stephen Decatur Jnr.  returned home in Scourge as Commander Feby. 05.  Came to Washington with dispatches from Comre Preble.  Ord'd to Charleston S. C. 9 Mar 1805.  On 15 March 1805, commission as Lieut. issued dated May 18, 1804 & sent to Medn. for number to be fixed by Commdng officer on the Station.   Ord'd to take command of gun boat No. 2 & fit her for the Medn. 11 March 805.  Ord'd to sail 17 April 05. Retd July 06.  Comms. above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confirmed by Senate Jany 8, 1807 & Commission issued Apl. 17, 1807 dated and to rank Jany. 27, 1807.  Pay as Lt. to continue from service in G. B. No. 2.  Commission sent to him to Charleston S. C. 22 Apl. 07.  Ord'd under command Commdng officer NYork 3 July 07.  May go on to Chasn S.C. Decr. 11, 07.  Ord'd from NYork to Charleston station Apl. 11, 08.  Attached to Hornet by Cap. Dent Jay. 09.


 Israel Joseph.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Jany. 15, 1801.‑  Entered the service Feby. 21, 1801, on board the Maryland 2.  Chesapeake 2, turned over to the New York, and from the New York to the Constitution.  Promoted Acting Lieutenant by Comre Preble.  This officer on the night of 4 Sepr. 1804 with M. Cmdt.   Somers and Lieut. Henry Wadsworth entered the Harbour of Tripoli in a fireship with intention to set fire to the Train and make their Escape in Boats.  Being discovered & boarded by the Enemy, they blew themselves up.  Congress by resolution passed 3 March 1805 expressed their deep regret for the loss of those gallant men.


Alexander Laws.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Augt. 25, 1802.‑  Entered the service Augt. 21, 1800, on board the Ganges 3.  Discharged under the P.E. Act, but afterwards re‑appointed.  Constitution.  Present at the burning of the frigate (late the U.S. frigate Philadelphia) in the harbour of Tripoli on the night of 16 Feby.       1804.  Retd. in Congress Novr. 05.  F. to E. or W. Indies or Europe 15 Augt. 06.   Appointed Lieut. and appointment confirmed by Senate 8 Jany 1807.  Pay to    commence from that day.  Resigned April 13, 1807.


William Lewis.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated August 21, 1802 ‑ Entered the service on board the New York 2, turned over to the Constitution.  Returned to U. States in  J. Adams Feby. 1805.  Capt. Chauncey ord'd to allow him to come to Washn. 6 Mar. 05.  Came to Washn.  Ord'd under Capt. Preble 15 Mar. 05.  Ord'd under Capt. Preble at Boston 4 Ap. 05. (Augt. 3, 05 on Bd.   Constitution.  7th No. 2‑ 28th a Barge.  Sepr. 3 same in the attacks on Tripoli.)  Ord'd to take out the Bomb Ketch Vengeance to Medn. & there deliver her to Comre Barron 18 May 05.  Promoted Lieutenant and appointment confirmed by Senate Jany 8, 1807.  Commission issued April 17, 1807 dated and to take rank March 14, 1807.  Pay as Lt. to continue from date of appt. by commdng officer in Medn.‑  Commission sent to him to Medn. by Chesapeake Comre Jas. Barron.  [?] to office by Com. Decatur.  Retd. in Constitution to NYork Decr 07.  [?] ord'd to Washn. 23 Oct. 1807.commission delivered to him at office Decr. 07.  Ordered to execute instructions wch. he received [?] Department of State 20 Feb. 1808.  Sailed for France 26 Feb. 08 from NYork.‑  retd. July 08.  Ord'd to Chesapeak [sic] at New York 9 July 08.


Augustus C. Ludlow.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated 2nd April 1804.  His Brother Lt. Ludlow directed to bring him from New York.  ordd. to the                      President June 4, 1804.  Accepted June 5, 1804.  Retd in Constitution Decr. 07.  Ord'd to be in readiness for service Decr. 28, 07.  Ord'd to NYork station 11   Novr. 08. 


Charles Ludlow.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated to rank from April 22, 1802.  On furlough.  Furloughed for merchant service March 8, 1804‑  Revoked March 19, 1804.  Ord'd to recruit in NYork if Lieut. Chauncey shd. have left that place March 21, 1804.  Ord'd to close the Rendezvous, repair to Washington and report himself to Commre Barron of the President May 19, 1804 ‑ Returned on bd. Constitution to NYork Decr. 1807.  Apptd. member of a C. Martial ord'd to           Norfolk 7 Decr. 07.  Ord'd from Washn. to NYOrk station after visiting his friends for a short time 3 Mar 08.


 Thomas Marshall.  Surgeon's Mate.  Commission dated Decr. 13, 1800.  On board the Constitution.  retd. to U.S. in No. 9 July 1806.  Ordered from Nashville to NOrleans 10 Oct. 07.  did not go.  Orders repeated Mar. 7, 1808 to inform when he [?].  Died on the NOrleans station Novr. 7, 1808.


James McGlauhon of Windsor NC.  Midshipman.  Appointed Decr. 20, 1804.  Warrant dated 28 June 1804.  Forwdd. to Messrs. Stone & [?] in Congress & he ordd. to be in readiness 20 decr. 1804.  Accepted 25 Jany. 1805. ordd. to Boston, to report himself to Cmre Preble 19 Apl. 05. attd. by Preble to Ketch Spitfire.  Retd. In Constitution to NYork Decr. 07.


William McIntosh.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated April 30, 1800.‑  Entered the service June 10, 1800, on board the Chesapeake 1. 2.  On furlough.  To Washington March 19, 1804.  Arrived & furld. verbally to Europe or W. Indies.  Retd. Decr.1804.  Ord'd to remain on furlough Jany. 23, 1805.  Ord'd to gunboat 23 at Charleston S.C. Mar. 19, 05.  Came to Washn.  Order to No. 1 [sic] repeated 23 Mar 1805.  Ord'd to No. 2 11 Apl. 05.  retd. in Constitution to Boston Octr. 07.   nominated for a Lieutenant.  Confirmed April 25, 1806.  Commission issued dated and to take rank May 2, 1808.  Sent to Charleston S.C.  Ord'd to Chstn S.C. from Washn. 4 Jay. 08.  Resigned 9 Decr. 1808.


Thomas Moore.  Carpenter.  Served with Preble on bd. Constitution 2.  returned home Sepr. 1805.  Appointed Warrant dated & sent to Preble 4 Mar 1806 & then ord'd  under command of Preble.‑  Accepted Mar. 15, 1806.  Pay to continue from time he was pd. off from President Sepr. 05.  served under Preble until ord'd to Etna by him.  Did not sail in Etna ‑ left her by permission Sepr. 24, 05.  Died Augt. 22, 1807.


Charles Morris.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated May 27, 1800.‑ Entered service 1 July 1799 on bd. Congress and until Apl. 1801‑  on furlough till ord'd to Constitution, Preble May 24, 1803.  Returned on bd. President Sepr. 1805.  Present at the Burning of the Phila in the harbour of Tripoli on the night of 16 Feby. 1804.  On 15 March 1805 a Commission as Lieutt. issued dated 18 May 1804 & sent to Commdg offcr. Medn. to be numbered & delivered after examination.  Ord'd to NYork 1 Feby. 06 ‑ attached to Hornet 18 Feby. 06.  Comm. Above mentioned was not delivered but appointment was confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807 & Commission issued Apl. 17, 07, dated & to rank Jany. 28, 1807.  Pay as Lt. to continue from [?] Charleston S.C. Decr 07. after visiting his friends repaired to Portland station May 5, 1808.


Noahdiah Morris.  Purser.  Appointed to the Constitution by Commodore Preble on the death of Jas. S. Deblois.  Warrant sent out to him May 29, 1804, dated May 29, 1804, to rank 10 Decr. 1803.  Returned in the J. Adams Feby. 05.  furld. home. furld. for 12 mos. 3d June 1805.  did not go but f. 4 Octr. 1806 to make a voyage.  Dead.


 George Nicholson.  Boatswain.  Warrant dated Aug. 8, 1803‑ on board the Argus.  Died on board the Constitution 22 July 1809.


Joseph Nicholson.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated July 15, 1803.  Constitution (first cruize).  Returned home in Congress Decr. 1805.‑ ord'd to Portland under       commdg officer July 3, 07.


 David Porter.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated Octr. 8, 1799.  On board the Philadelphia.  Taken Prisoner by the Tripolitans Octr. 31, 1803.  Liberated 3d. June 1805.  Joined the Constitution Comre Rodgers.  Promoted Master Commandant & Commission dated & to rank 22nd day of April 1806.  Sent to him in           Mediterranean by the Stapleton storeship from Balto. May 1806.  Confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807.  Commission issued and dated 9 Jany. 1807 to take rank from April 22, 1806.  delivered in person July 29, 1807.  Retd. from Med. commander of the Enterprize July 29, 1807.  Ord'd from York, Pa. to Washn. to          receive instructions on being appointed to the NOrleans station Augt. 13, 07.   Appointed to Norleans station Sepr. 3, 07.  orderd. [sic] to H. de Grace to           prove Guns 28 Octr. 07 from Washn.  Apptd member of a C. Martial & ordd. to Norfolk 7 Decr 07.  Ord'd to NOrleans under orders of 3d Sepr. 1807.  furld. for  voyage to Feby. 1811.  Ordered to Essex 12 July 1811.


 Hethcote J. Reed.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Decr. 31, 1798.  April 99 Norfolk, Bainbridge.  Apr. 1800 told of in Philada. Capn. Decatur.  Constitution.  on 18 May 1804 Commission as Lieutt issued & sent to Commdg. officer Medn. to be numbered & delivered.  ret. as one of Lieut. of Argus July 1806.  fd. to the E.   Indies 5 Augt. 1806.  Commission above mentioned was not delivered, but appointment was confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807 and Commission issued Apl.         17, 07 dated and to rank March 26, 1807.  Pay as Lieut. to continue from service on board Argus.  Ord'd to NYork under commdg. officer July 3, 07.  Commission sent to Burlington N.J. June 30, 1807.  Ord. to NOrleans 1 Mar. 08.


Thomas Robinson.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated July 12, 1799.  On board the Constitution.  Commanded the Bombard No. 1 in the attacks upon Tripoli Augt.   Sepr.1804.  Promoted Commander of the Schooner Enterprize.  Promoted Master Commandant, sent out to him in Medn. by J. Adams.  Commission dated 14    March 1805 to take rank from September 10, 1804.  Retd. on bd. Constellation Novr. 05.  fd. to E. Indies 4 Octr. 06.  Confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807.  Commission issued and dated Jany. 9, 07 to take rank from Septr. 10, 1804. delivered in person at office May 20, 1808. ordered to Phila. under Commdg         officer 20 May 08.  Ord'd to Washn 20 Decr. 1808.


John Rowe.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Decr. 2, 1799‑‑ Entered the service Novr. 4, 1799 on board the Essex 12.  Constitution.  Present at the Burning of the Frigate 9 late the U. States) Philadelphia in the harbour of Tripoli on the night of  the 16th Feby. 1804 by Lieut. Stephen Decatur Jr.  On 15 March 1805

Commission to Lieutt. issued dated 18 May 1804 & sent to commddg officer  Medn.


 Thomas Shields.  Midshipman,  Warrant dated January 2, 1804.  Accepted Jany. 20, 804.  Ord'd from Middletown D. to Washington March 21, 1804.  Attached to the Congress Ap. 6, 1804.  Ord'd to Balto. under Lt. Gardner Ap. 10, 1804.  retd. to US in Constitution at NYork Decr. 1807.  Ord'd from Washn. to Phila. to wait  for orders 21 Decr 07.  attached to Phila. Station Mar. 12, 08.  Ord. to Balto. station Mar. 28, 08.


Patrick Sim.  Surgeon's Mate.  Appointed July 1, 1803.‑ on board the Constitution.  returned home in the Scourge Feby. 1805.  Ord'd from Upper Marbro [sic] to Washn. 19 March 1805.  Promoted surgeon.  Commission dated 27 Novr. 1804 but promoted on 27 March 1805, and ordered to the J. Adams at NYork.  Joined Constitution in Mediterranean.  Died on board Constitution, Lisbon Harbour, Octr. 11, 1806.


Isaac Steele.  Sailmaker.  Warrant dated July 6, 1798.  Constitution.  Returned Essex   July 1806. Resigned his warrant Aug. 2, 1806.


William Sweeny.  Gunner.  Warrant dated July 31, 1802.  On board the Constitution.  Know nothing of him since that time.  To be paid while in actual service which is to ascertained by the Constitution's Muster Roll.


Joseph Tarbell.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated Augt. 25, 1800.  On board the Constitution.  Returned in President Sept. 1800.  Ord'd to Havre de Grace to       take account of old cannon 15 March 1806.  Attached to Navy Yard Washn. to receive pay and emoluments of a Lieut. Comd. Mar. 26, 1806.  furld. for            re‑establishment of health June 14, 1806.  Ord'd to Norfolk under Decatur 3 July 07.  At [?] Decr. 07.  apptd. member of a C. Martial ord'd to Norfolk 7 Decr. 07.   Nominated to Senate for master Commandant and confirmed April 23, 1808.  Commission issued dated and to rank April 25, 1808.  deld. to him May 2, 1808.  fd. till called upon 23 Sept. 08.


Benjamin Turner.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated September 27, 1800.‑  Entered the service October 3, 1800, on board the General Greene to april 1801.‑  Then the Mediterranean from Decr. 1801 to Novr. 1803 when he returned in the Adams.‑  On furlough.  ordd. from N. Brunswick N.J. to Washington March 21, 1804.‑  attached to the Congress Ap. 6, 1804.  Ord'd to Balto. under Lt. Gardner April 0, 1804 ‑ Sailed in Congress.  Turned over to Constitution.  Promoted Acting Lieutt. by Comre Rodgers.  returned in Constellation Novr. 1805.  furld. 25 Novr.1805.  Ord'd to Portland to No. 11 Apl. 9, 06.  appointed Lieutenant and  appointment confirmed by Senate Jany. 8, 1807 and Commission issued Apl. 17, 07 dated and to rank March 9, 1807.  Pay as Lieut. to continue from service in   Consteln. Commn. sent to Comdg officer Orleans by Adhebal from Balto. Apl. 07.  Killed in a duel at NOrleans Octr. 1, 1807.


 Henry Wadsworth.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated Augt. 28, 1799.‑  Entered the service Sepr. 12, 1799, on board the Congress to April 1801.  Chesapeake 2, continued out on board the Constitution.  Appointed by Commodore Preble Acting Liuet. of the Scourge.  This officer in the Night of the 4 Sepr. 1804 with M. cmdt. Somers and Lieut. Israel entered the harbour of Tripoli in a fire Ship with an intention to set fire to the Train & make their Escape in Boats.  Being discovered  & boarded by the Enemy, they blew themselves up.  On 3 March 1805  Congress passed a resolution expressive of their deep regret for the loss of these              gallant Men.‑


James Wells.  Surgeon.  Commission dated April 24, 1799.  On board the Constitution.   Retd. in Congress Novr. 05.  Ord'd to take passage in T. B. Franklin for New Orleans which he is to consider as his Station for the purpose of attending Marines &c. 11 Jany 06. 


Abijah Weston.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated July 2, 1801.‑ Entered the service on board the Constitution July 9, 1799 to May 1800.‑  Boston 1.  East Indies.  Ord'd to Washn. to Adams 9 July 1805.  Resigned November 4th, 1805.


James Witmer.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated December 27, 1802.‑  One European  voyage.  India.  Did not sail. Ordd. from Havre de Grace to Phila. under the Commanding officer there, Ap. 2, 1804.  Attached to Constlln May 1, 1804.  Returned to U.S. in Constitution at NYork Decr. 07.  Ord'd from Washn. to H. de Grace to await orders Decr. 28, 1807.  Confirmed by Senate as Lieut. 13 Feb. 09.  Commission then dated & to rank from 16 Feb. 1809 & forwd. to       Harford [sic] Md. 16 Feby. 1809.


M[elancthon] T[aylor]. Woolsey.  Midshipman.  Warrant dated April 9, 1800.‑  Entered the service August 24, 1800, on board the Adams to May 1801.  Boston 1, and  returned home in the New York Decr. 1803.  On furlough.  Ord'd from Plattsburg, NY to Washington March 19, 1804.  Attached to the Essex May 28,    1804.   On March 15, 1805 Commission at Lieutt. issued dated 18 May 1804 and sent to Cmdg officer in the Medn. To be numbered & delivered.  Not delivered  but appointment was confirmed by Senate 8 Jany. 1807 and commission issued Apl. 17, 07 dated and to rank Feby. 14, 1807.  Commn. sent to Medn. by            Chesapeak [sic] Com J. Barron. Returned to office by Com. Decatur.  Retd.to U. States in Constitution to NYork Decr. 07.   Commissiom sent to NYork            Decr. 07.  Ord'd to Washn. 5 Feb. 08.  Ord'd from Washington to build 1 G. Boat on Lake Ontario and 2 on Lake Champlain.  Lt. Harwell & Midsn. Hall.  Cooper.  Thos. Gamble & Walker attached to the service July 2, 1808.


Edward Wyer.  Lieutenant.  Commission dated March 18, 1800. On furlough.  Ord'd to Washngton March 21, 1804.  Attached to the U. States March 31, 1804.  Ord'd to  the Congress May 26, 1804.  Abandoned the service January 15, 1805.


           Lieut. Wyer exhibited to the Deptmt. an original letter from Capn. John Rodgers dated U. S. frigate Constitution, Tagus, 11 Jany 1805, giving him leave of absence to return home with direction to report himself to the Department.  6 August 1813.


 Volume D (January 1809 ‑ March 1813)


John C[ushing] Aylwin.  Sailing Master appdt. & attached to Constitution 25 May 1812.  accepted 25 May, 1812. appd. Acting Lieut by Comre Bainbridge &     confirmed 24 Sep. 1812.


William Bagot.  Sailing Master.  rank 8 June 1804.  on bd. Constitution.  Appointment revoked Augt. 1, 1809.  Dismissed 10 Nov. 1810.


William Bainbridge.  Captain rank 20 May 1800.  Ord'd to Phila. to arrange recruiting 30 Mar. 09.  Send an officer to Balto. with Capn. Evans' men 11 June 09. on arrival at Hampton to be [?] 11 Augt.  Authorized to keep on bd. the President [?] pilot with pay of a master 6 Decr 1809.  The order to him of 24 ultimo to go on a cruize [?], suspended 7 Decr 1809.  Furloughed to go to India 8 May 1810.‑ furld.to go to Russia 14 March 1811.  ordered to comd Nav [sic] Yard Charlestown, Ms. 1 March 1812.  ordered to command Constitution 28 July 1812.


Alex[ander] Belcher.  Mids. appd. 24 Decem.  Warrant dated 1 Sep. 1811.  accepted 28 Jany 1812 ordered to Norfolk 17 Feby. 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 23rd April 1812.


Samuel H. Bullus.  Midsn.  appointed & attached to Constitution 13 Feby 1809.‑ rank of warrant 16 Jany. 1809.  Accepted 24 Feb 1809 furld for voyage 8 Apl. 1811.   Apptd. acting Lieut. & attached to Nyork Station 21 Octo. 1812.


John Butler.  Surgeon's Mate.  rank 28 Apl. 1804.  Ord'd from Brookfield, Ms. to Constitution NYork 2 Feb. 09. resigned May 1, 1809.


 James E. Carr.  Sailing Master.  rank 4 Augt. 1807.  New York station.  fd. for [?] service 26 [?] 09. appointed to Constitution by Comre Rodgers 28 July 09.     furloughed for voyage 7 Decr. 1810.


Woolcot [Wolcott] Chauncey.  Midsn. rank 28 June 1809. On bd. Chesapeak [sic].   remained with her in ordy 14 Augt. 09 before joining Chesapeak was on NYork station. apptd. acting Lieutenant & ordered to  Frigate Constitution 23 Jany. 810.  Ordered to Washington 4 May 1810.  Ordered to Chesapeak 11 June 1810.  Commd. 4 March 1811 to rank 7 June 1810. ordered to Hornet 23d Apl. 1811.  ordered to Annapolis 29 June 1811.  Ordered to PresidenO 20 July 1811.  ordered to W.S. 20 July 1812.  Ordered to Sacketts Harbor NY 5 Feb. 1813.


Thomas J. Chew.  Purser.  Appointed & attached to J. Adams & warrant to date 9 March 1809  accepted 11 March 1809.  Ordered to Washington 14 March 1812.  Nomination confirmed by Senate & Commission issued 25 April 1812.  Attached to the Constellation 27 April 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 19ay 1812. 

George Colegate.  Surgeon's Mate.  rank 16 Jany. 1808.  On furlough ‑ last on Constitution.  resigned 16 June 1809.


John Cook.  Chaplain.  Appd. & rank 19 May 1812 accepted 26 May 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 11 June 1812.  Ordered to NYork 3 Feb. 1813.


John Cook.  Mids.  appd. 16 Jany. 1812 & ordered under tuition of Dr. Hunter.  Warrant dated 1 Jany. 1812 accepted 17 Jany. 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 14 May 1812.  discharged by Cap. Hull 16 June 1812.   ordered to Dr. Hunter 29 June 1812.  again 11 July 1812.  Ordered to Constellation 9 Octo 1812.


Charles Cotton.  Appd. acting surgs. mate 18 Feby. 1811.  Commd. 3rd April 1811.  On board frigate Constitution. accepted 19 Apl. 1811.  Ordered to Boston NYard 24 Apl. 1812.


Lodowick W. Crary.  Mids.  appd. 19 Mar. 1812.  Warrant dated 1 Jany. 1812 accepted 29th March 1812 attached to Constitution & ordered under tuition of Doctor Hunter 13 May 1812.  Ordered to Newport RI, 19 June 1812.


John O[rde] Creighton.  Lieut.  rank 24 Feby. 1807.  On bd. Chesapeake.  Ord'd from Boston to New York to Vixen 24 July 09.  Ordered to Constitution 1 May 1810.  Ord'd to Wasp 22 May 1810.


 James William [sic: Wilmot] Delany.  Mids: appd. 4 Decr. 1811.  Warrant dated 1 Sep 1811, acceptd. 22 Decemr. 1811.  Ordered to Constitution 22 May 1812.


S. E. Adam Duncan.  Mids: appd. 28 Sep. 1801.  Warrant dated 1st Decemr. 1809,   acceptd. 18 Octr. 1810.  Ordered to Constitution 17 Decr. 1810.  Resigned & accepted 10 June 1811.


 John J. Edwards.  Midsn.  rank Jany. 1, 1809.  fd. From Chtn S.C. station for merchant service 20 May 09.  Attached to Constitution 21 Feby. 1810.  Ordered to Argus 10 Sepr. 1810.  furls. by Cap. Lawrence for 6 mos. 21 March 1811.  Again till ordered 11 Novr. 1811. reports 21 Octo. 1811.  Warrant lost, renewed ‑ 5 Feb.1813.


[John] Alex[ande]r Eskridge: Midsn: Appd. 22nd Feb. 1812.  Warrant dated 1 Jany. 1812.  Accepted 22d Feby. 1812.  Ordered under tuition of Dr. Hunter 24 Feby. 1812  Ordered to Constitution 4 May 1812.


Ambrose Field D. [Sic: Ambrose D.]  Mids: Appd. 26 Sep. 1810.  Warrant dated 1 Decr. 1809.  Accepted 8 Octo.1810.  Ordered to Constitution 26 Sepr. 1811.


Charles W. Fowle.  Appointed 13 July 1810.  rank 15 Novr.    1809.‑  Accepted, 23 July 1810.  Ordered to Argus 30 Octo. 1810.  Ordered to Constitution 31 Decr. 1810 by Comre Rodgers.  Died 15 March 1811 on bd. Constitution.


Dulany Forrest.  Midsn.  appointed & ord'd to President 22 May 1809, rank of warrant 18 May 1809.  Accepted 23 May 1809  Ordered to Essex 1st March 1810.  Ordered to Washington 26 July 1811.  Ordered to Washington verbally by the Secy. to place himself under tuition of Dr. Hunter 12 Augt. 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 9 Sept. 1812.


French Forrest.  Mids: Appd. 24 July 1811.  Warrant dated 9 June 1811, accepted 24 July 1811.  Ordered under tuition of Chaplain Hunter 18 Augt. 1811.  Ordered to Constitution 8 May 1812.  discharged by Cap. Hull 16 June 1812.  Ordered to Hornet 23 June 1812.


 Isaac Garretson.  Purser.  rank 1 May 1798.  on furlough.  Ord'd from Washn. to Nfolk  station after 6 weeks furlh. 22 July 09.  Nomination confirmed by Senate & Commd. 25 April 1812.  Attached to Constitution.  Ordered to Constellation 18 May 1812.


Lewis German.  Mids: Appd. 26 Apr. 1810.  Warrant dated 15 Nov. 1809.  Accepted 13 May 1810.  Ordered to Hornet 4 June 1810.  Ordered to Constitution 14 July 1810.


William Lewis Gordon.  Midsn.  Appd. 11 April 1810.  Warrant dated 15 Nov. 1809 accepted 18 Apr. 1810.  Ordered to Constitution 1 Augt. 1810.


Larkin Griffin.  Surgeon.  rank 27 Novr. 1804.  on bd. Chesapeak [sic].  Ord'd from Boston to NYork to Constitution 23 Sepr. 1809.  Ordered to Gosport 14 Decr. 1810.


 Gwinn Harris.  Purser.  rank 9 April 1804.  Attached to Constitution 10 Mar. 09.  Ordered to Washington 26 May 1810.  ordered to St. Marys 21 March 1811.  again 8 Apl. 1811.  Nomination confirmed by Senate & Commissioned 25 April 1812.  Ordered to Washington 22 Octo. 1812.


Andrew Haslett.  Midsn. appd. & ordered to Constitution 31 May 1811.  Warrant dated 17 Decemr 1810 accepted 25  June 1811.  furloughed 3 mos. 10 June 1812.  Ordered to Chesapeake 25 Aug 1812.


Beekman Van [sic: Verplanck] Hoffman.  Mids.  rank 4 July 1805.  Hornet. ordd. to Argus 14 Jany. 1811.  Appd. acting liuet, of the Constitution 9 March 1812. Commissioned [?] confirmation of Senate 21 May 1812.


[Note:  Isaac Hull's entry for this period never mentions Constitution.]


Ralph Izard.  Lieutt.  rank 27 Jany. 1807.  fd. from     Hornet 16 May 1809.  Ord'd from Phila. to Constitution 18 Novr. 09 ‑ resigned 25th Apl. 1810.


 Lawrence Kearney.  Midsn.  rank 24 July 1807.  New York station.  Tr. Constitution Augt. 09.  Commissioned under confirmation of Senate a Lieut. 6 March 1813.


 James Lawrence.  Lieutt.  rank 6 Apl. 1802.  Appointed to [?] in command of Wasp 5 July 09.  in command of Argus 11 June 1811.  Promoted to M. Commdt. 3 Nov. 1810.ordered to command of Hornet 1 Octo. 1811.  Confirmed by the Senate 24 Decr. 1811.  Commission issued 7 May 1812.  Commissioned a Captain under confirmation of Senate 4 March 1813.  Ordered to command of Constitution at Boston 2d Aprl. 1813.


Geo[rge] H[aven]. Leverett.  Mids: appd. & ordered to Constitution to receive pay from the time of his entering on board that ship.  Warrant dated 18 June 1812.    Accepted 8 March 1813.


Augustus C. Ludlow.  Midsn.  rank 2 April 1804.  New York station.  Constitution July 09.  Orders to Hornet (actg. Lieut.) 14 June 1810.  Commd. 4 March 11 to rank 3d June 1810.  Ordered to Chesapeake 9 Sep. 1812.


Charles Ludlow.  Lieutt.  rank 22 April 1802. Constitution.  Appointed to relieve Lt. Lawrence in command of Vixen 5 July 1809.  Ordered to Presidt. 19            June 1810, to receive pay & emoluments as M. Commandant.  Com. Rodgers directed to furlough him for a short time 25 July 1811.  Comd. as Mr. Commdt. 11 May 1811.  Resigned 24 Augt. 1811.  Accepted 29 Augt. 1811.  reinstated & furloughed 10 Sep. 1811.  Confirmed by Senate 24 Decem. 1811.  ordered to take command of John Adams 11 May 1812.  Ordered to commd.of Gunboats at NYork 9 Sep. 1812.  Ordered to assume command at New Orleans 1 Feb. 1813.    Came to Washington & was ordered to resume his command at Navy Yard NYork.


 Horace F. Marcellin.  Midsn.  rank 20 June 1806.  Nyork station.  Constitution f. July 09.  Resigned 9 June 1810.  Reappointed 23d June 1812.  Warrant dated 4 June 1812.  Ordered to NYork 29 June 1812.  Accepted 27 June 1812.


Phineas Masters.  Midsn.  Appointed warrant to rank 16 Jany. 1809.  Accepted 4 Feb.09.  Ord'd to Constitution at NYork 28 Feb. 09.  resigned Oct. 14, 1809 to Comre. Rodgers.


W[illia]m D[owman]. McCarty.  Mids: appd. & ordered to the Constitution 16 July 1812.  Warrant dated 18 June 1812, accepted 16 July 1812.  Resignation accepted 9 Nov. 1813.  [Also listed as a Sailing Master with same dates of appointment and warrant.]


Ch[arle]s W. Morgan.  Midsn. rank 1 Jany. 1808.  Norfolk station to Chesapeak [sic] f. ord'd to [?] from Washn. 1 Sepr. 09.  Appd. acting Lieut. & attached to Constitution 29 Apl 1812.  Commissioned as a Lieutenant, under confirmation of  Senate 13 March 1813.


Ch[arle]s Morris.  Lieutt.  rank 28 Jany. 1807.  Ord'd from Portland Me. to Washn. [?]    frigate 4 Feb. 09.  [?] to recruit at Portland Mar. 6, 09.  Ordered to Nav. Yard Charlestown, Ms. 2nd March 1812.  Ordered to Constitution [?] 1812.  Commissioned as Captain, &  ordered to command of Adams 5 October 1812.      Commn. dated 19 Aug. 1812, the day on which the Br. Frigate the Guerriere was captured.  Commissioned as a Captain 5 March 1813, under confirmation of      Senate.


 S[ilas]. Nelson Phelps.  Mids:appd. & ordered to Constitution 27 June 1811.  Warrant dated 9 June 1811, accepted 28 June 1811.  Resigned Jany. 14, 1814.


 James Reiley [sic].  Mids: appd. & warrant dated, & sent to Mr. Hayes of Senate 1 Jany. 1808.  was at sea.  Pay to commence from date of warrant acceptd. 15 July 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 30 July 1810.


Ch[arle]s L. [sic:Goodwin] Ridgely.  Lieut.  rank 2 Feb. 1807.  Ord'd from Balto. to NYork station 18 Feb 09.  revoked and ord'd from Balto. to Wasp at Boston 21 Feb. 09.  at Washn fd. for 2 months 2 Aug 09.  Ordered to Constitution 18 Apl. 810.  furl. 19 Sep. 1810 to 1 Nov. 10.  Ordered to Annapolis 29 June 1811.  Ordered to Constellation 15 Apl. 1812, again 14 Aug. 1812.


John T[empler]. Shubrick (Midsn. rank 20 June 1806.)  from Norfolk station to Argus.  fd. from Argus 2 May, 09.   Ordered to Viper by Com. Decatur, 19 Decr. 1810 as  acting Lt. ordered to Washington 23 Decem. 1811.  Ordered to Constitution 6 May 1812.  Ordered to Congress as acting Lieutenant 1 May 1812.      Commissioned under confirmation 19 May 1812, rank 25 May 1812.


Ch[arle]s Stewart.  Captain.  rank 22d April 1806.  Ord'd to Essex 6 Feb. 09.  Ord.Nofk. to Phila. to recruit 10 Feb 09.  relieved by Capt. Smith & fd. for private affairs 31 Mar.  furl. 15 Octo 1810.  [?] returned 22 May 1811.  reported 22 May 811.  Ordered to NYork to attend a Court of inquiry on Com. Ridgly [sic] 24   July 1811.  Ordered to Washington Cola. 18 March 1812.  Ordered to Comd. of  Constellation 15 Aprl. 1812.  Ordered to commd. of Congress 28 July 1812.     Ordered to comd. of Constitution 15 Sep. 1812.


Joseph E. Smith.  Midsn. rank 1 Jany 1808.  New York station.  on bd. Constitution July 09.  Reports himself 29 Octo. 1810.  Ordered to Nport RI 9 Feb.1813.   Commissioned under confirmation of Senate a Lieutenant 10 March 1813.


Joseph G. Smith.  Midshipman.  Appd. 20 Apl. 1810.  Warrant dated 15 Nov 1809.   Accepd. 20 Apl. 1810.  Ordered to Constitution 20 Apl. 1810.


[Thomas] Sylvanus Sprogell.  Midsn. appointed & ord'd to President frigate 1 March 09, date of warrant 16 Jany.1809. accepted 3 March 1809.  Drowned on bd. Constitution 21 Octr. 1810.


John Tayloe, [Jr].  Midshipman.  Appointed 9 Jany. 1810.  Warrant dated 15th Nov. 1809.  accepted 3 Feby. 1810. ordered to frigate President 6 Mar. 1810.  again 27 Apl. 1810.  Ordered to Essex 1 Nov. 10.  Furlough extended to 1 Decr. 1810.   ordd. to J. Adams 9 Jany. 1811.  Ordered to Hornet 5 Nov. 1811.  Ordered to Hornet to carry despatches to England 27 Nov. 1811.  Ordered to Constitution 4 June 1811.  Ordered to Constellation 19 Octo. 1812.


W[illia]m Taylor, Jr.  [Midn.]  Appd. 24 Feby. 1812.  Warrant dated 1 Jany. 1812    accepted 25 Mar. 1812.  Ordered to Washington 24 March 1812.  Ordered to Constitution 6 Apl. 1812.


Rob[er]t L. Thorn.  Surgeon.  rank of commission under confirmation March 3, 1809.   Commn. sent & ordd. From Boston to NYork station 9 Mar. 09.  Comre Rodgers directed to attach him to Constitution 13 Mar.  Comre. Rodgers directed to transfer him to Hornet 23 Sepr. 09.  attd. to Hornet 2y Octr.  Ord'd to John Adams 8 Decr. 1809.  furloughed 16 Augt. 10 for 8 ms.  Ordered to President 10 Nov. 1812.


Edward Trenchard.  Lieut. rank 18 Feb. 1807.  Comr. Rodgers directed to order him from No. 43 to Argus 3 May 09.  Attached to Constitution 17 July 09.  Ordered to Nav. Yard at NYork 29 June 1811.  Ordered to Washington to settle a/cs 13 Apr. 1813.


Sam[ue]l Truit. Midsn. appointed 8 July 1809 rank of warrant May 18, 1809.  accepted 10 July 1809.  Ord'd to Constitution 21 March 1810.  resigned 26 June 1810.


 Theo[dore] C. Van Wyck.  Surgeon's mate.  rank under confirmation March 3, 1809.  Appointed & ord'd to NYork station 9 March 1809 accepted 18 March 1809.Constitution by Comre. Rodgers Mar


 W[illia]m S. J. Washington.  Mids. appd. & Warrant dated 5 Feby. 1812.  Accepted 7 Feby 1812.  Ordered to Constitution under tuition of Dr. Hunter 30 April 1812.  Ordered under Dr. Hunter 10 June 1812.  Ordered to Adams 7 Octr. 1812.  revoked 11 Feb. 1813.  Ordered to Lake Ontario 11 June 1813.


Will[ia]m Widgeon.  Appd. [Sailmaker] warrant dated & attached to Constitution 20 June 1812.


Sam[ue]l Woodhouse.  Lieut. rank 4 May 1808.  On board Vixen.  furld. for health by Lieut. Ludlow 23 Decr. 1809.  Ord'd to Constitution 25 May 1810.


 Donaldson Yeates.  Surg's mate appd. 14 May 1812.   Commission of same date.  Ord'd to Constitution 13 June 1812.  Accepted 5 July 1812.


 Roll 3, Volume E (April 1813 ‑ December 1817)


Benjamin Austin, Jr.  Appd. & Commissioned a Surgeon's Mate under Confirmation of Senate 24 July 1813.  No. 15.  Accepted 31 August 1813, ordered to         Constitution at Boston, August 1813.  Furloughed 13 June 1815. ordered from Boston to the Portsmouth station 13 Sepr. 1815.  This order was withdrawn and    returned: it was not, therefore, recorded.


 Henry E. Ballard.  Lieut: rank 26 April 1810.  See Book D.    furloughed from Frigate Constitution at Boston 9 May 1814 to visit Balto, and when ready for service to report to this Department.  Ordered hence to Charlestown, to report himself to Commodore Bainbridge, June 2, 1814.‑  Ordered hence to Baltimore, as a Lieut. Commandant, 8 May 1815.  Sept. 18, 1816 ‑ Order'd from Baltimore to NYork, to command the ship Hornet.  Aug. 11, 1817 order'd from Annapolis to   Washington, on Court Martial,  Augt. 11, 1817, order'd from Annapolis to Chester, Pa., [?] on board the Franklin, 74.


Jos[eph] Biggs.  Acting Lt. appd. actg. Lt. 21 Octo, 1812.  Drowned at Norfolk, 15 April 1813 was then attached to the Constitution [Constellation?].


 John H. Clack (Born in Mecklenburg County Virginia.)  Midsn, 5 Nov. 1809.  in Book D  Constitution.  Guerriere.  July 7, 1814 made an acting Lieutenant and    ordered to the Ship Argus at the Navy Yard, Washington.‑  Ordered from Havre de Grace to Sloop Argus at Washington Aug. 12, 1814.  Promoted to         Lieutenancy 9 Decr. 1814.‑  Ordered from Newport to Congress at Portsmouth, 11 April 1815.  Commission dated 9 Decr. 1814, numbered 3, and Sent to him at Boston, on bd. the Congress, 24 May 1815.  Ordered, at Boston, to join the Macedonian March 14, 1816.  July 26, 1816.  Order'd from Annapolis to         Washington to settle a/c‑ Augt. 3, 1836, order'd home to Boston on board the Macedonian.


Tho[ma]s [Anderson.] Conover.  Mids. rank 1 Jany. 1812.  see Book D.  Orderd from N.J. to Lake Champlain 3 Augt. 1813.  Ordered hence to the Constellation at New York 24 March 1814.  Promoted Lieut. March 5th, 1817.  No. 24.  Augt. 8, 1817.  Order'd hence to NYork on duty.  Dec. 16, 1817.  Order'd hence to  Boston, on board Constitution.


Charles Cotton.  Surgeon.  Rank 26 April 1813, attached to Hornet.  Commissioned a Surgeon under confirmation of Senate 24 July 1813 No. 7.  Ordered from the frigate Constitution to Newport, R.I., 3 June 1814.‑


John O[rde] Creighton.  Lieut: rank 24 Feb. 1812.  See Book D.  Ordered from home to Boston, as first of the Constitution 10 June 1813.  Commissioned under confirmation of Senate as Master Commandant, 24 July 1813 No. 9.  The  command of the Argus offered to him, March 20, 1814 (see officers letter B.                 Private) and accepted by his letter of the 2nd of April 1814.‑ ordered from Newport to White Hall, 14 Feby 1815, to take the command of the Fleet on L.             Champlain.‑‑ Preceding order revoked 3 March 1815.  Ordered from Providence, R.I. to the Ship Washington at Boston 23 Jany. 1816.


Joseph Cross.  Mids. rank 9 June, 1811.  see Book D.  Constitution.  Permitted to remain with his friends until the arrival of the Constitution 29 April 1815. Ordered hence to the Constitution at Boston, May 24, 1815.  Ordered hence to Boston to the Frigate Constitution 27 Jany. 1816.  Nov. 14, 1816.  Report to Com. Tingey for duty.  Jany. 3, 1817.  Report to Capn. Cassin as a member of  Courts Martial‑


 Alex[ander] P. Darragh.  Purser.  Rank 25 Apl. 1812.  See Book D.  Orders from Christians, Del. to Captain Porter at New York, 26 Novr. 1812.  Furloughed to April 1815.‑ ordered hence to the frigate Constitution at Boston, 27 Novr. 1815.


Cha[rle]s P. Derby.  Mids: appd. 22 Novr. 1813.  Warranted 9 Novr. 1813.  Pay to commence from the date of his appointment as Midshipman on board              Constitution accepted 4 Decr 1813.  Ordered from Balto. to Commo.Bainbridge, at Charlestown, Mass., 8 May 1815.  Fri.    Constitution.  Ordered at             Boston to the Washington 74, 23rd Jany. 1816.


Ja[me]s W[ilmot]. Dulany.  Mids. rank 1 Sep. 1811 see Book D Constitution 22nd May 812.  Furloughed twelve months 28 Septr 1815.


 [John] Alex[ande]r Eskridge.  Mids. rank 1 Jany. 1812. See Book D.  Constitution 4 May 1812.  At Norfolk.   Furloughed for a voyage to Europe Decr. 20, 1815.‑March 8, 1817.  Order'd hence to Boston for duty.‑


James Greenlaw.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see Book D. attached to Constitution.  Furloughed 15 Novr. 1814.  Furloughed six months 28 Novr. 1815.


 Samuel C[ooper]. Hixon (Masstts) S[ailing] M[aster]‑ Warrant dated 30 April 1814 & sent Commodore Bainbridge at Charlestown, Masstts.‑  Accepted 13 May.‑  Ordered from Balto. to Commo. Banibridge at Charlestown, Mass, 8 May 1815.  furloughed from fr. Constitution at Boston 21 June 1815 for twelve months.April 21,1817.  Report to Com. Bainbridge for duty on board the Macedonian ‑‑


W[illia]m M[ason]. Hunter.  Mids (16 June 1809 rank)  see Book D ordered from Philada. to this city 25 May 1813.  Commissioned a Lieutenant under confirmation of Senate 24 July 1813.  Ordered from Philada. to Frolic at Boston ‑28 Sept. 813.  Order revoked & ordered to Constitution Boston, 20 Sept. 1813.  On furlow [sic] 30 Aapril 1814, but was to return to the Frigate Constitution on the 1th of May, at Boston.‑ Furloughed 12 months 6 Feby. 1816.  Reports to Com. Murray on duty, Jany. 6, 1817.  Order'd from Philada. to Washington to settle a/c,  Jany. 24, 1817 ‑  Ordered hence to Philadelphia on duty, April 16, 1817. Order'd from Philada. to Erie, to attend a General Court Martial.


 John A[chilles]. Kearney.  Surgeon, rank 24 July 1813: ordered from Newport, R.I. to Frigate Constitution, at Boston, 3 June 1814.


Amos King. [Surgeon's Mate.]  Commission dated 10 Decr. 1814.  Ordered 19 April to report himself to Capt. O. H. Perry, in York, for duty in the Brig Chippewa.   Ordered from the Boxer at Middletown, Ct, to the fr.Constitution at Boston 16 June 1815.‑  Ordered to the Nonsuch, at New York, as a [sic] acting Surgeon, July 13, 1815.  Ordered to remain in New York, until further orders, 31 July 1815.‑  Acceptance dated 26 April 1815.


 Geo[rge] H[aven]. Leverett.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see     Book D  Fr. Constitution.May 6th, 1816, ordered from Boston to N. York, on board the Peacock.‑


John C[ollings]. Long.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see Book     D attached to Constitution. Furled til health is restored, June 13, 1814.  Ordered from Portsmouth N.H. to the "Boxer" at Middletown, Connecticut, 19 May 1815.  March 5th, 1817. Promoted Lieut. Com. No. 34, Feby 17th, 1818.  Ordered hence to Boston on  duty, if his services are required, March 7th, 1818.  furloughed 12 mo. [?].


Alex[ander] W. Lufborough.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see     Book d  Ordered from the Frigate Macedonian, at New London, to the Constitution at Boston 13 June 1814.‑ Furloughed two months, 18 July 1815.  Ordered hence to New Orleans, 15 March 1816.


 Z[achariah]. W. Nixon.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see Book D attached to Constitution.  Furloughed 5 Augt. 1815 for twelve months.  Sept. 10, 1817.              Furloughed 12 months ‑‑


 J[ohn]. S. Paine.  Mids: Warrant dated 9 Nov. 1813.  Letter of appt. 2 Feby. 1814:   orders to report himself to Commodore Baibridge, Charlestown, Masstts:‑ accepted Feby. 9, 1814: Is 15 years old.  Constitution: See letter from Commo. Bainbridge of 7 May 1814. dismissed 4 May, 1814.  reinstated Decr. 8, 1814.  See officers' letter book.  Schr. Spitfire.  Furloughed two months, 13 Decr. 1815.  Oct. 29th, 1817. furloughed six months‑  Feby. 12, 1818.   furloughed 12 months ‑‑


Robert Pottinger.  [Purser.]  rank under confirmation of Senate 25 April 1812.  see Book D.  Orders from Siren at Boston to Constitution by Com. Bainbridge 27 June 1813.  Orders to this Dep'tm't Nov. 27, 1815.  (Not in Register 1818.)


Shubal Pratt.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see Book D.  Attached to Constitution  Medfield, Mass., 3 June 1815. (not on Register 1818)


 Edmund M. Russell.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  see Book D.  Jany. 22, 1814 duplicate warrant sent to him: said the first was lost by Captain of Chesapeake.  Fr. Constitution.  Oct. 21, 1816.  Report to Com. Bainbridge for duty on board Brig Chippewa ‑ May 29, 1817.  Reports for duty on board Brig Prometheus at           Boston, Sepr 3, 1817.  Ordered from Boston, to Present‑ to settle a/c‑ Octt. 4, 1817.  Order'd hence to Boston on duty‑


 Horace B. Sawyer.  Mids. rank 1 Jany. 1812  see Book D  Furloughed from Constitution, Boston, for one year, June 15, 1815.  July 31, 1816.  Reports to     Com. Bainbridge, for duty, on board Brig Prometheus.April 1, 1818.  Promoted Lieut., Com. No. 23.


Irvine Shubrick.  Mids. (So. Car.)  Warrant dated 12 May 1814 and ordered hence to the Frigate Constitution at Boston.‑  accepted the same day.‑  Is 16 years old.Fr. Guerriere.  furloughed six months, 20 Decr. 1815. July 9, 1816.  Reports to Capn. Stewart, for duty on board the Franklin 74.


W[illia]m B[ranford] Shubrick.  Lieut. (5 Jany. 1813 rank) see Book D  ordered from Constellation at Norfolk to Constitution at Boston, 19 Aug. 1813.  Leave of absence for three months granted him by the Secretary, while at Salem, Septr. 19, 815.  Ordered from the frigate Constitution to the Ship Washington, at          Boston, 27 Decr. 1815.


William Steele.  Mids. rank 1 Jany. 1812.  see Book D attached to Constitution: see Commo. Bainbridge's letter of the 7 May 1814.‑


Archibald [M.] Stewart.  Mids.: appd. 25 Nov: on board Macedonian.  Warrant dated 9 Nov. 1813.  Accepted 2d Decemr. 1813.  Ordered hence to the Constitution at  Charlestown, Masstts., 20 May 1815.


 Henry Tardy.  Mids: warrant dated 9 Nov, 1813.  Ordered 23 Dec: to report himself to Comm. Bainbridge at Charlestown.  He left Boston on 29 Dec. in Frigate Constitution.  Mr. McHopkins to whose care warnt. Was sent recd. & accepted it for him on the 31 Decr. 1813.  His own letter of acceptance dated 13 April       1814.‑ ordered to Lake Champlain May 23, 1814 from Boston.‑ordered at Boston to join the fr. U. States, 2 May 1815.‑  Dismissed Augt. 5, 1817 by Court      Martial in the Mediterranean at Port Mahon on board the Erie.  See Order Book 158.


John Tayloe [Jr.].  Mids. rank 15 Nov. 1809.  See Book D attached to Constitution    Promoted to Acting Lieutenancy 21 May 1814.‑  Commission, as Lt., dated 9 Decr. 1815 & No.[blank]  Permitted to proceed to Washington & remain til the arrival of Constitution, 8 May 1815.  Promoted to Lieutenancy 9 Decr. 1814 [sic].  Commission numbered 10 and handed to him 20 Novr. 1815 [sic].


Will[ia]m [V.] Taylor.  Mids. rank 1 Jany. 1812.  see Book D Ordered from Baltimore to Charlestown, Masstts, 8 May 1815.  Fr. Constitution.  Augt. 26, 1816.  Report  to Com. Bainbridge for duty on board the Congress (on board the Independence), March 5th, 1817.  Promoted to a Lieutenant Com. No. 27.


Kirk James Vallette.  Mids: Warrant dated 1 June 1815.  Attached to the Sloop Erie, at Boston.  Accepted 13 June 1815.  Ordered from the frigate Constitution, at Boston, to the Ship Washington, at Portsmouth, 29 Sept. 1815.


Frederick Varnum.  Mids. rank 18 June 1812.  See Book D ordered to Siren at Boston 25 Sep 1813.  did not join Siren.  was attached to Constitution, reports sick, will join Siren when recovered, 17 Octo. 1813.  Attached to the Constitution: see Commo. Bainbridge's letter of 7 May 1814.‑  Ordered from Balto. To         Charlestown, Masstts, 8 May 1815.  Fr. Constitution. Jany. 27, 1818.  furlough 3 mos.


 Pardon Mawney Whipple.  Mids. rank 15 June 1813 (1812 it is presumed).  see Book D.   Fr. Constitution. 


Will[ia]m Widgeon.  Sailmaker.  Appd. warrant dated & attached to Constitution 20 June 1812.  Ordered from Balto. to Charlestown, Masstts., 8 May 1815.      Resigned 12 June 1815.


Richard [M.] Winter.  Mids. rank 15 Nov. 1809 see Book D. attached to Constitution   Promoted to acting Lieutenancy: see letter of 2d June 1814.‑                    Commissioned as Lt. 9 Decr. 1814.  Commission numbered 44 and sent to him 20 Nov. 1815. 


John [A.] Wish.  Mids. rank 17 Decem. 1810.  see Book D. attached to Constitution   Furloughed three months the 1st of March 1816.  Ordered hence to Boston to join the Macedonian March 4, 1816.  July 25, 1816  Furloughed Four months ‑‑ Oct. 19, 1816.  Ordered hence to Erie on duty.  Feby. 11, 1818.  Furloughed 12 months.


Sam[ue]l Woodhouse.  Lieut: 4 May 1808.  See Book D  Ordered hence to Lake Champlain 6 April 1814.‑ ordered from Philadelphia to Lake Erie 13 April 1814.  Ordered from Phila. to the Frigate Constitution at Charlestown, Masstts., as first Lieutenant, Novr. 13, 1815.  Furloughed three months 7 Decr. 1815.  Nov. 1, 1817.  Furloughed 12 months.


 Volume F (January 1818 ‑ August 1825)


Charles M. Armstrong.  Midshipman.  4 March 1823.  (Accepted 11 May 1824.)  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd from E.town N.J. to N. York to Constitution.  Oct. 16, 1824.   Report on N. York Station.  Oct. 25, 1824.   Attached to Constitution.


Joseph Arnold.  Actg. Mid.  4 March 1823.  (Accepted April 12, 1823.)  May 27, 1823.  Ord'd from Philada. To Norfolk by water. Oct. 15, 1824.  Warrant granted. Oct. 16, 1824.  Report to Constitution.  (Accepted Oct. 24, 1824.)


[Henry] John Auchmuty.  Actg. Midshipman.  May 10, 1820.  Accepted 19 May 1820.   March 17, 1821.  Report for duty on board the Constitution.  June 30, 1824.  ab. 6 mo.  July 13, 1824.  Warrant granted & accepted 28 July 1824.  Jany. 13, 1825.   ab. 3 mo.  May 12, 1825. do. 6 mo.


John Ball.  Actg. Boatswain.  14 Octr. 1824.  Oct. 14, 1824.  Report on board Constitution.  Sepr. 1, 1825.  Warrant granted & sent to Med.  See Com.         Macdonough Letter June 23, 1825.


Augustus Barnhouse.  Actg. Midshipman.  23 October 1820.  Accepted Octr. 5, 1820 & Oct. 28, 1820.  Furloughed Six months.  Feby. 22, 1821.  Report to Com. Tingey for duty.  May 23, 1821.  Report for duty on board Schr. Shark.  Warranted 19 Dec. 1822.  Jany. 2, 1823. Report to Capt. Tingey for duty.  May 27, 1823.  Ord'd Norfolk on board J. Adams as supernumerary. Nov. 18, 1823.  Report to Com. Tingey.  April 17, 1824.  Report on board Porpoise.  April 24, 1824.  Report at N. Yard Washington.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd hence to N. York to Constitution.  Resignation accepted 12 May 1825.


R. R. Barton.  Surgeon.  July 24th, 1813.  Book E.     June 24, 1818.  Furlough 12 mo.June 15, 1819. furloughed twelve months.  June 21, 1820.  furloughed twelve months. March 31, 1821.  Ordered from Winchester, Va. to Boston to Constitution (did not obey).  May 23, 1822.  Ord'd from Winchester (Va) to          Washington to Peacock.  June 6, 1822.  furloughed 18 mo. without pay or emoluments.  June 17, 1823.  Furloughed 6 mo. no Pay &c.


J[ohn]. D[ickenson]. Bird.  Midshipman.  April 16th, 1814.  Book E. Feby. 14, 1817.   Order'd from Norfolk to N. Orleans by Water for duty &c.  Feby. 19, 1821.  Ord'd from N. Orleans to Boston by water to Constitution. July 17, 1822.  Leave of absence granted till Examination.  Nov. 25, 1822.  Report at Philada.  July 19, 1823.  Ord'd from Philada. to Washington to Wild Cat.


Dewitt Birch.  Actg. Surgs. Mate.  14 July 1824.  (Accepted Augt. 3, 1824)  1824 Sept. 6.  Report in  writing to Com. Rodgers.  Oct. 16, 1824.  Ord'd from        Norfolk to N. York to Constitution.  Confirmed 3 March 1825.


A[rchibald]. R. Bogardus.  Midshipman.  January 1st, 1817. E. January 29, 1819.   Order'd from Norfolk (Va) to N. York for duty on board the Washington‑        Accepted Novr.16, 1819.  Feby. 26, 1821.  Warrant dated back to 26 Dec. 1815  by Secretary.  March 24, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to              Constitution.  Nov. 16, 1822.  Report at N. York.  From March 2, 1824 first on furlough till further orders.  Oct. 14, 1824 furlough'd 6 mo.  March 24, 1825.   Ord'd from N. York to Examination.  18th May 1825.  Report to Capt.Tingey for duty.  May 24, 1825 furloughed 6 mo.


Benjamin W[alker]. Booth.  Lieutenant January 7th, 1813.  Jany. 9, 1818.  Reports to Capt. Evans for duty at the Rendezvous ‑ New York.  Dec. 16, 1819.  Order'd from NYork, to Boston, to Independence.  Promoted a Mast. Commt. 28 March 1820.  Comm. No. 7.  March 23, 1821.  Reports for duty on board Constitution.Dec. 26, 1821. Reports for duty at N. York.  July 27, 1822.  Permitted to come here to settle a/c.  March 17, 1824.  absence 3 months.  June 23, 1824.  Ex. 2 mo.3 Sept. 1824 permission to remain in Norwich, Connt.  March 19, 1825 ordd.from N. York to Washington N. Yard.  April 22, 1825. ab. 6 weeks.  May 25, 1825. ab. 3 weeks.


Thomas J. Boyd.  Surg. Mate.  March 28, 1820.  [?] Com. No. 13.  Accepted 17 April 1820. (Del)  May 30, 1820.  Report for duty at Norfolk.  March 17, 1821.   Ordered from Norfolk to Boston to Constitution.  May 26, 1824.  absence 3 mos.  July 15 [?], 1824.  Appointed an acting Surgeon.  Aug. 21, 1824.  absence 3 mos.  Nov. 23, 1824.  Ex. 3 mos.  Feb. 26, 1825.  Ord'd from Philada. to Norfolk to Constellation.  March 16, 1825. transfd. to J. Adams.  Confirmed March 3, 1825.


 S[amuel]. L[ivingston]. Breese.  Lieutenant April 27th, 1816.  See Book E. Augt. 7, 1817.  Order'd hence to Sackett's Harbour for duty.  Jany. 1819.  Order'd from NYork to Boston, to Ship Hornet.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution.  Aug. 2, 1824. ab. 2 mo.  Dec. 3, 1824.  ab. 6 mo.  June 8, 1825 ab. unlimited.


Thomas Breese.  Purser.  July 8th, 1815.  Book E.  Oct. 31, 1817.  Order'd hence to Norfolk on board the Congress, Capt. Sinclair.  Oct. 24, 1818.  Ordered from Norfolk to Washington to settle his accounts‑‑ Dec. 14, 18.  Order'd hence to Boston, to Constitution.  9 Sept. 1824.  leave of absence 6 mos. March 8, 1825.   ab. unlimited.


John Louis Buchanan.  Actg. Mid. 30 December 1820.  Accepted January 8, 1820 [sic].March 17, 1821.  Ordered from Baltimore to Boston to Constitution.  resignation accepted Nov. 2d, 1821.


Benjamin B. Burchsted.  Sail Maker.  April 5, 1821.  Augt. 5, 1821.  Report for duty on board Constitution.  Accepted April 13, 1821.  (Born in Mass. 1781.)  Oct. 13, 1824.  Re‑ordered to Constitution (see McDonh. letter 27 Oct. 1824).


 Joseph Cross.  Lieutenant April 27th, 1816.  Book E.  May 6, 1818.  Ordered hence to Boston, for duty on board the Guerriere.  Feby. 3, 1820.  Report to Com. Tingey for duty.  Aug. 19, 1823.  Ord'd on the Ferret to W. Indies on duty.  25 Sept. 1823.  Ord. to Beagle.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd hence to N. York to Constitution. May 2, 1825 furloughed 6 mos.


 S[amuel]. W. Downing.  Lieutenant.  December 29th, 1817.   Book E. Augt. 2d, 1817.  Order'd hence to New York on board John Adams‑‑  Feby. 7, 1819.  Ord'd from N. York to Philadelphia on duty.  July 6th, 1819.  Permitted to go to Norfolk on duty on board Peacock, if not too full.  Sept. 20, 1819.  Report for duty on board Peacock.  Nov. 6, 1821.  Report for duty at Philadelphia.  Dec 20, 1822.  Ord'd from Philada. To Norfolk.  18 Sept. 1823.  Ord. to Phila.  Dec. 2, 1823.  Ord'd from Philada. to Peacock.  Dec. 12, 1823.  Ord'd hence to Philadelphia.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd from Philada. to Nyork to Constitution.


Sam[ue]l F[rancis]. Dupont.  Mid.  Decemb. 19th, 1815.  E.  Feby 18, 1817, order'd from Wilmington (Del.) to Philada. on board the Franklin 74.  March 2, 1820.  Report to Com. Murray for duty.  Feby 12, 1821.  Ord'd from Philada. to Boston to Alligator (revoked).  Ord'd to report to Department.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from Philadelphia to Boston to Constitution.  Report Philada. 7 Sept. 1822‑  25 Sepr. 1822.  Report Sinclair ‑ board Congress.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd from Wilmington (Del.) to Norfolk to N. Carolina 74.


 Alexander H. Edwards.  Actg. Mid.  4 March 1823.  Accepted‑May 15, 1823.  16 Oct.1823.  Ord'd to N.Y. Station.  June 23, 1824.  Report on board Constitution 


Francis B. Ellison.  Actg. Midshipman.  28 May 1819.  Appointment issued Oct. 25, 1820.  Accepted 28 October 1820.  (Born in N. York 1803.)  Nov. 21, 1820.   Report for duty on board Washington 74.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution.  June 25, 1824.  Report on board Washington 74.  May 25, 1825.  Ord'd from N. York to Norfolk to Porpoise.


 James [H.] Ferguson.  Sailing Master.  May 27th, 1814.  E.  Augt. 21, 1818.   Furloughed at Portsmouth N.H. untill [sic] further orders.  Feb. 24, 1819.  Order'd  from Newbury Port to Charlestown Ms. on duty.  April 11, 1821.  Report for duty on board Constitution.  July 19, 1824.  ab. 6 mo.  April 25, 1825.  ab. 3 mo.


 Samuel Gaillard.  Actg. Mid.  May 10, 1820.  Accepted  August 15, 1820.  S.C.  Augt. 4, 1820.  Report for duty to C.N.O. at N. York.  Augt. 23, 1820.  Report for duty on board Constitution at Boston.  Warranted Nov. 28, 1822.  March 6, 1824.    Furlough'd 12 mo.  Resignation accepted 28 January 1825.


Guert Gansevoort.  Acting Mid.  March 4, 1823.  Accepted 14 April 1823.  Oct. 16, 1824.  Ord'd from Albany to N. York to Constitution.


David Geisinger.  Lieutenant, December 9th, 1814.  Book E.  June 1st, 1818.  Order'd hence to Boston for duty. Nov. 4, 1818.  Ordered from Boston to N. York to John Adams.  June 2d, 1819.  Report to this Department. June 3d, 1819.  Report to Com. W. Bainbridge for duty.June 13, 1820.  Report for duty on board the Constitution.  Augt. 14, 1824.  Report at Boston.


F[rederick]. S. Gibbon.  Lieutenant, April 1st, 1818. Book E. Augt. 25,1818.  Order'd hence to Norfolk to await further orders‑‑  Dec. 10, 1818.  Report to Comg.Naval Off. Norfolk for duty on board Schr. Hornet‑‑ March 26, 1822.  Ord'd from Richmond Va. To Boston to Court Martial.  June 2, 1824.  Ord'd hence to N.York as super on board Ontario for Med.  Augt 2d, 1824.  Ord'd hence to Constitution (as Super).


James B. Glentworth.  Apptd. Acting Mid. 19 Aug. 1823.  6 Oct. 1823.  Warrant granted, dated, 6 April 1823.  Oct. 25, 1823.  Ord'd from Trenton (N.J.) to N.York to Ship Cyane. (accepted Oct. 9, 1823).  Nov. 15, 1823.  Report at N.York.  March 18, 1824.  Ord'd from Trenton to Norfolk to Hornet.  April 7, 1824  absence 6 weeks.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd from Trenton N.J. to N. York to Constitution.


 John Hamilton.  Mid.  July 4th, 1818.  Arch 16, 1819.  Rept to Com. Chauncey for duty. N. Y.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution.  Aug. 16, 1824.  absence 6 mo.


Andrew A[llen]. Harwood.  Mid.  Jany 1, 1818.  Acceptance April 22, 1818.  April 20, 1818.  Ord'd from Phila to St Mary's (Ga) to Brig Saranac.  March 6, 1819.  Ord'd from Phila to Boston to Ship Hornet.  The last order return'd dead letter, Feby 16, 1820.  Feby 28, 1822.  Report for duty at Philadelphia.  Dec. 30, 1822.   Ord'd from Philadelphia to Norfolk.  10 Sept. 1823.  Ord. to Philada.  March 15, 1824.   Leave absence 6 mo. July 26, 1824.  Ord'd from Phila to N. York to Constitution.


James A[rnold]. Hemphill. Actg. Midshipman.  4 March 1823.  Pct. 16, 1824.  Ord'd from Westchester, Pa. to N. York to Constitution.


Lucius C. Heylin.  Mid. Jany 1st, 1817.  E.  Sepr 9, 1817.  Order'd from Phila to Chester on board the Franklin 74.  Mov. 20, 1819.  Report to Com. Murray for duty. March 17, 1821.  Ordered from Philada. to Boston to Constitution.  Nov. 15, 1821.  Report for duty on board the Cyane at Philadelphia.  Augt. 3, 1822.      furlough'd 12 mo.  July 28, 1824.  do 3 mo.  Oct. 23, 1824.  do. 3 mo.  March 24, 1825.  Ord'd from Philadelphia to Examination.


Edward Hoban.  Actg. Mid.  1 February 1823.  Sail'd in the squadron to Thompson's Island, Augt. 21, 1823.  Report for duty at N. Yard Washington.  Sept. 1823.   Ord. To the Weazel.  Warranted 9 Dec. 1823.  Accepted 31 March 1824.  April 17, 1824.  Report at N. Yard Washington. July 26, 1824. Ord'd hence to N. York to Constitution.


A[shton] Y. Humphreys.  Purser April 25th 1812.  July 15, 1816, ordered as acting  Purser of Spark.  Feb. 12, 1821.  Ordered to Alligator at Boston.  April 24,     823.  Ordered to Macedonian.  Nov. 13, 1823.  Ordered to Peacock.


 Joseph R. Jarvis.  Mid. June 18th, 1812.  E.  May 6, 1818.  Report to Com. Bainbridge for duty on board the Guerriere.  June 12, 1819.  Remain at Boston on full Pay until the 4th October next, then report at N. York for Examination.  Feby. 8, 1820.  Report for duty on board the Constitution.  Promoted Lieut. March 23,    1820.  Com. No. 12.


John T. Jenkins.  Actg. Mid.  4 March 1823.  Warranted at Com. Porter's request, Nov. 5, 1823.  Nov. 13, 1823.  Report in N. York.  March 27, 1824.  absence one mo.  Ord'd to Spark by Capt. Evans, May 25, 1824.  July 26, 1824.  Report on board the Constitution.


William Johnson.  Gunner.  July 4th, 1817.  His Warrant sent to  him Nov. 1, 1817 on board the Congress (Norfolk).  Sept. 9, [sic]  Ordered to Report to Capn Hull for duty on board the Java‑  Octo. 6 [sic] Report to Com. Shaw at Norfolk for duty on board the Constellation.  May 9, 1820.  Furloughed for three months.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from Norfolk to Boston, the Constitution.  Died at Boston (27 Aprl 1821.  See Como. Jones letter 28 April 1821.)


Jacob Jones.  Captain.  Rank March 3, 1813.  Book E.  April 20th 1818.  Order'd to the command of the Constitution at Boston‑  Jany. 3, 1825.  Appointment of  N. commissioner confirmed.


Richard A. Jones.  Mid. June 18th, 1818.  E.  February 18, 1820.  Furloughed twelve months.  March 6, 1820. Ordered from G.Town xRoads (Md.) to Boston to  Constitution.  Jany 26, 1825.  Ord'd hence to Norfolk to Constellation.


U[riah] P[hillips]. Levy.  Lieutenant, March 5th, 1817.   See Book E.‑  March 7, 1817.   Order'd hence to Philadelphia on board the Franklin.  June 11, 1819.  Report from time to time this Dept.  Jany. 12, 1821.  Reinstated & report to this Department.April 13, 1821.  Report to Capt. Jones, to get to Med. In Constitution for duty on board Brig Spark.  March 7, 1822.  Report yourself for duty at Charleston, S.C.  10 Oct. 1822.  app. Comd. GBoat 158 ‑ Report.  Feby. 10, 1823.  Ord'd from Charleston, S.C. to Norfolk.  April 2, 1823.  Remain in Charleston, S.C. April 23, 1823.  Ord'd from Charleston S.C. by water to Norfolk. Aug. 26, 1823.   Leave absence 6 mos.  Oct. 20, 1823.  Report to the Commanding Officer of the Med. Squadron.


Edward S. Lewis.  Actg. Mid.  10 May 1820.  Conn.  Accepted 5 June 1820.  Augt. 29, 1820.  Report for duty to commanding N. Officer at N. York.  March 29, 1821.   Ordered from N. York to Boston to the Constitution.  June 24, 1822.  Report at N. York.  Warranted Dec. 19, 1822. Jany. 8, 1823.  Leave absence 3 mo.  June 23, 1824.  Report on board Constitution.


John H. Little.  Mid.  Jany. 1, 1818.  Acceptance Jany. 5, 1818.  April 11, 1818.  Report to Capt. Spence for duty on board Schr. Asp.  Oct. 28, 1818.  Ordered from Baltimore to N. York to John Adams.  Jany. 29, 1821.  Report for duty at Baltimore.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from Baltimore to Boston to Constitution.  July 11, 1823.  Report at Baltimore.  Dec. 10, 1823.  Report to Com. Porter travel allowed.  Feb. 25, 1825. absence unlimited.


John Lord.  Gunner.  June 17, 1817.  May 23, 1821.  Report for duty on board Washington 74.  Feby. 19, 1824.  Report at Portsmouth N.H. at N. Lond. [sic]Oct 14, 1824  Report on board Constitution.


Thomas Macdonough.  Captain.  Rank 11th Sepr. 1814.  See Book E.  April 22d, 1818 ordered from Portsmouth NH to Boston, to command the Frigate Guerriere.Feby. 4, 1820.  Permitted to visit his family in Connecticut. 3 Feby. 22.  Permitted to come to Washington.  March 11, 1824.  Order'd to command of 74 building at N. York.  April 2, 1824 absence unlimited.  May 31, 1824, order'd from Middletown (Ct) to N. York to Constitution.


John Marston, Jr.  Mid.  April 15, 1813.  E.  May 29, 1817.  Report to Com. Bainbridge for duty on board the Prometheus.  July 19, 1819.  Report for duty on board Constellation at Norfolk.  May 16, 1820.  Report for duty at Philadelphia.  March 28, 1821.  Ordered from Philadelphia to Boston to Constitution.  15 Oct. 1822.  Report to Philadelphia.  May 29, 1823.  Report on board Congress.


John McCarty.  Chaplain.  July 30, 1824.  (Accepted 4 Augt. 1824)  Oct. 16, 1824.   Ord'd. from Clement (N.Y.) to N. York to Constitution.


Arch[ibal]d McNeil.  Lieutenant, April 1st 1818.  E.   Sepr. 29, 1818.  Order'd hence to Boston to the Constitution.  Attached to Independence.  (See Capt. Hull's letter 16 Dec. 1819.)  Decr. 28, 1819.  Request for duty on board the Independence.Jany. 27, 1821. furloughed Six months.  Died on his passage from Boston to Charleston, March 1821.


Samuel Mercer.  Mid.  March 4th, 1815.  E.  Nov 7, 1817.      Report to E. P. Kennedy for duty on board the Alert (Norfolk).  June 25, 1819.  Report to Com. Shaw for duty on board Constellation.  Sick at Hospital Norfolk (Purser Fitzgerald).  June 2, 1820.  Report for duty on board the Constellation.  Dec. 7, 1822.  Report on  board Congress.  Dec. 14, 1822.  Report on board Porpoise.  4 Oct. 1823. leave of absence 2 mo.  Nov. 5, 1823.  Report at N. York.  Sepr. 20, 1824.  Report on board Constitution, too sick to go.  Nov. 5, 1824.  Report at N. York.


Richard D. Miller.  Actg. Midshipman.  May 10, 1820.  Accepted 22d May 1820.  July 7, 1820.  Report for duty on board Schnr Nonsuch.  Warrant granted Sept. 16, 1821.  Oct. 8, 1821.  furloughed for Six months.  Feby 18, 1822.  Report for duty on board Washington 74. May 28, 1822. Report on board Cyane.  Warranted 29 July 1823.  Capt. Spence.  Aug 4, 1823.  Report at N. York.  June 23, 1824.   Report on board Constitution.


John W[hite]. Mooers.  Actg. Midshipman.  May 10, 1820.      Accepted 22d May 1820.   Oct. 26, 1820.  Report for duty on board the Washington 74.  Feby 16, 1820.   Report for duty on board Ship Hornet.  April 8, 1822.  Report for duty at Norfolk to attend School.  March 20, 1823.  Warranted.  March 24, 1823.  Report at Norfolk.  June 12, 1823.  Leave absence granted Six months.  Dec. 24, 1823.   Extended 6 mo.  May 31, 1824. Renewed 3 mo.  July 26, 1824.  Report on board Constitution.


Henry William Morris.  Mid.  August 21st, 1819.   Acceptance August 23d, 1819.  Born in N. York (is 14 Years old).  Augt. 25, 1819.  Report to Com. Chauncey for duty.  Jany 2, 1821.  Report for duty on board Ontario at N. York.  Warrant sent  to Capt. Evans, March 31, 1824.  April 9, 1824.  Lave absence 6 mo.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd to trial on board Constitution.


Richard Hunt Morris.  Actg. Mid.  10 May 1820.  Vt.  Accepted 29 May 1820.  Feby 17, 1821.  Ord'd from Springfield, Vt, to Portsmouth, N.H. to Porpoise.       (Warrant given him 15 Dec. 1821.)  Dec. 17, 1823.  Report at N. York.  March 27, 1824.  absence 3 mo. June 8, 1824.  extended 3 mo.  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd  from Springfield, Vt. to N. York to the Constitution.


Henry W. Mower.  Actg. Mid.  1 March 1825.  March 16, 1825.  Report in Med. on board Constitution.  (Accepted 21 March 1825.)


 Henry S[tearns]. Newcomb.  Lieutenant, July 24th, 1813.   See Book E.  July 21, 1818.  Furlough twelve months at New York.  June 12, 1819.  Order'd at the expiration of his furlough to report to Com. Chauncey for duty.   June 9, 1820.  furlough for 12 months, or until health is rstored.  Jany. 30, 1821.  Report for duty at N.Port [sic] R.I.  Feby 20, 1822.  Ordered from [?] to Boston to Macedonian.  Dec. 20, 1822.  Ord'd from N.Port to Norfolk to Comm'd a schooner.  (did not get Sick) March 29, 1824.  Report at New Port.  June 29, 1824.  ab. 1 mo.  Oct. 16, 1824.    Ord'd from NewPort to N. York to get to Med. in Constitution.


Lloyd Bert[ram] Newell.  Actg. Midshipman.  May 10, 1820.  Accepted May 13, 1820.    Oct. 3, 1820.  Report for duty on board the Ontario at N. York.  Warrant granted Dec. 31, 1821.  April 24, 1824.  absence 2 mo.  June 30, 1824.  Exd.  July 26, 1824.  Ord'd hence to N. York to Constitution.


 Benjamin Page, Junr.  Lieutenant, April 27th, 1816.  Book E.  February 9, 1820.   Permitted to visit his friends in Philadelphia.  March 28, 1820.  Report for duty on the Philadelphia station.  Report [?] bd. Congress, 21 Sep 1822‑‑  April 24, 1823.    Ord'd hence to Philadelphia [?]  May 28, 1824  absence 3 mo.  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd from Philada. to [?]  N.Port to Constitution.  Sepr. 20, 1824. ab. 6 mo.  March 10, 1825 absence unlimited.


Amasa [L.] Paine, Jr.  Actg. Mid.  May 1, 1822.  Accepted May 20, 1822.  Dec. 19, 1822.  Ord'd from Troy, N.Y.to N. York to go to Norfolk in first U.S. Ship to join the Shark.  July 23, 1823.  Warranted & sent to Lt. M. C. Perry.  July 26, 1824.   Report on board the Constitution.


Jott S[tone]. Paine.  Mid.  Novemb. 9th, 1813.  E.  Feby 23, 1818‑ Furloughed 12 months.  Portland.  June 21, 1819.  Report to Co. Bainbridge for Independence.   March 17, 1821.  Report for duty on board Constitution.  June 28, 1823.  Report at N. York.  Sept. 1, 23.  Ord. to Ship [?].  16 Oct. 1823.  Ord. to N.Y. Station.   Oct. 31, 1823.  Ord'd from N. York to Washington to Porter's squadron.


Foxhall A[lexander]. Parker, [Sr.].  Lieutenant, March 9, 1813.  See Book E.  Dec 1, 1817.  Report to Capt. Cassin for duty at the Navy Yard‑  March 17, 1821. Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution.  Promoted 3 in March 1825.   May 18, 1825. Ord'd to Washington on duty.  May 26, 1825.  Ord'd hence to    Norfolk to command Porpoise.


John Pope.  Mid.  May 30th, 1816.  E.  Feby 4, 1817.  Order'd from N. York to Boston on board the Independence 74.  June 27, 1821.  Report for duty on board the Franklin 74.  Report Boston 10th Aug. 1822, when health is restored.  June 24, 1824.  Ord'd from Boston to N. York to Constitution.


Wilson Carey Purviance.  Mid.  24 February 1820.  To take effect from the 6th November 1817. been acting on board the Franklin. Nov. 7, 1820.  Leave of       absence granted.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from Baltimore to Boston to Constitution.  June 19, 1822.  Remain in Baltimore till further orders.  Died in               New York July 26th 1822.


 R[obert] B[yrd]. Randolph.  Lieutenant, April 27th, 1816.  Book E. Sepr. 18, 1816.   Order'd from Richmond (Va) to Norfolk for duty on board Schr. Nonsuch‑‑  July 11, 1820.  Report for duty on board Constitution.  July 12, 1820.  Report for duty on board Constellation. Feby. 4, 1823.  Report for duty to Norfolk.  Dec. 5, 1823.  Report to Commedar [sic] Porter.  July 26, 1824.  Report on board N.Carolina.


Hyde Ray.  Surgeon.  July 24th, 1813,  See Book E.  July 25th, 1818.  Order'd hence to Annapolis to await orders.  Oct. 11, 1819.  Ord'd from Annapolis to N. York to Cyane.  April 7, 1821.  Ordered from Annapolis to Boston to Constitution.  Dec, 6, 1822.  Ord'd from Annapolis to Norfolk to Peacock (did not go).  April 23, 1823.  Ord'd by water from Annapolis to Norfolk to Congress.  May 31, 1824.   Ord'd to Thompson's Island from Annapolis (did not go).


Wilmot F. Rodgers.  Surgeon's Mate.  July 24, 1813.  Nov. 16, 1818.  Order'd to remain on the Norfolk Station. July 14, 1819.  Report to Com. Shaw for duty on board Peacock at Norfolk.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from    Norfolk to Boston to Constitution.  June 16, 1824. detached from the Constitution.


 Thomas Hanson Saul.  Actg. Mid. 23d October 1820.  Accepted October 23d, 1820.  (Born 1804.)  La.  Oct. 23d, 1821.  Report for duty on board Washington 74, N.York.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution.   Resignation accepted November 2, 1821.


Addison Searle.  Chaplain.  27 April 1820.  N.H.  Accepted 12 June 1820.  Sepr. 29,  1820.  Report for duty on board the Frigate Constitution at Boston.  Jany. 7, 1821.  Leave of absence granted until ord'd on board Ship.  May 31, 1824.  ab. 3 mo.  2 Sept. 1821. extended 3 mos.  Dec. 8, 1824.  ab. 3. mo.  March 14, 1825.   furld 12 mo.


Thomas R. Smith.  Boatswain.  Nov. 5th, 1814.  April 19, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution. Oct. 18, 1824.  Ord'd from N. York to Norfolk to N. Carolina 74.  Duplicate 5 Nov. 1824.  Nov. 12, 1824.  Orders revoked & to remain on N.Y. station.


Waters Smith.  Actg. Surgeon's Mate.  June 5, 1820.  June 5, 1820.  Report for duty on board Ship Hornet, N. York.  31 Jany., 1822.  Senate would not confirm their [sic] appointment.  April 5, 1824.  Ord'd hence to Norfolk at the Hospital.   Confirmed by Senate May 26, 1824 (accepted 14 June 1824).  July 26, 1824.      Ord'd from Norfolk to N. York to Constitution.


G[eorge]. S. Sproston.  Surgeon.  March 27th, 1818.  Book E. Jany. 20, 1818.  Order'd hence to Baltimore on duty. Jany. 30, 1819.  Ord'd from Baltimore to     Alexandria to embark for the Mediterra. (did not go).  June 24, 1819.  Ord'd from Baltimore to Norfolk to Constellation.  June 26, 1820.  Report for duty on          board Constitution at Boston.  April 16, 1821.  Ordered from Baltimore to Boston to Constitution.  June 16, 1824.  Ord'd hence to Baltimore as Surgeon of        the Station.


P[hilip] A[ugustus]. Stockton.  Midshipman.  1 Feby 1823.   Oct. 10, 1823.  Report at Philadelphia.  Arpil 14, 1824. absence 3. mo.  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd from   Philada. to N. York to Constitution.


G[eorge] W[ashington] Storer.  Lieutenant, July 24th, 1813.  See Book E.  Oct. 21, 1817.  Order'd from Boston to Norfolk for duty on board Frigate Congress.    Sepr. 29, 1818.  Orderd hence to Boston to the Constitution‑‑  Aug. 14, 1824.   Report at Portsmouth, N.H.


John M. Sullivan.  Mid.  March 1, 1813.  E.  June 13, 1817.  Report to Capt. Evans for duty on board the Ontario.  December 6, 1819.  Report for duty on board Brig Enterprize, Capt. Kearney.  June 13, 1820. furloughed three months.  Augt. 30, 1820.  Report for duty on N. york Station.  March 17, 1821.  Order'd from N. York to Boston to Constitution.  June 21, 1822.  Report for duty at N. York.  Dec. 20, 1822.  Ord'd from N. York to Norfolk by water.  6 Dec. 1823.  Report at N. York.


 Samuel Swartwout.  Actg. Midshipman.  May 10, 1820.  Accepted 22d May 1820.‑  attached to Hornet.  Dec. 10,     1821.  Permitted to remain in N. York till Hornet  returns.  May 30, 1822.  Report on board the Cyane.  Warranted 17 Dec. 1822.   Feby. 27, 1824.  Report at Gosport.  April 11, 1824. Report on board Hornet. April 27, 1824.  Report on board the Washington 74. Oct. 16, 1824.  Report on board Constitution.


 Benj[amin M.] Tallmadge, Jr.  Mid.  Jany 24, 1815.  E.   Sepr. 29, 1818. Furlough'd Six months.  This Furlough was returned, and another sent him for twelve months dated Octr. 9 1818.  Nov. 30, 1819.  Ord'd from Littlefield (Cont.) to Present, to Columbus 74.  Augt. 28, 1821. furloughed Twelve months.  Aug. 28, 1822.   Report for duty at N.Y.  Feby. 20, 1824.  Leave absence 6 weeks & to report at N. York.  July 9, 1824.  Report as Sailg. Mast. of the Constitution.


William Taylor, [Jr.] .  Lieutenant, March 5th, 1817.  See book E. Sepr. 30, 1818.   Order'd hence to Boston, to the Constitution.  Mov. 4, 1818.  Report for duty on board the Independence 74.  Nov. 30, 1819.  Order'd from Boston to Preent [sic] to Columbus 74.  March 8, 1822.  Report for duty at Norfolk.  April 2, 1822.   Report for duty on board the Hornet.  April 23, 1823.   Report on board Congress.  April 5, 1824.  absence 2 mo.  N. C. 74.


Richard Thomas.  Carpenter.  22 Jan. 1814.  Book E.  February 2d, 1820.  Furlough'd for five months. Jan'y. 8, 1821. Remain in Baltimore until further orders.  Jan'y. 15, 1821.  permitted to return to N. York when leave absence expires [sic].  March 27, 1821.  Ordered from N. York to Boston to Constitution.


John B. Timberlake.  Purser.  April 25th, 1812.  See Book E.  June13, 1821.  Report for duty on board the Shark.  July 29, 1823.  Ord'd from N. York to settle a/c‑  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd from Trenton N.J. to N. York to Constitution.


William Turk.  Surgeon.  July 24, 1813.  Book E.  Sepr. 7, 1816.  Order'd from N. York  to White Hall, L. Champlain on duty.  Nov. 21, 1823  Ord'd from White Hall to Washington.  Dec. 27, 1823.  Report at White Hall L. C.  Sepr 26, 1824.  Ord'd from White Hall to N. York to Constitution.


 E[li] A[ugustus]. F[rederick]. Vallette.  Lieutenant,      December 9th, 1814. See Book E.   May 5, 1818.  Order'd from Norfolk to Boston, for duty on board the   Guerriere‑‑ June 5, 1819.  Report to Com. Murray for duty.  June 8, 1819.  Report to Com Murray for duty. Nov. 15, 1823.  Order'd from Philada.to Norfolk to Peacock.  Feby. 5, 1823.  Report at Norfolk.  Feby. 10, 1823.  Ord'd from Norfolk to Charleston, S.C. to Command Gun Boat 158.  Aug. 2, 1823.  Ord'd hence to Philada. on duty.  April 12, 1824.  Ord'd from Philada. to N. York to Ontario (did not go).  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd from Philada. to N. York to                         Constitution.


 James H[armon]. Ward.  Actg. Mid.  March 4, 1823.  Accepted April 10, 1823.  April 16, 1823.  Permitted to remain at Norwich (Ct) till wanted.  April 20, 1824.   Report at N. York.  Oct. 16, 1824.  Report on board Constitution.


Thomas B. Worthington.  Mid. Jany. 1, 1817.  E.  May 7, 1818.  Report to Com. Bainbridge for duty on board the Guerriere‑  June 13, 1820.  Report for duty at N. Yard Washington.  March 17, 1821.  Ordered from hence to Boston to Constitution.  Kill'd in a duel at Port Mahon on 4 February 1822 with Mid.                 Samuel Gaillard of S.C.  see letter from Com. Jones 7 Feby. 1822.


T[homas]. W. Wyman.  Lieutenant, April 27th, 1816.  See Book E.  Augt. 2d, 1816.   Order'd hence to Boston onboard Ship Congress, Capn. Morris.  Oct. 19, 1820.    Report monthly to this Department.  Oct. 27, 1820.  Report for duty on board the Washington, 74.  Jany. 22, 1821.  Report for duty at Charlestown, N.J.  Sept. 23, 1821.  Report for duty at N. yard Portsmouth N.H.  2 Sept. 1823.  Ord. to Portsmouth N.H.  June 23, 1824.  Ord'd from Portsmh, N.H. to n. York to Constitution.


Roll 4, Volume G  (September 1825 ‑ December 1831)




Roll 5, Volume H (January 1832 ‑ June 1840)


Edward C[lifford] Anderson.  23rd Novr 1834.  Novr 23rd 1834 appointed.  Feby 23d 1835 to the Constitution. March 23d report for duty at New York till other service can be assigned to you ‑ the Constitution having sailed.  He joined the Constitution on her return & Sailed in her 19 Augt '35.  May 19th 1836          Warranted.  Augt 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Octr 27th to recvg. Ship N.Yk  Decr 14th  perm. to N. School, N.Y. Feby 5th '39 leave 3 mos. June 24 '40 to Examn. at N. School, Phila.  July 16th '40 leave 3 mos.  July 23d Warranted as Pd. Midn.


Henry N. T. Arnold.  [Midshipman.]  15th March 1839.   March 23d '39 to the Constitution.


 Frederick A. Bacon.  [Midshipman.]  25th May 1832.  Septr 10th 1832 to the Schr. Porpoise.  Feby 26th 1834 Detd. from Grampus & leave 3 mos.  Mar 7th      Warranted.  May 5th to the Erie by the 20 June.  March 29th 1835 leave 3 mos.  July 29th to the Constitution her arrival [sic] in the Meditern. then to the            Shark.  May 8th '37 leave 3 mos.  Augt 12th '37 leave 3 mos.  Novr 7th '37 perm. to N. School, N. Yk.  Mch 3d '38 leave 3 mos.     May 4th to Examn.  June 14th '38 to the Experiment.  June 28th Warranted as Passd. Midn. from 23d June '38. July 12th '38 to the Ex. Expedn.


Silas Bent.  [Midshipman.]  1st July 1836.  July 1st 1836 appointed.  Septr 3d to the West India Squadron.  Sept 16th '37 Warranted.  Novr 23d 1838 perm. to N. School, N.Yk.  Jany 25th '39 to the Constitution.


John M. Berrien.  [Midshipman.]  1st Mar 1825.  July 27th 1833 detached from the Shark  & leave 3 mos.  Octr 29th  leave 3 mos.  Feby 23d 1835 to the Constitution as 2d Master.  July 29th detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Octr 30th leave 3 mos.  June 1st 1836 to the Ordinary at Norfolk.  Promoted to be a Lieut. from 9th  Febry 1837.


 Charles Crillon Barton.  [Midshipman.]  1st Decr 1824.  Jany 31st 1832 to Examination.  June 30th  Schr.Experiment.  Augt. 24th [?] Leave 3 mos.  Novr 5th permit to attend NYk schook.  Apl 3d 1833 to examn.  July 19th to the Vandalia.  Feby 24th 1834  Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 & No. 64.  Decr 11th to the Recg Ship Philada.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  Mar 2d 1835 previous orders revoked.  March 6th to the Constitution.  Apl 25th '37 leave 3 mos.  Augt. 1st '37 leave 3 mos.   Sept 7th to the N. Yd. Phila.  Sept. 12th '37 previous order revoked.  Apl 18th '38 to Expermt. in Coast Survey.  Novr 10th leave 1 mo.  Octr 25th '39 to Recvg. Ship at N.Yk.


William Boerum.  [Lieutenant.]  5th March 1817.  July 15th  1833 detd. from Comd. of Shark when convenient to quit her, & leave 3 mos.  Decr. 23d leave 3 mos.  July 31st 1835 to the Constitution.  appointed to the command of the Shark about the 24th Decr. 1835‑  March 6th  1837 promoted to be a Commdr. rfom 9th Feby '37.


Thomas J. Boyd.  [Surgeon.]  10 July 1824.  June 21st 1832     Rept. for Naval Ship Yard Washington.  (Was at Yard at the time.)  June 30th  1834 detached from Washington Yard and await orders.  Feby 20th 1835 to the Constitution.  Feby 24th to New York to join the Constitution.  June 27th leave from the           Constitution one mo.  July 23rd leave extanded to the 14th Augt.  Augt. 24th appointed Fleet Surgeon in the Mediterranean.  May 31st 1836 permission to            return to the U. States in the frigate Potomac.  Novr 29th leave 3 mos.  Octo 18th '37 to the Pennsylvania tempy.  Decr 1st '37 detd. fr. the Pennsylvania. Jany 29th '38 to N. Hoptl. N. Yk.  Died 26 March 1839.


Thomas W. Brent.  [Lieutenant.]  3d March 1835.  July 31st     1835 take passage in the Constitution for duty in the Shark.  June 2d '37 leave 6 mos. from expiration of cruize [sic] of Constitn. if he can be spared.  Novr 13th '37  leave 6 mos. fr. going into winter quarters.  Octo 22d leave extd. to 1 June. 


Isaac Brinkerhoff.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  1st July 1829.  Augt 26th 1833 on 1st Septr consider himself detached from Schr. Shark & leave 3 mos.  Decr 3d leave 3 mos.   March 6th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Septr 23d to the Examn.  Passed.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 29th detd. from Constitution & leave 3 mos.  March 4th 1836 to the Hospital at Norfolk.  Novr 8th to the North Carolina.  March 22d '38    Promoted to be a Surgeon from 20th Feby 1838.


James Edwin Brown. [Midshipman.]  1st Decr 1827.  Febry 20th 1832 Leave 6 weeks.   Augt 20th to the Sloop Vandalia.  Apl 30th 1833 permisson to attend Norfolk School & notified as to Examination.  Mar 14th 1834 to the Examn.  May 20th leave 3 mos.  June 17th to the     John Adams.  May 5th '37 leave 3 mos.  Novr 4th '37 to the Fulton.  Apr 17, '37 [sic: '38] previous order revoked.  Apl 26th '38 to the Cyane. & to Receivg Ship at Boston.  May 20th '39 Sailed in the Constitution  for the Pacific ‑ order not recorded.


Franklin Buchanan.  [Lieutenant.]  13 Jany 1825.  March 6th 1832 Leave 3 mos.  July 3d  leave 3 mos.  Jany 3d 1833 to the Phila Rendez.  Feby 21st to the Delaware 74.   Decr 23rd 1835 leave 3 mos.  August 25th 1836  Report for duty on testing medium guns.  Nov 18th relieved from the duty assigned to him under the order of 25 Augt. & wait orders.  Mar. 6th 1837 to Comd. Of Recvg. vessel Balto.  March 5th 1839 hold y'rself in readiness for orders as Flag Lieut. to           Pacific Squadn.  April 27th '39 detach'd fr. Recvg. vessel, N. Yk & to Constitution as "Flag Lieut."  June 17th '40 leave 3 mos.


McKean Buchanan.  [Purser.]  21 August 1826.  February 4th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Apl 4th to the Navy Yd Phila.  Feby 3d 1835 leave from the Phila. Yard for 3 mos.  August 3d to the Pensacola Navy Yard.  Sept 23d '37 dtd. fr.N.Yd. Pensacola when relieved & w. o.  Jany 18th '39 to the Constitution.


 Edward W. Carpender.  [Lieutenant.]  13 Jany 1825.  May 19th 1832 Sentence of Ct. Ml. suspending him for six mos. from 1st March is approved &c.  Sept 3d Leave 2 mos.  Augt. 1st 1833 to the Rendezvous at Boston.  Jany 26th 1835 appointment by Como. Elliott to be 1st Lt. of Navy Yard Boston Confirmed.  Octo 17th '37 leave 3 mos.  Apl 31st '38 proceed to Europe in the Great Western.  Augt 1st '38     Rept. for duty connected with Light Houses, to Secy. of Try.  Jany 16th '39 to the Constitution.


George Clymer, [Jr.].  [Assistant Surgeon.]  1st July 1829.  July 16th 1832 leave 9 mos. when the Brandywine is ready to return to the U. States.  July 11th 1833 leave 3 mos. having retd. in the Brandywine.  Augt 2d leave 12 mos. with permission to visit Europe.  Apl 11th 1834 former leave extended 6 mos.  Decr 21st 1835 to the Examn. Feby 4th 1836 to the Recg. Ship New York.  May 4th to Meditn. as passenger in the frigate U. States for duty in the Sloop Jno Adams.  Augt 12th '37 leave 6 mos. fr. Expirn. of cruise of Constitution.  March 22d 1838 Promoted to be a Surgeon from 26th Feby '38.


John Colhoun.  [Lieutenant.]  27 May 1830.  Octr 15th 1832  Leave 3 mos.  Jany 23d 1833 ordered to the Vandalia by Como. Henley.  Sept. 20th detached from Vandalia & leave 3 mos.  July 21st 1835 to the Constitution. March 27th '38 leave 3 mos.  Octo 19th '39 to the Recvg. Ship at N.Yk.


James W[allace]. Cooke.  [Midshipman.]  1st April 1828.   Feby 3d 1832 Warranted.   March 13th Leave to 3d Apl next. April 29th 1833 to the Natchez.  Decr 14th leave 2 mos.  Mar 14th 1834 to the Examn.  May 31st leave 3 mos. June 17th to the John Adams.  June 28th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834.  Septr  3d order of 17th June last revoked.  Octr 1st leave 3 mos.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  Jany 25th '39 to the Warren.  Feby 18th '39 detchd. fr. the Warren & report to Dept. in person.  Febry 25th return to Norfolk & resume duties in the Warren.


George Cooper.  [Midshipman.]  August 4th 1837.  August 4th 1837 appointed.  PS If you accept of this appointment, report to Como. Dallas for duty on the West India Station.  July 17th '38 Waranted.  Nov 26th leave 3 mos.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution.


 Henry Darcantel.  [Midshipman.]  1st April 1826.  Jany 31st 1832 to Examn.  March 2d    Warranted.  Apl 10th   Leave 2 mos.  June 1st Warranted as Passd. midn. To bear date 28th Apl 1832.  Decr 9th to Sloop St. Louis in W. I.  Feby 20th 1834 leave 3 mos.  June 4th to the West India Squadron.  Augt 14th 1834 leave from Vandalia one mo.  Augt 25th detd. from the Vandalia & leave 3 mos.  Novr 28th leave 3 mos.  July 29th 1835 to the Constitution.  Promoted to be a Lieut. from 8th March 1837.


John A. Davis.  [Lieutenant.]  27 Feby 1833.  March 12th 1833 may remain attached to the Ordinary at Norfolk.  April 3d leave by Com. Warrington extended one week.    Augt 5th to the Vincennes.  Septr 6th previous order revoked & ordered to the Schr Shark.  Octr 10th join the Meditrn. Squdn. at own expense.  Novr 25th 1834 leave 3 mos.  July 31st 1835 take passage in the Constitution for duty in the John Adams.  Novr 12th '38 leave 3 mos.  May 22d '39 to Steamer Poinsett. Feby 21st '40 leave 3 mos.  April 3d '40 to Special duty under comd of Capt. M. C. Perry.  May 26th detachd. fr. Special Service & leave 3 mos.


John A. Dickason [sic: Dickerson].  [Carpenter.]  13 Decr 1825.  March 6, 1832 Navy Yard, Boston.  Augt 8th leave 3 mos. then rept. at Portsm. N.H.  Decr 24th transferred from the Ordinary to the Yard at Portsmt. N..H.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  June 25th  detached from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Septr 28th leave 3 mos. Jany 4th 1836 leave 3 mos.  April 29th leave 3 mos. Augt 2d to the Ordinary at Charlestown, Masstts.


Percival Drayton.  [Midshipman.]  1st Decr 1827.  Decr 7th 1832 Leave 3 mos.  Apl 3d 1833 to Examn.  June 4th 1833 to the Recg Ship Phila.  July 2d leave 3 mos.   July 12th Warranted as Passed Midn. from 10th June 1833.  Novr 26th Furlough 12 mos.  July 24th 1835 to the Constitution.  March 19th '38 Promoted to be a Lieutenant from 28 February 1838.


James F. Duncan. [Midshipman.]  12th Novr 1825.  Jany 31, 1832 to Examn.  Feby 27th leave 3 mos.  June 1st Warranted as Passd. Midn. to bear date 28th day of Apl 1832.  Octr 25th to Norfolk Yard.  June 3d 1833 to the Delaware 74.  June 20th previous order revoked & leave 12 mos.  Novr 9th Warranted a Passd. Midn. to take rank from 4th June 1834 & next after Jno J. Glasson.  Novr 8th report to com. Warrington for duty at Norfolk.  Novr 29th leave 3 mos.  Feby 23d 1835 to the Constitution.  July 3d leave, granted by Como. Elliott, extended one mo.  July 29th detd. From Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Novr 6th leave 3 mos. Mar 10th  1836 to the Navy Yard Norfolk.  May 25th detd. from Navy Yd. Norfolk & leave 3 mos.


 Daniel Egbert. [Assistant Surgeon.]  22d Augt 1829.  March 27th 1833 detached from the Hospt. at Norfolk & leave 3 mos.  May 6th 1834 to the Enterprize.  May 21st previous order revoked.  Septr 22d to the Examn.  Passed.  July 31st 1835 take passage in the Constitution for duty in the Shark.  March 22d '38  Promoted to be a Surgeon from 20th Feby 1838.


 Frank Ellery.  [Lieutenant.]  28 March 1820.  Feby 2d 1832  Leave 3 mos.  Feby 15 Rendez. Boston.  July 26th 1834 detd. from Rendez. & leave 3 mos.  Octr 30th leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  June 26th    detd. from the Constitution.  Octr 31st 1836 to the Rendez. New York.  Novr. 20th'39 to Comd. of the Enterprize.


Jesse D. Elliott.  {Captain.]  27 March 1818.  July 27, 1832 leave 3 mos.  Octr. 4th to Command the Chaston (S. Ca.) station.  April 24th  1833 appointed to Comd. of Charlestown (Mass) Yard & Station from 1st of May.  Feby 28th  1835 Detached from Comd. of Boston Yard &c. and appointed to Comd. the Frigate Constitution.  Augt. 5th appointed to succeed Como. Patterson in Comd. of the Meditern Squadron.  Augt. 4th  1838 leave 3 mos.  July 6th  40 Suspended for 4 years.


Henry Etting.  [Purser.]  7th Novr 1826.  Augt 15th 1832  Leave 6 weeks,  Septr 19th Leave 2 mos. from 26th inst.  Mar 1st 1834 to the Navy Yard Boston.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 9th from Constitution on reporting of a successor & leave one mo.  Novr 11th leave one mo.  Novr 26th to the Baltimore Station.  April 6th '37 to Navy Yd. Phila.  Sept 23d '37 to the N.Yd. Pensacola.  Novr 12th 38 detchd. from N.Yd.Pensacola (when another reports) & to the Constitution.  Feby 5th '39 previous order revoked.  March 2d '40 leave 3 mos.  May 20th leave 2 mos. fr. 2d June.


James Everett.  [Chaplain.]  28th Decr 1816.  June 28th  1833 to the Navy Yard Charlestown Masstts.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 30 1835 leave from the Constitution one mo.  Died 12th of April 1837.  See letter of Como. Elliott of 22d April 1837.


 Daingerfield Fauntleroy.  [Purser.]  7th July 1834.  July 7th 1834 appointed & commissioned.  March 30th 1835 commission confirmed &c.  July 21st 1835 take passage in the Constitution for duty in the Shark.  March 23d '37 leave 3 mos.  Apl 25th '37 leave 3 mos.  July 28th  '37 leave 2 mos.  Sept 27th '37 to the J.Adams.June 24th '40 leave 3 mos.


James Ferguson.  [Sailing Master.]  27 May 1814.  June 30th 1834 detached from the Phila Yard & report by 1st Septr for duty in the Potomac.  July 5th previous order to the Potomac revoked & leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th  1835 to the Constitution.  July 6th leave from the Constitution one month.  July 29th will                 regard himself detd. from the Constitution pn 6th Augt & waitg. orders.  July 30th to the Navy Yard at New York on the 6th Augt.  May 27th 1836 leave one mo. from 1st June.   Octr 10th to the Navy Yard Philadelphia.  Augt 14th to N.Asylum, Phila.  June 4th '40 to Recvg. Ship at Norfolk.


William B. Finch.  [Captain.]  21st Febry 1831.  Named altered to William Compton Bolton in conformity to Act of Congress approved 14 Jany 1833.  Apl. 10th  1832   Leave 12 mos.  May 14th  1833 leave 6 mos. from the 1st instant.  October 24th 1835 Appointed to command the Navy Yard at Pensacola.  July 11th  '38, leave extended 2mos.  Novr. 9th  '38 to Com'd of the Constitution.  May 20th  '39 to Comd. of the Brandywine.


 Victor L. Godon.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  23d Feby 1835. March 13th 1835 Commissioned No. Four to rank from the 23d of Feby 1835.  July 25th to the Constellation.  July 29th previous order revoked & ordered to the Constitution.  Novr 12th '38 leave 3 mos.  April 2d '39 to N. Asylum, Phila.  May 15th transfd. to N. Yard at Phila. when another report[s].


 Francis [S.]Hagerty.  [Midshipman.]  17 Feby 1832.  March     28th 1832 to the Experiment.  Jany 8th 1833 Warranted.  April 29th 1833 detd. from Experiment & leave 3 mos.   June 28th Leave 1 mo.  July 16th to the [?] by the 1st Octr.  July 18th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Octr 30th leave 2 mos.  Jany 3d 1835 to the Navy Yard Philada.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  March 27th '38 leave 3 mos.  May 4th '38 to Examn.  June 23d leave 1 mo.  July 21st leave 1 mo.  Augt 6th '38 to Rendezvous,  Phila.  Sept 21st to Receivg. Ship at Phila.  Jany 25th '39 to the Constitution.   Feby 18th '39 detachd. from Constitution & report in person to the Dept.   Febry 26th return to Norfolk & resume duties in the Constitution.


John N. Hambleton.  [Purser.]  26 May 1824.  Oct 29th 1833  leave 3 mos.  July 9th 1835 to the Frigate Constitution.  Augt 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Decr 20th  '39 Balto. Station.


Henry H. Harrison.  [Midshipman.]  September 21st 1837.   September 21st 1837 appointed.  Sept 25th '37 to Ex. Expdtn.  March 11th '38 transfrd. to the Levant.    Novr 26th detchd. fr. Concord "w. o."  Jany 23d '39 to the Constitution.


Andrew A. Harwood.  [Lieutenant.]  3rd Mar 1827.  March 19th 1832 to the Schr. Experiment.  Apl 10th Leave 1 mo. from Experiment.  May 11th Leave extended 10 days.  May 26th order to Expert. revoked.  May 30th to Meditrn. in Frigt. U. States for duty in Squadron &c. Aug 27th 1833 leave 3 mos.  June 10th 1834 to the Erie.   June 19th Furlough one year.  July 31st 1835 take passage in the Constitution for duty in the Shark in the Meditn.  Jany 25th '38 leave 3 mos.  Apl 30th  '38 leave 3 mos.  Sept 18th '39 to the U. States.  Sept 27th previous order revoked & leave 3 mos.  Jany 18th '40 leave extd. 2 months.  Apl 3d '40 to special duty under Capt. M. C. Perry.


Charles W. Hays.  [Midshipman.]  March 12th 1838.  March 12th 1838 appointed.  Apl  16th to W. Inda. Squadn. Decr 4th detachd, fr. Concord & w. o.  Decr 6th to Recvg. Ship at Boston.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution.


James L. Henderson.  [Midshipman.]  1st June 1828.  Jany 10th 1832 Warranted.  Apl  14th Leave 3 mos.  June 30 permit to attend Norfolk School.  Septr 24th permission to report at Mr. Hass for superinting. the survey of the Coast.  July 16th 1833 permission to attend the Naval School at Norfolk. Mar 14th 1834 to  the Examn.  June 20th leave 3 mos.  June 25th   Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 & No.18.  Septr 19th leave 3 mos.  Decr 11th to the Boston Yard.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 30th detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Mar 10th 1836 to Norfolk Yard.  Novr 5th  to the North Carolina.    July 2d '39 leave 3 mos.  Sept 6th '39 to Rendezs. at Norfolk.  Augt 1st '40 commisd.a Lieut. fr. 6th July '40 and dated fr. Rendezs. at Norfolk.


Francis P. Hoban.  [Midshipman.]  28th Apl 1831.  May 27th    1834 leave 3 mos.  Septr  4th leave one mo.  Septr 24th    to the Schr. on Survey of the Coast.  March 4th 1835  to the Constitution.  June 29thdetd. from the   Constitution & leave 3 mos.  July 25th to the Constellation.  Apl 20th '37 to the Examn.  Augt 31st  '37 Resign. accepted.


Bushrod W[ashington]. Hunter.  [Midshipman.]  1st Novr 1827.  May 7th 1832 Leave 3 mos.  Augt 11th permit to attend Norfolk School.  Octr 20th Report for duty at Norfolk Yard. Novr 22d Previous order revoked.  Apl 3d 1833 to Examn.  May 17th Leave 1 mo. June 18th Leave 2 mos. July 12th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from the 10th June 1833.  Aug 19th leave 2 mos.  June 12th 1834 leave 2 mos.  Augt 18th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Septr 24th  to the Schr. on Survey of the Coast.  June 18th 1835 detd. from the Survey & leave 2 mos.  Augt 11th to the Constitution.  March 19th '38 Promoted to be a Lieutenant from 28th February 1838.


Ben[jamin] F. B. Hunter.  [Midshipman.]  20th Augt 1835.  August 20th 1835 appointed.Novr 12th to the Warren.  Octr 10th '37 Resign. accepted.  March 22d '39   Re‑instated & hold in readiness for active service.  March 28th '39 to the Constitution (at Norfolk).  April 11th to the Constitution at N.Yk.


Charles [G.] Hunter.  [Midshipman.]  25th Apl 1831.  May 27th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Septr 3d leave one mo.  Octr 9th leave one mo.  Octr 2d 1834 Warranted.  Novr 4th     1834 leave 6 mos. with permission to rept. within that period to the Commdr. of the Brazilian Squadron for duty ‑ didn't rept.  July 29th '35 to the    Constitution.  Feby 22d 1836 leave 3 mos.  June 21st to the Recg. Ship at N. Yk.   Didn't report under last order ‑ was sick.  Augt 23d to the New York yard.  Mar 10th 1837 detd. from duty at Yard & permit to attend School at N.Yd.  Apl 20th '37 to the Examn.  June 5th  '37 to Coast of Brazil.  June 13th '37 previous order revoked & leave 6 mo. from U. States.  June 22d '37 apptd. Passd. Midn. fr. 15th  June '37.  Augt 18th '37 to Lexington & on arrival at Brazil rept. for duty there.  Sept 4th '37 to Rio Janeiro [sic], under previous order, at own expense.  July 9th '39 leave 3 mos.  July 12th leave will be extd. if requisite.   Octr 22d to Recvg. Vessel at Phila.


 Samuel Jackson.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  20th  June 1838.  Jany 23d '29 [sic:'39] to the Constitution.


J. Hurley Jenkins.  [Midshipman.]  25th Novr 1834.  Novr 25th 1834 appointed.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  May 7th 1836 Warranted.  Augt 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Decr 6th to the Macedonian.  May 23d '39 leave 1 mo.  June 27th to N.Yk. station.  Novr 13th to  N. School, Phila.  June 24th '40 to Examn. at N.School, Phila.  July 21st leave 1 mo.  July 23d Warranted as Pd. Midn.


Richard A. Jones.  [Lieutenant.]  28th April 1826.  Augt 6th 1834 to the Potomac.  March 8th 1837 leave 3 mos.  March 20th '37 to Rendez. Balto.  Jany 25th '39 to the Constitution.  March 4th '39 detach'd fr. the Constitution & "w. o."  April 27th to Rendez. at Balto temporarily.


 Daniel Kelly.  [Gunner.]  29 Octr 1829.  Augt 15, 1832  Leave 6 weeks.  Being only an acting Gunner his name was left off the Register for the year 1834.  March 29th 1836 appoiinted Acting Gunner and ordered to the Grampus.  June 16th '38 leave 1 mo.  July 20th leave extd. 1 mo.  Jany 23d 1939 to the Constitution.  March 11th detchd. fr. Constitution & w. o.  June 22d to Steamer Poinsett.  March 17th '40, detchd. fr. the Poinsett & leave 3 mos.


 James B. Lewis.  [Midshipman.]  31st March 1831.  May 27th 1834 leave 3 mos.  June 18th Warranted.  July 12th leave 3 mos. from 27th Augt.  Novr 28th leave 3 mos.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  June 27th detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Octr 2d 1835 leave 3 mos.  Jany 6th 1836 leave 3 mos.  Apl 9th leave one mo.  Apl 20th '37 to the Examn.  June 10th '37 leave 1 mo.  June 22d '37    Apptd. Passd. Midn. fr.15th June '37.  July 15th '37 leave 2 mos.  Sept 21st  '37 to Schr. Active.


Montgomery Lewis.  [Midshipman.]  1st Nov 1828.  July 27th 1832 leave 6 weeks from Sloop Fairfield.  Augt 31st detd. from Fairfield & leave 3 mos.  Novr 24 leave 3 mos.  March 27th 1833 to Recg, Ship Phila.  July 9th detd. from Recg. Ship & leave 2 mos.  Septr 11th permission to attend the Naval School at Norfolk.  March 14th 1834 ti the Examn.  May 29th leave 3 mos.   June 28th Warranted as Pass. Midn. from 14th June 1834 & No. 41.  Septr 8th leave 3 mos.  Decr 12th to Recg. Ship Phila.  Decr 18th previous order revoked.  March 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  Feby 14th '38 leave 6 mos. Mch. 20th '38 leave 3 mos.  July 17th to Rendezvous, Phila.  Octr 22d to the Consort.  May 23d '39 leave 1 mo.  Octr 23d to the Flirt.


Nath[anie]l C. L'Hommedieu.  [Sail Maker.]  16th Feby 1835.  Feby 16th 1835 appointed Acting Sail Maker and ordered to the Constitution.  Augt. 4th '38 leave 3 mos.   Novr 19 leave extd. 1 mo.  July 25th '39  Resignation accepted.


Richard H. Lowndes.  [Midshipman.]  25th June 1831.  Novr 10th 1832  Warranted.  Apl  19th [?] 1834 leave 3 mos.  Augt 5th leave 3 mos.  Novr 11th leave 3 mos.  Feby  17th 1835 leave 3 mos.  Augt 12th to the Constitution.   Septr 4th previous order revoked & ordd. to the Constellation.  March 15th 1836 leave 3 mos.  Apl 20th '37 to the Examn.  June 13th '37 to the Falmouth. June 22d apptd. Passd. Midn. fr. 15th June '37.  June 29th '37 previous order revoked.  Septr 23d '37 to the Columbia.  Novr 20th '37 detd. from the Columbia & leave 1 mo.  Decr 28th '37 furlough 6 mos. Sept 13th  '38 to the Ohio.  March 16th '40 leave 3 mos.  June 12th Furlough 1 yr.


 John H. McIntosh Madison.  [Midshipman.]  December 23d     1837.  December 23d 1837 appointed.  Jany 22d '38 to the Porpoise.  March 1st '38 to the Levant.  Novr 1st leave 1 mo.  Decr 3d to N. Yd. Norfolk.  Jany 25th '39 to the Constitution.  June 19th '40 leave 3 mos.  Augt 10th Warranted.


John N[ewland] Maffitt.  [Midshipman.]  25th Febry 1832.  Augt 8th 1832. to the St. Louis.  July 25th 1833 Warranted.  Jany 30th 1834 leave 3 mos.  May 7th leave  2 mos. Septr 18th to the Boston Yard.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  Mch  27th '38 leave 3 mos.  May 5th to Examn,, 28th inst.  June 23d leave 1 mo.  June 28th Warranted as Passd. Midn. from 23d June '38.  Augt 4th leave 2 mos.  Octr 26th to Govt. Packt Woodbury.


John Siffrein Maury.  [Midshipman.]  February 19th 1838.   February 19th 1838   appointed.  Mach 17th '38 to the Levant.  Novr 7th  Warranted.  Jany 14th '39 to the Constitution.


Charles D. Maxwell.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  Sept 6th 1837.  Octo 7th '37 Commissd. fr. 6th Sept '37.  Feby 13th '38 to the Fulton.  Octo 18th detchd. from steamr.Fulton when another reports.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution.


George M.McCreery.  [Midshipman.]  1st Novr 1827.  Feby    20th 1832 to Norfolk Yard School.  July 27th leave till 1st Septr.  Septr 3d permit to attend Norfolk School.   Apl 3d 1833 to Examn.  June 11th Leave 3 mos.  July 12th Warranted as Passed Midn. from the 10th June 1833.  July 29 to the Shark.  Augt 5th previous order revoked.  Sept 13th leave 3 mos.  Decr 13th leave till 20th Jany next.  Jany 24th 1834 to Norfolk for duty in first vessel that sails.  Apl 21st 1835 leave 3 mos. on the return of the Grampus to Pensacola.  Octr 17th   Leave 3 mos.  March 24th '37 to the Fairfield.  April 3d Previous order revoked.  June 23d '38 to the Rendezvous, Norfolk.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution as Actg. Master.  Jany 8th 1840 promoted to be a Lieut. fr. 3d March '39.


William A. McCrohan.  [Midshipman.]  March 2nd 1838.   March 2nd 1838 appointed.  May 25th '38 to the W. Indies.  Octr 29th to Recvg. Ship at Boston.  Jany 23d '39 to the Constitution.  June 19th '40 leave 3 mos.


John Peter McFarland.  [Midshipman.]  December 8th 1837.  December 8th 1837   appointed.  Jany 9th '38 to the Erie.  Feby 24th '38 to the Levant.  Octr 1st leave 1 mo.  Novr 6th leave extd. 1 mo.  Jany 23d '39 to the Constitution.


John F. Mercer.  [Midshipman.]  1st Octr 1828.  Octr 29th 1833 leave 3 mos.  Mar 14th 1834 to the Examn.  June 25th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 & No. 60.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 2d detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Reported at New Yk. Yard under "Genl Order" of 15th Novr 1833.  May 5th 1836 to the Schr. Experiment on coast Survey.  Novr 15th '37 leave 3 mos.  March 12th '38 to the Experimt. on coast Survey.  March 21st '40 detchd. fr. coast Survey & "w. o."  June 10th to Steamer Fulton.


Edward Middleton.  [Midshipman.]  1st July 1828.  Jany 6, 1832 Leave 2 mos.  Augt 8, 1832 to the Vandalia.  July 19th 1833 detd. from the Vandalila & leave 3 mos.  March 14th 1834 to the Examn.  June 12th leave 3 mos.  June 25th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 & No. 40.  Septr 18th leave 3 mos.  July 13th 1835 to the Constitution.  March 22d 1836 leave 12 mos. when cruise of the Constitution is ended &c.  Sept 1st '37 furlough 12 months.  Augt 4th '38 leave 3  mos.  March 28th '39 to the N.Yd. N.Yk.  Octr 1st to the Marion.


John B[errien] Montgomery.  [Lieutenant.]  1st April 1818.        March 6, 1832 Leave 3 mos.  June 13th leave 3 mos.  Jany 3d 1833 to Phila. Rendezvous  Augt. 5th to the Rendez at New York.  Feby 14th 1835 to the  Constitution.  July 31st detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Mar 9th 1837 to Comd. Recg. Ship Boston.   June 1st '39 detchd. fr. Recvg. Ship at Boston.  June 18th '39 leave 3 mos.  Jany 8th '40 promoted to be Comdr. fr. 9th Decr 1939.


William T. Muse. [Midshipman.]  1st June 1828.  March 6, 1832 Leave 1 Mo.  May 9th  Warranted.  Jany 25th 1833 leave 3 mos.  May 6th to the Nofolh Yard.  Novr 16th leave 3 mos.  Mar 14th 1834 to the Examn.  May 17th leave 3 mos.  June 25th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 & No. 24.  Septr 9th leave 3 mos.  Decr 3d leave 3 mos.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  Jany 25th '38 permit to return to the U.S.  Augt. 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Novr 23d leave extd.1 mo.   Janry 5th '39 to N.Yd. Norfolk.  July 17th to Steamer Fulton.


 Frederick A. Neville.  [Lieutenant.]  17 May 1828.  July 27th 1832 leave from Fairfield 6 weeks.  July 19th 1833 detd. from the Vandalia & leave 3 mos.  Octr 18th leave 3 mos.  Jany 18th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Apl 19th leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.  Decr 17th 1836 leave 3 mos.  May 14th '38 to the Erie.  May 29th '38 previous order revoked.  Octr 16th to the Macedonian.


Gustavus Newman.  [Gunner.]  6th September 1836.  Septr 6th 1836 Appointed an Acting Gunner and ordered to the Brig Dolphin.  Septr 19th previous order revoked &  noted for explg. expedn.  April 4th '37 to Macedonian. Decr 7th detchd. from the Macedonian & w. o.  Decr 31st '38 to the Brandywine.  March 11th '39 transfd. to the Constitution.


William Edwin Newton.  [Midshipman.]  24 Sepr 1832.  Septr 24th 1832 to the Sloop St. Louis.  July 27th 1833  Warranted.  Augt 11th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Novr 18th leave 3 mos.  Feby 27th 1835 to the Constitution.  Augt 12th detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Novr 19th leave 3 mos.  Novr 26th previous leave of the 17th revoked & obey "Genl. Order" of 25th Novr 1833.  May 5th 1836 to the Schr. Experiment on Coast Survey.  Novr 14th leave 3 mos.  March 30th '37 to Recvg. Ship N. Yk.  July 24th '37 to the Ontario.  May 4th '38 to Examn.  Augt 18th '38 to the Steamer Fulton.  Augt 28th prevs. order revoked.  June 15th '39  Struck from the Roll.


William C. Nicholson.  [Lieutenant.]  3rd Mar 1821.  Decr 10th 1832 Leave 3 mos.   March 12th 1833 to the Balto. Rendez.  Septr 29th 1834 detd. from Balto. Station & leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.   Feby 23d previous order modified ‑ join the Constitution at NY.  July 21st detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Septr 6th 1836 to the North Carolina 74 by 1st Octr.  Febry 13th '40 leave 3 mos.


 Frederick Oakes, [Jr.].  [Midshipman.]  8 May 1832.  Septr 11th 1832 to the Sloop St. Louis.  July 25th 1833  Warranted.  Augt 4th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Novr 4th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.   June 25th leave 3 mos. with permission to rejoin the Constitution (didn't rejoin her).  Septr 28th leave 3 mos.  Feby 3d 1836 to the Receiving Ship New York.  Apl 26th to the Schr. Experiment on Coast Survey.  Novr 14th leave 3 mos.  March 30th '37 to Recvg. Ship N. York.  May 1st '37 Resign. accepted.


 George F[rederick]. Pearson.  [Lieutenant.]  13 Jany 1825.       Febry 21st 1832 Leave 3 mos.  May 20, 1833 to the Navy Yard, Boston.  June 5th 1834 detd. from Boston Yard & leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution  June 27th leave from the Constitution one mo.  Apl 6th '38 N. Yd. Portsmth.  Mch 26th '38 leave 3 mos.


Nathaniel B. Peed.  [Sail Maker.]  22 Octr 1823.  Apl 24th 1832 to Frigt. U. States.  July 11th 1833 leave 3 mos.  May 15th 1834 to the Erie.  Sept 20th '37 leave 3 mos.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution.


Reuben R. Pinkham.  [Lieutenant.]  3 Mar 1827.  Permission to go aboard the Whaling Ship Corinthian in the Pacific ‑ see Como. Downes' letter of 10th Augt. 1833.   July 24th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Novr 4th leave 3 mos.  Feby 11th 1835 leave 3 mos.  May 19th Leave 3 mos.   Augt. 25th leave 3 mos.  Decemr 9th 1835 leave 3 mos.   June 28th 1836 to the Navy Yard Boston.  July 23d proceed to NYork by 4 Augt. and report to Capt. Thos ap Catesby Jones for enlistment of men for the exploring expedition.  Apl 26th '37 previous order revoked [?].  May 24th '37 leave 3 mos.  July 27th '37 to the Recvg Ship at Gosport.  March 24th  '39 detd. from the Receing Ship at Norfolk & leave 3 mos.  July 7th '38 leave 3 mos.  Jany 24th '39 to the Constitution.


William C. Bolton S. Porter.  [Midshipman.]  29th June 1835.  June 29th 1835 appointed.Augt 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Sept 20th to Recvg. Vessel Balto.  Febry 1st '39 to the Constitution.


Levin M[ynn]. Powell.  [Lieutenant.]  28th April 1826.   March 23d 1832 Leave 3 mos.   Augt. 20th 1832 to the Schr. Porpoise.  Septr 16th Previous order revoked.   Octr 22d to the Schr Porpoise; didn't go.  Decr 4th to the Sloop Natchez.  Apl 20th 1833 detached from Natchez & Leave 3 mos.  Augt 6th leave one mo.  Augt 9th leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.   Feby 23d previous order modified ‑ join the vessel at N.Y. Augt. 4th 1835 detd. from Constitution & leave 3 mos.   Septr 16th 1835 to the West Indies for duty.   Apl. 25th '37 leave 3 mos.


George W[ythe]. Randolph.  [Midshipman.]  31st March 1831.  May 24th 1832    Warranted.  May 29th Leave 12 mos.  Augt 23d 1833 to the Vandalia.  Augt 14th 1834 leave from the Vandalia one mo.  Septr 30th detached from the Vandalia & permit to attend Norfolk School.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  August 1st 1836 to the Norfolk Yard & School (having retd. from the Mediterranean).  Apl 20th '37 to the Examn.  June 8th '37 leave 1 mo.  June 22d '37 apptd. Passd.Midn. fr. 15th June '37.  July 14th '37 leave 3 mos.  Octr 19th '37  leave 3 mos.   Jany 25th '38 leave 3 mos.  May 19th leave 6 mos.  Jany 18th '39 leave till 4th July.  July 22d '39 Resignation accepted.


Richard Thompson Renshaw.  [Midshipman.]  February 26th 1838.  February 26th 1838 appointed.  March 10th '38 to the Levant.  Jany 23d '39 to the Constitution.


Joseph W[arren]. Revere.  [Midshipman.]  1st April 1828.   Jany 26th 1832 Warranted. Apl 24th   Duplicate of Warrant. May 3d to Recg Ship Phila.  Octr 29th permit to attend the Norfolk School.  Jany 31st 1833 permit to attend N.Yk. School.   March 12th report for duty at N.Yk. Yard.  June 21st detach'd from duty with permn. to attend Naval School at N.Yk.  July 29th to the St. Louis.  Feby 24th 1834  Detd. from Grampus by leave 3 mos.  Mar 14th 1834 to the Examn.  June 10th leave 3 mos.  June 25th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 & No 36.  Septr 16th leave 3 mos.  Decr 8th to the Boston Yard.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 8th leave from the ship one mo.  May 8th '37 leave 3 mos.  July 21st '37 leave extd. 1 mo.  Septr 13th '37 to the J. Adams, by 1st Octr, as Actg Master.  June 19th '40 leave 3 mos.


Charles Oscar Ritchie.  [Midshipman.]  January 18th 1837.  January 18th 1837 appointed.May 11th '37 to W. I. Sqdrn., Pensacola.  July 6th '38 3 mos.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution.  May 9th '39 Dismissed.


Eugene Edmund Rodgers.  [Midshipman.]  25th Novr 1834.        Novr 25th 1834 appointed.    Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  Apl 26th 1836 Warranted.  Augt 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Octr 27th to Recvg. Ship at N.Yk.  Jany    25th '39 to Recvg.Ship at Phila.


William Ronckendorff.  [Midshipman.]  17 Feby 1832.  March 19th 1832 to the Schr. Experiment.  June 29th to Norfolk as witness before Ct. Ml.  Septr 16th detached from Experiment & leave 1 mo.  Sepr 14th to the Schr. Porpoise.  July 25th 1833     Warranted.  Septr 16th detached from West India Squadron with leave 3 mos.  Decr 31st leave 3 mos. March 31st 1834 leave 3 mos.    May 23d to the Navy Yard Boston.  Augt 15th to the Potomac.  Octr 3d previous order revoked & Leave one  mo.  Novr 8th leave 1 mo.  Decr 29th 1834 to the Vandalia.  Decr 31st previous order revoked.  Jany 20th 1835 to the Navy Yard at Phila.  Feby 17th to the Constitution. May 8th '37 leave 3 mos.  June 19th '37 to the N. Y. Boston.  Novr   7th '37 perm. to N. School, N.Yk.  May 4th '38 to Examn. June 30th leave 1 mo.   June 25th '38 to N.Yd. N. Yk.  June 28th Warranted as Passd. Midn. from 23d June '38.  July 17th to N.Yd. Boston.  Sept 10th '38 to the Consort on Survey of Southn. Harbors.  June 1st '40 to Deport of Charts &c.  June 11th relieved from previous order.


Edward C. Rutledge.  [Lieutenant.]  13 Jany 1825.  Augt. 5th 1832 to the sloop St. Louis.  Augt. 2d 1833 detd. from the St. Louis with leave and then report for duty on the Ontario.  Septr 9th Furlough 6 mos.  Feby 14th     1835 to the Constitution.   June 27th detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Octr 3d leave 3 mos.


Thomas [W.] Ryley.  [Gunner.]  29 Jany 1827.  July 11th 1833 leave 3 mos.  Septr 12th  leave 3 mos.  Decr 16th leave 3 mos.  Feby 14th 1835 to the Constitution.   Augt  4th 1838 leave 3 mos.  Sept 19th to N.Yd. N. Yk.   Octr 5th '39 to the U. States.    Octr 16th previous orders revoked & to magazine Ellis Island.


Francis Sagee.  [Carpenter.]  1 Decr 1834.  Decr 1st 1834  Warranted.  Decembr 29th leave 3 mos.  June 25th 1835  to the Constitution.  Augt 4th '38 leave 3 mos.  Sept 1st  to Norfolk Station.  Sept 24th previous order revoked.  Decr 6th to N.Yd.Phila.


George L. Selden.  [Midshipman.]  1st April 1828.  Febry 17th 1832 Leave 3 mos.  Augt  24th 1833 report to Como. Warrington for duty.  Octo 14th detd. from duty & permit to attend School at Norfolk.  Novr 9th leave 3 mos.  Feby 13th '35 Leave one mo.  Mar 13th leave 2 mos.  Mar 14th to the Examn.  June 19th leave 3 mos.  Jun 28th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th June 1834 No. 57.  July 9th  leave one year from 19th Septr. next.   Augt 7th 1835 to the Constitution till her arrival in the Meditrn. then to the Shark.  June 26th '37 leave 3 mos.  Octr 19th '37 to the Pennsylvania tempy.  Jany 17th '38 to the Erie.  Feby 19th '38 previous order revoked & w. o.  May 29th to N. Yard, N. York.  June 12th to duty under LtMcLaughlan.  June 19th previous order revoked.  Sept 22d to the Ohio.  Novr  19th detchd. from the Ohio & w.o.  Mch 15th '39 to the Warren.  23 Mar '39   Previous order revoked.  Mch 27th '40 to Depot of Chts & Instmts. July 16th detchd. from Deport of Charts & leave 2 mos.


Benjamin F. Shattuck.  [Midshipman.]  26th June 1831.  Novr 10th 1833 Warranted.  Apl  29th 1834 leave 3 mos. July 26th leave 3 mos.  Octr 29th leave 3 mos.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  June 27th detd. From the Constitution & leave 3 mos.    Septr 24th permission to attend any of the Naval Schools.  Apl 20th '37  to the Examn.  May 30th '37 leave 1 mo.  June 15th '37 to the Lexington.  June 22d '37 apptd. Passd. Midn. fr. 15th June '37.  Feby 13th '40 leave 3 mos.  March 16th  '40 to N. Rendezs. Boston.


Thompson D[arrah]. Shaw.  [Lieutenant.]  17 May 1828.  Feby 2d 1832  to Schr. Shark.  July 14th Detd. From Schr. Shark & leave 3 mos.  Octr 18th Leave extended 3 mos.  April 8th 1833 take passage in Natchez for duty in Warren or Lexington, Coast of Brazil.  Apl 29th 1834 Leave 3 mos.  Sept 5th to the Rendez. Phila.   June 2nd '37 detd. from Rendez. at Phila. & leave 3 mos.  Sept 9th '37 to the Columbia by 1st Octo.  Jany 16th '38 detd. from the Columbia & leave 3 mos.    Jany 24th '39 to the Constitution.


George T[orry]. Sinclair.  [Midshipman.]  23d April 1831.  May 27th 1834 leave 3 mos.   June 24th Warranted.  Augt 22d leave 3 mos.  Septr 15th to the Norfolk Yard.     Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.  July 29th detd. from the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Augt 6th previous order revoked (remain attached to the ship).  April 25th 1836 leave 3 mos (having retd. to the U. States bearer of despatches).     Apl 20th '37 to the Examn.  June 12th leave 1 mo. & to Ex. Expdn.  June 22d '37 apptd. Passd. Midn. from 15th June '37.


Jacob F[rederick]. Sperry.  [Midshipman.]  27th March 1839.  April 13th '39 to the Constitution.  July 10 1840 Warranted.


Charles Steedman.  [Midshipman.]  1st April 1828.  July 27th1832 leave 6 weeks from Sloop Fairfield.  Sept 5 Leave 2 mos.  Octr 20th to Norfolk Yard.  Feby 9th 1833 to the Schr. Grampus.  Feby 24th 1834 leave 3 mos.  March 14th to the Examn.    May 31st leave 3 mos.  June 28th Warranted as Passed Midshipman from 14th  June 1834 & No 26.  Octr 4th leave 3 mos.  Feby 11th 1835 to the Constitution.  April 10th '37 leave 6 mos.  to [?].  Octr 11th '38 leave extd. 1 mo.  Decr 6th to the Macedonian.


Nicholas Steinbogh.  [Boatswain.]  August 16th 1838.  Octr      25th to Recvg. Ship at Norfolk.  Jany 19th '39 to the Constitution.  Mch 18th '39 detachd. fr. Constitution & w. o.  Novr 29th to the Dale, tempy.  Died at Phila 20th Novr  1840.


 Richard L[loyd]. Tilghman.  [Midshipman.]  27 Octr 1830.  February 8th 1834    Warranted.  Decr 23d 1834 leave 3 mos.  Feby 17th 1835 to the Constitution.   July 1st detd. from the Constitution & permit to attend a Naval School.  Octr  26th leave one mo.  May 24th 1836 leave 3 mos.  Apl 25th to the Examn.  June 15th   Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from 4th instant & numbered One.  July 16th to the Brig Porpoise.  Augt 1st previous order revoked.  Augt 30th leave 3 mos.  Jany 17th 1837 for duty in the Independence.  July 9th '39 leave 3 mos.  Octr 25th to Recvg. Ship at Boston.  Novr 14th previous order revoked & leave 3 mos.  Febry 21st '40 leave extd. 3 mos.  May 28th '40 leave 3 mos.


Benjamin J. Totten.  [Lieutenant.]  March 29, 1834.  May 5th 1834 leave 3 mos.  Augt. 11th leave 3 mos.  Octr 17th leave 3 mos.  July 31st1835 take passage in the Constitution for duty the Schr Shark.  Mch 27th '38 leave3 mos.  Octo 19th '39 tothe Recvg Ship at Boston.  Jany 3d '40 transfd. to the Ordinary.


Daniel Turner.  [Captain.]  3d March 1835.  Jany 2d '39 to Comd. of the Constitution.


Peter D. Turner.  [Lieutenant.]  20 Decr 1832.  Augt. 19th 1833 Temporary leave from the Recg Ship, Boston, of 2 mos.  Febry 7th 1834 to the Falmouth.  Mar 6th previous order revoked & return to duty at Recg Ship.  Septr 17th to the Boxer.   Sept 13th '37 leave 3 mos.  Decr 18th '37 leave 3 mos.  March 8th '38 to the Recg  Ship at Boston.  July 17th previous order revoked & leave 3 mos.  Octo 18th leave exten'd 3 mos.  Jany19th '39 to the Constitution.


 William Vaughan.  [Sailing Master.]  22 Augt 1812.  August 4th 1835 to the Constitution.  Augt 24th previous order revoked & leave 3 mos.  Decr 2d Leave 3 mos.


James M. Watson.  [Lieutenant.]  30 Decr 1831.  Feby 3d 1832 be ready for actual service.  Apl 24th to Schr. Experiment.  July 3d detd.from Experiment & leave 2  mos. March 26th 1833 take passage in Natchez for duty on Coast of Brazil.  July 18, 1834 leave 3 mos.  Feby 19th 1835 to the Peacock.  didn't go in Peacock. July 22d to the Constitution by the 10th of Augt.   Novr 13th '37 leave 6 mos fr. going into winter quarters.  Feby 7th '39 to the Rendezs. Phila.  July  30th '40 leave 3 mos.


Rob[er]t Whit[t]aker.  [Boatswain.]  2nd Decr 1834.  Decr 27th 1834 Warranted.  Feby 25th 1835 to the Constitution.  Augt 4th 1838 leave 3 mos.  Jany 23d '39 to the Warren.  Novr 15th leave 3 mos.  May 2d '40 to N.Yd. N.Yk.  June 30th '40    Resignation accepted.


Maxwell Woodhull.  [Midshipman.]  4 June 1832.  May 1st      1833 to the Delaware 74.   Decr 16th 1834 Warranted.  Feby 22d 1836 leave 3 mos.  June 28th to the Sloop Natchez.  May 12th '37 leave 3 mos.  May 4th '38 to Examn.  June 28th Warranted as Passd. Midn. from 23d June '38.  Augt 8th to the Steamer Fulton.  Septr 19th  leave 1 mo.  Octr 20th to Pecvg. Ship at N. Yk.  Jany 23d '39 to the Constitution.   April 2d '40 leave 3 mos.


Roll 6, Volume I (July 1840 ‑ December 1845)


Alex[ande]r R. Abercrombie.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Novr 23d '41 to Recg. S. at Norfolk.  Apl 14th to the Constitution.  March 3d '43 detd. fr. the Brandywine & to the Levant.


James Alden, Jr.  [Lieutenant.]  25th February 1841.  July 5th '42 detd. fr. the Porpoise & lv. 3 mos.  Decemr15th ‘42 to Ordinary Boston Navy Yard,  Feby 10th '44 to the Constitution.


 John A. Bates.  [Purser.]  2d March 1831.  Apl 18th '42 to the Constitution.  May 26th detd. & to the Columbia.  Jany 11th '45 detd. after survey of Stores & 60 days to settle accounts.  Apl 8th '45 lv. 3 mos.


Wash[ingto]n P. Buckner.  [Midshipman.]  9th Septr 1841.  Sept 17th '41 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Octr 12th to the Macedonn.  June 17th '42 Warranted.  June 15th '43 Detd from the Marion & leave one month.  July 25, leave renewed one month.  Octr 2nd Leave two months.  Decr 12th to the Constitution.


W[illia]m T. Burwell.  [Midshipman.]  27th Sept 1841.  Novr 3d '41 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Febry 5th '42 to the Vandalia.  transfd. to the Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  May 10th to the Constitution.  March 28th '43 detd. fr. the Brandywine & to the Macedonian.  April 6th prev. ord. revoked & to the St. Louis.  Resignation accepted by Capt F. A. Parker 20th of May 1843 under authority of a letter of the Depm't of the18th May 1843.


 William C. Chaplin.  [Lieutenant.]  8th March 1837.  Decr 10th '40 to the Preble.  July 18th '42 detd. fr. the Brandywine & lv. 3 mos.  Novr 5th lv. 3 mos.  March 15th '43 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Novr 11th detd. & to the Constitution.


Greenleaf Cilley.  [Midshipman.]  26th February 1841.  Septr 20th '43 To the Cumberland.  didn't go.  to Recg. Ship at Boston.  Jany 25th '44 to the Constitution.  Feby 10th '44 prev. ord. revkd. & to the Plymouth for duty in the Cumberland.  Jany 23d '45  Warranted.


Alexander Claxton.  [Captain.]  21st Febry 1831.  Died at the Port of Conception, Pacific Ocean, March 7th 1841, on board the frigate Constitution.


Cha[rle]s F. Collins.  [Midshipman.]  19th February 1841.  March 22d '41 to the Fairfield.  Jany 25th '42 Warranted.  Augt 8th '43 reports his return from Meditn.  September 25th   Suspended six months without pay from the 4th September inst.   March 9th '44 to the Constitution.  March 29th detd. & to the Lawrence.  July 25th detd.  Sept 28th '44 to the Lawrence.  Mar 1st '45 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  June 11th '45 to Recg.  Ship at N. York.  June 20th '45 to the Marion.  Sept 8  Resign.  accepted to take ef. on 8th day Oct. next.


Corn[eliu]s Comegys.  [Midshipman.]  9th Sept 1841.  July 1st '42 to the Columbus.   Septr 25th '43 Suspended 6 months without pay from  4th September inst.  March 7th '44 to the Constitution.


James W. Cooke.  [Lieutenant.]  25th February 1841.  Sept 29th '41 detchd. fr. Macedonn. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 26th '42 to Recg. Ship at N. Orleans.  Apl 30th '42 prev. ord. revokd. & "w. o."  Augt 29th to the Ontario.  August 3d '43 Detd. & leave one month.  Septr 26th To the Perry.  Octr 6th previous order revoked & Wait Orders.  Dec 15th to the Constitution.


Thomas M. Crossan.  [Midshipman.]  1st July 1836.  May 8th '41 retd. fr, Brazil in Prize brig Malek Adhel & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 13th '41 perm. to N. School Phila. June 3d to Examn.  July 6th '42 to the Constitution as     Actg. Master.  July 8th Warrtd. as Passed Midn, fr. 1st July '42.  Oct 6, 1845 Detchd. Perry & Leave 3 mos. from 20th Sept.


 John B. Dale.  [Leiutenant.]  25th February 1841.  March 3d '41 to Coast Survey under Lt. Blake.  Octr 27th to duty at Washn. under Lt. Blake.  Novr 14th report to Lt. Blake for further duty connected with the Coast Survey at Washington.  May 9th '43 report to Comdt. Of Phila. Yard for Coast Survey under Lt. Blake.  Septr 2d Detached from & to [sic] the Perry by 20th inst.  Septr 6th previous order revoked & continue on Coast Survey.  Dec 5th detd. & to the Constitution.


Hunter Davidson.  [Midshipman.]  29th Octr 1841.  Febry 8th '42 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 14th to the Constitution.  Apl 10th '43 detd. fr. the Brandywine & to Stmr Missouri.  Octr 19th '43 detd. & w. o.  Jany 2d '44 to the Preble.  July 24th detd. & to Recg. Ship at N. York.  Sept 2d Warranted.  Octr 11th '44 to the Portsmouth at expiration of two weeks.


Wash[ingto]n F. Davidson.  [Midshipman.]  20th Febry 1840.  Octr 28th '40 to the Dale.  July 27th '42 Warranted. Octr 23d '43 detd. & lv. 1 mo.  Nov 25th lv. 1 mo.   Jany 26th '44 to the Constitution.


Alex[ande]r M. DeBree.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Nov 16th '41 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 14th '42 to the Constitution.  Sept 20th to Stmr Union.  July 12th '43   Detd. & to the Warren.  Sept 2d '44  Warranted.


Eben[eze]r D. Denny.  [Midshipman.]  17th Sept 1841.  Novr 3d '41 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 14th '42 to the Constitution.  Novr 4th '44 Warranted.  Sept 19, '45   Detchd. Brandywine & to New York by 20th Oct '45.


Marius Duvall.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  25th Janu 1842.  Feby 12th '42 to Florida Expedn.  Octr 22d detd. fr, Schr. Wave & to the Constitution.  April 18th '43  await at Norfolk fur. orders.  (Trans. to N.Yard Norfolk.)  August 14, detd. fr. Navy Yard at Norfolk & to the Phoenix.  Feby 17th '44 detd. & to the Constitution.


 Ethan Estabrook.  [Professor.]  30th Octr 1843.  Nov 3d '43 to the Constitution.


 Stanwix Gansevoort.  [Midshipman.]  3 Novr 1841.  Nov 23d '41 to Recg. S. at N. Yk.   Apl 25th '42 to the Constitution.  Decemr 17th '42 to the Store Ship Erie.  June 4th  '44 Warranted.


Alex[ande]r Gibson.  [Lieutenant.]  28th February 1838.  Novr 4th '41 lv 3 mos.  March 1st '42 lv. 3 mos.  Augt 20th to Recg. Ship at Boston.  Augt 26th to Recg. Ship at N.Yk.  April 7th '43 detd. & to N.Yard New York.  April 4th '44 detd. & take passage in the Constitution for duty in Brazil Squadn.


John P. Gillis.  [Lieutenant.]  9th February 1837.  Sept 24th '40 leave 3 mos.  Dec 20th '41to Stmr. Misspi.  Dec 24th prev. ord. revokd. April 1st '42 to the Congress.  Septr  5th '43 detd. & lv. 2 mos.  Feby 27th '44 take passage in the Constitution for duty in the Congress.  Mar 14th '45 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  Novr 25th  '45 To the Pacific Via Chagres.


Charles H. Graham.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Decr 3d '41 to the Independence.  June 28th '42 detd. & to the Constitution.  May 3d '43 warranted.  May 29th '44 detd. fr. the Columbus [sic: Constitution] & lv. 3 mos.  Apl 12th '45 to the Columbus.


Gough W. Grant.  [Midshipman.]  30th May 1833.  Passd. 8th July 1839.  March 3d '42   Suspended 1 year.  Decemr 3d '42 to Bainbridge as Actg.Master by 15th instant.  Novr 10th '43 detd. to the Constitution as Master.  March 15th '45 Commissioned Lieut. from 1st March 1845.


 George H. Hare.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Nov 26th     '41 to Pacific Squadn.  May 14th '42 reports his return to the U.S.  May 17th directed to "w. o."  May 25th to the Constitution.  June 11th transfd. to the Columbia.  March 21st '43 Warranted.   Jany 11th '45 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  Apl 23d '45 lv. 2 mos.  June 24th '45 lov. extd. 2 mos.  Sept 5 Columbia by 1st.  Oct 31, 1845 Detachd. Columbia & to the [?].


John E. Hart.  [Midshipman.]  23d February 1841.  March 2d '41 Perm. to Squadn. on coast of Brazil at his own expense.  Apl 26th '42 Warranted.  April 5th '43 havg. retd. to U. States by perm. of the Comdr. of Squadn.     lv. 3 mos.  May 23d to Recg Ship at N. York.  August 24th Detd. & to the Falmouth.  Jany 27th '44 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  April 26th to the Constitution.


James Heron.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Nov 30th '41    to Recg. S. at Norfolk.  Apl  5th '42 to the Congress.  Apl 13th '42 prev. ord. revkd. & to the Constitution by 1st May.  Novr 4th '44 Warranted.  June 1st 1845 transfd. to the Sloop Portsmouth in the Pacific.


Geo[rge] M[ason]. Hooe.  [Lieutenant.]  31st Decemr 1833.   Dec 16th '34 to the Columbia.  May 19th '42 detd. fr. the Cola. & to the Constitution. Jany 30th 1843 detchd. & w. o.  March 24th to the Macedonian.  June 26 previous order revoked & leave 3 mos.  April 13th '44 to the Vandalia.  Died on board the U.S. Ship Vandalia, 10 April 1845.


John E. Hopson.  [Midshipman.]  25th Septr 1840.  Octr 2d      to Recvg. Ship at N.Yk.  to the Dolphin by Capt. Perry.  Nov 17th '43 detd. & to the Constitution.


Dan[ie]l [sic: Dewitt] C[linton]. Hugunin.  [Midshipman.]  3d March 1841.  June 16th '41 to Recvg. Ship at N.Yk.   Octr 16th to the Macedonn.  June 18th '42 detd. fr. the Levant & lv. 2 mos.  June 28th Warranted & to the Constitution.  Transfd. from the Brandywine 1 June 1845 to the Sloop Portsmouth.


Jos[ia]h T. Huston.  [Professor.]  7th Septemr 1836.  Nov 13th '41 to the Macedon [sic].  Augt 17th '42 to the Constitution.  March 27th '43 detd. & to Recg. Ship at Boston.  June 3d '45 detd. & "w. o."  Sept 2 To the Congress.  Sep 20 prv. ord. rev. & rep. to Como. Wilkinson for duty.  Oct 21 Detchd. Norfk. Yd. & trav. exps. allowed.


 And[re]w W. Johnson.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Novr 1st '41 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 14th '42 to the Constitution.  Apl 29th detd. fr. the Constitution & to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  June 24th to the Warren.  June 2d '43 detd. from the Marion [sic] & leave one month.  July 1 Warranted.  July 5 Leave one month.  July 28th To the Warren by 12th August next.


John P[embroke]. Jones.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  June 21st '42 to the Constitution by 10th July.  Novr 4th '44 Warranted.  Sept 19, 1845 Detachd  Brandywine & to Nav. Sch. by Octr 20.


M[eriwether]. Patterson Jones.  [Midshipman.]  Septr 9th 1841.  Sept 14th '41 to the Cyane.  Octr 8th '42  Warranted.  May 8th '44 detd. fm. Constellation & lv. 3 mos.  May 1st to the Constitution.


 Robert A. Knapp.  [Midshipman.]  7th Decemr. 1837.  July 23d '41 leave 3 mos.  Octr 12th to the Warren.  June 28th '42 detd. & to N. School Phila.  Decemr 12th '42 to the Recg. Ship at Boston.  Jany 31st 1843 to the Naval School Phila.  May 10th to examination.  July 1  To the Warren by 15th inst.  July 12th Warrtd. as Pasd. Midn. from 29th June '43.  sick & detd. to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Octr 23d '43 lv. 2 mos.  Jany 22d '44 to the Constitution.  Octr 26th '44 to the Lexington. May 17th '45 Cashiered by C. Martial.


 Dan[ie]l C. McLeod.  [Surgeon.]  23d July 1841.  Octr 16th     '41 to the Warren.  July 14th ’42 lv. 1 mo. Sept 22  to the Marion.  Octr 28th detd. & w. o.  Nov 1st prev. ord. revkd.  July 11th '43  Detd. on 5th inst. & Leave 3 months.  Feby 19th '44 to the Constitution.


Samuel E. Munn.  [Lieutenant.]  31st Decemr 1833.  Sept 21st '40 leave 3 mos.  June 26th '41 to the Cyane.  Augt 3d detd. fr. the Cyane & 2 mos.  Octr 15th leave 3 mos.   Apl 5th '42 to Recg. Ship at N. Yk.  Apl 16th '42 prev. order revokd. & to the Constitution by 1st May.  May 19th detd. fr, the Constitution & to the Cola [sic: Columbia].  May 1st '44 reportd. return to the U.S.  May 21st Suspended fr. 14 May '44 for 3 mos. without pay. June 12th sentence remitted fr. 14th   inst.


Will[ia]m T. Muse.  [Lieutenant.]  29th Decr 1840.  Decr 8th '41 to Recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 18th '42 to the Constitution.  Sept 19 1845 Detachd Pennsylvania & Leave 3 mos.


 John S. Neville.  [Midshipman.]  2d May 1832.  Passd. 8th July 1839.  Sept 21st '40 leave 3 mos.  Febry 1st '41 to Recvg. Ship at N. York.  Decr 14th leave 3 mos.   Apl 19th '42 to the Constitution as Actg. Master.   July 6th detd. & w. o.  Novr 17th to the Brig Oregon.  Decemr 20th to Recg. Ship at New York.  May 10th '43 detd. & to the Coast Survey under Commr. Gedney.  Octr 11th detd.  Augt 16th '44 to the Preble as Actg. Master.  Augt 29th prev. ord. revkd. & to the Yorktown as Master. Sept 27, 1845 Detach Preble & Leave 3 mos.  Oct 1 Dismissed from service.


 Amasa [L.] Paine, [Jr.].  [Lieutenant.]  3d March 1831.   Sept 25th '41 to the Rendezvs at Boston.  Nov 6th '43 to the Constitution.


Foxhall A[lexander]. Parker, [Sr.].  [Captain.]  3d March 1835.  Novr 26th '41 to Comd. of the Columbia.  May 18th '42 detd. & to comd. of the Constitution.  Jany 28th '43 to the comd. of the Brandywine & East Indies Squadron.  Sept 19, 1845 Detd. E. I. Squad. & Brandywine & leave 3 mos. Novr 14 '45 To comd. Boston Yard.


George Parker.  [Sail Maker.]  17th Octr 1840.  Octr 17th '40 to the Levant.  May 12th '41    Resignation accepted.  Re‑apptd. by Come. Wilkinson see his letter of 3d July '41.  May 21st '42 Warranted (fr. 3d July '41).  June 18th '42 detd. fr. the Levant & lv. 2 mos.  Augt 31st to the Constitution.  Sept 19, 1845 Detchd. Brandywine & Leave 3 mos.


Robert B[aker]. Pegram.  [Lieutenant.]  8th Sept 1841.   Octr 8th '41 detchd. fr. the Rendezs. at Norfolk & w.o.  Nov 22d to Recg. S. at Norfolk.  Apl 8th '42 detd. fr. Recg. Ship at Norfolk & lv. 1 mo. ‑ then to the Constitution.  Sept 19, 1845 Detchd. Brandywine & Leave 3 mos.


John Percival.  [Captain.]  8th Septr 1841.  June 19th '43  As soon as Board of Examiners of Midn. adjourns, to the command of the Franklin.  June 23d previous order suspended till further orders.  July 3d to comd. Of the Franklin.  Octr 13th to comd. of the Constitution.


Adrian A. Peterson.  [Gunner.]  25th Octr 1836.  Sept 16th '41 to N. magazine at Chelsea.  Decr 12th '43 detd. & to the Preble.  Dec 19th prev. ord. revkd.  Dec 23d to the Constitution.  Jany 16th '44 detd. & to Ordiny Boston.  Dec 15, '45 Detached & furloughed till further orders.


 William W. Roberts.  [Midshipman.]  2d March 1839.  Nov     4th '41 lv. 3 mos.  Febry 12th '42 to the Boxer.  Jany 3d '43 detchd. & lv. 2 mos.  March 14, to the Lexington.  Septr 12th Detached & waiting orders.  Nov  27th to the Constitution.  March 11th '44 detd. & to the Princeton.  March 16th to Phila. to join the Princeton.  Augt  29th detd. to N. School, Phila.  July 7 1845 To the Princeton.  July 15 Warranted as Passd. Midn.  Decem 31 '45 detd. from the Princeton & 1 mo. leave.


 George [Ipsara] Sirian.  [Gunner.]  17th June 1841.  June 17th '41 to the Brandywine.  July 18th '42 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  Augt 10th to N. Yd. Washn.  Jany 14th '43 Warranted.  August 12th report on 14th inst. to Commo. Chauncey for Ordnance duty, when relieved resume previous duty.  Nov 18th detd. & to the Constitution.  Nov 22d prev. order suspended.  Nov 27th to the Constitution.


Charles S [sic:R]. Smith.  [Midshipman.]  2d September 1835.  Novr 4th '41 detd. fr. the Constitn. & to N. School, Phila.  June 2d '42 to Examn.  July 8th   Warrtd. as Passd. Midn. fr. 1 July '42.  Octr 8th to Stmr. Missouri.  Octr 11th Warranted as Passd. Midn.   Octr 27th detd. & to Missipi.  Novr 26th detached & to the Vincennes.  Dec 4th '43 dismissed.


W[illia]m Henry Smith.  [Midshipman.]  31st July 1840.  Octr 28th '40 to the Dale.  Octr. 23d '43 detd. & lv. 1 mo. Nov 29th Warranted.  Jany 20th '44 to the Constitution.  Feby 12th '44 detd. & w. o.  April 10th to the Lexington for duty in Medn. Squadn.   Jany 22d '45 detd. & to the Fairfield & lv. 3 mos.  Jany 28th    '45 to the Potomac.  Decr 5th '1845 Detd. from the Potomac & to School.


Ja[me]s H. Somerville.  [Midshipman.]  10th Sept 1841.  Sept 22d '41 to Recg. Ship at N.Yk.  Nov 29th to the Falmouth.  Dec 21st prev. ord. revkd.  March 5th '42 to the Dolphin.  March 16th prev. ord. revkd.  Apl 14th to the Constitution.  Novr 4th '44   Warranted.  Sept 19, 1845  Detachd. Brandywine & to [?] Sch. By Octr 20, 1845.  Oct 15 Del. rep. und. prev. ord. till 1st Nov.


John Southwick.  [Carpenter.]  21st Decemr 1826.  July 23d '41 leave 3 mos.  Dec 17th to Recg. Ship at Boston.   April 25th '43 to Washington for special duty.  Nov 6th detd. fr. Recg. Ship at Boston & to the Constitution.  Jany 10th '44 detd. & to Ordiny. Boston.  Aug 13, 1845 Detchd. Ordinary at Boston & to the Congress.


Fabius Stanley.  [Lieutenant.]  8th Sept 1841.  Sept 24th '41 contin. on bd. the Dela. [sic].   July 11th '43  Leave 3 mos. retd. sick.  Sept 16 to Stmr. Union.  Jany 20th '44 to the Constitution.  May 21st '44 detd. & to Stmr. Princeton.


Isaac G. Strain.  [Midshipman.]  15th Decemr. 1837.  June 8th '42 lv. 3 mos.  Augt 5th to the N. School, Phila.  May 10th '43 to examination.  June 19th after examination to the Macedonian.  June 24, prev. order revoked.  July 1st to the Levant till her arrival at Rio Janeiro [sic], then leave 2 years with permission to spend it in South America.  July 12th Warrtd. As Pd. Midn. from 29th June '43.  Ordered to the frigate Constitution at Rio de Janeiro by Capt. Percival – see his letter of 3d Sept  1844.


 Tho[ma]s Marston Taylor.  [Purser.]  3d Novr 1834.  Octr 6th '41 detchd. fr. the Warren & leave 3 mos.  Apl 20th '42 to Recg. Ship at Boston. Nov 8th '43 detd.& to the Constitution 30th inst.


Colville Terrett.  [Midshipman.]  3d January 1840.  Octr 21st '40 to the Dale.  July 27th '42 Warranted.  Octr 23d '43 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  Nov 25th lv. 1 mo.  Decr 26th lv. 1 mo.  Jany 29 h '44 to the Constitution.


Cha[rle]s Thomas.  [Lieutenant.]  8th Sept 1841.  Dec 16th '41 to the Columbia.  June 11th '42 transfd. to the Constitution.  March 15 '43 detd. fr. the Brandywine & lv. 3 mos.  June 12th To the Bainbridge by the 17th inst.  Feby 17th '44 lv. 3 mos.  May 18th lv. 2 mos.  Jany 31st '45 to the Lawrence.  Feby 5th '45 prev. ord. revkd.


Henry G[eorge]. Thomas.  [Carpenter.]  10th Febry 1844.   Febry 10th '44 to the Constitution.


D. McF. Thornton.  [Purser.]    3d March 1825.  Nov 18th '41 be ready for the Columbia.   Dec 15th to the Columbia.  May 26th '42 detd. & to the Constitution. Sept 19, 1845 Detchd. Brandywine after survey of stores.


 Ja[me]s J. Waddell.  [Midshipman.]  10th Sept 1841.  Dec 15th '41 To recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 14th '42 to the Constitution.  Perm. fm. Como. Shubrick to go to his friends till fit for duty ‑ didn't join Constitution having been wounded in a duel.  March 22nd '43 to the Levant.  Ordered to the Vandalia by Com. Kennedy.  Sept 22d Warranted.  Apl 30th '45 detd. & lv. 3 mos.  Aug 6, 1845 To the Col. Harney.


Arch[ibal]d H. Waring.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.   Nov 16th '41 to Recg. S. at Norfolk.  April 14th '42 to the Constitution.  March 28th '43 detd. fr. the

Brandywine & to the Macedonian.  Sept 2d '44  Warranted. May 1st '45 detd. & lv. 3 mos. May 15 To the Congress.


Alex[ande]r F. Warley.  [Midshipman.]  17th February 1840.   Octr 10th '40 to the Yorktown [?].  July 27th '42 Warranted.  August 7th '43 Detd. & leave three months.  Octr 18th to the Raritan.  Feby 15th '44 detd. and "w. o."  Feby 21st to the Constitution. Retd. in the U. States 3d Octr '44.  Octr 8th lv. 3 mos.  Octr 19th '44 to Stmer Col. Harvey.  Decr 28 '45 detd. & to School.


W[illia]m H. Weaver.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Jany 5th '42 to recg. Ship at Norfolk.  Apl 14th to the Constitution.  Novr 4th '44 Warranted.  Sept 19, 1845   Detchd. Brandywine & Nav. Sch. by 20th Octr.


Henry Wilton [sic: Welton].  [Gunner.]  17th October 1840.      Octr 17th '40 to the Levant.  May 21st '42 Warranted.   June 18th '42 detd. & lv. 2 mos.  June 27th to the Constitution.  Feby 23d '43 Resignation accepted.


Henry A. Wise.  [Midshipman.]  8th February 1834.  Sept 24th '40 to the Depot of Charts.   Augt 16th '41 to Rev. Cut. Van Buren.  July 10th '42 detd. fr. the Madison & lv. 3 mos.  Sept 10th to Depot of Charts.  Novr 5th detd. & report to Depmt.  May 31st '43 detd. from special duty under Lt. Gillis & to Recg. Ship at New Orleans.  August 3d Detd. & leave one month.   Septr 5th To Coast Survey under Lt. Blake.  Feby 12th '44 detd. & to the Constitution.  March 7th detd. & to Rendezs. at Boston.  June 26th detd. & lv. 3 mos. & to quit the U.S. & perm. to join the Meditn. Squadn.  Joined the Squadron 24 Sept 1844 & left 6 May 1845.


George W. Young.  [Midshipman.]  19th Octr 1841.  Nov 26th  '41 to Recg. S. at Norfolk.  Jany 5th '42 to the Levant.  June 8th detd. & lv. 2 mos.  June 28th to the Constitutn.  July 14th Warranted.   March 14th '43 detd. fr. Brandwyine & to the Levant.


Thomas [R.] Young. [Midshipman.]  27th Octr 1841.  Nov 10th '41 to Recg. S. at Norfolk.  Apl 14th '42 to the Constitution.  Transfd. with the other officers of the Constitution to the Brandywine.  Detached from the Brandywine under medical survey the 19th of May 1843.   Permitted by Comt. Kennedy to rejoin the Brandywine.  Novr 4th '44 Warranted.  Sept 19, 1845 Detachd. Brandywine & to Nav. Sch. by 20th Octr.  Oct 20 Del. rep. und. prev. ord. till 20th Nov.


Roll 7, Volume J‑1 (January 1846 ‑ December 1858)



James Alden, [Jr.].  [Lieutenant.]  25 Feby. 1841.  Octr 4 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Decr 4 '46 To Observatory.  Febry 26 '47 detd. & to Home Squadron.  Augt 25 '47 Retd. & 3 mos. leave.  June 23 '49 To comd. party on Survey.  July 21 '49 Detd. fm. comd. of Schr. Jno. Y. Mason, but remain on Survey. Octr 13 '49 to comd. the J. Y. Mason @ Survey.  June 19 '55 Detd. fm.comd. of the Walker,but remain on the Survey.  Promoted 14 September 1855.



Samuel Barrington. [Surgeon.]  9 Feby 1837.  Decr 28 '47 Retd. fm. Home Squadron & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 22 '48 Member of Board of Examiners.  Sept 6 '48 Member of Board of Examiners. Decr 4 '48 Board adjourned.  Feby 1 '48 To the Marine Rendz., Phila. by Como Stevens, approved by the Secretary of the Navy (closed June 15 '48).  June 23 '49 To the Cumberland.  Jany 4 '51 Detd. fm. Constitution [sic: Cumberland] & 3 mos. leave.  March 20 '51 To Norfolk Yard, 1st April next.  Dec 27 '52 Detd. & to Constitution as "Fleet Surgeon" African Squadron. Jan 10 '53 Previous order revoked & to Norfolk Navy Yard.  Sep 23 '54 Detd. on the 1st October next & Wait orders.  Feb 26 '55 to temporary duty, Rendezvous Phila.  Sep 11 '55 To Annapolis, 19th, Member of Board.  Ocr 8 '55 Detd. & Wait orders.  Feb 6 '56 Member of Board of Examiners.  Aug 22 '56 Appt'd. Surgeon of the Fleet, Brazil Squadn, 20 Sept. next.


Washington P. Buckner.  9 Septem. 1841.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & School 1st Novr.  Augt 2 '47 detd. go home & after 6 weeks leave, report at

Pensacola for the Pacific.  Sept 7 '47 To rank as Passed Midn. fm. 10th Augt 1847.   Novr 1 '47 To Home Squadron instead of the Pacific.  July 24 '48 detd. fm. the Petrel & to the Portsmouth, 5 Augt.  Augt 10 '48 previous order revoked & 1 mo. leave.  Sailed in the Portsmouth.  Sept 29 '49 Warranted No. 7.  July 6 '50 Detd. fm. Bainbridge & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 10 '50 To Naval Academy as Assistant Professor of Mathematics.  Jany 30 '51 Name changed to William P.            Buckner.  Octr 21 '53 Apptd. Acting Master at Naval Academy from 1st Inst.  Mch 3 '55 Warranted as Master from 10 March 1855 (No. 25).  Promoted 14 September1855.


Benjamin J. Cahoone.  [Purser.]  12 Novem. 1830.  March 30 '46 To recg. Ship New York.  March 31 '48 detd. & Wait orders.  Augt 31 '48 To the Constitution, 15 Sept (in lieu of a 74).  Jany 14 '51 Detd. &c. after Survey.  Decr 11 '51 To Philadelphia Yard, 1st Jany '52.  Decr 15 '51 previous order revoked.  Decr 19 '51           To New York Recg. Ship on 1st April 1852.  Feb 6 '54 Member of Bd. to select             samples for supplies &c.  May 26 '55 Detd. 1 June next & Wait orders.  Octr 1 '55 To the Levant, 15th Ins't.  Apl 15 '57 Reports return (sick) detd. 3 Jan '57 & leave 3 months.  Nov 7 '57 To the    Vandalia.  Nov 16 '57 Detd. & Wait orders.


Robert M. Caldwell.  [Midshipman.]  9 Sept. 1847.  Sep 9 '47 Notice to School 10th    Octr.  Sept 21 '47 Delay reporting till 20th Octr.  Octr 23 '47 Actg. appointment.  Octr 23 '47 To the Cumberland.  Augt 18 '48 detd. fm. the Scorpion & 1 mos. leave.  Sept 9 '48 To the Constitution, 1st Octr.  Octr 17 '48 Warranted. Jany 31 '50 Reported his return & Wait orders.  April 9 '50 To the Congress.  May 2 '50    Previous orders revoked.  July 18 '50 To the St. Mary's, 20th Augt.   Novr 8 '51 Having returned, 3 mos. leave.  Sept. 24 '53 [sic] To the Academy.  Octr 12 '52 [sic] Relieved from the Academy & leave till health is restored.  Feb 3 '54 On Furlough 'till ready for duty.  June 16 '55 Dismissed.


Albert G. Clary.  [Lieutenant.]  11 April 1845.  April 11 '46 commissioned.  Sept 7 '46 to the Preble.  April 11 '50 Returned fm. Pacific & 3 mos. leave.  March 1 '51     To the Decatur.  March 17 '51 Previous order revoked. Jany 2 '52 To Boston Recg. Ship.  Octr 26 '52 Detd. & to the Constitution.  Jan 7 '53 Transfd. to the Marion.  June 4 '55 Detd. from Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 11 '55 to Navy Yard Portsmouth, N.H.  Apl 24 '57 Detd. 1 May & to the Minnesota, 15 May.


Joseph J. Cook.  [Midshipman.]  19 October 1841.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Novr 18 '46 To School, temporarily,  Spet 14 '47 to School, 10th Octr.  July 24 '48 detd. & Wait orders.  Sept 21 '48 to the Coast survey, with Lt. Patterson.  Sept 13 '49 Detd. & to the Vincennes.  Sept 29 '49  Warranted as Passed Midn. fm. 10th August 1847, No. 37.  June 7 '51 Reports his return fm. the Pacific.  Novr 7 '51 To the Saranac at Pensacola.  Decr 9 '51    Resignation accepted.


John B. Dale.  [Lieutenant.]  25 Feby 1841.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Decr 2 '46 Inspector &c. at Boston.  Sept 14 '47 detd. & duty    under Lt. Lynch.  Oct 13 '47 When detd. fm. duty under Lt. Lynch, may report for Mediterranean Squadron.  Died near Beyrout, Syria, 24th of July 1848.


Joseph D.Daniels.  [Midshipman.]  19 October 1841.  April      8 '46 detd. fm. School, & to U. States, 5 May.  Feby 2 '48 To School.  July 6 '48 detd. go home & Wait orders.  Augt 2 '48 To Coast Survey with Lt. Lee.  Augt 4 '48 Previous order revoked.    Augt 14 '48 Leave 3 months.  Sept 6 '48 To the Constitution, 1st Octr.   Sept 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn. fm. 10th Augt 1847, No. 40.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.   March 19 '51 to Coast Survey with Lt. Wainwright.   July 3 '51 Detd. & Wait orders.  July 19 '51 To the Dolphin. July 7 '52 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.   July 30 '52  To the Saranac, 10th of Augt.  April 28 '53 Appointed Acting Master from the 10 Mch. last.  July 9 '53 Detd. & Wait orders.  Octr 14 '53 To the Saranac by the 1 Novr next.  Octr 23 '55 Warranted as Master from the 15th September 1855, No. 5.  Prommoted 15 September 1855 (No. 5).


George B[ell]. Douglass. [Midshipman.]  10 Septem. 1841.  Octr 1 '46 Detd. fm. the Constitution & to School 1st Novr.  Augt 9 '47 Detd. go home, report to the Dept.  Augt 17 '47 Having failed to pass his examination ‑ no longer in service.


Benjamin More Dove.  [Leiutenant.]  9 Decemr 1839.  July       24 '46 to N.Y. Recg. Ship.  May 21 '47 Detd. & Wait orders.  Returned 11th June 1847.‑  July 2 '47 Leave 2 mos. to visit Canada.  Sept 15 '47 To the Jamestown.  Sept 27 '47 Take passage in the Joseph Meigs at Boston to join the Jamestown.  July 6 '48 To the Portsmouth.   May 31 '50 permission to remain in England till 3d April next.  Left the Portsmouth 26 Octr '50.  July 3 '51 to the Observatory.  July 24 '52 Detd. & Wait orders.  Octr 26 '52 To the Constitution.  June 4 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.


 Dulaney A. Forrest.  [Midshipman.]  3 March 1841.  April 29 '47 Retd. from the Pacific (sick) & 3 mos. leave.  Aug 17 '47 To School 10th Octr.  July 8 '48 detd. go home & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 6 '48 to Constitution 1st Octr.  Sept 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn. fm. 10 Augt 1847, No.129.  Jany 31 '50 Reported his return & Wait orders.  Augt 15 '50 To the St. Mary's.  Dec 9 '52 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  March 12 '53 To Observatory.  April 7 '54 Detd. & to the Massachusetts

by 15th Inst.  Nov 9 '55 Warranted as Master from 15 Sept 1855, No. 2.


Nathaniel Frost.  [Chaplain.]  5 October 1844.  Sept 22 '47 To the Cumberland.  Augt 5 '48 Leave from the Cumberland 6 weeks.  Sept 26 '48 Detd. & to the

Constitution.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 28 '51 To Philada. Yard.   June 10 '51 Leave fm. Yard 6 weeks.  April 15 '56 Detd. & Wait orders.


 W[illia]m Ross Gardner.  [Lieutenant.]  8 Septem. 1841.  Novr 25 '46 detd. fm.Falmouth & 3 mos. leave.  July 10 '47 To Jamestown.  May 8 '50 Detd. & 3 mos. leave. Sept 10 '50 To the Observatory.  May 6 '51 Leave by observatory 6 weeks.   Octr 25 '52 Detd. & be ready for the Constitution.  Dec 27 '52 To the Constitution.  June 2 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Dec 6 '55 To Naval Observatory.    Mch 6 '56 Detd. & wait orders.  Died at Augusta, Georgia, 22 April 1857.


Gough W. Grant.  [Lieutenant.]  1 March 1845.  Octr 1 '46      detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Feby 11 '47 to Observatory.  March 11 '47 Detd. & Wait orders.   June 17 '47 To the Jamestown.  June 26 '47 prev. order revoked ‑ W. Orders.   Octr 8 '47 To Coast Survey.  Augt 23 '48 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Nov 25 '48 Leave 3 mos.  March 29 '49 furlough 1 year fm. 1st April.  April 8 '50 To the Congress.   July 15 '50 Resignation accepted.


Andrew F. V. Gray.  [Lieutenant.]  8 Septem. 1841.  April 28 '47 Having retd. fm Pacific with despatches, leave 3 months.  June 25 '47 to N. York Recg. Ship.  Novr 3 '47 to Washington as Witness.  Decr 21 '47 detd. & leave 4 mos: to visit Cuba.   May 5 '48 Leave 3 mos. Augt 12 '48 Leave renewed 3 mos.  Sept 14 '48 To N.York Recg. Ship.  Sept 22 '48 Detd. & to the  Constitution for Mediterranean Squadron.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Febry 4 '51 Leave 3 mos. to

visit Cuba.  May 24 '51 To New York Yard, 14th July.  April 15 '53 Detd. & to the Columbia.  Mch 31 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  April 19 '55 Permission to visit Cuba.  Sep 15 '55 To New York Rendezvous.  Aug 30 '56 Detd. & to the Recg.Ship New York.  March 16 '57 Det'd. & to command the Supply, 23d inst.  Aug  18 '57 Detd. & Wait orders.  Oct 17 '57 To command the Supply & to act as Purser.


Charles F. B. Guillou.  [Surgeon.]  28 August 1847.  Sept 25 '47 Commissioned from the 28th of August 1847.  Jany 19 '48 Commissioned.  March 6 '48 detd. fm. the Columbus & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 19 '48 To the Constitution, 10th Octr.  July 3 '51   Detd. fm. The Cumberland [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  July 26 '51 To New York Recg. Ship.  Dec 23 '52 Member of Bd. of Examrs.  Dec 24 '52 previous order revoked.     April 22 '53 Detd. on 1st May & to the N.yard New York.  Sep 16 '54 Resignation accepted.


 John E[lliott]. Hart.  [Midshipman.]  23 Feby. 1841.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & to School.  April 16 '47 Leave from School extended one month.   June 29 '47 Leave 2 mos.  Sept 14 '47 To School 10th Octr.   July 25 '48 detd. & to the St. Lawrence 5th Augut. next. Sept 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn. fm.10  Augt. 1847, No. 45.  Novr 8 '50  Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 26 '51 To New York Recg. Ship.  March 31 '51 Detd. & to the Relief.  May 4 '53 Detd. & to the Michigan. Dec. 21 '54 Detd. on the 15th Jany next & to the Jamestown as Actg. Master.  Octr 23 '55 Warranted  as Master from the 14 September 1855, No. 9.  Promoted 15 September 1855.


Samuel F. Hazard.  [Lieutenant.]  9 February 1837.  April 10 '47 Retd. fm. Home Squadron & 6 weeks leave to visit Havana.  July 12 '48 [sic] To Boston Recg  Ship. Jany 6 '45 [sic] detd. & to the Savannah.  June 10 '49   Reports his return in the Lexington (sick).  Jany 28 '50 To Portsmouth, NH Navy Yard, by 10th Feby.  March 9 '52 Detd. on the 1st April next & Wait orders.  Octr   23 '52 To the Constitution.  June 4 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Promoted 14 September 1855.


William G[ilmer]. Hoffman.  [Midshipman.]  19 October 1841.  Octr 6 '41 detd. fm. the Plymouth & leave 3 mos. Decr 1 '46 Warranted.  Febry 3 '47 to the Decatur.   Novr 22 '47 Detd. & to School.  July 28 '48 detd, & 6 mos. leave to visit Europe.  Jany 19 '49 Leave extd. 6 mos. fm. 1st July.  June 23 '49 After leave, to the Cumberland [sic].  Sept 29 '49 Warranted a  Passed Midn. fm. 10th Augt 1847, No. 64.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. fm. the Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  March 25 '51  Furlough 6 mos.  Augt 14 '51 Resignation accepted.


Phineas J. Horwitz.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  8 Novem 1847.  Novr 9 '47 Commissioned No. Six.  Decr 14 '47 To Home Squadron.  Jany 19 '48 Commissioned No. Five.   Augt 1 '48 detd. fm. Aetna & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 11 '48 To the Constitution,     10th Octr.  Jany 14 '51 Detd.  & 3 mos. leave.  April 17 '51 To the Relief.  July 31 '52 Detd. & leave 3 mos.  Novr 4 '52 To examination.  May 11 '53 To the Vixen.   May 14 '53 Previous order revoked.  June 8 '53 To the Princeton.  Octr 5 '54  Detd. & 6 mo. leave, with permission to leave the U. States.  May 31 '55 To Rendezvous, Norfolk.  June 11 '55 Detd. & to Recg. Ship Norfolk.  July 26 '56    Detd. & Wait orders.  Octr 3 '56 To C. Survey Steamer Walker.  July 11 '57 Detd. & Wait orders.  Oct 19 '57 To the Supply.


 Richard W. Jeffery.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  17 October 1839.  Jany 27 '46 to examination.   April 17 '46 to Pensacola Hospital.  March 7 '46 Passed No. 1.  May 5 '48 detd. fr  Hospital, remain at Rendezs. New Orleans.  Augt 1 '48 detd. & 3 mos. leave.    Sept 11 '48 To the Constitution. 1st Octr.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 25 '51 to Pensacola Hospital.  Octr 21 '53 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Dec 16 '53  To the Decatur by the 1st Jany. next.


William Johnson. [Surgeon.]  4 April 1831.  Sept 11 '48 detd. fm. Boston Yard, 10 Octr. & to the Constitution.  Sept 19 '48 Relieved from the Constitution & Wait orders, 10th Octr.  Octr 10 '48 To Yorktown as Fleet     Surgeon of African Squadron.  June 28 '51 Detd. f. the Portsmouth & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 16 '51 To Boston Recg. Ship.  Sept 20 '51 previous order revoked.  May 10 '52 To examine Candidates at the Academy.  Sept 7 '52 To Boston Yard, by 1st Octr.  Octr 17 '56  To Naval Hospital, Pensacola. Oct 13 '56 Delay reporting till 1 Decr next.


 Joel S. Kennard.  [Lieutenant.]  18th October 1850.  Octr 24 '50 Commissioned from the 18th of October 1850.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. fm. the Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 22 '51 Commissioned.  Feby 11 '51 to the Observatory.  May 6 '52 Detd. & to Coast Survey in the Pacific under Lt. Alden.  June 4 '56 Detd. & to special duty, Washington, under Lt. J. M. Gillis.  Mch 27 '57 Detd. 31 Inst. & to the Dale, 10 April.  Dec. 23 '57 Reports arrival at Norfolk in command of Prize Bark Wm G. Lewis ‑ detd. & Wait orders.  Dec 28 '57 Take passage in the Marion & rejoin the Dale.


 Edmund Lanier.  [Lieutenant.]  8 Septem. 1841.  Jany 13 '46 To Recg. Ship at Balto.    March 9 '47 detd. & to the Saratoga.  Feby 1 '48 Reports his return to

Pensacola & detachment under survey 11 Jany 1848.  July 20 '48 To the St. Lawrence.  Nov 8 '50 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 15 '51 To Baltimore Rendezvous, 1st Octr.  Sept 20 '52 Detd & to the Marion.  Sept 22 '52 previous order revoked, return to Rendezs. & be ready for orders to Constitution.  Octr 7 '52 Detd. & to the Mississippi.  April 25 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 10 '55 To the Rendezvous, Baltimore.


Samuel Larkin.  [Lieutenant.]  1 July 1840.   Feby 18 '47 detd. fm. Portsmouth N.H. Ordinary on 22d March & Wait orders.  March 23 '47 To the Observatory.  July 22 '47 detd. & to Brandywine.  Decr 6 '50 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 11 '51 To Boston Recg. Ship.  Octr 8 '52 Detd. & to the Marion.  Jun 4 '55 Detd. from Constitution.  Promoted 14 September 1855.


William W. Low.  [Midshipman.]  3 March 1841.  April 29 '47 Detd. fm. the Levant & 3 mos. leave.  May 13 '47 To School.  May 25 '47 defer presenting himself for examination till next year.  Augt 4 '47 Leave till 10th Octr next, & then to School.   July 8 '48 detd. go home & Wait orders.  July 18 '48 To the St. Lawrence 1st Augt.  Septem 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn fm. 10th Augt 1847, No. 9.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. fm. The Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  March 31 '51 To the Coast Survey, with Lt. Almy.  Novr 26 '51 to the Legare, C. Survey.  Decr 1 '51 Detd. & permission to join the Falcon.  June 23 '52 To the Fredonia.  Octr 7'52 Detd. & to the Powhatan.  Dec 20 '52 Detd. & Wait orders.  April 18 '53 to the Graham, Coast Survey, as Actg. Master.  Octr 20 '53 Detd. & Wait orders.  Octr 21 '53 To the Princeton as Actg. Master.  March 3 '55 Warranted as Master from 10 March 1855 (No. 27).  June 1 '55 Deted. 18 May last & Wait orders.  September 13 '55 Reserve List ‑ Leave.


 Isaac Mayo.  [Captain.]  8 Septem. 1841.  June 4 '46 to examine Midn.  July 11 '46 Board adjournment.  Report at Depart. 21st inst.  July 18 '46 prev. order

suspended.  July 27 '46 on duty connected with examination of Midn.  March 5 '47 to command the Mississippi.  June 29 '47 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Aug 10 '47 Reld. from the Home Squadron & 3 mos leave.  July 14 '48 Member of Bd. Examiners.  June 29 '49 Member of Board to examine Midshipmen 7 July. July 25  '49 Member of Bd. Examining.  June 12 '50 Member of Board to examine Midshipmen, 17th inst.  Sept 3 '53 Be ready for the command of the African            Squadron.  Novr 3 '52 To command the African Squadron.  June 4 '55 Detd.& 3 mos. leave.  May 20 '56 Presd't. Bd. to examine Midshipmen.


Edward Y. McCauley.  [Midshipman.]  9 Septem. 1841.  April 8 '46 detd. fm. School & to U. States, 5 May.  Feby 3 '48 To School.  July 6 '48 detd. go home & Wait orders.  Augt 9 '48 To Phila. Recg. Ship.  Sept 16 '48    det., to the Constitution 1Octr '48.  Sept 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn. fm. 10th Augt. 1847, No. 29.  Detd. fm. Constitution, sick, by the Commo., gone to Alexandria, Egypt, Oct 3, 850.  Joined the Independence 1st Octr 1851.  June 30 '52 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  July 30 '52 To the Saranac, 10 Augt.   Augt 13 '52 Detd. & to the Powhatan.   Octr 23 '55 Warranted as a Master from the 1 July 1855.  Promoted 14 September 1855.


Charles S. McDonough.  [Lieutenant.]  16 May 1845.  June 22 '45 Commissioned fm.16th May 1848, No. One.  Augt 21 '48 To the Cumberland.  Novr 2 '48 detd. & to the Raritan.  Novr 30 '48 detd. & to the Savannah.  Feb 2 '52 Detd. fm. Falmouth & 3 mos. leave.  Nov 19 '52 To the Constitution.  Augt 13 '55 Detd. from the Marion [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 11 '58 To Navy Yard, Boston.  Sep 4 '57  Detd. & to the Merrimack.


Wilson R. McKinney.  [Lieutenant.]  3 March 1847.  March     22 '47 Commissioned fm. 3d  March 1847.  March 20 '47 To the Flirt.  May 10 '48 detd. fm. Jno Adams & 3 mos.leave.  Aug 31 '48 To the Constitution, 15 Sept.  Died at Marseilles, France, Augt 18, 1851.


Daniel D. [sic: C.] McLeod.  [Surgeon.]  23 July 1841.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Novr 3 '46 permission to leave the U.S.  Decr 29 '46 leave 3 mos. fm. 1st Jany.  Augt 5 '47 To Pensacola Yard.  March 20 '50 Detd.    1st May & Wait orders.  Octr 15 '50 To the Albany.  March 13 '52 Detd. on 1 May & to Pensacola Hospital.  Died at the Pensacola Hospital, Septem. 1st 1852.


Richard [F.] McSherry, Jr.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  23 Novem. 1843.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm.the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Feby 20 '47 To the Polk.  April 12 '47 To examination.  April 26 '47 Passed.  May 5 '47 Detd. & W. Orders. May 21 '47 To Mexico with the Marines.  July 14 '48 Reports his return.‑  Novr 4 '48 To Norfolk Hospital.  April 11 '50 Detd. on 8th May & wait orders.  Octr 4 '50 Furlough till the 15th of March next.  March 17 '51 Furlough extended to 15th April next.  April 17 '51 Resignation accepted.


 Thomas B. Nalle.  [Purser.]  17 October 1839.  Feby 10 '46   Leave 3 mos.  April 21 '46 Inspector &c. Norfolk, on 1st May.  Jany 5 '47 detd. & to the Potomac.  July 24 '47 detd. after survey &c.  Octr 22 '47 Leave 3 mos.      Jany 19 '48 Leave 60 days.   March 10 '48 Leave till 20th May & then to Memphis Yard by 1st June.  Novr 27 '48 detd. on 10th Decr, & to the Savannah.  Octr 11 '51  Detd. after survey & leave 3 mos. Octo 28 '52 To     the Constitution.  Dec 21 '52 Detd. when successor  reports & leave 3 mos.  Jan 5 '54 Leave 3 mos.  Augt    1st '54 To the Washington Navy Yard by the 20th Inst.  July 7 '57 Detd. & to the Mississippi.


J. W. A. Nicholson.  [Lieutenant.]  24 April 1852. Dec 31 '52 Commissioned from the 24 April 1852.  Feb 5 '53 To the Constitution.  Feb 7 '53 Previous order revoked & to the Macedonian.  Feb 11 '53 Detd. & to the Vandalia.  Mch 21 '55 Having returned (sick) det'd. 20 Nov. 1854, leave 3 mos.  Octr 11 '55 To Navy Yard New York.  (Sea service in Arctic, from 11 Feb. to 1 April     856.)  May 6 '57 Detd. & to the Release.  Aug 14 '57 Detd. & Wait orders.  Oct 5 '57 To the Vincennes, 20th Inst.


 John Percival.  [Captain.]  8 Septem. 1841.  Octr. 1 '46 detd. fm. the command of the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  September 13, '55 Reserved ListLeave.


Oliver H[azard]. Perry.  [Lieutenant.]  25 February 1841.   April 17 '46 detd. fm. Boston Yard, 1st June & w. orders.  Octr 14 '46 to the Albany.  Augt 11 '47 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 31 '48 To the Constitution, 15 Sept.  Sept 11 '48 previous order revoked & Furlough  till further orders.  July 17 '49 To the Vandalia.   July 23 '49 Resignation accepted.


 Henry Rolando.  [Lieutenant.]  15 Jany 1850.  Octr 3 '50 Commissioned from the 18  Jany 1850.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. fm. Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  June 26 '51 To the Boston Recg. Ship.  Sept 9 '51 Detd. & Wait orders. Novr 19 '51 To Baltimore Recg. Ship.  July 27 '52 Detd. & to the Mississippi.  Sept 2 '52 Detd. & to Baltimore Recg. Ship.  Dec 23d '52 Detd. & be ready for Ringgold's Expedition.  Jany 12 '53 To the Vincennes.  April 30 '53 To Command the                      Vincennes.  Sep 28 '55 Detd. from Powhatan.  Reserved List ‑ furlough.  Feb 18 '56 Detd. from Powhatan [sic].


James H. Rowan.  [Lieutenant.]  31 Decem 1833.  Jany 25 '46 to the Potomac by 10 Feby.  May 29 '47 detd. fm. the Princeton & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 16 '47 Survey  stores at New York Yard.  April 8 '48 detd. & W. Orders. April 27 '48 Leave 3 mos.  July 29 '48 Leave extd. 2 mos.  Sept 6 '48 To the Constitution 15th inst. Jany 4 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 21 '51 New York Rendezvous.  June 21 '51 Detd. & to Command the Lexington.  June 27 '51 previous order revoked & to New York Rendezvous again. June 19 '54 Det'd. on 21st Inst. & Wait orders.  Jan 29 '55 To Command the Bainbridge.  Promoted 14 September 1855.              


John [Singleton] Rudd.  [Commander.]  8 Septem. 1841.  April 21 '46 detd. fm. Inspector ships &c, Norfolk, on 1 May & waiting orders.  Jany 7 '47 Be ready to comd. the Union. March 11 '47 to command the Union.  May 25 '47 Detd. & to the Pacific Squadron.  Augt 24 '49 Detd. fm. comd. of the Dale & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 25 '50 To Norfolk Ordinary.  March 6 '50 Previous order revoked.  Octr 16 '52  Be ready for the command of the Constitution.  June 4 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Promoted 14 Septr. 1855.


 Solomon Sharp.  [Surgeon.]  20 Feby. 1838.  Nov 13 '46 to    the Raritan.  July 24 '47 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  May 1 '48 To New York Recg. Ship.  Octr 5 '48 detd. 15 inst. & Wait orders.  Decr 20 '48 To Norfolk Yard 10 Jany.    Sept 24 '50 To Naval Academy, 1st Octr. to examine Candidates.  March 20 '51 Detd. fm.Norfolk Yard 1st April & Wait orders.  April 16 '51 To the Susquehanna. April 21 '51 previous order revoked.  Augt 23 '51 To the Cyane.  Augt 9 '52 Detd. & be ready for the Constitution.  Augt 26 '52 To the Columbia as "Surgeon of the Fleet" for Home Squadron.  Mch 31 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  July 5 '55 To Naval Academy, Annapolis.


Benjamin F. Shattuck.  [Lieutenant.]  8 Septem 1841.  Feby     24 '47 Detd. fm. Boston Yard & to the Aetna.  Jany 11 '48 Ret. sick & 3 months Leave.  Augt 31 '48 To the Constitution, 15 Sept.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 25 '51 To Boston Yard.  Octr 26 '53 Detd. & to the Cyane.  Nov 9 '53 Detd. (sick) & Wait orders. Sep 9 '54 To temporary special duty Boston Yard.  Octr 6 '54 To the John Adams.  Feb 16 '56 Detd. on 5th Inst. & 3 mos. leave.  Mch 23 '57 To Rec'g. Ship, Boston.  April 6 '57 Previous order revoked (sick).


 Mayo C[arrington]. Watkins.  [Lieutenant.]  15 July 1847.  July 19 '47 Commissioned fm the 15th of July 1847.  Jany 19 '48 Commissioned [sic].  May 8 '50 Detd. fm. Jamestown & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 7 '50 To Baltimore Recg. Ship.  Nov 9 '50 Detd. & wait orders.  Decr 7 '50 To the Susquehanna.  Decr 20 '50 Detd. & Wait orders. March 1 '51 To the Walker, Coast Survey.  Sept 1 '51 Detd. & wait orders.  March 26 '52 To the Princeton, 20th April.  Novr 23 '52  Detd. & to the Macedonian.  Feb 5 '53 Detd. & to the Constitution.   Returned to the U.S. on sick ticket [ca. Augt '54].   Jany 16 '55 Apptd.  Light House Inspector.  Nov 18 '57  Detd. 1 Jany next.


James H[oratio]. Watmough.  [Purser.]  12 Decem. 1844.  May 10 '48 detd. fm. the Portsmouth after survey of stores &c.  Octr 29 '49 To the Perry.  Decr 26 '51

Detd. after survey &c.  June 18 '52 To the St. Louis by 1st of July.  June 22 '52  previous order revoked.   Dec 21 '53 To the Constitution.  June 4 '55 Detd. &

settle A/cs.  Dec 8 '57 To the Michigan.


Roll 8, Volume J‑2 (January 1846 ‑ December 1858)


Charles W. Aby.  [Midshipman.]  8 Feby. 1840.  July 13 '46    dted. from School & W. orders.  Augt 5 '46 Warranted as Pd. Midn. from 11th July ‑ No. 15.  Novr 25 '46  To the Coast Survey.  Sept 1 '48 detd. & to the Constitution.  Novr 12 '51 Detd. fm. the Mississippi [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  March 5 '52 To the Supply.  March 30 '52 Detd. & to the Perry as Acting Master.  April 19 '53 Detd. from the Dale [sic] & leave 3 mos.  May 19 '53 To Coast Survey Steamer Bibb.  July 2 '53 Apptd. Actg. Master Str. Bibb (Coast Survey).  Oct 19 '53 Detd. & 2 mos. leave.  Jan 12 '54 To the Vixen as Actg. Master.  March 15 '54 Detd. & Wait orders.  July 8 '54  To the San Jacinto, 15th July, as Act'g. Master.  Octr 18 '54 Warranted as Master from the 23 September 1854.  June 14 '55 Detd. & Wait orders.


Aeneas Armstrong.  [Midshipman.]  2d Octr. 1850.  Octr 10 '50 Acting appointment from the 2d Octr 1850.  Nov 20 '51 Detd. fm. Academy & to San Jacinto.  Feb 1 '53 Warranted.  June 4 '55 Detd. from the Constitution [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  July 24 '55 To the Academy, 1st Octr next.  June 21 '56 Detd. & Wait orders.  June 30 '56 Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from the 20 June 1856, No. 20.  Dec 9 '56   To the Saratoga.  Jan 6 '58 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.


 Francis H. Baker.  [Midshipman.]  12 October 1848.  Octr 13 '48 Actg. appointment, from the 12th of October 1848.  Octr 24 '48 Detd. fm. School & to the Constitution.  July 23 '49 Warranted.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 28 '51 To the Jamestown, 15th March.  July 21 '53 Detd. from the Congress & to the Academy by the 1st Octr next.  June 12 '54 Detd. & Wait orders.  July 10 '54    Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from 15 June 1854, No. 3.  Sep 12 '54 To the John Adams, by the 1st October next.  Nov 9 '55     Warranted as a Master from 15 Septmber 1855, No.49.  Promoted 16 September 1855 (No. 49).


Thomas C. Berry.  [Boatswain.]  29 Sept. 1854.  Dec 23 '54 Warranted.  June 4 '55  Detd. from the Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 20 '55 To the Levant.


George D. Blackford.  [Sailmaker.]  12 April 1842.  Octr 13 '48 Detd. fm. Columbia & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 31 '48  To Constitution 15 Sept.  Jany 31 '50 Reported his return & Wait orders.  April 16 '50 To the Portsmouth Yard by 22d inst.  June 26 '50 Detd. 1st July & wait orders.  July 2 '50 To Boston Recg. Ship.  March 21'51 Detd. & wait orders.  June 23 '51 To the Plymouth.  Jan 20 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  April 23 '55 To temporary duty under Post Master General.  Dec 6 '55 To Practice Ship Preble.  June 17 '56 Detd. & Wait orders.


Willliam L. Bradford.  [Midshipman.]  1 Octr. 1850.  Octr 10 '50 Acting appointment from the 1st of Octr 1850.  Novr 20 '51 Detd. fm. the Academy & to the San Jacinto.  Decr 20 '51 Previous order revoked & to New York Recg. Ship.  Jany 3 '52 Detd. & to the San Jacinto.  Feb 11 '53 Warranted.  June 4 '55 detd. fm.the Constitution [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  July 24 '55 To the Academy, 1st of October next.  June 21 '56 Detd. & Wait orders.  June 30 '56 Waranted as a Passed Midshipman from the 20 June 1856. No. 18.  Dec 5 '56 To the Falmouth, 1 Jany next.  Sep 7 '57 Detd. & to the Arctic Expedition as Acting Master.


James L. Butler.  [Midshipman.]  11 April 1848.  April 13 '48 Actg. appointment fm April 11 '48.  April 14 '48 To the Onkahye.  Augt 5 '48 Retd. fm. wreck of Onkahye & to Cumberland.  Sept 9 '48 detd. 1st Octr & to the Constitution.   Decr 1 '48 detd. & to the Boston Recg. Ship, by Como. Parker.  Decr 11 '48  Detd. & report in person at Depart.  Decr 18 '48 Resignation accepted.


James R. Childs.  [Sailmaker.]  8 June 1822.  Octr 26 '46 to the Pensacola Yard.  Sept 13 '49 Detd & Wait orders.  June 24 '50 To the Saratoga, 20th July.  Augt  9 '50   Furlough till further orders.  Sept 28 '50 Furlough to terminate 1st Octr. & wait orders.  Novr 19 '51 To the New York Yard.  Octr 26 '52 Detd. & to the Constitution.  Novr 1 '52 previous order revoked, remain at New York Yard & be ready for the Vermont. Feb 12 '53 Detd. on the 1st March next & to the          Vermont.  April 8 '53 Detd. & Wait orders.  Augt 12     '54 To the Independence on the 1st Sept next.  May 1 '57 Reports arrival ‑ detd. 16 April 1857 ‑ leave 3 mos.


Ethelbert F. Coddington.  [Midshipman.]  12 October 1848.  Octr 13 '48 appointment fm.12th of October 1848.  Octr 24 '48 Detd. fm. School & to the Constitution.  July 23 '49 Warranted.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 28 '51 To the Jamestown, 15 March.  March 21 '51 Detd. & wait orders.  March 27 '51 Leave 3 months.  July 24 '51 To the Saranac.  Augt 15 '51 Detd. & wait orders.  Novr 20 '51 To the San Jacinto.  Feby 23 '52 Detd. & wait orders.  Sept 23 '52 To the Relief for the Brazil Squadron.  Octr 5 '53 Leave for 3 months.  Died at Malaga, Spain, November 8th 1853.


Charles H. Cushman.  [Midshipman.]  24 March 1849.  March 24 '49 Acting appointment from the 24th March 1849.  April 5 '49 Detd. fm. School, go home & Wait orders.  April 13 '49 Dismissed.  June 4 '49 Letter of dismissal recalled & original appointment restored.  June 4 '49 To the John Adams.  Detd. by Como. Downes 29th June 1849.  Augt 20 '49 To the Vandalia.  July 8 '51 Warranted.   Octr 12 '52 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 10 '53 To the Constitution. June 24 '54 Having returned, to the Naval Academy by 1st October next.   June 12 '55 Detd. & to Coast Survey Party under Lt. Maffitt.  June 16 '55 Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from the 12 June 1855, No. 2.  Nov 19 '55 Warranted as Master from 16 September 1855, No. 7.  Augt 23 '56 Detd. & to Naval Academy.  Promoted 8 February 1856.


 William H. Dana.  [Midshipman.]  1st May 1850.  May 3 '50 Acting appointment from the 1st of May 1850.  Feby 10 '51 Detd. fm. Academy & to the Decatur.  Sept 3 '52   Detd. & Wait orders.  Nov 9 '52 To the Constitution.  Dec 11 '52 Warranted.    June 4 '55 Detd. & 3 mos leave.  July 24 '55 To the Academy, 1st October next.    June 21 '56 Detd. & Wait orders.  June 30 '56 Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from 20 June 1856, No. 13.  Aug 22 '56 To the St. Lawrence, 20 Sept. next.


 Ethan Estabrook.  [Professor of Mathematics.]  30 Octo. 1843.  Octr 8 '46 Left the Constitution.  (omitted to be detached)‑  Sept 4 '48 Dropped.


 John Featherston.  [Boatswain.]  7 Decem. 1841.  Octr 6 '46 detd. fm. the Plymouth & leave 3 mos.  Decr 1 '46 Warranted.  Feby 5 '47 To the Mississippi by the 1st March.  April 21 '48 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  May 5 '48 To Boston Recg. Ship.   Augt 31 '48 detd. on 15 Sept. & to Constitution.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.   April 1 '51 To Boston Recg. Ship.  Augt 4 '51 Detd. & Wait orders.  Feby 20 '52 To Pensacola Yard 1st April.  Died at Pensacola Yard, Pensacola 30th Octr 1852.


 Charles L. O. Hammond.  [Midshipman.]  8 Novem. 1847.  Novem. 8 '47 Notice to School, 12 Novem.  Decr 4 '47 Actg. appointment.  Jany 13 '48 To the Plymouth, by 22d inst.  April 7 '49 Warranted.  June 26 '51 Detd. fm. the Dolphin & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 25 '51 To the Cyane 10th Sept.  June 19 '52 Detd. & to the Academy by 1st Octr.  Dec 16 '52 Detd. & Wait orders.  Jany 15 '53 To the Constitution.   July 7 '53 Detd. from the San Jacinto [sic] & leave 3 months.  Augt 16 '53 To Naval Academy by 1st October next.  Sep 22 '53 Detd. from Fulton & to the Academy by the 1st October next.  March 23 '54 Resignation accepted.


Lewis Holmes.  [Carpenter.]  14 Decem. 1848.  Decr 14 '48 Acting appointment & be ready for sea service.  April 4 '49 To the Falmouth.  Novr 6 '51 Warranted.  Feby 2 '52 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 23 '52 To the Constitution.  June 4 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  May 1 '57 To the Cumberland.


 Charles Johnston.  [Boatswain.]  21 May 1839.  Jany 2 '47 detd. fm. the Cumberland & 3 mos. leave.  March 22d '47 To the Philadelphia Yard.  March 21 '49 Detd. 1st April & wait orders.  April 4 '49 To the Falmouth.  Feby 2 '52 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  April 6 '52 To New York Recg. Ship 1st of May.  Novr 6 '52 Detd. & to the Constitution.  Jan'y 7 '54 Having returned from the Constitution leave for 1month.  Jan 25 '54 Be ready for Portsmouth N.H. Navy Yard.  Mch 15 '54 To Navy Yard Portsmouth N.H. by 7 April next.  May 9 '55 Detd. & Wait orders.    Sep 1 '55 To the San Jacinto, 20th inst.


 Archibald S. Lewis.  [Gunner.]  27 Septem. 1834.  Jany 27 '46 To the Potomac.  July 24 '47 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Novr 10 '47 Leave 3 mos.  Augt 5 '48 To Pensacola Yard.  April 24 '51 Detd. & furlough one year.  Octr 23 '52 To the Constitution.    Dec 23 '52 Dismissed.  Dec 31 '52 Previous order revoked & to the Constitution.     June 4 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 4 '55 Furloughed.


 James G. Maxwell.  [Midshipman.]  15 Decem. 1847.  Decem 15 '47 Notice to School 1st Jany next.  April 11 '48 Acting appointment.  April 12 '48 To the Onkahye.  Augt 14 '48 Returned & 2 mos. leave.  Augt 25 '48 To the Cumberland.  Sept 28 '48 detd. & to the Constitution.  Octr 7 '48 Warranted.  June 30 '52 [sic]  Detd.fm. the Independence & to the Academy, by 1st of Oct. next.  June 23 '53 Leave from the Academy till 1st October next.  Dec 8 '53 Dismissed.  Dec 23 '53   Previous order revoked & to take date with Class of 1849 & to the Surveying Schr. Crawford.  July 10 '54 Detd. & to Academy by 1st Octr next.  June 12 '55     Detd. & Wait orders.  June 16 '55 Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from the 12 June 1855, NO. 11.  June 16 '55 To the Potomac, 2 July next.  Oct. 16 '55 Detd.& to the Saratoga, as Actg. Master.  Nov 19 '55 Warranted as Master from the 6th September 1855, No.16.  March 7 '56 Reports return to the U. S. ‑ leave one month.  May 12 '56 To C. S. Str. Bibb.  Oct 24 '56 Detd. & to C. S. Schr.Arago.  Promoted 23 December 1856.


George E. Morgan.  [Midshipman.]  18 Feby. 1841.  Sept 10 '47 Detd. fm, the Savannah & to School 10th Octr. Sept 25 '47 Delay reporting 10th Nov.  July 5 '48 detd. go home & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 6 '48 To the Constitution 1st Octr.  Sept 29 '49    Warranted as Passed Midn. from the 10th of Augt. 1847.  No. 8.  June 30 '52    Detd. from the Independence [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 28 '52 To the Relief by the 15th Septr.   April 27 '53 Detd. & leave 3 months.  July 16 '53 To the Relief.   Jan 17 '54 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  April 7 '54 To the Observatory.  Sep 23 '54  Detd. & one month's leave.  Nov 2 '54 One mos. leave.  Mch 3 '55 Warranted as Master from 1 Mch. 1855, No. 26.  May 4 '55 Permission to visit Canada.  June 9 '55 To the Potomac, 25 Inst.  Octr 16 '55 Perform duties of Lieutenant.  Promoted 14 September 1855.


Jared P. K. Mygatt.  [Midshipman.]  24 Sept. 1847.  Sept 24 '47 Notice to school 10th Octr.  Octr 16 '47 Actg. Appointment.  Octr 16 '47 To the Iris.  Octr 15 '48 Detd.fm. Cumberland & to the Constitution by J. Y. Mason at N.York.   Novr 15 '48 Warranted.    Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  April 14 '51 To Naval Academy.June 12 '51 Leave fm. Academy, till 1st October next.  Augt 25 '51 To the Cyane, 10th Sept.   Sept 21 '52 Detd. & to the Academy by 1st Octr. next.  June 13 '55  Detd. & to the Savannah by the 15th July next.  June 25 '55 Warranted as a Passed Midn. from the 10th June 1855, No. 9.  Nov 9 '55 Warranted as a Master from 15 September 1855, No. 34.  Promoted 16 September 1855 [sic].


 Eugene H. Oakley.  [Midshipman.]  2 August 1847.  Augt 2 '47 Notice to School, 10th Octr.  Novr 29 '47 Actg. appointment.  Decem 9 '47 To the Fredonia.  Augt 21 '48 detd. fm. Spitfire & 1 mo. leave.  Sept 9 '48 To the Constitution, 1st Octr.   Decr 14 '48 Warranted. July 3 '51 Detd. fm. the Cumberland & 3 mos. leave.  Augt. 25 '51 To the Cyane, 10th Sept.  Octr 2 '51 previous order revoked.  Sept 24 '52 To the Academy. July 25 '53 Failed at examination & dropped from the Navy List.  Sep 2 '53 Previous order revoked & to the Naval Academy by the 1st of October next.  June 12 '54 Detd. & wait orders.  June 17 '54 To the Cyane.  June 22 '54 Previous order revoked & Wait orders.  July 1 '54 To the Vixen.  July 10 '54 Warranted as a Passed     Midshipman from 15 June 1854, No. 12.  July 21 '54 Detd. & Wait orders.  Sep 12 '54 To the John Adams, by the 1st October next.   Novr 19 '55 Warranted as Master from 16th September 1855, No. 1.  Promoted 17 September 1855.


 William H[arwar]. Parker.  [Midshipman.]  19 October 1841.  Feby 21 '46 To the Potomac.  Sept 24 '47  To school 10th Octr.  July 19 '48 detd. fm. Boston Yard.    Sept 6 '48 Detd. on 1st Octr. & to the Constitution.  Sept 26 '48 Previous order revoked & remain at Yard.  Octr 16 '48 detd. & to the Yorktown.  Sept 29 '49  Warranted as P. Midn. fm. 10th Augt 1847, No. Two.  Decr 20 '50 Returned & 3 mos. leave.  May 13 '51 To Coast Survey, with Lt. McBlair.  Novr 10 '51 Detd. fm. Sea Service & to C. Survey Office.  March 31 '52 Detd. & to the Princeton by 15th of April.  July 3 '52 Detd. & to the Cyane.  Sept 28 '53 Detd. & to Naval Academy as Assistant Professor of Mathematics.  Octr 21 '53 Appt. Actg. Master at Naval Academy. March 3 '55 Warranted as Master from 1 March 1855 (No. 22).  S.S. [Sea Service?] in Preble 1855.  Promoted 14 September 1855.


Thomas P. Pelot.  [Midshipman.]  2 June 1849.  June 5 '49  Acting appointment from the 2d day of June 1849.  July 5 '49 Detd. fm. School & to the Cumberland.  Novr 19 '50 Warranted.  Transferred to the Independence by Como. Morgan.  June 30 '52 Detd. & 3 months leave.  Novr 9 '52 To the Constitution.  April 26 '54 Having returned, leave 2 mos. & then to Practice Ship at Annapolis.  July 3 '54 Failed to join Preble, previous order revoked & to Academy by 1st Octr next.  June 12 '55 Detd. & Wait orders.  June 16 '55 Warranted as a Passed Midn. from the 12 June 1855, No. 14.  Nov 19 '53 Warranted as a Master from the 16 September 1855, No. 19.  March 3 '56 To the Saratoga at Pensacola.  Oct 14 '56  Transferred to the Independence. (Did not effect transfer.) Dec 16 '56 Detd. from Saratoga & Wait orders.  Promoted 1 January 1857, No. 2


Thomas S[towell]. Phelps, [Jr.]. [Midshipman.]  17 Jany.1840.  Jany 28 '46 detd. from the Boston & to School by 15 July.  Augt 13 '46 dted. & N.C.  Augt 5 '46.  Warranted as Pd. Midn. from 11th July ‑ No. 22.  Oct 5 '46 to the Boston.  Feby  20 '47 detd. & to the Polk.  May 5 '47 Detd. & to the coast Survey.  Sept 14 '48 detd. & to the Constitution.  Last order retd. &  cancelled 22 Novr.  May 30 '49  Detd. & to the Independence, 15th June.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. from the   Constitution [sic] & 3 mos. leave.  April 22 '51 To the Observatory.  May 1 '51 prev. order revoked & to C. Survey as Actg. Master of the Legare.  Novr 15 '51 Detd. fm. Sea Service at Coast Survey Office.  March 5 '52 Detd. and to the Supply.  March 13 '52 Previous order revoked & remain on C. Survey.  April 7 '52 To the Schr. Graham as Actg. Master.  Augt 25 '52 Detd. & to Norfolk Recg. Ship as Actg. Master.  Dec 12 '53 Detd. & to the Decatur as Act'g. Master.  March 3 '55  Warranted as Master from 4 March 1855 (No. 1).   Promoted 14 September 1855  (No. 1).


Edward E. Potter.  [Midshipman.]  5 Feby 1850.  Feby 7 '50  Acting appointment from the 5th of Feby 1850.  Feby 10 '50 Detd fm. Academy & to the Decatur.  Sept 3 '52 Detd. & Wait orders.  Novr 9 '52 To the Constitution. Dec 11 '52 Warranted.    Augt 13 '55 Detd. from the Marion & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 30 '55 To Naval Academy, 1st October next.  June 21 '56 Detd. & Wait orders.  June 30 '56  Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from the  20th June 1856, No. 14.  Sep 18 '56  To the St. Lawrence.


 John C. Ritter.  [Gunner.]  18 Septem. 1845.  June 4 '47 detd. fm. the St. Mary's & 3 mos. leave.  July 17 '47 To the New York Recg. Ship.  July 13 '48 detd. & Wait  orders.  Augt 31 '48 To the Constitution 15 Sept.  July 23 '49 Warranted.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 4 '51 To New York Yard.  July 27 '52 Detd. & to the Mississippi.  Sept 2 '52 Detd. & to the New York Yard.  April 6 '54 Detd. & Wait orders.  July 8 '54 To the San Jacinto, 15th Inst.  June 15 '55      Detd. & Wait orders.  Sep 1 '55 To the San Jacinto, 20th Inst.


Henry Rolando.  [Midshipman.]  28 Decem. 1836.  Feby 7 '46 Ret. in prize Schr. Merchant & W. Orders.  April 16 '46 To coast Survey.  Octr 6 '46 detd. & to the Boston as Actg. Master.  March 1 '47 to the Germantown as actg. Master.  Augt 7 '48 Retd. & wait orders.  Augt 31 '48 To the Constitution, 15 Sept, as acting master.  June 5 '49 Warranted as Master fm. 12th May 1849.


 Edward R. Shubrick, [Jr.].  [Midshipman.]  9 February 1849.  Feby 9 '49 Acting appointment from the 9th of February 1849.  June 5 '49 Detd. fm. School & to the Independence, 20th instant.  June '14 '50 Return fm. Mediterranean in first public vessel.  Augt 7 '50 Warranted.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. fm. Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 22 '51 To the Naval Academy.  May 3 '51 Detd. & to Plymouth.   Detd. at Madeira by Como. Kelly Sept 27 '52 [sic].‑  Feby 24 '52 Reports his return & 2 mos. leave.  April 2 '52 Leave extended 2 months.  July 3 '52 Furlough Six months.  Jan 5 '53 Leave 3 mos.  April 26 '53 Resignation accepted.


Robert Simpson.  [Boatswain.]  8 Decem. 1840.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Octr 26 '46 to Pensacola Yard.  Novr 4 '46 detd. & to the Potomac.  July 24 '47 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 6 '47 To the Cumberland.  April 16 '48 Reports his return to the U.S.  Novr 25 '48 To Norfolk Recg. Ship, 1st Decr.  Feby 21 '49 Detd. & be ready for sea.  April 20 '49 To  the Mississippi, 15th May.  June 30 '52 Detd. fm. The Independence & 3 mos. leave.  July 14 '52 To Norfolk Recg. Ship on 1st Augt.  Dec 27 '52 Dismissed.  Jan'y 11 '53 Previous order revoked & Wait orders.  Feby 12 '53 To the Vermont by the 1st March next.  Septr 12 '53 Dismissed.


George Sirian.  [Gunner.]  20 April 1837.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Octr 28 '46 to New York Yard.  March 1 '47 detd. & to the Bomb Hecla.  March 15 '48 Reports his return to U.S.  July 6 '48 To Norfolk Yard. 25th inst.   June 15 '49 Detd. & to Jno Adams.  April 9 '53 Detd. from the Dale & leave 3 months.  May 16 '53 To Ordnance duty at Norfolk. Warranted from 20 April 1837.  Add sea service in the Fairfield from 20 April 1837 to 11th April 1840.  July 30 '55 Detd. & to Recg. Ship Norfolk.  May 24 '55 Detd. & to the Congress, 15 June next.


John J. Stanford.  [Sailmaker.]  4 Novem 1848.  Novr 4 '48 Acting appointment & to the Albany.  Sept 11 '50 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Novr 19 '50 Warranted.  Jany 28 '51  To the Decatur.  Sept 3 '52 Detd. & wait orders.  Dec 27 '52 To the Constitution.  July 7 '53 Retd. Home sick ‑ detached & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 23 '54  To the Falmouth.  Augt 22 '55 Detd. & to the Saratoga.  Octr 31 '55 Detd. (sick) & Wait orders.  Sep 6 '56 To Navy Yard Pensacola.


James Stillwell.  [Midshipman.]  9 Septr. 1847.  Sept. 9 '47 Notice to School, 10th Octr.   Octr 15 '47 Actg. appointment.  Octr 15 '47 To the Cumberland.  June 5 '48 Warranted.  Sept 9 '48 detd. fm. Hecla & to the Constitution.  Jany 14 '51 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 28 '51 To the Jamestown, 15th of March. July 21 '53  Detd. from the Congress & to the Academy by the 1st of Octr next.  June 12 '54  Failed to pass Examn. detd. & to the Academy 1st Octr next.  June 12 '55 Detd & Wait orders.  June 16 '55 Warranted as a Passed Midshipman from the 15th June 1855 ‑ to rank next after PMidn. W. P. McCann.  July 17 '55 To the Constellation.   Novr 19 '55 Warranted as Master from 15 September 1855, No. 5.  Promoted 16 September 1855.


Jeremiah [sic: John] C. Sullivan.  [Midshipman.]  12 October 1848.  Octr 20 '48 Actg.appointment from the 12th of Octr. 1848.  Decr 13 '48 detd. fm. School & to  the Savannah 18th inst.  Octr 22 '49 Warranted.  Sept 27 '52 Detd. fm. the Vincennes & 3 mos. leave.  Jany 11 '53 To the Constitution.  July 7 '53 Detd. from  the San Jacinto [sic] & 3 months leave.  Augt 16 '53 To Naval Academy by 1st of October next.  April 14 '54 Resignation accepted.


 John S. Taylor.  [Midshipman.]  14 Decem. 1836.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Decr 15 '46 to the Store S. Fredonia.  Decr 21 '46 previous order revoked & to the St. Mary's.  June 2 '47 reports his return (sick) & leave 1 mo.  July 22 '47 To the Brandywine as acting master.  June 28 '49 Warranted as  Master fm. 23d June 1849.  April 4 '50 Detd. fm. Porpoise & 3 mos. leave.  July 31 '50 To Coast Survey as Lieutenant.


Colville Terrett.  [Midshipman.]  3 Jany 1840.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & to Schooner 1st Novr.  July 24 '47 Leave 1 week.  Augt 27 '47 Warranted as Pd. Midn. from 11th July 1846 & Numbered 31 1/2.  Sept 23 '47 To Coast Survey.   Octr 7 '48 detd. & to the Observatory.  June 23 '49 Detd. & to the Cumberland.  July 3 '51 Det. & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 1 '51 To the Observatory.  Sepr 11 '52 Detd.& to the Saranac.  Sept 14 '52 Previous order revoked. Wait orders.  Novr 10 '52  To Coast Survey Office.  Jan 6 '53 Detd. & To Warren as Actg. Master.  Jany 29 '53 Previous order revoked & ord. report for a passage in the Constitution as Actg. Master of the Marion.  March 3 '55 Warranted as Master from 1 March 1855 (No. 29).  June 4 '55 Detd. from Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  July 20 '55 To the Observatory.


Henry G[eorge]. Thomas.  [Carpenter.]  10 Feby. 1844.   Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Novr 13 '46 To the Boston Yard.  Decr 1 '46   Warranted.   Sept 23 '47 detd. & leave 3 mos.  Jany 12 '48 To the Plymouth, by 22d inst.  Feby 3 '51 detd. & 3 months leave.  July 10 '51 To New York Recg. Ship.  Sept 11 '51 Detd. 9th of Octr. & to Boston Navy Yard.  Jan'y 20 '53 Detd, & Wait orders.  Jan'y 28 '53 To Recg. Ship, Norfolk.  July 5 '54 Detd. on 18th Inst. & Wait orders.  Augt 12 '54 To the Independence, by the 1st Septr. next.  April 24 55 Detd. on 6 Feb. 1855 & placed on furlough.  June 25 '55 Furloughed to 1 Septr. next & then Wait orders.  Aug 20 '56 To the Naval Academy.  Oct 11 '56  Detd. & Wait orders. Aug 17 '57 To the Saranac, 10 Sep.


 John H[enry]. Upshur.  [Midshipman.]  4 Novem. 1841.  June 4 '47 detd. fm. the St. Mary's & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 9 '47 To School 10 Octr.  Augt 2d '48 detd. & to the Cumberland.  Sept 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn. fm. 10th Augt 1847 ‑ No.17.    Jany 14 '51 Detd. fm. the Constitution & 3 mos. leave.  Feby 24 '51 To ordnance duty at Norfolk.  March 16 '52 Detd. & to the Supply. Feb 13 '55 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  April 7 '55 To Ordnance duty, Washington Yard.  April 19 '55 Warranted a Master from 18 April 1855 ‑ No. 3.  Promoted 14 September 1855.


 Nathaniel T. West.  [Midshipman.]  18 Feby. 1840.  Novr 25 '46 detd. fm. Falmouth & to school 1st Jany.  Aug 9 '47 detd. go home, leave 2 weeks & to Home Squadron.   Sept 7 '47 To rank as Passed Midn. fm. the 10th Augt 1847.  To the Mahonese 19 May.  Augt 1 '48 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 20 '48 To the Constitution, 1st Octr.    July 13 '49 Detd. fm. the Erie & to the N. York Hospital for treatment.  Augt 24 '49 Leave 3 mos. Sept 29 '49 Warranted No. 79.  Novr 16 '49 To the Germantown.  Octr 21 '50 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Octr 28 '50 To Coast Survey, Lt. Rodgers.  July 2 '51 Detd. fm. the Hetzel & to C. Survey office.  Aug 20 '51  Detd. & to the Saranac.  July 3 '52 Detd. fm. The Cyane [sic] & to the Princeton.   Novr 23 '52 Detd. & to the Macedonian.  Transferred to the Fulton.  Mch 31 '55 Detd. from Columbus & 3 mos. leave.  September 13 '55 Dropped ‑ under Act 28 Feb 1855.


Isaac Whitney.  [Sailmaker.]  10 Jany 1837.  Octr 1 '46 detd. fm. the Constitution & leave 3 mos.  Sept 17 '47 To the Cumberland.  Octr 21 '47 detd. & wait orders.   Novem 2 '47 appointment revoked.


William W. Wilkinson.  [Midshipman.]  4 Novem. 1841.  Feby 15 '47 detd. fm. the Mississippi & leave 1 mo.  March 19 '47 To the Saratoga.  April 1 '47 Having arrived too late for the Saratoga, to the Scorpion.  April 6 '47 The Scorpion having sailed, report for the Perry.  Jany 14 '48 Retd. to School.  Aug 2 '48 detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Novr 4 '48 To the Constitution.  Spet 29 '49 Warranted as Passed Midn. fm. 10th April 1847, No. 105.  Octr 30 '49 Detd. & Wait orders.  April 12 '50  To J. Y. Mason, Coast Survey.  May 9 '50 Previous orders revoked.   July 15 '50 To the St. Mary's by 20th Augt.  Augt 15 '50 Previous order revoked.  Octr 15 '50 To the Albany, 25th inst.  Novr 22 '50 Detd. & leave till the 1st of Feby next.  Feby 11 '51 To the Water Witch.  Feby 22 '51 Join Water Witch at Norfolk.  March 1 '51 Prev. order revoked & join the Water Witch at Norfolk [sic].  March   7 '51 Resignation accepted.



Roll 9, Volume K-1 (January 1859 – December 1863)


Benjamin F. Gallaher.  [Purser.]  15 July 1832.  S. Frigate Powhatan.  Augt 16 '60 Detd. & settle accounts.  Oct 19 '60 To Naval Academy & School Ship Constitution.  April 25 '61 To Navy Yard Washington, 1st of May in addition to other duties.  April 27 '61 Detd. from Naval Academy & to Washington Navy Yard. Sept 6 '61  Detd. & settle accounts.  August 22 '62 dismissed.


 Horace M. Hieskell [or Haskell].  [Purser.]  15 September 1841.  Sloop Germantown.   April 14 '60 Detd. & settle accounts.  June 7 '60 To Special duty Washington.  Detd. 28th July 1860.  March 27 '61 to Recg Ship at Norfolk.  April 27 '61 Detd. 20 Inst. & to the Constitution (school ship).  March 17 '64 Detd. 1st April & w.o.     Mar 23 '64 Fleet Paymaster N.A.B. Sqd.   Mar 30 '64 Delay reporting until the 30th April '64.


 David D[ixon] Porter.  [Lieutenant.]  27 February 1841. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N.H.    Member of the Board to examine Navy Yards.  June 20 '59 Board dissolved.  July 7 '60 Detd. 1st Augt & wait orders.  July 19 '60 To command of Constitution.  Augt 22d '60 Detd. & wait orders.  Sept 29 '60 To command C. S. Party Pacific Coast. (Did not go.)   Took command of the Powhatan by order of the President on the 6 April 1861.  Promoted from the 22 April 1861.


 George W[ashington]. Rodgers, [II].  [Lieutenant.]  4 June 1850.  Sloop Falmouth.  May 21 '59 Detd. and 3 mos. leave.  June 15 '59 To Ordnance duty Navy Yard New York.  Sept 5 '60 Detd. on 15th Inst. and to the Constitution at the Naval Academy on the 20th Inst.  May 22 '61 Detd. & to the Savannah.  May 31 '61  Previous order revoked.  Aug 12 '61 Special duty Boston.  Sept 23 '61 Detd. from practice ship & Commd. of Midshipmen Naval Academy. May 16 '62 Detd. & to command the Tioga.  Promoted from the 16th July 1862.


Bushrod B. Taylor.  [Lieutenant.]  31 July 1856.  Sloop St. Louis.  Feb 12 '58 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Augt 6th 58 to Recg. Ship Baltimore.  Oct 20 '58 Be ready for duty on M. W. Chapin (Paraguay Exped.)  Oct 26 '58    Detd, & to the Release.  May 26 '59    Detd. from the Chapin & wait orders.  Oct 3 '59 To the Michigan.  Nov 14 '59  Detd. & to the Preble.  Reported 29 Nov.  Sept 24 '60 Detd. & wait orders.  Oct 12 '60 To School Ship Constitution.  May 7 '61 Detd. & to the Colorado.  August 14 '61 Detd. & report to Depart.  Oct 28 '61 To the Connecticut.  May 12 '62 Detd. & be ready for duty   on board the Cimeron [sic].  May 17 '62 To the Cimerone [sic].  Augt 5 '62 Promoted to a Lieutenant Commander,  March 4 '63   Detd. & to the Ticonderoga.    April 18 '63 Commissioned from the 16 July 1862.   Nov 17 '63 Detd. & to command the Kanawha in W.G.B. Sq.


Roll 10, Volume K‑2 (January 1859 ‑ December 1863)


Benjamin B. Blydenburgh.  [Sailmaker.]  4th November 1858.  Nov 4 '58 Acting appointment.  Accepted Nov 6 1858.  Nov 8 '58 To the St. Mary's.  Oct 19 '59  Warranted.  Jany 16 '61 Detd. 4th Jany '61 & 3 mos. leave. April 19 '61 To the school ship Constitution or Plymouth.  Octr 1 '63 Detd. & be ready for sea service.  Nov 2 '63 To the Hartford.  Nov 6 '63 Previous order revoked and to the Powhatan.  Nov 18 '63 Order repeated to Powhatan.  Died at New London, Conn, on the 19th April 1888.


 Edward Kenney.  [Boatswain.]  23 July 1853.  Powhatan.  Aug 16 '60 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Nov 23 '60 To Practice Ship Constitution.  Jany 8 '64 Det'd. & w. o.    Feby 19 '64 To the Saranac.


 Joseph E. Miller.  [Carpenter.]  10 December 1853. Marion.  Oct 10 '60 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Dec 7 '60 To the St. Mary's.  Dec 12 '60 Previous order revoked.  April 19 '61 To school ship Constitution or Plymouth.


 Henry T. Stocker.  [Sailmaker.]  1 July 1850.  Saranac.  Nov 29 '59 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Sept 3 '60 to the Richmond 25th Inst.  Augt 14 '63 Detd. & 30 days leave.  Octr 1 '63 To the Constitution.


Samuel V. Turner.  [Sailmaker.]  29 December 1857.  Jan 4     '58 To the Marion.  Nov 18 '58 Warranted.  Oct 10 '60  Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  Nov 23 '60 To Practice Ship Constitution.  April 18, 1861 Resignation Accepted.


 Thomas P. Venable.  [Gunner.]  22 October 1855.  Saratoga.  Jan 6 '58 Detd. & 3 mos. Leave.  April 2d '58 To Navy Yard Washington.  Augt 26 '58 Detd. sick, and Wait orders.  Nov 21 '58 To the St. Mary's.  Reported 30th Nov 1858.  Sept 4 '60 Detd. sick 21st ulto & 3 mos. leave.  Oct 5 '60 To practice Ship Constitution.  May 22d '61 Detd. and to the Wabash,  Did not join her, ordered to Roanoke.  March 24 '62 Detd. & wait orders.  April 3 '62 Temporary Ordnance duty New York Yard.


 Zachariah Whitmarsh.  [Boatswain.]  3 February 1849. Merrimack.  Feb 9 '60 Detd. & 3 mos. leave.  July 19 '60 To temporary duty on board the Constitution.  Augt 22 '60 Detd. & wait orders.  May 7 '61 To the Colorado.  June 27 '62 Detd. & two weeks leave.  July 19, '62 To the Wabash.  Detd. Jany 29th '63 sick.  June 20 '63 To the Saratoga.  Jany 25 '64 Detd. & to the Recg Ship at Phila.  Feb 12 '64 Detd. sick.  [Died at Beverly, MA, 20 November 1869.]


Roll 11, Volume L‑1 (January 1864 ‑ December 1871)


William H[enry]. Anderson.  [Paymaster.]  4 May 1866.   July 18 '66 Commissioned.   March 8 '67 Detd. from the Kansas return & report. (Detd. May 22 '67.)  Augt 12 '67 To examination.  Aug 26 '67 To School Ship Constitution 30 Sept.  Sept 11 '68 Detd. 30 Inst. & settle accounts.  Feb 10 '69 To Recg. Ship Independence.  Feb 16 '69. Resignation accepted.


 Augustus P. Cooke.  [Commander.]  15 August 1870.  Naval Academy.  Octr 11 '73 Detd & to Torpedo Station, 20th Inst.  July 15 '74 Detd. & to command the Intrepid, 21 Inst.  June 10 '75 Detd. from Alarm 18 inst. & to command Swatara, 22d Inst.  July 19 '77 Detd. & w.o.  Augt 28 '77 to command Training ship Constitution.  Jany 4 '78 Detd. 9th Inst & to command the St. Louis.


Robert B. Rodney.  [Assistant Paymaster.]  23 July 1866.  August 10 '66 Commissioned.   Augt 14 '66 Detd. from the Conniwaugh [sic] return & be ready for examination.   Octr 27 '66 Be ready for examination.  Dec 27 '66 To the School Ships Constitution & Santee.   Augt 26 '67 Detd. 30 Sept & settle accounts.  July 18 '68 To the Cyane, 24 Inst.  July 24 '68 Delay until steamer 16 Augt.  July 27 '68  Go by steamer 9th Augt without fail.  Reported 1 Sept.  Dec 24 '68 Detd. return & report.  Feb 18 '69 Detd. 26 ulto. (arrived 16th Inst.) & settle accts.  April 27 '69 to examination for promotion.  May 6 '69 Leave for six months & with permission to leave the U. S.  Promoted from the 30 June 1869.


Roll 12, Volume L‑2 (January 1864 ‑ December 1871)


John C. Dixon.  [Carpenter.]  27 March 1857.  Stm. Frigate Colorado.  Feb 11 '64 Detd. w.o.  June 13 '64 To school ship Constitution.  Dec 27 '64 Detd. & to the St. Mary's.  Octr 22 '66 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 17 '66 To the Michigan.  Nov 21 '66   Previous order revoked & sick leave.  May 7 '67 To the Minnesota 25th Inst.   Jany 24 '68 Detd. & w.o.  Feb 14 '68 To Navy Yard Boston.  Feb 13 '71 Detd. & to the Worcester.  Dec 16 '71 Detd. & to Naval Station New London.


William M. [F.?] Laighton.  [Carpenter.]  29 September 1836. Special duty New York.   March 10 '64 Detd. & w.o.  May 2 '64 To the New Hampshire.  Augt 18 '64   Detd 5 Augt sick & w.o.  Nov 19 '64 To the Naval Academy.  Augt 30 '65 Detd. from the Constitution & w.o.  June 2 '66 In charge of Navy property at Key West, Fa.  May 21 '67 Detd. return & report.  Detd 23 June '67.  Sept 7 '67 To apprentice ship Saratoga, 1 Octr.  Sept 12 '67 Previous order revoked & w.o.   Mar 18 '68 To the Navy Yard Portsmouth N.H.  March 2 '71 Detd. & w.o.   March 8 '71 To Equipment duty Navy Yard       Portsmouth N.H.  Died at Revere, Masstts. on the 25 June 1879.


 Thomas Smith.  [Boatswain.]  24 September 1855.  Stm Sloop Canandaigua.  Nov 4 '64    Detd. return & report.  Detd. 3 Dec '64 .  March 29 '65 To the Ticonderoga.  May 6 '65 Detd. & w.o.  July 5 '65 To the Naval Academy. Augt 30 '65 Detd. from the Constitution & w.o.  Octr 27 '65 To Navy Yard Boston.  Augt 11 '66 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 10 '66 To the Pawnee, 1st Jany.  July 3 '69 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 1 '70 to the Recg. Ship at Boston.  March 1 '71 Temporary duty on the Worcester in place of Jos Wilson.  Ordered by he Commandant of the Yard.  July 24 '71 Detd. from the Worcester & to the Recg. Ship Ohio.


John W. Stimson.  [Carpenter.]  15 April 1852.  Stm. Frigate Minnesota.  Sept 29 '64    Detd. & w.o.  Dec 27 '64 To Practice Ship Constitution.  Jany 10 '65 Previous order revoked & w.o.  June 13 '65 To the Macedonian.  June 19 '65 Previous order revoked (sick).  Nov 20 '65 Appear before retiring Board.  January 26 '66   Placed on the Retired List.


Henry T. Stocker.  [Carpenter [sic: sailmaker].]  1 July 1850.  School Ship Constitution.  Octr 8 '64 Detd. & to the San Jacinto. March 13 '65 Detd. & w.o.   March 22 '65 To the Susquehanna.  June 23 '66 Detd. & w.o.   Octr 30 '66 To the Susquehanna.  Jany 4 '68 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 18 '68 To the Franklin, 1 Dec '68.  Nov 2 '71 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 23 '71 To Navy Yard Boston.


Roll 13, Volume M‑1 (January 1872 ‑ December 1878)


Henry A. Adams.  [Commander/Captain.]  25 July 1866.  Commanding Iroquois.  Dec 27 '73 Detd. return & report.  Jany 21 '74 Previous order revoked and continue in command of Iroquois.  July 2 '74 Detd. & w.o.  Augt 3 '74 Inspector of Ordnance Navy Yard Phila.  Sept 2 '74 Detd. & w.o.  Octr 26 '74 To command the Recg  ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. to command the Training ship Constitution.   Mar 27 '77 To examination for promotion 14 April.  Letter of Promotion.  Augt 10 '77  Detd from Training Ship Constitution, 15th Inst. & to command the Hartford, 21st Inst.  Nov 15 '77 Commissioned.


Robert W. Allen.  [Paymaster.]  1 Fenruary 1868.  Recg. ship Portsmouth N.H.  Dec 7 '72 Detd. 31 Inst & to the store ship Idaho.  July 27 '74 Detd. return & report.  Dec 21 '74 Detd. 19 ulto & settle accounts.  Jany 22 '75 Allowed 30 days additional for settling accounts.  Feb 16 '76 To the New Hampshire.  Feb 18 '76   Delay leaving home until 24th Inst.  Sea service allowed by Secy Thompson up to 3 Augt.  Dec 18 '77 Detd. 1 Jany & settle accounts.  Jany 23 '78 To the Constitution.


Winslow Allerdice.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  Detd. from the Pensacola by Rear Admiral Murray 18 Augt 1876.  Nov 15, 1876 Letter of Promotion.  Nov 17 '76 To the Coast Survey.  Jany 23 '77 Commissioned.  April 17 '77 Detd. & w.o.  July 3 '77    Be ready for sea duty.  July 23 '77 To Monitor duty.  Augt 17 '77 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Training ship Minnesota.   Jany 16 '78 Detd. & to Recg. ship St. Louis.  March 28 '78 Detd. & to the Plymouth.  Sept 18 '78 Detd. & w.o.  Sept 23 '78 Leave three months from 1 Octr.


 Oscar C. Badger.  [Captain.]  25 November 1872.  Feb 21 '74 Commissioned.  Feb 7 '74    Detd. from command of the Ticonderoga & w.o.  March 17 '74 Executive Navy Yard Portsmouth N.H.  March 14 '74 Previous order revoked and to command Recg. Ship Ohio, 20 Inst.  Sept 29 '74 Detd 31 Octr.  Captain of the Navy Yard Washington, 5 Nov.  Sept 3 '77 Detd. 5 Nov & w.o.  Nov 3 '77 Duty as President of Wire [?] Board C[?].  Dec 21 '77 Be ready to command the Constitution.  Jany 4 '78 Detd. 8th Inst. & to command the Constitution.


Sylvester D. Boorom.  [Chaplain.]  9 July 1875.  July 9 '75 Letter of Appointment.  Augt  7 '75 To the Portsmouth.  Augt 13 '75 May delay two weeks.  Jany 13 '76  Commissioned.  July 7 '76 Detd. & w.o.  May 10 '77 To the Training ship Constitution.  Jany 17 '78 Detd. & w.o.  March 22 '78 To the New Hampshire 1 April.  March 25 '78 Report 4 April.  Octr 9 '78 Detd. & to the Quinnebaug 18th Inst.


Edward D. Bostick.  [Ensign.]  21 September 1876.  Augt 31 '77 Detd. from the Hartford & w.o.  Feb 5 '78 To the Constitution 15 Inst.  Feby 19 '78   Commissioned.


Fidelio S. Carter.  [Ensign.]  18 July 1876.  Nov 7 '77 Detd. from the Marion 5 Octr. & w.o. from 4th Inst. Feb 21 '78 To the Constitution 20 Inst.  Feb 19 '78     Commissioned.


John C. Colwell.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  Sept 14 '76 Detd. from the Kearsarge 31 July & w.o. from 12 Augt '77.  Nov 15 '76 Letter of Promotion.  Jany 16 '77 To Training Ship Constitution.  Jany 23 '77 Commissioned.  Augt 28 '77 Detd. 31 Inst & to the Guard, 15 Sept.  Nov 29 '78 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 23 '78 To Coast Survey.


 Ezra Z. Derr.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  3 March 1873.  March 12 '73 Commissioned.   March 18 '73 To Naval Academy. June 3 '73 Detd. & to the Constellation.  Sept  29 '73 detd. & w.o.  Nov 11 '73 To the Manhattan 17th Inst.  July 2 '74 Detd. return & w.o.  Detd. July 16 '74.  Augt 11 '74 To the Monocacy.  Augt 13 '74   Previous orders modified, to the Asiatic station.  Augt 14 '74     Go in steamer next after the 25th Inst.  Dec 14 '74 Detd. from the Hartford & to the Monocacy.  Augt  11 '76 Detd. return & report.  Jany 2 '77 Detd. 12 Octr last & w.o. from 27 ulto.   Jany 2 '77 Leave three months.  March 3 '77 To examination for promotion 2 April.  April 18 '77 Passed.  To Training ship Constitution.  July 2 '77 Delay reporting one week.  Reported 9 July '77.  Gave sea service from 8 Jany 1878 when she went into commission for sea service.


Edward J. Dorn.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  Detd. from the Pensacola by Rear Admiral Murray 18 Augt 1876.  Nov 15 '76 Letter of Promotion.  Dec 11 '76 Leave three months from 13 Inst.  March 16 '77 To the Training ship Constitution.  Jany 23 '77 Commissioned.  Augt 28 '77 Detd. 13th Sept & to the Guard 15 Sept.  Aug 31 '77 Will regard himself detached from Constitution from this date.  Nov 29 '78 Detd. & w.o.


 Edward H. Green.  [Lieutenant.]  21 March 1871.  Waiting Orders.  Jany 3 '72 to the Mahopac.  Feb 15 '72 Commissioned.  March 7 '72 Detd. & to Recg. ship, Norfolk, Va.  April 1 '72 Detd. & to the Supply 6th Inst.  April 17 '72 Previous order modified & on arrival Rio, to the Lancaster.  July 16 '75 Dtd. & w.o.  Augt  17 '75 To recg. ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. & to training ship Constitution.  Jany 3 '77 Detd. & to the Alliance.


James A[ugustin]. Greer.  [Captain.]  26 April 1876.  May 24 '76 Commissioned.  Feb 8 '77 Detd. from command of Lackawanna, 1 March, & w.o.  Augt 10 '77 To command Training Ship Constitution, 15th Inst.  Augt 10 '77 Detd 23 Inst. & w.o.  Jany 2 '78 Member Board Examiners at Academy, 10th Inst.  March 1 '78  Detd. & w.o.  March 9 '78 To temporary command of the Constellation.  July 16 '78 Detd. & w.o.  (Detd. 24 July.)


 Joseph L. Hunsicker.  [Master.]  12 March 1875.  June 24 '75 Commissioned.  June 4 '77   Detd. from the Coast Survey & granted four months leave from this date.  Aug 28 '77 To the Training ship Constitution 1 Sept.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to Recg. ship St. Louis.  Sept 2 '78 Detd. 18 Inst & to the Quinnebaug.


 John K. Lewis.  [Chaplain.]  29 November 1869.  Naval Asylum Phila.  April 11 '72    Detd. & be ready for sea service.  Sept 20 '72 To the Hartford 2 Octr.  Octr 23 '75 detd. & w.o.  May 2 '77 To the Training ship Constitution.  May 10 '77 Detd. & six months leave. Dec 17 '77 To the Navy Yard Norfolk Va. 3d Jany.  Dec 31 '77 Previous order revoked & w.o.  Jany 4 '78 To Naval Asylum Phila 15 Inst.


Abraham B. H. Lillie.  [Lieutenant.]  21 March 1870. Shawmut.  Octr 17 '73 Detd. & w,o, Nov 26 '73 to the Canonicus, 8 Dec.  Dec 15 '73 Detd. and to the Minnesota, 22 Inst.  Dec 22 '73 Detd. & w.o.  Jany 1 '74 To the Brooklyn.  July 21 '76 Detd. & w.o.  Sept 14 '76 To Recg. ship Potomac 2 Octr.  Dec 14 '76   Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Jany 12 '77 Detd. & to the Navy Yard New York.  March 11 '78 Detd. & to the Constellation.  July 16 '78 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 24 Jany.  July 30 '78 to Navy Yard New York, 5 Augt 


Reigart B[olivar]. Lowry.  [Captain.]  2 November 1871.  May 16 '72 Commissioned.   Feb 2 '72 To command Recg. ship Ohio, 6th Inst.  May 16 '72 Orders to New London Connt. revoked.  May 28 '72 Continue in command of Ohio.  June 12 '72  Detd. 30 Inst. & w.o.  Augt 17 '72 Light House Inspector 4th District.  May 12 '73 Detd.  30 June & be ready for sea service.  Sept 29 '73 To command the Canandaigua, 4th Oct.  Dec 28 '74  Detd. & placed on Furlough.  March 8 '75  Relieved from furlough.  Aug 14 '75 Leave six months from 1 Sept.   Jany 8 '76  Executive Naval Station New London, Connt.  Feb 2 '76 Previous revoked [sic] will be ordered to Pensacola.  Augt 18 '77 To command the Training Ship Constitution.  Augt 28 '77 Detd. & w.o.


 Charles A. McDaniel.  [Paymaster.]  3 September 1871. Waiting orders.  Jany 2 '72   Commissioned.  Feb 9 '72 To the Iroquois 20 Inst.  July 3 '74 Detd. & w.o.(July 25 '74 detd.)  March 11 '75 To he Recg. Ship Potomac 31st Inst.  Dec 14 '76   Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Jany 23 '78 Detd. & settle accts & w.o.


John O. Nicolson.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  Sept 18 '76 Detd. from the Franklin 17 Augt  and w.o. from 12th Inst.  Nov 15 '76 Letter of Promotion.  Jany 23 '77   Commissioned.  April 24 '77 To the Training ship Constitution.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Training ship Minnesota.  Feb 20 '78 Detd. & to the Wyoming.  Sept 23 '78 Detd. & to the Recg. ship St. Louis.


Henry C. Nields.  [Lieutenant Commander.]  1 July 1870.  Iroquois.  Jany 4 '72 Detd. & to the Canandaigua.  Jany 25 '72 Detd. to the Iroquois.  July 3 '74 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 22 July '74.  Sept 11 '74 Executive Recg. Ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76   Detd. & Executive of Training Ship Constitution.  July 5 '77 Detd. on          reporting of relief & w.o.  Was ordered by Captain Holly to command the Nahant    24 July '77.  Augt 17 '77 Detd. & w.o.  Sept 15 '77 To temporary command of Fortune 20 Inst.  Octr 16 '77 Detd. & to the Ticonderoga as Executive.


 Templin M. Potts.  [Ensign.]  25 November 1877.  Powhatan.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.  Dec 23 '78 Detd. from the Portsmouth & w.o.


 Henry F. Reich.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  July 17 '76 Detd. from the Brooklyn & w.o.   Nov 15 '76 Letter of Promotion.  Jany 30 '77 To the Naval Academy.  Jany 23 '77 Commissioned.  Dec 26 '77 Detd. & w.o.  Feb 1 '78 to the Constitution, 15 Inst.


Milton F. Roberts.  [Carpenter.]  12 December 1879.  Dec 12 '79 Acting Appointment.   March 15 '80 To the Constellation.  June 12 '80 Detd. & w.o.  May 28 '81 to the Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec '81.  Jany 23 '82 to the Powhatan.  May 24 '82 Warranted.  June 18 '84 Detd. 24 inst & w.o.  Dec 16 '84 to the Recg. ship Franklin 24 inst.; to continue until 24 Dec 1887.  Dec 12 '87 Detd. 31 inst & w.o.  Jany 16 '88 To the Galena.


Karl Rohrer.  [Lieutenant.]  26 April 1876.  May 13 '76 to Torpedo Instruction 1 June.   Aug 2 '76 Commissioned.  Sept 2 '76 Detd. 9 Inst. & w.o.  Sept 19 '76 To temporary Ordnance duty Washington.  Jany 8 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.


Frank B[ramwell]. Rose.  [Chaplain.]  3 February 1870.   Waiting orders.  March 28 72    To the Lancaster.  Feb 6 '74 Detd. 28 ulto & sick leave.  April 23 '74 To Navy Yard Phila 1 May.  Dec 2  '75 Detd. & to Recg. Ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  May 2 '77 Detd. & w.o.  July 13 '77 To the Pensacola 10 Augt.  Octr 3 '78 Detd. & w.o,


 Charles A[lexander]. Schetky.  [Lieutenant.]  18 December 1868.  Pawnee.  Feb 20 '72     Detd. & to special duty with Commodr. Crosman.  July 27 '72 Detd. & w.o.  Octr 29 '72 To the Wyoming.  Nov 18 '73 Detd. 5 Octr, [?] allowed by regulations then on sick leave.  Octr 27 '73 to the recg. ship Vermont.  June 5 '74 Perform duties of  Executive.  Octr 14 '74 Detd. & to the Tuscarora as Executive.  Reported 29 Octr.   July 23 '75 Detd. & to the Portsmouth as Executive.  Sept 14 '75 Detd. & to the Tuscarora as Executive.  Octr 11'75 Detd. 1 Nov & Executive of the Portsmouth.  July 7 '76 Detd. & w.o.  July 25 '76 Permission to delay returning home for three months, & to visit British Columbia.  Nov 11 '76 to Recg. ship Independence as Executive.  July 5 '77 Detd. & Executive of the Training ship Constitution.  Jany 4 '78 Detd. & w.o.  Jany 8 '78 To the St. Louis as Executive.  Jany 10 '78 to examination 10th Inst.  Feb 2 '78 To examination without delay.  Promoted from the 1 December 1877.


Alexander Sharp.  [Ensign.]  18 July 1876.  Nov 15 '77 Detd. from the Marion 5th Octr  & w.o. from 14 Inst.  Feb 1 '78 To the Constitution 15 Inst.  Feb 18 '78   Commissioned.


Henry T. Stockton.  [Master.]  3 June 1873.  Nov 5 '73 Letter of Promotion.  Jany 14 '74 Commissioned.  Octr 7 '73 To the Recg. ship Potomac.  Jany 21 '74 Be ready for immediate sea service.  Jany 23 '74 Detd. & to the Canonicus.  July 22 '75  Detd. from the Kansas & w.o. Augt 24 '75 Leave 6 weeks.  Octr 12 '75 To the Michigan 23 Inst.  Dec 11 '76 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 16 '76. Leave six months with permission to leave the U.S.  May 3 '77 Leave extended six months.  Jany 19 '78   To examination.  Jany 30 '78 To Physical examination.  Jany 8 '78 To the Constitution.


 Edwar W. Very.  [Lieutenant.]  29 September 1871. Shenandoah.  July 17 '73 Detd. return & report.  Jany 16 '74 Detd. return & report.  Jany 30 '74 Detd. 23 Inst. & w.o.  Jany 30 '74 To examination for lieutenant.  January 31 '74    Commissioned.  Feb 11 '74 To Ordnance duty Navy Yard Washington.  Dec 7 '74  Detd. & to special duty connected with further Survey of Isthmus of Darien.  Dec 28 '74 Previous order modified report for Interoceanic Survey.  April 19 '75 Detd. & to Naval Experimental Battery near Annapolis, 20 Inst.  Jany 5 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution 9th Inst.  Feb 20 '78 Detd. on opening of the Exhibition & other duty until he rejoins the vessel.  Detd. from the Constitution in April 1878 and rejoined her in Nov 1878.


 William E. Whitfield.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  Sept 14 '76 detd. from the Kearsarge 31 July & w.o. from 12th Inst.  Nov 15 '76 Letter of Promotion.  Jany 23 '77   Commissioned.  April 24 '77 To Training ship  Constitution.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Training ship Minnesota.  Feby 20 '78 Detd. & to the Wyoming.  Nov 22 '78 Detd. and to the New Hampshire.


Robert Whiting.  [Assistant Surgeon.]  21 June 1875.  July 3 '75 Letter of Appointment.   July 19 '75 To recg. ship Potomac.  Nov 24 '75 Detd. & to the Passaic, 4 Dec.   Jany 13 '76 Commissioned.  July 3 '76 detd. & w.o.  July 19 '76 To the Recg. ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 To Training ship Constitution.  July 13 '77 Detd. & be ready for orders to Omaha.  July 17 '77 To the Omaha.  April 27 '78 Detd. & w.o.    Augt 22 '78 To Naval Hospital New York for instruction &c.  Octr 31 '78 Detd. & to examination 10 Nov.


William H[enry]. Whiting.  [Lieutenant Commander.]  12 March 1868.  Sick leave.  Feb 8 '72 Leave Three months.  May 21 '72 Three months leave.  Augt 6 '72 To the Benicia, 20th Inst.  Dec 14 '74 Detd. 3d Inst. & continue on duty as one of the suite of the King of the Hawaiian Islands.  Feb 12 '75 Detd. from special duty & w.o. Feb 15 '75 Assigned to duty on the Benicia by R Adl Almy.  Augt 2 '75 Detd. return & w.o.  Detd. 17 Augt '75.  Sept 2 '75 Detd. 17 ulto. & leave for three months, with permission to visit Canada.  Dec 3 '75 To Navy Yard New York.   May 12 '76  Detd. 30 Inst & to Torpedo Instruction, 1 June.  Sept 2 '76 Detd. 9th Instw.o.  Sept 14 '76 Leave six months, with permission to visit Canada.   March 20 '77 Leave extended three months.  June 18 '77 Leave extended three months.   Jany 4 '78 To the Constitution as Executive.


Roll 14, Volume M‑2 (January 1872 ‑ December 1878)


Edward Bonsall.  [Boatswain.]  1 June 1869.  Benicia.  Augt 9 '72 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 18 '72 To the Supply 2d Jany.  Nov 26 '73 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 29 '73 to the Naval Station League Island. Sept 4 '74 Detd. & to the Plymouth 15 Inst.  Nov 3 '75    Detd. & wait orders.  Nov 13 '75 To the Hartford.  Augt 4 '77 Detd. 16th Inst & to Training ship Constitution.  Augt 3 '77 Detd. & to Recg. ship St. Louis.  Jany 14 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.  Died 10 Dec 1894 at Naval Hospital  Philadelphia.


Francis Boom.  [Sailmaker.]  3 January 1851.  Wabash.  April 17 '74 Detd. & w.o.  May 27 '74 To Navy Yard Phila.  Nov 22 '75 Detd. & to Recg, ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Sept 4 '77 Detd. & two months leave.   Sept 20 '78 To the Richmond 21 Octr.


William V. Bronaugh.  [Cadet Midshipman.]  5 June 1873.  June 20 '77 Detd. fm the Academy & w.o.  Augt 26 '77 To the Ossipee 1st Sept.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.


John Burrows.  [Boatswain.]  4 December 1849.  Ticonderoga.  Feby '74 Detd. & w.o.   March 6 '74 To the Recg. ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  June 26 '77 Detd 30 Inst & three months leave from 1 July.  April 2 '78 To the Alaska 10 Inst.     


 William T. Devlan.  [Gunner.]  30 July 1870.  Congress.  March 18 '74 Detd. & to the Wabash.  April 17 '74 Detd. & w.o.  June 1 '74 To the Recg. ship Vermont.  June 22 '74 Detd. & to the Colorado.  June 9 '75 Detd. & w.o.  June 17 '75 To Recg. ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Augt 31'77 Detd. & two months leave.  Octo 17 '78 To Ticonderoga 10 Nov.


Omenzo G. Dodge.  [Cadet Midshipman.]  6 June 1873.  June 24 '77 Detd. fm Academy & w.o.  Spet 1 '77 To the Ossipee.  Jany 7 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.


 John N. Jordan.  [Cadet Midshipman.]  5 June 1873.  June 20 '77 Detd. from Academy & w.o.  Sept 1 '77 To the Ossipee.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.


 Edward Kenney.  [Boatswain.]  23 July 1853.  League Island Penn.  July 26 '76 Detd.from the Antietam & w.o.  Nov 21 '76 To duty at Navy Yard League Island.  Dec 7 '76 Detd. & to Recg. ship St. Louis.  Augt 31 '77 Detd. & to the Training ship Constitution.  Jany 14 '78 Detd. & to Recg. ship St. Louis.


 Philip T. Mager.  [Carpenter.]  15 November 1873.  Nov 15 '73 Acting Appointment & to the Kearsarge.  Sept 15 '74 Warranted.  Nov 8 '76 Detd. return & report.  Feb 23 '77 Detd. 3d ulto & w.o. from 22d Inst.  May 3 '77 To the Navy Yard League Island.  Jany 8 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.


 George W. Omensetter.  [Gunner.]  27 November 1861.  Naval Magazine Fort Mifflin.May 13 '74 Detd. 20 June & w.o.  July 10 '74 To the Brooklyn 18th Inst.  Augt 15 '76 Suspended for six months.  Augt 31 '77 To Training ship Constitution.  Dec 22 '77 Detd. 1 Jany & w.o.  Octr 8 '78 To the New Hampshire 16 Inst.


John M. Orchard.  [Cadet Midshipman.]  11 June 1873.  June 20 '77 Detd. fm Academy & w.o.  Augt 25 '77 To the Ossipee 1 Sept.  Jany 9 '78 Detd. & to the Constitution.


David Robinett.  [Carpenter.]  28 October 1858.  Sick leave.  March 15 '72 To Navy Yard Phila.  May 23 '72 Detd. & to the Recg. ship Potomac.  Augt 15 '73 Detd. & to the Monongahela 3 Sept.  Octr 2 '73 Detd. & sick leave.  Nov 12 '74 To the Recg. ship Potomac.  Dec 14 '76 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Dec 26 '76 Detd. & w.o.


 Joseph Swift.  [Gunner.]  17 May 1858.  Plymouth.  June 24 '73 Detd. & w.o.  July 23 ‘73 To Navy Yard New York.  Dec 22 '77 Detd. 31 Inst & to the Constitution 1 Jany.


 Robert L. Tatem.  [Sailmaker.]  22 June 1861.  Mohican.  June 6 '72 Detd. & return & report.  Detd. July 3 '72.  Augt 9 '72 To League Island Penn.  Sept 4 '73 Detd. & w.o. Sept 29 '73 Suspended for one year on half pay.  Feb 6 '74 Residue of  Suspension remitted.  Feb 6 '74 To the Franklin.  Mar 18 '74 Detd. & to the Congress.  Feb 2 '76 Detd. from Franklin (conditional) & return at own expense.   Mar 16 '76 Detd. 19 Feb & w.o.  Sept 4 '77 To Training ship Constitution.  Jany 4 '78 Detd. & w.o.  March 22 '78 To the New Hampshire, 1 April.


Ebenezer Thompson.  [Carpenter.]  16 November 1849.  Navy  Yard Norfolk.  March 26 '73 Detd. & to the Naval Asylum Phila 1 April.  Nov 3 '74 Detd. (17 Inst) & w.o.  Dec 26 '76 To the Training ship Constitution.    Jany 8 '78 Detd. & to the Navy Yard League Island.


Roll 15, Volume N‑1 (January 1879 ‑ December 1888)


Robert W. Allen.  [Paymaster.]  1 February 1868.      Constitution.  Mar 2 '81 Detd. 1 April & settle accounts.  May 6 '81 to Naval Academy 10 June.  Sept 30 '82 Also Paymaster of Naval Academy.  May 24 '84 detd. 30 June settle accounts, then wait orders.  June 13 '84 Not detached until 31 Augt.  Dec 2 '84 Secretary Treasurer of the Naval Institute, Naval Academy; to continue until 2 Dec 1887.   March 29 '85 duty to continue until 1 July 1885.  June 8 '85 Detd. & to duty with Judge Advocate General, to continue until 8 June 1888.  Octr 3 '85 Detd. & to the Brooklyn 15 inst.  Transferred to the Omaha 23 May '87.  March 21 '88 Detd. & to Pensacola for passage to New York, where crew of the Omaha are paid off    detd. settle accounts & w.o.  Detd. May 19th 1888.  July 13 '88 to special tempy duty New York.  Dec 9 '88 Genl. Store keeper Navy Yard Washington 31 Inst. to continue until  31 Decr '91.


Howard E. Ames.  [Passed Assistant Surgeon.]  10 April 1875. Passaic.  Jany 16 '79   Additional duties.  July 22 '79 Detd. 31 Inst & to Navy Yard Washington 1 Augt.    Feb 28 '80 Additional duties.  March 8 '80 Detd. & to the Training ship Saratoga.   March 15 '80 relieved from additional duties.  Octr 1 '81 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Octr 6 '81 Previous order revoked & remain on board the Saratoga.  Dec 11 '82 Detd. & w.o.  Feb 21 '83 To Recg. ship Colorado; to continue until 21 Feb 1885.  Mar 6 '84 Detd. & to the Bear. Nov 17 '84 Detd. & continue on special duty at New York until 31 Dec next then w.o.  Jany 9 '85 To special duty Baltimore.  Mar 9 '85 Detd. & to the Navy Yard New York, to continue until 9 Mar '87.  April 20 '86 Detd. 30 inst & to the Monocacy.  April 30 '86 Go in steamer of 22d June.  Reported on Monocacy 10 July 1886.


Oscar C. Badger.  [Captain.]  25 November 1872.    Commanding Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt. & w.o.  Nov 7 '79 Special duty on Board for review of the allowance Tables.  June 22 '80 Detd. 30 inst. & to Naval Asylum Philadelphia 1 July.  Octr 29 '81 Detd. 31 inst & member Examining Board.  Nov 21 '81 To physical examination.  Nov 11 '81 To examination.  Promoted from 15 November 1881.


Charles [Ward] Bartlett.  [Master.]  17 March 1875.  Naval     Academy.  May 8 '79 Detd. 12 Inst & to Practice ship Constellation 13th Inst.  Sept 4 '79 Detd. & to the Academy.  May 17 '81 Detd. & to Practice ship Constellation 14 inst.  Augt 30 '81   Detd. 31 inst & also from Academy & w.o.  Nov 1 '81 to Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to temporary duty on board Gunnery training ship Minnesota.  Feb 11 '82 To physical examination.  Feb 11 '82 To examination.  Promoted from the 4 February 1882.


Edward D. Bostick,  [Ensign.]  21 September 1876.   Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt & w.o.  Augt 7 '79 To Recg vessel Passaic 15th Inst.  Dec 4 '79 Detd. & be ready for duty on Swatara.  Dec 8 '79 To the Swatara 20 Inst.  Decr 12 '82 Detd. & w.o.  March 24 '83 to physical examination.  Mar 24 '83 to  examination.  Dec 21 '82 to the Hydrographic Office; to continue until 21 Dec 1884.  Promoted from the 9 January 1883.


 Fidelio S. Carter.  [Ensign.]  18 July 1876.  Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt & w.o.  Nov 24 '79 To the Tennessee 2 Dec.  May 1 '82 to physical examination.   May 1 '82 To examination.  Promoted from 10th March 1882.


 Frederick M. Dearborne.  [Surgeon.]  4 May 1875.  Naval Hospital New York.  July 28 '79 Detd. & to the Constitution 2 Augt.  Oct 1 '81 Detd. & sick.  April 20 '83   Appear before Retiring Board.  May 4 '83 found at present unfit for duty but not permanently incapacitated.  May 5 '83 Six months sick leave from this date.  Nov 1 '83 Appear before Retiring Board 20th inst.  Dec 10 '83 Placed on Retired List from this date.  Died at New York on the 24 April 1887.


Ezra Z. Derr. [Passed Assistant Surgeon.]  30 Mar 1873.  Constitution.  July 28 '79  Detd. 2 Augt & w.o.  Augt 9 '79 Leave six months from 12 Inst with permission to leave the U.S.  Feb 5 '80 to the Recg. ship Colorado.  Feb 11 '80 Delay reporting until 17th inst.  April 5 '80 Detd. & to Naval Hospital Norfolk.  Sept 3 '81 Detd. & to duty on the Coast Survey.  Augt 22 '84 Detd. on reporting of relief & w.o.  Sept 16 '84 To the Navy Yard New York; to continue until 16 Sept 1887.   Sept 20 '84 Delay reporting ten days.  Sept 13 '87 Duty to continue until 31 Dec 1887.  Sept 27 '87 Detd. 10 Octr & to the Nipsic.


Francis W. Dickins [or Dickens].  [Lieutenant Commander.]  12 June 1869.  Naval Academy.  May 17 '79 Detd. 23 Inst & to command the Standish 24 Inst.  Sept 3 '79 Detd. & to the Naval Academy.  July 9 '80 Detd. 31 inst & w.o.  Dec 8 '80    Member of Board 6 January.  Board dissolved 9 March.  May 25 '81 Executive Training ship Constitution.  Octr 3 '81 Detd. & sick leave.  Dec 14 '81 To the Hydrographic Office.  May 27 '82 Detd. 31 inst & be ready for sea service.  June 1 '82 To the Kearsarge 10 inst.  Octr 7 '82 Detd. 12 inst & leave one year.  Feb 17 '83 (relinquishes unexpired portion of leave) Wait orders.  June 6 '82    To command Store ship Onward.  Reported 10 July 1883.   Dec 5 '84 Detd.  13 Nov & w.o.from 22 inst.  Sept 9 '85 to physical examination 1 Octr.  Sept 9 '85 to examination.  Promoted from the 23d September 1885.


Arthur W. Dodd.  [Ensign.]  29 March 1881.  Training ship Constitution.  June 1 '81    Commissioned.  June 30 '81     Detd. & to the Passaic Recg. ship.  Nov 15 '81  Detd. & to the Ranger.  Sept 4 '84 Detd., return & report.  Detd. 11 Sept 1884.   March 13 '85 To the Coast Survey 1 April.  Nov 5 '87 To physical examination.   Nov 5th 1887 To examination.  Promoted from the 25 August 1887.


George L. Dyer [or Dwyer].  [Lieutenant.]  5 February 1879.  March 5, 1879    Commissioned.  Sept 6 '80 Detd. from Naval Academy & to Training ship Constitution 13th inst. Detd. & to the Despatch.  July 7 '82 Detd. 1 Augt & one year's leave from that date.  June 5 '83 To Hyrdrographic Office; to continue until 30 June 1886.  June 23 '86 Duty to continue until 1 Octr 1886. Octr 1 '86 Duty to continue until 31 Dec 1886.  Dec 30 '86 Duty to continue until 31 March 1887.   March 31 '87 Duty to continue until 30 June 1887.  June 30 '87 Duty to continue until 31 Dec '87.  Dec 22 '87 Duty to continue until 31 Dec 1888.  May 13 '88    Temporary duty in charge of Hydrographic Office, 1 June.


Leonard A[ugustus]. Frailey.  [Paymaster.]  29 January 1869.  Waiting Orders.  Dec 9 '79 Be ready for orders to Swatara.  May 27 '80 to the Practice ship Dale 1 June.   July 29 '80 detd. & settle accounts.  Mar 2 '81   To Training ship Constitution 15 April.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. settle accounts & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec '88.  Dec 30 '81 to temporary duty Navy Yard Norfolk 5 Jany.   Dec 23 '84 Detd. 1 Jany settle accounts, then w.o.  Jany 7 '85 To the Marion 15 inst.  Jany 13 '85 Delay reporting until accounts are settled.  Reported 21 Jany 1885.  Transferred to the Ossipee 25 Sept 1886.  Mar 5 '87 Detd. settle accounts, then w.o.  April 27 '87 to special duty in Navy Dept. 26 inst. to continue until 26 April 1890.  Sept 26 '88   Recorder Examining Board.


 William H. Jacques.  [Lieutenant.]  21 March 1871.  Quinnebago.  June 20 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Sept 12 '81 To Ordnance duty Navy Yard New York 1 Octr.  Ordered by Comr Upshur to Powhatan for purpose of transferring the Constitution to Portsmouth N.H.  Reported Octr 10 '82; detd. 31 Octr '82.  Member of the Foundry Board, 21 Apr '83.  May 31 '83 Proceed to England, France & Germany on Foundry duty, then return to station.  August 13 '84 Temporary duty           with Ordnance Committee.  Mar 11 '85 Detd. & to the Omaha 25 inst.  Mar 16 '85    Previous order revoked & continue on present duties until 16 March 1886.  July 1 '85 Special Ordnance duty Europe; then return.  March 16 '86 Duty to continue until 16 April 1886.  April 15 '86 Detd. & w.o.  April     15 '86 Appear before Retiring Board.  May 3 '86 Leave six months with permission to go abroad.  July 16 '86 Not permanently incapacitated.  Dec 1 '86 Leave six months, permission to leave the U.S.  April 27 '87 To the Trenton 10 May.  May 9 '87 Previous order revoked and Resignation accepted to take effect 31 Octr 1887, and leave until that date to leave the U.S.


Thomas F[reylinghausen]. Jewell.  [Lieutenant Commander.] 26 March 1869.  Coast Survey.  July 19 '79   Dect. 31 inst & w.o.  July 29 '79 To the Constitution as Executive 2 Augt.  May 24 '81 Detd. & to instruction in Torpedo Service 1 June.   Augt 26 '81 Detd. 5 Sept & to duty at Torpedo station.  Jany 29 '85 To physical examination.  Jany 29 '85 to examination.  Promoted from the 26 January 1885.


William H. Jones.  [Surgeon.]  5 July 1873.  Constitution.  July 28 '79 Detd. 2 Augt & to the Naval Hospital New York,  Nov 26 '80 Detd. & six months leave.  Feb 19 '81 to temporary duty on board the Michigan 25 inst.    July 15 '81 Detd. & to Recg, ship Franklin.  Octr 25 '81 Detd. & to the Wachusett.  Reported 25 Nov 1881. ugt 24 '85 Detd. & w.o.  Sept 28 '85 To Navy Yard League Island. 15 Octr; to continue until 15 Octr 1888,  May 14 '88 Detd. & be ready for orders to the Pensacola.  May 16 '88 To the Pensacola.  July 28 '88 Detd. & to the Richmond.   Nov 22 '88 Detd. 29th inst & w.o.  Nov 23 '88 Detd. from the Richmond and to the Pensacola.


 Boynton Leach.  [Master.]  8 November 1874.  Plymouth.  May 2 '79 Detd. & w.o.   Augt 7 '79 To Recg. Ship Franklin.  Nov 29 '79 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  July 21 '80 Detd. & sick leave.  Sept 15 '80 To the Navy Yard Norfolk.  June 2 '81 Detd. & to temporary duty Naval Rendezvous, New York.   July 2 '81 To physical examination.  July 2 '81 To examination.  July 9 '81   Examination delayed until the meeting of the Board.  Sept 27 '81 To physical examination.  Sept 27 '81 to examination.  Promoted from the 7th August 1881.


Clinton H. Lyeth.  [Master.]  2 February 1878.  Marion.  Jany 25 '79 Detd. 5 Feb & w.o.    Feb 18 '79 Commissioned.  March 11 '79 To Navy Yard New York.  June 25 '80    Detd. & to Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o. Detd. 14 Dec '81.  Feb 20 '82 To the Lackawanna.  Reported 25 March.  June 6 '82 Suspended for one year on furlough pay & to retain present number.  May 31 '83      To the Training ship Minnesota 8 June.  July 12 '83 Detd. & sick leave.  May 21 '84 To the Passaic.  Octr 14' 84 Detd. & w.o.    Dec 26 '84 To the Marion 15 Jany.   Suspended four days for leaving station as Officer of the deck.  Report 6 July.   Suspended for being absent without leave 23 Dec 1885.  Comdemned by Medl Survey & sent to Naval Hospital Yokohama Japan 19 Feb 1886.  Detd. from Marion 12 March 1886.  May 20 '86 To physical examination 1 June.  May 20 '86     To examination.  July 12 '86 Not recommended for promotion but will be allowed another hearing if desired.   July 29 '86 To examination.  Feby 19 '87     Appear before Retiring Board. May 20 '87   Placed upon the Retired List upon furlough pay.  Died 8 March 1895 at Martinsburg, Va.


 James M[adison]. Miller.  [Lieutenant.]  21 March 1871.  Naval Academy.  July 9 '79   Detd. 15 Inst & w.o.  July 26 '79 To the Constitution 6 Augt.  Left the Constitution on the 8 Nov 1879 for the Naval Hospital. Entitled to three months sea service which ceased on the 8 Feb 1880.  May 17 '80 To the Constitution.   Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to the Gunnery Training Ship Minnesota.    June 10 '82   Detd. 30th inst & to the Hartford, 1 July.  Transferred to Lackawanna in Jany 1884.  Mar 16 '85  Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 7 April 1885.  May 14 '85 To instruction in Torpedo service 1 June; to continue until  15 Sept '85.  Augt 27 '85 Detd. 3 Sept & to the Naval Academy; to continue until 10 Sept 1888.  May 20 '86 Detd. & Executive Practice ship Jamestown.  Augt 25 '86 Detd. 31 inst & to Naval Academy 1 Sept; to continue until 1 Sept 1889.  Feb 27 '88 Be ready for orders to the Omaha.  Mar 2 '88   Detd. from Academy, temporary duty on Pensacola & on arrival at Aspinwall to the Omaha.


John H. Moore.  [Lieutenant.]  21 September 1876.  Signal Office.  Augt 4 '79 Detd. & w.o.  Augt 6 '79 To the Constitution 12 Inst.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Detd.   13 Dec '81.  Dec 14 '81 To the Hydrographic Office 10 Jany next.  Dec 26 '84      Detd. 10 Jany & to the Marion 15 Jany.  Transferred to the Omaha 17 July '86.   March 21 '88 Detd. & to the Pensacola.  May 14 '88 Detd. & w.o.  June 13 '88    Leave three months.  Sept 5 '88 To Navy Yard Norfolk 19th inst, to continue until 19 Sept 1891.


Joseph B[allard]. Murdock.  [Master/Lieutenant.]  2   February 1874/10 March 1880.    Coast Survey Steamer Endeavor.  June 14 '79 Detd. 23 Inst & w.o.  July 26 '79 to the Constitution 2 Augt. April 5 '80 To physical examination.  April 5 '80 to examination.  April 23 '80 Commissioned.  Sept 6 '80 Detd. 13th inst & to the Naval Academy.  May 12 '81 Detd. & to Practice ship Dale.  Reported 3 June '80.   Aug 30 '81 Detd. 31 inst & to the Naval Academy 1 Sept.  Augt 31 '83 Detd. 31 inst. & leave one year from that date.   Augt 11 '84 to duty International Electric Exhibition, Phila, 15 inst. to continue until 31 Dec 1884.  Dec 6 ;84 duty to continue until 1 March 1885.  Feb 20 '85 duty to continue until 1 July '85.  July 1 '85 duty to continue until 31 Dec '85. Dec 1 '85 Detd. & to the Dolphin.  Dec 2 '86  Detd. 13 inst & to tempy duty Torpedo Station; to continue until 1 July 1887.   June 17 '87 duty to continue until 1 Octr '87.  Sept 30 '87 duty to continue until 31 Dec '87.  Dec 30 '87 Duty to continue until 31 March '88. Feb 25 '88 Detc. & to the Pensacola 10 March.  Mar 8 '88 On arrival at Aspinwall detd. & to the Ticonderoga.


Arthur P[hillips]. Nazro.  [Lieutenant.]  19 November 1874. Naval Academy.  July 9 '79   Detd. 15 Inst & w.o.  July 26 '79 To the Constitution 2 Augt.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to Gunnery Training ship Minnesota.  Sea service granted until 1 Octr 1882 by the Secretary of the Navy.  Nov 13 '82 Detd. & to special duty on the Board of Inspection to continue until the 13 Nov 1883.  Nov 15 '82 Delay reporting until Saturday.  (Telegram)   Nov 2 '83 Duty to continue until 13 Nov 1885.  April 12 '84 Detd. 29th inst & to instruction in Torpedo service 30 inst; to continue until 1 Augt 1886.  Dec 27 '84 Detd. 31 inst & to the Powhatan 1 Jany. Transferred to the Tennessee 18th Mar 1886 and afterwards to the Richmond.   Augt 22 '88 Detd. 15 Sept & Rept. to Recg. ship Minnesota; to continue until 15    Sept '91.  Nov 26 '88 Detd. 1 Dec & six months leave.


Lazarus L[owery]. Reamey.  [Master.]  23 July 1874.  Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt & w. o.  Sept 12 '79 To Hyrdrographic Office.  Dec 13 '80 To physical examination.  Dec 13 '80 to examination.  Promoted from 2nd February 1881.


Henry F. Reich.  [Ensign.]  17 July 1875.  Constitution.  April 15 '79 Detd. from the Supply & w.o.  May 1 '79 To Coast Survey.  Reported 7 May.  May 24 '81 To physical examination.  May 24 '81 To examination.  Promoted from the 29th April 1881.


Karl Rohrer.  [Lieutenant.]  26 April 1876.  Constitution.  July 8 '79 Detd & 3 mos  leave.  Octr 23 '79 To Ordnance duty Navy Yard Washington 1 Nov.  Octr 23 '81  Detd. & to the Essex 10 Nov.  Nov 21 '81 Delay reporting until 22 inst.  Jany 5 '85 Detd. & w.o.  Mar 6 '85 Six months leave from 15th inst with permission to leave the U.S.  Sept 16 '85 To Torpedo Station; to continue until 16 Sept 1888.   Dept 13 '88 Duty to continue until 31 Dec 1888.


Frank B[ramwell]. Rose.  [Chaplain.]  3 February 1870.  Waiting Orders.  June 3 '80 To the Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec '81.  Jany 10 '83 To Training ship Jamestown.  Octr 19 '85 Detd. 31st inst. & to Naval Asylum Phila 10 Nov. to continue until 10 Nov 1888.  Augt 22 '88 Detd. 10 Sept & to the Recg. ship New Hampshire; to continue until 14 Sept 1891.


 Alexander Sharp.  [Ensign.]  18 July 1876.  Constituton.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt. & w.o.  Octr 23 '79 Two months leave, from 4th of Nov.  April 27 '80 To the Pensacola.  May 27 '84 To physical examination.  May 27 '84 To examination.     Promoted from 8th April 1882.


Edwin M[alcolm]. Shepard.  [Commander.]  9 May 1878.  Naval Academy.  Sept 4 '79    Detd. & to command the Constellation.  Sept 6 '79 Detd. on arrival at New York and to the Academy.  June 12 '80 Detd. & to command Practice ship Constellation.  Augt 31 '80 Detd. & resume duties at Academy.  June 9 '81 Detd. 10 inst & to command the Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.   (Detd. 14 Dec '81.)  Dec 12 '81 Be ready to command the Enterprise.  Dec 26 '81   To command the Enterprise 10 Jany.  Dec 31 '82 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 16 '82 To command the Nautical school ship St. Mary's 31 inst.  Dec 24 '86 Detd. 3 Jany next & w.o.  Jany 26 '87 To Naval Asylum Phila 15 Feb; to continue until 28 Jany 1890.


Oscar F[itzalan]. Stanton.  [Captain.]  11 June 1879.   Sept 24 '79 To command the Constitution.  Jany 19 '80 Commissioned.  June 9 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 1 '81 To Naval Asylum Philad.  Sept 12 '84 Detd. 30 inst & w.o.  Nov 1 '84 To command the Tennessee 15th inst.  Sept 28 '85 Detd. 5 Octr & w.o.  Octr 23 '85 To command Naval Station New London 31st inst to continue until 31 Octr 1883.    Octr 30 '82 Duty to continue until 31st December 1888.  Dec 29, '88 Duty to continue until 31 Mar 1889.


Henry T. Stockton.  [Lieutenant.]  2 February 1878.  Constitution.  May 26 '79 Detd. & to Torpedo Instruction 2 June.  Augt 2 '79 Detd. 6 Augt. & w.o.  Sept 29 '79  Leave four months from 4th Octr with permission to leave the U. S.  July 15 '80    To the Asiatic Station via Europe.  Ill in England in Augt '80; Reported 1 Jany '81  (Ashuelot); Went to Hospital Yokohama Japan in April 1882; April '83    condemned by Survey 17 Feb last and sent to Naval Hospital Navy Yard Mare Island, proceed home & sick leave.  May 23 '83 Appear before Retiring Board.    June 4 '83 Found not permanently incapacitated & for Active Service.  June 6 '83   Sick leave for six months, with permission to leave to U.S.  Nov 2 '83 Sick leave extended six months.  Augt 1 '84 To Training ship Minnesota to continue until 1 Augt 1886.  Nov 6 '85 Report at Hospital N.Y. for treatment.  Dec 15 '85 Appear before Retiring Board.  Jany 4 '86 Placed upon the Retired List from this date.   Jany 4 '86 Detd. from the Minnesota.  Jany 23 '86 Leave one year from 1st Feb to leave U.S.  Died at South Sea [sic] England on the 6 May 1886.


 Thomas C. Terrell.  [Lieutenant.]  21 March 1870.  Hydrographic Office.  May 16 '77    Detd. & to the Wachusett 24 Inst.  May 29 '77 Previous order revoked & w.o.   Mav 10 '79 To the Training ship Constitution.  Nov 29 '79 Detd. & sick leave.    Feb 1 '81 To the Navy Yard Pensacola.


 Edward W. Very.  [Lieutenant.]  29 September 1871.  Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. & to the Signal Office.  Dec 2 '81 Detd. & to duty in Bureau of Ordnance. Octr 23  '82   Also member of Naval Advisory Board.  Octr 26 '83 Detd. from Bureau Ordnance [sic] and the Advisory Board & to special duty Paris, France.  Octr 27 '84 Detd. 26 inst & leave.  Nov 17 '84 Resignation accepted to take effect 30 April 1885 and granted leave until that date.


 Aaron Ward.  [Master.]  8 February 1875.  Naval Academy.  May 19 '79 Detd. 10 June & leave four months with permit to leave the U.S.  Octr 14 '79 To the Training ship Constitution 18th inst.  Augt 9 '81 Detd. & to the New Hampshire.  Nov 19 '81 to physical examination.  Promoted from the 25th November 1881.


Howard Wells.  [Passed Assistant Surgeon.]  10 December 1873. Naval Hospital Brooklyn NY.  July 28 '79 Detd. & to the Constitution 2 Aug.  Octr 1 '81 Detd. & to Training ship Saratoga.  Octr 6 '81  Previous order revoked remain on Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec '81.  Jany 4 '82 To Naval Rendezvous Baltimore.  Mar 17 '82 Detd. & w.o.  June 2 '82 To Naval Hospital Phila.  Octr 3 '83 Also duty at Naval Rendezvous Phila; to continue until 3 Octr    1884.  Jany 7 '84 Detd. from the Rendezvous & continue on duty at the Hospital.   Jany 3 '85  Detd. & to the Monongahela.  Reported 13 Feb 1885.  Transferred to the Hartford, 12 April 1886.  Dec 28 '86 Detd. & to Rg. ship Independence, to continue until 31 December 1887.  May 19 '87 Detd. & to Training ship Jamestown.  June 6 '88 Detd. 15th inst & to Naval Hospital Chelsea Mass; to continue until 1 July 1890.  Promoted from the 19 June 1888.


William H[enry]. Whiting.  [Lieutenant Commander.]  12 March 1868.  Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt. & w.o.  Nov 3 '79 Six months leave.  April 28 '80   Leave extended six months.  Jany 12 '81 To Navy Yard New York 15 inst.  June 6 '82 To physical examination.  June 16 '82 To examination.  Promoted from 2d July 1882.


Cameron McR[ae]. Winslow.  [Ensign.]  18 July 1876.  Constitution.  July 26 '79    Detd. 2 Augt & w.o.  Nov 24 '79 To the Tennessee 2 Dec.  June 14 '81 Detd. & w.o.   Augt 12 '81 To Coast Survey.  Feb 18 '82 to physicla    examination.  Feb 12 '82    To examination.  Promoted from the 21 Dec 1881.


Albert G[ustavus]. Winterhalter.  [Ensign.]  11 July 1880.  June 10 '81  To Trg. ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd.  Jany 5 '82 To the Jamestown 1 Feb.  January 27th 1882 Commissioned. Nov 22 '84 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 10 '84 to Naval Observatory; to continue until 1 Jany 1887.  Dec 16 '86 To physical examination.            Dec 20 '86  To examination.  Dec 31 '86 Duty to continue until 31 Dec 1887.   Promoted from the 14 December 1886.


Roll 16, Volume N‑2 (January 1879 ‑ December 1888)


Charles N. Atwater.  [Midshipman.]  25 September 1874.  June 4 '80 Appointed Midshipman from 4 June 1880.  July 17 '80 To Training ship Constitution 24 inst.  June 30 '81 Detd. & to the Colorado.  July 7 '81 Delay reporting until 20 inst.  Jany 22 '82 Detd. & to the Alliance.  June 21 '83 To physical examination.   June 21 '83 To examination.  Promoted from the 19th June 1882.


William S[hepherd]. Benson.  [Midshipman.]  21 September 1872.  June 26 '79   Appointed Midshipman from 18 June 1879.  Octr 22 '79 To training ship Constitution.   June 30 '81 Detd. & tempy duty Nav[igation]. Dept., Navy Yard New York.  July 2 '81 To physical examination.  July 2 '81 To                        examination.  Promoted from the 27 July 1881.


John B. Blish.  [Midshipman.]  15 September 1875.  June 28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  June 30 '81 To the Training ship Constitution.  July 6 '81 To the Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Dec 2 '81    To the Alliance.  Jany 7 '82   Detd. & to Special duty Smithsonian Institute.  Jany 11 '83 Detd. & to Training ship Jamestown.  June 4, 1883 Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3rd March 1883.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884.


Edward Bonsall.  [Boatswain.]  1 June 1869.  Constitution.  July 26 '79 Detd. 2 Augt & the Navy Yard League Island.  March 13 '80 Detd. & to the Constellation.    June 12 '80 Detd. & w.o.  June 26 '80 To Training Ship Minnesota 1 July.  Dec 8 '81   Detd. & to the Lancaster.  June 19 '84 Detd. and to the Powhatan.  Augt 22 '84   Detd. & w.o.  Octr 3 '84 To Recg. ship St. Louis; to continue until 3 Octr 1887.   Jany 8 '85 Detd. & to Training ship New Hampshire.  Jany 10 '85 Previous order revoked & remain on the St. Louis.  Octr 29 '85 Detd. 30 inst & to the Brooklyn 4th Nov.


Samuel H. Boutwell.  [Sailmaker.]  17 February 1876.  Plymouth.  May 2 '79 Detd. 9 Inst. & to the Kearsarge 10 Inst.  Octr 17 '79 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 28 '79 to the Training ship Constitution 2 Dec.  Dec 1 '79 Previous order revoked & w.o.    Augt 13 '80 To the Galena 28 inst.  Sept 13 '83 Detd. & w.o.  Octr 2 '84 to Equipment department Navy Yard Washington; to continue until 2d Octr 1887.   Sept 30 '87 Duty to continue until 30 September 1888.  Dec 27 '87 Detd. & to the Trenton 3 Jany.  Jany 3 '88 Report on the 19th inst.


Jonathan K. Brice. [Midshipman.]  13 June 1873.  June 26 '79 Appointed Midshipman from 18 June 1879.  Octr 22 '79 To the Training ship Constitution.  June 22 1880.    Resignation accepted.


Thomas W. Brown.  [Boatswain.]  21 November 1873.  Waiting Orders.  May 2 '79 To recg. ship Franklin.  July 26 '79 Detd. & to Training ship Constitution 2 Augt.    Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec '81.  April 29 '82 to Equipment department Navy Yard New York.  June 17 '84 Detd. & w. o.  Sept 20 '84 assist in charge of  draft of men to Panama, then return home.  Returned 27 Octr '84  Octr 27 '84 To Training ship Jamestown.  Nov 24 '84 Detd. & sick leave.  Feb 3 '85 Appear before Retiring Board.  Feb 18 '85 Placed upon the Retired List from this date.    Died at Huntington N.Y. on the 5 April 1885.


 Simon [or Simeon] Cook.  [Midshipman.]  6 June 1873.  Nov 6 '79 Appointed Midshipman from 18 June 1879.  June 25 '80 To training ship Constitution.  June 30 '81 Detd. & to the Recg. ship Franklin.  Nov 22 '81 To physical examination.    Nov 22 '81 to examination.  Promoted from the 15th November 1881.


 Arthur W. Dodd.  [Midshipman.]  6 June 1873.  June 26 '79 Appointed Midshipman from 18 June 1879.  Octr 22 '79 To the Training ship Constitution.  May 25 '81   To physical examination.  May 28 '81 To examination.  Promoted from the 29th March 1881.


John A. Dougherty.  [Midshipman.]  12 June 1874.  June 28     '81 Appointed Midshipman  from 10 June 1881.  June 30 '81 To training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd.& w.o.   Detd. 14 Dec '81.  Jany 27 '82 To the Jamestown 1 Feb.  Sept 27 '82 Detd. & to the Coast Survey.  June 4 '83 Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3d March 1883.  June 26 '83 Detached & to the Kearsarge.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884.


 Leigh O. Garrett.  [Midshipman.]  13 September 1875.  June28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  June 30 '81 To training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to Gunnery Training ship Minnesota.  Mar 18 '82 Detd. & to the Saratoga.  Jany 19 '83 Detd. 31 inst & six months leave from 1 Feb.  June 4 '83    Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3d March 1883.  Augt 8 '83    Resignation accepted to take effect 8 August 1884, and granted leave until that      date.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884.


LeRoy M. Garrett.  [Midshipman.]  16 September 1875.  January 28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  July 11 '81 To the Training ship Constitution.   July 14 '81 Delay reporting one month.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. and wait orders.  Dec 2 '81 To the alliance.  Jany 22 '82 Detd. & to special duty Smithsonian Institute.  May 18 '83 Special duty on Geological Survey Bozeman Montana, then return & resume duties.  June 4 '83 Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3d March 1883.  Dec 27 '83 Detd. & to Fish Commission Steamer Albatross.  May 19 '84 Detd. & to special duty connected with          Geological Survey; to continue until 1 Nov 1884.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884.


John R. Grainger.  [Gunner.]  23 November 1861.  Navy Yard New York.  Sept 18 '79    Detd. & to Training ship Constitution. Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec '81.  Dec 15 '81 To the training ship New Hampshire 4 Jany.  July 12 '82 to  torpedo instruction during Augt then resume duties.  Sept 20 '82 Detd. & w.o.    Octr 4 '82 To the Torpedo Station.  Sept 24 '85 duty to continue until 15 May 1886.  June 23 '86 Detd. & to Naval Ordnance Proving Ground; to continue until 23 June 1888.  Sept 18 '88 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 16 '88 To duty in Ordnance department Navy Yard, New York; to continue until 16 Nov '90.  Dec 24 '88    Detd. & to the Chicago.


Eldridge D. Hall.  [Carpenter.]  3 July 1870.  Recg. Ship Colorado.  July 28 '79 Detd. 31 Inst & to the Constitution 2 Augt.  Nov 6 '79 Detd. & sick leave.  Nov 28 '79 to receiving ship Colorado.  July 13 '80 Detd. & sick leave.  Nov 17 '83 Placed on Retired List from the 16 Nov 1883.  Reported dead at Fourth Autidor's Office.   No report sent to the Department.


Herman Hanson.  [Sailmaker.]  17 January 1876.  Constitution.  Nov 28 '79 Detd. (2 Dec.) & w.o.  Dec 1 '79 Detachment from Constitution revoked.  April 14 '80   Detd. & w.o.  May 7 '81 To Navy Yard Washington 20 inst. Jany 12 '82 Detd. & w.o.  May 1 '82 To Navy Yard Washington.  July 24 '82 Detd. & to the Michigan.   July 2 '83 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 18 '85 to the Recg. ship Independence; to continue until 18 Nov 1888.  Nov 22 '85 Delay departure forty eight hours.  Sept 13 '86    Detd. & sick leave.  Augt 22 '88 To the Recg. Ship Vermont; to continue until 21 Augt 1891.  Nov 28 '88 Detd. & sick leave.


Charles H. Harlow.  [Midshipman.]  15 September 1875.  June 28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  June 30' 81 To the training ship Constitution.   Aug 9 '81 Detd. & to the New Hampshire.  Jany 9 '82 Detd. from the Saratoga & to the Jamestown 1 Feby.  June 4 '83 Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3 March 1883.  Nov 10 '83 Detd. & to duty at Smithsonian Institute; to continue until 10 Nov 1885.  Mar 28 '84 Detd. & to the Thetis.  July 17 '84    Commissioned an Ensign from the 26 June 1884.  Augt 13 '84 Detd. & to special duty Cincinnati Ohio; to continue until 13 Augt 1885.


Richard M. Hughes.  [Midshipman.]  25 September 1874.  June 4 '80 Appointed Midshipman from 4 June 1880.  July 17 '80 To Training ship Constitution 24 inst.  June 30 '81 Detd. & to the Colorado.  July 7 '81 Delay reporting until 20 inst.  Jany 22 '82 Detd. & to the Alliance. June 21 '82 To physical examination.         June 21 '82 To physical examination.  Promoted from the 19th June 1882.


Edward Lloyd, Jr.  [Midshipman.]  17 June 1874.  June 4 '80  Appointed Midshipman om 4 June 1880.  July 17 '80 To Training ship Constitution 24 inst.  June 30 '81 Detd. & to Recg. ship Franklin.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to the Enterprise 10 Jany.   May 2 '82 To physical examination.  May 2 '82 To examination.  Promoted from 11 May 1882.


 Charles C. Marsh.  [Midshipman.]  14 September 1875.  June 28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  June 30 '81 To Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to the Gunnery Training ship Minnesota.  Dec 17 '81 Detd. & to the New Hampshire.  Jany 4 '82 Detd. & to Special duty Smithsonian Institute.  April 27 '83 To duty on Geological Survey then return & resume duties.  June 4 '83   Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3d March 1883.  April 28 '84    Detd. & to duty on Coast Survey.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884,


John Martin.  [Sailmaker.]  26 October 1872.  Equipt duty Navy Yard Boston.  April 14 '80 Detd. & to the Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o.  Detd. 14 Dec 1881.  Dec 16 '81 To the Training ship Minnesota.  Sea service ceased 1Augt 1882.  Jany 21 '84 Detd. & to Training ship Saratoga.  Nov 11 '86 Detd. 1 Dec & to Equipt department Navy Yard New York; to continue until 1 Dec 1889.


Randolph H. Miner.  [Midshipman.]  19 June 1875.  June 28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  June 30th To Training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & w.o. Detd. 14 Dec.  Dec 8 '81 when detached to the New Hampshire.  June 4 '82   td. & to special duty Smithsonian Institute.  Dec 4 '82 Detd. & to Fish Commission Stmr Albatross.  June 4 '83 Commissioned an Ensign, Junior Grade from the 3d March 1883.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884.


 Russel [sic] C. Paris.  [Midshipman.]  23 September 1873.      June 26 '79 Appointed Midshipman from 18 June 1879.  Octr 22 '79 To Training ship Constitution.   Sept 13 '80 Detd. leave until 1 December and Resignation accepted to take effect on that day.


William R. Rush.  [Midshipman.]  6 June 1872.  Mov 6 '79 Appointed Midshipman from 18 June 1879.  March 15, 1880 To the Constellation.  June 12 '80 Dect. & w.o.   June 25 '80 to training ship Constitution.  June 30 '81 Detd. & to Recg. ship Passaic.  Nov 1 '81 Orders to Passaic revoked & sick leave.  Nov 7 '81 To physical examination at Hospital.  Nov 7 '81 To examination.  Nov 11 '81 To the Receving ship Passaic.  Promoted from the 15 October 1881.


Rennie Schwerin.  [Midshipman.]  25 Septembr 1874.  June 28 '81 Appointed Midshipman from 10 June 1881.  June 30 '81 To training ship Constitution.  Dec 1 '81 Detd. & to Gunnery Training ship Minnesota.  Dec 17 '81 Detd. & to the New Hampshire.  Mar 18 '82 Detd. & to the Saratoga.  Dec 13 '82 Detd. & sick leave.  May 13 '83 To the Coast Survey.  June 4 '83 Commissioned an Ensign Junior Grade from the 3d March 1883.  Jany 14 '84 Sea pay ceases, will continue     on shore duty until 14 April 1884.  Promoted from the 26 June 1884.


 Joseph L. Thatcher.  [Carpenter.]  20 February 1872.  Ticonderoga.  Augt 27 '79 Detd. 30 June & w.o. from 25 Inst.  Nov 11 '79 To Training ship Constitution 22 inst.  May 28 '81 Transferred to the Naval Hospital.  July 19 '81 Detd. from the Constitution & w.o.  Dec 6 '81 To Navy Yard Washington.  Feb 21 '82 Detd. & w.o.  Nov 25 '84 Appear before the Retiring Board.  Dec 6 '84 Not permanently incapacitated.  Died at Wilmington Delaware on the 23 September 1886.


 Albert G. Winterhalter.  [Midshipman.]  24 September 1873.  May 2 '81 to examination.   June 15 '81 Detd. & w.o.  June 28 '81 appointed a Midshipman from the 18 June 1879.  June 30 '81 To training ship Constitution.  Nov 30 '81 To physical examination.  Nov 30 '81 To examination.  Dec 1 '81 Obey orders to examination.   Promoted from the 11 July 1880.


Robert K. Wright.  [Midshipman.]  11 June 1873.  June 4 '80 Appointed Midshipman from 4 June 1880.  July 17 '80 To Training ship Constitution.  Augt 9 '81 Detd.  & to the school ship New Hampshire.  Mar 22 '82 Detd. & to the Training ship Portsmouth.  Octr 26 '82 Detd. & w.o.  Jany 18 '83 To physical examination.   Jany 13 '83 To examination.  Promoted from the 18 December 1882.


Roll 17, Volume O‑1 (January 1889 ‑ December 1893)




Roll 18, Volume O̴