M 0148





  Note:  Only those rolls covering periods when CONSTITUTION was in squadron service have been researched.  


Roll 1, Vol 1 (April 29, 1802 ‑ December 30, 1805)




Vol 2 (January 1 ‑ May 31, 1806)




Roll 2, Vol 3 (June 2 ‑ August 30, 1806)


From Midshipman Octavus A. Page, 2 Jun 1806:


        [Note spelling of first name: occurs four times.]


From Midshipman Lewis Hunt, Charlestown, MA, 16 Jun 1806:


        Acknowledges receipt of SecNav letter soliciting subscriptions for the Tripoli monument.  Notes he subscribed prior to leaving the Mediterranean.


From Lieutenant Charles Ludlow, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Jul 1806:


        Reports remaining in the Mediterranean as 1st Lieutenant of CONSTITUTION per Commodore Rodgers' order.  Calls CONSTITUTION "one of the first Frigates in the World."  Had been in ESSEX.


Vol 4 (September 1 ‑ December 31, 1806)


From Midshipman Walter Winter, Allens Fresh, MD, 1 Sep 1806:


        Notes receipt of SecNav letter circulating a letter from Captain Porter seeking contributions for the Tripoli monument.  Sends $5.


From George Davis, Gibraltar, 10 Sep 1806:


        CONSTITUTION has gone to Lisbon to procure and set up new rigging.


Roll 3, Vol 5 (January 1 ‑ April 30, 1807)


From Midshipman Jacob Hite, 14 Feb 1807:


        [Note spelling of last name.]


Vol 6 (May 1 ‑ July 31, 1807)




Roll 4, Vol 7 (August 1 ‑ December 31, 1807)


From Surgeon Samuel D. Heap, 31 Oct 1807:


        Written on board CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman James P. Wilmer, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1807:


        Requests leave.


From Surgeon's Mate George Colegate, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1807:


        Requests leave.


From Midshipman Thomas Shields, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Nov 1807:


        Requests 2‑3 months leave to regain health.


From Midshipman James Marshall, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Nov 1807:


        Requests leave.


From Purser Gwinn Harris, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Nov 1807:


        Money receipt.


From Lieutenant Melancthon T. Woolsey, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Dec 1807:


        Leave request; notes crew "about to be discharged."


From Purser James Tootell, USS WASP, 5 Dec 1807:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or other frigate.


From Midshipman James McGlanhon, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Dec 1807:


        Settling accounts.


From Acting Midshipman Divier Rouchas, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Dec 1807:


        Requests a regular warrant, noting he transferred to CONSTITUTION from ESSEX in the Mediterranean.


Vol 8 (January 2 ‑ April 30, 1808)


From Midshipman P. Muhlenberg, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Mar 1808:


        Requests transfer to the New Orleans Station.


Roll 5, Vol 9 (May 1 ‑ December 31, 1808)


From Bary [sic: former Ordinary Seaman Bernard] McDermott, Ramapo Works, NY, 10 Sep 1808:


        Sailed from Boston in CONSTITUTION, "Prebble," in Jun 1803.  Served 27 months in ship and several prizes were taken.  How do I get my share of prize money?


From Midshipman William C. Hazell, Philadelphia, PA, 8 Oct 1808:


        Received warrant in January; requests orders to CONSTITUTION "or any other vessel."


Vol 10 (January 1 ‑ March 31, 1809)


From Captain John Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, to Captain Joseph Smith, Baltimore, MD, 29 May 1809 [misfiled at 7 Feb 1809]:


        Midshipman Joseph E. Smith is on board.


From Surgeon J. G. Hunt, New York Navy Yard, 9 Feb 1809:


        Learned "this morning" he is ordered to CONSTITUTION.  Regrets that poor health will preclude his service.


From Purser James Tootell, USS WASP, 10 Feb 1809:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to USS PRESIDENT.]


From Lieutenant Francis J. Mitchell, USS ARGUS, 12 Feb 1809:


        Acknowledges orders to CONSTITUTION as Acting Lieutenant.  Will join when ARGUS reaches New York.


From Purser Clement S. Hunt, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Mar 1809:


        Submits his bond.


Roll 6, Vol 11 (April 1 ‑ June 26, 1809)[mislabeled June 26 ‑ August 31, 1809]


From Lieutenant Charles Ludlow, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jun 1809:


        Makes a complaint.


From Lieutenant George W. Reed, Philadelphia, PA, 9 Jul 1809:


        Acknowledges orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Charles Ludlow, USS VIXEN, 11 Jul 1809:


        Reports assuming command.


From Lieutenant George W. Reed, New York, NY, 19 Jul 1809:


        Tenders resignation.


From Lieutenant James Renshaw, New York, NY, 12 Aug 1809:


        Reports bringing a draft of petty officers and men from CHESAPEAKE in Boston to CONSTITUTION; requests orders for himself.  The enclosed orders from Captain Isaac Hull also note that "Midshipman Allen" will assist him.


From Midshipman William Campbell, Albany, NY, 15 Aug 1809:


        Received his warrant in February.  Hoped for a "birth" in CONSTITUTION, but was told she was full.  Would still like to be in that ship.


Roll 7, Vol 13 (September 1 ‑ December 31, 1809)


From Midshipman John H. Elton, USS JOHN ADAMS, 3 Oct 1809:


        Once captained Gunboat 51 "Constitution's Tender;" but sailed with his crew in Gunboat 97, although not formally in commission, because she was in better shape.  Made some captures.  Asks about his official status at the time and whether or not he and his crew are due prize money.


From Lieutenant Theodore Hunt, USS HORNET, 26 Oct 1809:


        Dr. Thorn now in "city" [New York], having been relieved in CONSTITUTION by Dr. Griffin.


From Surgeon's Mate John Reynolds, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Nov 1809:


        Requests leave.


Vol 14 (January 1 ‑ June 30, 1810)


 From Lieutenant Theodore Hunt, USS HORNET, 30 Mar 1810;


        Notes that CONSTITUTION has "dropped down to the Hook."  Had been using the services of her Surgeon for his crew.  Requests one.


From Lieutenant Ralph Izard, New York, NY, 12 Apr 1810:


        Has gotten Commodore Rodgers' permission to leave CONSTITUTION.  Tenders his resignation.


From Lieutenant Charles L. Ridgely, Baltimore, MD, 20 Apr 1810:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Chaplain Robert Thompson, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 May 1810:


        Ship is expected to sail at 1500 that day for Annapolis where he will transfer to Washington, DC, and then to PRESIDENT.  Desires Midshipman Delphy accompany him.


From Lieutenant Ralph Izard, Philadelphia, PA, 2 May 1810:


        Explains that his resignation was due to a disagreement with Commodore Rodgers in which he felt he was ill‑used.


From Chaplain Robert Thompson, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 May 1810:


        Certifies that Midshipman Horatio F. Marcellin has completed his course in celestial navigation on board.


From Thomas Salter, Elizabethtown, NJ, 22 May 1810:


        Requests his son, Midshipman William D. Salter, be ordered to serve under Captain Isaac Hull [soon to be in CONSTITUTION].  [So ordered.]


From Lieutenant Theodore Hunt, USS HORNET, 23 May 1810:


        Arrived at Annapolis in company with CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Samuel Woodhouse, Philadelphia, PA, 2 Jun 1810:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.  Reports he has already signed on a merchant voyage in the expectation of being granted a requested furlough.  Requests cancellation of orders.  [Cancelled.]


 From Midshipman Wolcott Chauncey, Annapolis, MD, 8 Jun 1810:


        Requests a furlough due to health.


Roll 8, Vol 15 (July 2 ‑ December 28, 1810)


From Midshipman William B. Hall, Hampton Roads, VA, 23 Jul 1810:


        Requests cancellation of furlough; has been invited to join CONSTITUTION by Captain Hull.  [Not granted.]


From Commodore John Rodgers, USS PRESIDENT, to SecNav, 23 Jul 1810:


        Received enclosed furlough request from CONSTITUTION yesterday.  Mr. [Lieutenant F. H.] Mitchell, now in New York, has been ill "for some time past."


From Captain Isaac Hull, USS CONSTITUTION, to Midshipman Stephen Wilson, 23 Jul 1810:


        Grants permission for him to stay ashore until his health improves.


From Thomas Y. Sprogell, Philadelphia, PA, 2 Sep 1810:


        Requests 3‑month furlough for his son, Midshipman Sylvanus Sprogell, in CONSTITUTION.  [Young Sprogell fell overboard and drowned, 26 Oct 1810.]


From Midshipman Nathaniel D. Nicholson, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Sep 1810:


        Requests transfer to USS ENTERPRIZE.  [Granted.]


From Surgeon Samuel R. Trevett, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Oct 1810:


        Leave request.


From Gunner William Taylor, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Dec 1810:


        Leave request.


From Gunner William Taylor, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Dec 1810:


        Again requests leave.


Vol 16 (January 1 ‑ May 31, 1811)


From Midshipman John Packett, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Feb 1811:


        Requests transfer after having been a second in a duel.


From Surgeon Samuel R.Trevett, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Feb 1811:


        Submits his resignation.


From Lieutenant Charles Morris, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, to Commodore John Rodgers, 7 Mar 1811:


        Submits a harbor survey report of New London, CT.


From Lieutenant Stephen Cassin, Philadelphia, PA, 23 May 1811:


        Acknowledges receipt of order of 21 May to open a rendezvous for seamen for CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Stephen Cassin, Philadelphia, PA, 28 May 1811:


        No seamen recruited yet; merchantmen are paying $20‑25 per month.


From Lieutenant Stephen Cassin, Philadelphia, PA, 31 May 1811:


        Only one seaman shipped to date.


Roll 9, Vol 17 (June 2 ‑ December 31, 1811)


From Lieutenant Stephen Cassin, Philadelphia, PA, 8 Jun 1811:


        HORNET has transferred needed seamen to CONSTITUTION; will recruit for HORNET.


From Midshipman James Reilly, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jun 1811:


        Requests settlement of pay question.


From Lieutenant Alexander S. Wadsworth, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Jun 1811:


        Responds to questions as to how Anthony Mitchell was shipped at New York.


From Surgeon's Mate Samuel Gilliland, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Jul 1811:


        Concerning promotion.  [Resigned in Jun 1812.]


From Midshipman S. Nelson Phelps, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jul 1811:


        Requests 2‑3 weeks leave in France if ship is there long enough.


From Midshipman Charles T. Stallings, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Aug 1811:


        Reports his return to health and requests permission to rejoin ship.


Vol 18 (January 1 ‑ May 31, 1812)


From Midshipman Frederick Gibbon, Richmond, VA, 28 Feb 1812:


        On leave from CONSTITUTION; requests orders to USS UNITED STATES.  [Granted.]


From Surgeon's Mate Samuel Gilliland, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Mar 1812:


        Demands promotion.


From Purser Isaac Garretson, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Mar 1812:


        Gives a statement of service; wishes reappointment as Purser.  [A 14 Mar 1812 letter from Captain Isaac Hull is enclosed.]


From Sailing Master H. Wilkinson, Gunboat 67, 19 Mar 1812:


        Have delivered goods offloaded from CONSTITUTION at Norfolk to the Washington Navy Yard; awaiting cargo for return trip.


From Surgeon Samuel R. Trevett, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Mar 1812:


        A letter of recommendation for Dr. [Surgeon's Mate] Charles Cotton.


From Sailing Master Nehemiah Drew, Wilmington, NC, 10 Apr 1812:


        Questions rumor he is to be ordered to CONSTITUTION.  [Not so.]


From Surgeon Thomas Ewell, Washington, DC, 11 Apr 1812:


        Notes the arrival of many CONSTITUTION sick in local hospital, with resultant overcrowding; offers to forego a year's pay if money can be used to improve the situation through the building of a proper facility.


From Midshipman Henry Olcott, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Apr 1812:


        Submits resignation.


Roll 10, Vol 19 (June 1 ‑ August 31, 1812)


From Midshipman Andrew Haslett, Washington Navy Yard, 5 Jun 1812:


        Requests cancellation of orders to CONSTITUTION and furlough due to bad health.  [Granted.]


From Lieutenant Stephen Cassin, Philadelphia, PA, to Midshipman Charles L. Springer, 18 Jun 1812:


        Proceed in schooner HAPPY RETURN, John Hand, master, to Washington and deliver men to CONSTITUTION.  Report to SecNav and learn his pleasure.

        N.B.  At the mouth of the Potomac, call at St. Mary's to learn whether the ship is in the river or at Annapolis.


From Chaplain Andrew Hunter, Washington Navy Yard, 19 Jun 1812:


        Four or five "very illiterate" midshipmen have been set ashore from CONSTITUTION, "by your order I presume."  What is to be done with them?  "Forrest and Snelson are among the above."


From Lieutenant Charles Morris, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jun 1812:


        Requests transfer.


From Chaplain John Cook, New York, NY, 28 Jun 1812:


        Arrived in New York per orders on the 20th.  No word of CONSTITUTION.  Appalled at man's tarring and feathering in the Navy Yard.


From Midshipman George Getz, New York, New York, 17 Jul 1812:


        Desires orders to PRESIDENT, HORNET, CONSTITUTION, or ARGUS, all of whom are expected at the city.


From Lieutenant Oliver H. Perry, Newport, RI, 24 Jul 1812:


        Captain Mabury of brig RISING SUN says "when he left Constitution she was standing to the Eastd. under easy sail."


From Lieutenant Oliver H. Perry, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1812:


        Reports being told of capture of USS NAUTILUS "off the high lands...by the English" on the 16th by merchant Captain Blunt, former master of a vessel also taken by the English.  NAUTILUS sent to Halifax.  "The masters of the vessels arrived here bear testimony to the excellence of the conduct of Capt. Hull of the Constitution, who by the account not only out sailed the British squadron, but out maneuvered them & he was so near as to throw shot over the Belvidera and Guerrier [sic] neither of which dare approach him without the whole squadron.  On taking a breeze he sailed them out of sight in a short time."

        The British squadron had taken 14 merchantmen.  One, brig DISPATCH of New Haven, was sent in with 155 captured American seamen.


From Lieutenant Charles Morris, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Aug 1812:


        Arthur O. Tone was shipped for PRESIDENT, turned over to CONSTITUTION, and discharged in July 1811 "by your order."  He said nothing about his "connexions."  When I was in Paris, I saw Mrs. Tone, widow of the celebrated Theo W. Tone.  I learned he had escaped from his English prison and come to America, "lost" to his friends.  His conduct was correct while in the ships.  He went to Washington upon discharge.  [A "sea story."  Theobald Wolfe Tone, the Irish revolutionary of the 1790s, committed suicide with a pen knife in 1798: Encyc. Brit.]


From Doctor Charles Cotton, 2 Aug 1812:


        Requests duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Chaplain John Cook, New York, NY, 14 Aug 1812:


        Still awaiting CONSTITUTION and in need of funds.  What to do?


Vol 20 (September 1 ‑ December 31, 1812)


From Midshipman William D. McCarty, New York, NY, 2 Sep 1812:


        I learned from an officer of CONSTITUTION who arrived here this morning of her success.  Request permission to proceed to join her in Boston.


From Chaplain John Cook, New York, NY, 2 Sep 1812:


        Learned of CONSTITUTION's success from one of her officers who arrived here this morning.  What do you want me to do?  I need money to travel.


From Midshipman Thomas Holdup, USS JOHN ADAMS, 3 Sep 1812:


        Request transfer to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant William B. Shubrick, USS HORNET, 6 Sep 1812:


        Request transfer to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Charles Morris, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Sep 1812:


        Leave request [to recover from abdominal wound suffered in battle with HMS GUERRIERE].


From Surgeon's Mate John D. Armstrong, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Sep 1812:


        Requests transfer to the Boston Navy Yard.  [Endorsed by Surgeon Amos Evans.]


From Midshipman Z. W. Nixon, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Oct 1812:


        Reports his arrival on board on 25 Sep 1812.


From Midshipman John Packett, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Oct 1812:


        Reports his arrival on board on 16 Oct 1812.


From Midshipman George W. Storer, New York, NY, 29 Oct 1812:


        Sailed in PRESIDENT and CONSTITUTION with Captain [Charles] Morris.  Request orders to USS ADAMS.


From Midshipman Silas N. Phelps, "Porthampton," VA, 14 Nov 1812:


        I presume you knew Capt. Hull left me here sick after CONSTITUTION returned from Europe.  Was still sick in July when CONSTITUTION passed out to sea.  Got discharged from the ship with orders to report to you when fit for duty.  Came to this place "the last of July."  Was nearly recovered when hit with bilious fever.  Believed well enough now to request orders.


Roll 11, Vol 21 (January 2 ‑ April 30, 1813)


 From Sailing Master James P. Oellers, Boston, MA, 24 Feb 1813:


        "...there are no vacancies on board...Constitution..."


From Midshipman Joel Abbot [sic], 19 Mar 1813:


        Requests duty in CONSTITUTION.


Vol 22 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1813)


From Midshipman William Taylor, Petersburg, VA, 7 May 1813:


        Furlough began 24 March, now done.  "Not having as yet received my prize money for the Guerriere and Java Frigates..."


From Surgeon's Mate Charles Cotton, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 May 1813:


        Reported aboard 11 Apr 1813.


From Midshipman Thomas Crabb, USS CONSTELLATION, 22 May 1813:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Samuel Bullus, USS ALERT, 25 May 1813:


        In Navy since January 1809.  With Commodore Rodgers in CONSTITUTION and PRESIDENT "two years" until furloughed in April 1811.  Wants orders to the Lakes.  [Granted, as Acting Lieutenant.]


From "1st" Surgeon's Mate John D. Armstrong, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 May 1813:


        Was born in Ireland and has been in US 8 years.  Has been in two actions with the USN against the RN.  Wants shore duty.


From Purser E. W. Turner, USS ENTERPRIZE, 23 Jun 1813:


        Volunteers to fill CONSTITUTION's reported need for a Purser.  [No.]


Roll 12, Vol 23 (July 1 ‑ September 30, 1813)


From Midshipman Thomas N. Bonneville, USS ALERT, 7 Jul 1813:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


 From Midshipman Silas N. Phelps, Northampton, VA, ? Jul 1813:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or MACEDONIAN.  Now healthy.


From Lieutenant William B. Shubrick, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jul 1813:


        "...particularly anxious to join Constitution..."  [Annotated: see if Stewart wants him.  He did.]


From Lieutenant Charles Ridgely, 24 Jul 1813:


        Requests duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Surgeon's Mate Benjamin Austin, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Aug 1813:


        Reporting for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Dr. Richard C. Gregory, USS CONSTELLATION, 1 Sep 1813:


        Wishes orders to accompany Surgeon William Turk from CONSTELLATION to CONSTITUTION as his Surgeon's Mate.  Has been Acting Surgeon's Mate in CONSTELLATION for 2 years.  [Annotated: nominate him to Senate as Surgeon's Mate.]


From Midshipman Lewis E. Simonds, 2 Sep 1813:


        Requests duty in CONSTITUTION, from furlough.


From Dr. Richard C. Gregory, USS CONSTELLATION, 8 Sep 1813:


        Surgeon Turk "has just departed" for CONSTITUTION.  Again requests orders.  [Not granted.]


Vol 24 (October 1 ‑ December 30, 1813)


From Midshipman Frederick Varnum, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Oct 1813:


        Has been in CONSTITUTION since Apr 1813; now indisposed; will carry out orders to join SIREN when better.


From Surgeon William Turk, Providence, RI, 11 Oct 1813:


        Has joined PRESIDENT, replacing Surgeon Robert L. Thorn, as Dr. Cotten has remained in CONSTITUTION.


From Surgeon's Mate John D. Armstrong, USS CONSTITUTION,  20 Oct 1813:


        Requests shore duty.  [Annotated: no place for him now.]


From Acting Sailing Master Samuel Cooper, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Nov 1813:


        A recent member of CHESAPEAKE's defeated crew, he is concerned that he was properly exchanged and now eligible to serve again.


From Acting Surgeon's Mate Artemas Johnson, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Nov 1813:


        Has been on board since 8 Aug 1813.


From Surgeon's Mate John D. Armstrong, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Dec 1813:


        As someone born in Ireland and not yet an American citizen, he wishes shore duty to avoid capture by the British.  [Annotated with the fact that he has a friend in Congress.]


Roll 13, Vol 25 (January 1 ‑ March 31, 1814)




Vol 26 (April 1 ‑ June 30, 1814)


From Midshipman William R. F. Chamberlain, Boston Navy Yard, 21 Apr 1814:


        Requests duty in CONSTITUTION as "there is now a vacancy".  [Sent to the Great Lakes instead.]


From Lieutenant William M. Hunter, Philadelphia, PA, 27 Apr 1814:


        Was granted leave by Captain Stewart upon death of his father.  Requests leave be extended another 2 weeks to settle his affairs.  [Approved to 11 May, then return to CONSTITUTION.]


From Lieutenant Henry E. Ballard, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 May 1814:


        Requests leave [granted]; also would like duty with Commodore Bainbridge in INDEPENDENCE [not granted].


From Midshipman John C. Long, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 May 1814:


        Has been on sea duty "about 18 mos."; wants orders to Portsmouth (NH) Navy Yard.


From Surgeon Charles Cotton, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 May 1814:


        Reports that Doctor John A. Kearney at Newport News wants to exchange duties; Cotton does, too, for health reasons.  [Granted.]


From Surgeon John A. Kearney, Newport, RI, 26 May 1814:


        Also reports on proposed exchange.


Vol 27 (July 1 ‑ October 31, 1814)




Vol 28 (November 2 ‑ December 31, 1814)


From Sailing Master Samuel C. Hixon, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Nov 1814:


        Has sailed with Captain Stewart for 16 months; requests command of one of small (harassing) vessels the Navy is rumored to be considering if CONSTITUTION is not to be ordered to sea.


From Midshipman James Greenlaw, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1814:


        Has been in CONSTITUTION throughout the war; if she remains blockaded, wants to leave to join a privateer.  [Approved if Captain Stewart will agree.]


From Midshipman John M. Channing, Exeter, NH, 16 Nov 1814:


        Requests orders to CONGRESS or CONSTITUTION.  Was wounded while in PRESIDENT.


Roll 14, Vol 29 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1815)


From Surgeon's Mate Archimedes Smith, Lexington, KY, 29 Jan 1815:


        Wishes orders to CONSTITUTION under Captain Sinclair, lately appointed, when his health is regained.  [Ordered to USS NIAGARA.]


Vol 30 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1815)


From Lieutenant Beekman V. Hoffman, New York, NY, 10 Apr 1815:


        Reports his arrival with CONSTITUTION's prize, HMS CYANE.


From Lieutenant Beekman V. Hoffman, New York, NY, 10 Apr 1815 [2nd ltr]:


        "I have the favor to inform you, that. on the morning of the 20th of February last, while Cruising off Madeira the United States Frigate Constitution fell iin with his Britanic [sic] Majestys Ships Cyane and Levant, which she captured after and Action of 50 minutes.—

        "The Cyane is a Frigate built Ship, mounting 34 Carriage Guns (vizt.) 22, 32 lb Carronades on the Main Deck, 8 18 lb Carronades on the Quarter Deck 2 18 lb Carronades and 2 long nines on the Forecastle, andfrom the best information I could obtain carrying a Complement of 175 Men Commanded by Gordon Falcon Esqr.  The Levant mounting 21 Carriage Guns (vizt.) 18 24 lb Carronades 2 long nines and a shifting 12 pounder on the Topgallant Forecastle with a Complement of 158 Men Commanded by the Honble George Douglas.  Both Ships suffered severely in their Spars Rigging and Sails.--  The Constitution received but trifling Injury.--  having only 4 men killed and 10 wounded.  As to the loss of the Enemy I cannot possibly ascertain, but should presume it was very severe.—

        "On the 9th of March the Constitution with her two Prizes in Company, anchored off the Isle of May - (one of the Cape De Verd Islands).  On the 10th at 5 AM Got underway and made Sail for St. Iago's where we anchored at 10.45 AM.-  On the 12th at 1/2 past Meridian discovered 3 Sail in the offing.  At 1.10 made them to be Frigates.- at which time the Constitution made Signal to get Underway.-  At 1.20 Cut our cable and made Sail to  the Southward and Eastward close on a wind.--  At 1.30 the Forts on Shore commenced Firing on us.-  At 2 the Constitution made Signal to Tack, which I did to the Northwd and Westward-  At 2.5 the Sternmost Frigate commenced Firing on us, and hoisted English Colours, distance about two miles.  At 2.20 lost sight of the Constitution and Levant, who were standing on a Wind to the Southward and Eastward,.  The Frigates in Chase.--  At 2.35 lost sight of the enemy.  At 3 heard a heavy Cannonading, which continued at intervals until 1/2 past 4.-  At Sundown Shaped my course for the United States.--  For the further particulars of Course, I beg to refer you to Captaini Stewarts official account on his arrival to the United States.

        "I cannot conclude my Letter without particularly recommending to your Notice Midshipamn Joseph Cross, for whose unremitted Attention and Exertions I feel myself greatly indebted, and he is a young Man who I think wouold do honorto a Commission.

        "And to Midshipman James Delany, and James Curtis.- and the few Men I have under my Command words would be insufficient to express my gratitude towards them."


[Note: The annotation on the outside of the letter terms Cyane a "Sloop of War."]


Vol 31 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1815)


From Lieutenant Henry E. Ballard, Baltimore, MD, 2 May 1815:


        "I have the honour to make known to you my arrival at this place with a part of the Officers and crew of the U.S. frigate Constitution, captured in a prize, the Levant, in the harbour of Porto Praya in the island of St. Iago, by a Squadron of His Brittannic Majesty's Ships, consisting of the Leander Sir George Collier, the Newcastle, Lord George Stewart, and the Acasta Capt. Kerr;- for the particulars of my recapture I beg leave to refer you to the enclosed extract from the Log Book of the Levant.

        "Having caused the destruction of my own papers as well as those of the Officers with me, I can only say to  you relative to  the Constitution that after leaving the Port of Boston she Severally cruised off the islands of Bermuda and Madeira, in the Bay of Biscay, and for some time in sight of the Rock of Lisbon, without having met with but two of the Enemy's vessels, one of which was destroyed the other ordered in; and that, on the evening of the 20th February, the island of Madeira bearing WSW distant 70 leagues, fell in with, engaged, and after a close action of 40 minutes captured H.B. Majestys Ships Cyane Capt. Gordon Falcon, and Levant Honble Captain Douglass.

        "It would, Sir be deemed presumption in me to attempt to give you particular details, respectinig the nature of this action I shall therefore, only remark generally that every Officer, seaman and marine on board did their duty.  I canot, however, deny myself the pleasure that this opportunity affords me of noticing the brilliant management of Captaini Charles Stewart, through whose unerring judgment every attempt of an ingenious Enemy to gain a raking position was frustrated.




The Cyane mounted on her Main deck twenty two 32 lb Carronades on her Upper deck, ten 18 lb Carronades, two long 9s, and one 12 lb. Carronade on a traveling carriage, with a complement of 175 men. The Levant mounted eighteen 32 lb. Carronades, two long 9s. and one 12 lb. Carronade, with 138


                                "The Constitution had 4 killed and 9 wounded

                                        Cyane                7 killed        17 wounded

                                        Levant                9 killed        17 wounded"


"Extract from the Log Book of Ship Levant.

Harbour of Porto Praya, Saturday, March 11. 1815.  These twenty four hours commence with moderate breezes and thick hazy weather.  All hands employed in refitting ship the topgallant yards on deck and sials unbent to repair.  At 0h. 25m. P.M. discovered three large ships bearing S.W. by W. distant four or five miles. - Wind N.E. - Signal from Constitution to get under weigh - Cut and made Sail in a wind on the larboard tack, crossed topgallant and main royal yards and set sails.  At 1h. the enemy evidently falling astern and to leeward of the Constitution, but gaining fast on the Cyane and Levant -- 1.30 Cyane tacked by signal from the Constitution.-  at 2 lost sight of Cyane - at 2.30 the headmost ship, the New Castle, four points on oour lee bow distant 3 miles the Acasta two points on the lee bow distant 2 miles, and the Leander on the lee quarter 2 1/2 miles distant; tacked by Signal from the Constitution, the enemy's squadron immediately tacking in chase.  At 3 lost sight of the Constitution, Same tim made the high land to the S.E. of the harbour -- At 3.30 finding it impossible to escape by keeping by the wind from our very great inferiority of sailing, the Acasta having gained to windward of our wake and the other ships neared us very much, it was determined to bear up for the harbour, distant 4 or 5 miles on the lee bow, the neutrality of which we were all under the strongest belief the enemy would not violate -- 3.35 kept away one point and Set the Staysails, when  the leander, Sir George Collier, opened her fire, the shot passing over us and falling on  the neutral shore.  At 3.50 the Newcastle Lord George Stewart, and Acasta Captain Kerr, opened their fire upon us cutting away much of our rigging and upper sails, which circumstance gave them the advantage of keeping off and luffing too so as to bring their broadsides to bear without materially altering their position.  At 4 snchored in four fathomos water within 150 yards of the shore and under a very st[rong/] battery.  At 4.5 the Acasta took a position on our quarter distance half a cable length, from which she kept up a constant fire from her bow guns.  Finding that the enemy, regardless of our Situation, [obscured] their fire from all their ships, the officers were called together, when it was determined that longer to receive their fire without being able to return a single gun was only to expose the lives of men rendered valuable to their country, both by their long and faithful service and by their recent exploits.  At 4.15 the colours were hauled down, notwithstanding which the Leander and Newcastle both passed near, wore ship, and in waring [sic] wantonly fired their broadsides into us, the Acasta Captain Kerr stll keeping up his fire from his bow guns until the volours were hoisted half up and hauled down again as a signal that we had Surrendered.  At 4.30 a Boat with and Officer from the Acasta came on board and said he was ordered to take charge of the Ship in his Majesty's name.  On Lt Ballards remonstrating at their firing after he had struck, the reply was that they had only obeyed the Signal of their Commodore.  During the time of our approach to the harbour, as well as when getting under way previously from it, we were fired upon from a battery which the prisoners whom we had landed in the morning had taken possession of, and from which we understand the Pportuguese [made] no exertions to dislodge them; although very many of their shot fired by the Squadron, passed over or through us and fell into their town, several of them passing through the houses comprising the residence of the Governor."


From Lieutenant Beekman V. Hoffman, USS CYANE, 8 May 1815:


        Having seen Ballard's letter, above, corrects the statement in his 10 Apr letter that LEVANT was armed with 24 pdr carronades.  Says his misinformation came from Midshipman Joseph Cross, who had been in that ship for the first days after her capture,               


From Lieutenant Beekman V. Hoffman, New York, NY, 10 May 1815:


        CYANE condemned yesterday as lawful prize.  Is the Government to purchase her?  Desires to continue in command.


From Surgeon's Mate Artemas Johnson, 17 May 1815:


        Was serving in CONSTITUTION and later taken prisoner while a member of the LEVANT prize crew, returned to Baltimore on 2 May; wants to rejoin CONSTITUTION and Captain Stewart wants him.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant N. L. Montgomery, 22 May 1815:


        Requests duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Shubael Pratt, Midfield, NY, 3 Jun 1815:


        Dr. "Carney" [Kearney] of my ship, CONSTITUTION, has ordered me ashore for my health.


From Master's Mate Nathaniel G. Leighton, 6 Jun 1815:


        Says he sailed "five years" with "Capt Stewart & Mr. Ballard...as well as Commodore Bainbridge"; lost his orders as Acting Sailing Master in LEVANT; wants reconfirmation of the position.


From Surgeon's Mate Benjamin Austin, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Jun 1815:


        Has been in CONSTITUTION for two cruises; requests leave.


From Midshipman Horace B. Sawyer, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Jun 1815:


        Requests leave.


From Sailing Master Samuel C. Hixon, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Jun 1815:


        Requests leave.


From Midshipman James Greenlaw, New York, NY, 10 Jun 1815:


        Got furlough on 15 Nov 1814 to go in privateer PRINCE DE NEUFCHATEL as 2nd officer.  Captured by Sir George Collier's squadron shortly after sailing in Dec and sent to England.  Was attached to CONSTITUTION from 23 Jun 1812 until furloughed.  Had had 5 years merchant service ‑‑ 2 as an officer ‑‑ before that.  Now returned.  [Had been held at Dartmoor in England and witnessed shooting of helpless prisoners.]  [Sent the letter again on 21 June.]  [Ordered to USS BOXER.]


From Surgeon's Mate Benjamin Austin, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Jun 1815:


        Acknowledges receipt of furlough permission.


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, USS FIREFLY, 26 Jun 1815:


        Reports finding Ely Mason, a deserter from CONSTITUTION, in his crew.  On CONSTITUTION, known as Ebenezer Aleby [Alaby].  Had shipped for JAVA, but sent here with Commodore Decatur's consent.  Orders?  [Court martial at New York.]


Roll 15, Vol 32 (July 1 ‑ September 30, 1815)


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, New York Navy Yard, 5 Jul 1815:


        Ely Mason, alias Ebenezer Abely, although in double irons and under a sentinel's charge, slipped the irons and escaped "the night before last."  Search organized; sentinel confined.


From Midshipmen Z. W. Nixon, John A. Wish, Alexander Eskridge, and William Steele, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Jul 1815:


        All desire furloughs to make merchant voyages to England.


From Midshipman A. W. Lufborough, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Jul 1815:


        Requests furlough to visit family.


From Midshipman James H. Dobbins, Philadelphia, PA, 13 Jul 1815:


        Having had a furlough approved before receiving orders to CONSTITUTION, having made arrangements to go on a merchant voyage, and understanding that CONSTITUTION "will undergo considerable repairs," will keep the furlough and return the orders.  [Orders were dated 21 Jun.]


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, New York Navy Yard, 15 Jul 1815:


        Mason not yet apprehended.  Cannot prove sentinel helped him, although it seems likely.  Will be taking FIREFLY to sea shortly.


From Midshipman Z. W. Nixon, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 Jul 1815:


        Requests 1 year furlough.  [Ordered to USS UNITED STATES.]


From Midshipman Thomas H. Bouyer, Boston, MA, 11 Aug 1815:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to USS WASHINGTON.]


From Midshipman Daniel Goodwin, Biddeford, MA [ME], 18 Aug 1815:


        Requests orders to WASHINGTON or CONSTITUTION, or a furlough.


From Lieutenant T. W. Magruder, USS UNITED STATES, 22 Aug 1815:


        "For the last three months I have been attached to the Constitution...;" recently transferred to UNITED STATES.  Needs his new commission to settle seniority with "Lt. McCulloch."


From Midshipman James K. Vallette, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Sep 1815:


        Request transfer to USS FRANKLIN.  [Transferred to USS WASHINGTON.]


From Midshipman James W. Delany, Boston, MA, 9 Sep 1815:


        Received orders dated 8 Sep from Commodore [Isaac] Hull to report to SecNav for orders.  "...I have been the whole war in Constitution and no prospect of her going to sea..."  Requests furlough.  [1 year furlough granted.]


From Purser Alexander P. Darragh, Christiana, DE, 28 Sep 1815:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


Vol 33 (October 1 ‑ December 31, 1815)


From Lieutenant Beekman V. Hoffman, New York Navy Yard, 2 Oct 1815:


        Lieutenant German "...is a young Gentleman who has sailed with me in the Constitution and I know him to be an excellent Officer & Seaman, and would be very happy to have him as my 1st Lieut..."  Lieutenant German lately returned from the late brig SIREN.  [Hoffman commanding USS TOM BOWLINE.  German ordered to Sackett's Harbor.]


From Midshipman Alexander Eskridge, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Dec 1815:


        Requests a furlough for a merchant voyage.


Vol 34 (July 6, 1815 ‑ December 29, 1815)




Roll 16, Vol 34 [sic] (January 1 ‑ March 31, 1816)


From Lieutenant William B. Shubrick, Charleston, SC, 14 Jan 1816:


        Seeks support for the 10 month‑old son, Edmund Templer Shubrick, of his deceased brother, John Templer Shubrick [lost in USS EPERVIER].  Suggests pay and emoluments of a midshipman, as was done for Captain Lawrence's son.  [Not done.  Edmund T. Shubrick appointed Midshipman 22 Jun 1829.]


From Midshipman Thomas B. Tilden, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Mar 1815 [sic: 1816]:


        Requests orders to USS MACEDONIAN.  [Annotated: Commodore Bainbridge will order such officers on board INDEPENDENCE as he thinks proper.]


From Purser A. Y. Humphreys, Boston, MA, 18 May 1816:


        Last August 17th received orders from Commodore Hull to report to USS PROMETHEUS [from CONSTITUTION] as Acting Purser.  Today, received orders from Commodore Bainbridge to report to Commodore Chauncey as Acting Chaplain in  WASHINGTON.  Does the latest appointment supercede the former?  [Humphreys had been Acting Chaplain in CONSTITUTION, but had secured a commission as Purser (as of Jun 1815).  He was not reverted.]


Vol 35 (April 1 ‑ June 30, 1816)


From Midshipman Lewis E. Simonds, Boston, MA, 15 Jun 1816:


        Was sentenced to 1 year suspension on charges brought by Lieutenant G. W. Storer in INDEPENDENCE in court martial held in CONSTITUTION on 15 Jun 1815.  Suspension ends today; requests orders.  [Ordered to USS PROMETHEUS on 31 Jul.]


Roll 17, Vol 36 (July 1 ‑ September 30, 1816)




Vol 37 (October 1 ‑ December 31, 1816)




Roll 18, Vol 38 (January 1 ‑ March 31, 1817)


From Sailing Master Samuel C. Hixon, Boston, MA, 3 Mar 1817:


        "...I served in Constitution under Captain Stewart..."  "...after our return from the first cruise in April 1814..."


Vol 39 (April 1 ‑ May 30, 1817)


From Sailing Master Samuel Casper Hixon, Boston, MA, 14 Apr 1817:


        Requests orders to USS MACEDONIAN.  Made "two last cruises in the Constitution..."  Needs employment to support family.  [Annotated: granted.]


Vol 40 (June 1 ‑ July 31, 1817)




Roll 19, Vol 41 (August 1 ‑ September 30, 1817)


From Midshipman Archibald M. Stewart, Washington, DC, 18 Sep 1817:


        Has been on furlough in the merchant service since Sep 1815.  Not knowing he was supposed to report himself semi‑annually, has returned to find his name no longer listed.  Wishes reinstatement.


Vol 42 (October 1 ‑ December 31, 1817)


From Midshipman Adam S. Kuhn, USS DESPATCH, 29 Dec 1817:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or HORNET, which ships he understands will be the next to get sailing orders.


Roll 20, Vol 43 (January 1 ‑ March 31, 1818)




Vol 44 (April 1 ‑ May 29, 1818)


From Boatswain James Wolf, New York, NY, 2 Apr 1818:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or CONSTELLATION.  [He didn't get CONSTITUTION.]


From Lieutenant H. B. Sawyer, USS INDEPENDENCE, 18 Apr 1818:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION if she is going to sea.  [No.]


Vol 45 (June 1 ‑ July 31, 1818)


From Midshipman Thomas B. Tilden, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Jan 1816 [sic]:


        Requests orders to USS WASHINGTON.


From Lieutenant William H. Allen, Baltimore, MD, 25 Jul 1818:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or CONGRESS.  [Not to CONSTITUTION.]


Roll 21, Vol 46 (August 1 ‑ September 30, 1818)




Vol 47 (October 1 ‑ December 31, 1818)




Roll 22, Vol 48 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1819)




Vol 49 (March 1 ‑ April 29, 1819)




 Vol 50 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1819)




Roll 23, Vol 51 (July 1 ‑ September 30, 1819)


From Boatswain James Wolf, Philadelphia, PA, 23 Sep 1819:


        Has been in merchant service since leaving CONSTITUTION "which it a little better than a year," and wishes active service.  [Not on ship's muster rolls.  Evidently a shipkeeper while she was in ordinary.]


Vol 52 (October 1 ‑ December 31, 1819)


From Lieutenant Nathaniel Lawrence Montgomery, New York, NY, 6 Oct 1819:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or the Boston Station.  [Ordered to the Station.]


From Lieutenant William Berry, Washington, DC, 18 Oct 1819:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


Vol 53 (January 1 ‑ March 30, 1820)


From Lieutenant John T. Newton, USS HORNET, 20 Mar 1820:


        Has learned that "Lieutenant Parker" has been ordered to CONSTITUTION from the New York Navy Yard and wishes to be his successor at the yard.  [This may have been Lieutenant Foxhall Alexander Parker, Sr.  So ordered.]


Roll 24, Vol 54 (April 1 ‑ May 30, 1820)


From Lieutenant Otho Stallings, Baltimore, MD, 11 Apr 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or any other vessel fitting for sea.  [Ordered to CONSTELLATION.]


Vol 55 (June 1 ‑ August 30, 1820)


From Purser Thomas Breese, Boston, MA, 5 Jun 1820:


        Returns orders issued erroneously on 14 Dec 1818 that attached him to CONSTITUTION on the misunderstanding that he was not on active duty.


From Lieutenant Dulany Forrest, Washington, DC, 14 Jun 1820:


        Requests orders to "join my old ship," CONSTITUTION.


From Surgeon George S. Sproston, Norfolk, VA, 1 Jul 1820:


        Has received orders to CONSTITUTION in Boston and wishes to receive a travel allowance.


From Midshipman Timothy Gay, Boston, MA, 25 Aug 1820:


        Request orders to CONSTITUTION or any ship going to sea.


From Acting Midshipman Lewis Seeger, Boston, MA, 26 Jul 1820:


        Requests orders to INDEPENDENCE now and transfer to CONSTITUTION when her officers are assigned.  [Ordered to INDEPENDENCE, but not CONSTITUTION.]


From Lieutenant L. E. Simonds, Boston, MA, 26 Jul 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Roger C. Shaw, USS ALERT, 27 Jul 1820:


        Requests transfer to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Charles W. Minchin, USS ALERT, 27 Jul 1820:


        Requests transfer to CONSTITUTION.


From Acting Midshipman Lewis R. M. Morse, Boston, MA, 14 Aug 1820:


        Requests orders to INDEPENDENCE or CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to INDEPENDENCE.]


From Midshipman Timothy Gay, Boston, MA, 17 Aug 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or any ship going to sea.  [Ordered to INDEPENDENCE.]


From Midshipman Samuel Gaillard, New York, NY, 19 Aug 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman John Pope, USS OHIO, 24 Aug 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Transferred to ENTERPRIZE.]


From Lieutenant L. E. Simonds, Boston, MA, 26 Aug 1820:


        Repeats request for orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman G. W. Bleeker, USS WASHINGTON, 28 Aug 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


Roll 25, Vol 56 (September 2 ‑ October 31, 1820)


From Midshipman George W. Bleeker, USS WASHINGTON, 7 Sep 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman John Pope, USS OHIO, 15 Sep 1820:


        Distressed to learn he has been ordered to ENTERPRIZE rather than ONTARIO or CONSTITUTION.


From Chaplain Addison Searle, 24 Sep 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman George W. Bleeker, USS WASHINGTON, 23 Oct 1820:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant William Boerum, Washington, DC, 26 Oct 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


Vol 57 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1820)


From Midshipman Isaac H. Rand, Boston, MA, 7 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION instead of ONTARIO.


From Lieutenant James F. Curtis, USS INDEPENDENCE, 8 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION instead of ALLIGATOR.


From Midshipman Henry John Auchmuty, USS INDEPENDENCE, 8 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Captain R. D. Wainwright, USMC, Boston, MA, 3 Feb 1821:


        Urges Midshipman Auchmuty's 8 Nov 1820 request for orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Thomas A. Conover, USS FRANKLIN, 10 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He got them in 1849.]


From Lieutenant Frank Ellery, Newport, RI, 10 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He got them in 1822.]


From Captain John Orde Creighton, Newport, RI, 10 Nov 1820:


        Endorses Lieutenant Ellery's request of this date.


From Lieutenant James A. Perry, New York, NY, 13 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Richard Barker, Portsmouth NY, NH, 16 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Joseph Cassin, Jr., Norfolk, VA, 14 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to ADAMS.]


From Midshipman George W. Bleeker, New York, NY, 18 Nov 1820:


        Yet again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Lieutenant William H. Cocke, Norfolk, VA, 18 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Thomas B. Worthington, Georgetown, DC, 21 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Frederick Varnum, USS INDEPENDENCE, 24 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Eventually ordered to ALLIGATOR.]


From Midshipman U. C. Purveyance, Baltimore, MD, 24 Nov 1820:


        Requests restoration to duty and orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant James F. Curtis, Washington, DC, 25 Nov 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to PORPOISE.]


From Midshipman Edmond M. Russell, USS INDEPENDENCE, 25 Nov 1820:


        Having failed the recent examination for Lieutenant, requests orders to CONSTITUTION in order to improve himself.


From Midshipman Jott S. Paine, USS INDEPENDENCE, 8 Dec 1820:


        Having passed the recent examination for Lieutenant, requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Edward S. Lewis, USS WASHINGTON, 4 Dec 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant William Boerum, New York, NY, 4 Dec 1820:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman William P. Piercy, Washington NY, DC, 7 Dec 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to SHARK.]


From Surgeon's Mate George Terrill, Norfolk, VA, 11 Dec 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to PORPOISE.]


From Midshipman John M. Sullivan, New York, NY, 14 Dec 1820:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


Vol 58 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1821)


From Chaplain Addison Searle, Boston, MA, 12 Jan 1821:


        Requests leave until CONSTITUTION is manned.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman Thomas M. Randolph, Milton, MA, 14 Jan 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to HORNET.]


From Midshipman James Bradford, Washington, DC, 19 Jan 1821:


        Requests orders to active service.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


From Lieutenant Frederick P. Wolbert, Jr., Philadelphia, PA, 20 Jan 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to PORPOISE.]


From Midshipman Richard A. Jones, Head of Sassafras, MD, 2 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman T. H. Saul, USS WASHINGTON, 7 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Acting Midshipman John W. Mooers, USS WASHINGTON, 8 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done in 1824.]


From Midshipman John Hamilton, USS CYANE, 10 FEB 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Francis B. Ellison, USS WASHINGTON, 10 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Benjamin Cooper, USS CYANE, 10 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done in 1828.]


From Lieutenant Samuel L. Breese, USS HORNET, 17 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Boatswain James Banks, USS FRANKLIN, 19 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Surgeon Peter St. Medard, Boston, MA, 19 Feb 1821:


        Entered service in the Continental Navy in 1779, about a year after arriving in the United States and 6 months in the "so called" prison ship JERSEY at New York, and was ordered to duty in PROVIDENCE (Capt Whipple).  In November 1779, was ordered to DEAN [sic] (Captain S. Nicholson) at Boston.  On 24 Oct 1781, was warranted as Surgeon (Surgeons not then being commissioned).  In 1782, DEAN became HOGUE, and John Manley succeeded Nicholson.  Discharged in mass demobilization of the Continental Navy in 1784.  Reported on board CONSTITUTION in 1798 at the request of Captain Nicholson.  On 14 Jul 1799, 7 months later, his status was confirmed by the issuance of a commission.


From Lieutenant Samuel L. Breese, USS HORNET, 21 Feb 1821:


        Elaborates on his earlier request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman John Marston, Jr., Philadelphia, PA, 26 Feb 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Isaac H. Rand, Boston, MA, 28 Feb 1821:


        Repeats his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 26, Vol 59 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1821)


From Midshipman Arthur Lewis, USS JOHN ADAMS, 4 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Surgeon Usher Parsons, Boston, MA, 4 Mar 1821:


        Asks not to be ordered to CONSTITUTION as his "liver complaint has returned" and he fears a voyage to the Mediterranean would prove fatal.


From Midshipman Samuel F. Dupont, Wilmingtom, DE, 6 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Lucius D. Heylin, Philadelphia, PA, 7 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Ralph Voorhees, USS CYANE, 9 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Got there in 1826.]


From Gunner William Johnson, USS ALERT, 10 MAR 1821:


        For the fourth time, requests orders to CONSTITUTION or the Boston Station.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Isaac McKeever, Washington, DC, 10 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION as a supernumerary, if in no other capacity.  [Done; he paid his own way to Boston.]


From Francis H. Ellison, New York NY, 12 Mar 1821:


        Requests that his son, Midshipman Francis B. Ellison, be ordered to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Edmond M. Russell, USS INDEPENDENCE, 12 mAR 1821:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Surgeon's Mate T. V. Wiesenthal, USS ALLIGATOR, 13 Mar 1821:


        Requests transfer to CONSTITUTION.  [Apparently suffers from chronic seasickness.]


From Midshipman Archibald R. Bogardus, USS CYANE, 21 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Surgeon John H. Gordon, Philadelphia, PA, 22 Mar 1821:


        Requests revocation of orders to CONSTITUTION as he is still recovering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism.


From Lieutenant James P. Oellers, Philadelphia, PA, 22 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Henry Bruce, USS INDEPENDENCE, 26 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Harrison H. Cocke, New York, NY, 28 Mar 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ship full.]


From Surgeon Alexander A. Evans, Elkton, MD, 29 Mar 1821:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report for duty in CONSTITUTION.  After 9 years of arduous service and no shore duty, even when juniors were getting it (and with the privilege of private practice), on the advice of Captain Hull and Commodore Bainbridge secured a furlough and set about investigating the establishment of a private practice.  Having been Surgeon in CONSTITUTION under both Hull and Bainbridge, and later in INDEPENDENCE, was "taken all aback" by your orders to return to that "minor situation."  Does not wish to resign, but will consider it if the orders are not revoked.  [Resigned 1824.]


From Lieutenant James Oellers, Philadelphia NY, 30 Mar 1821:


        Again applies for orders to CONSTITUTION, stating that Captain Jones has indicated he would be happy to have him.  [Ship full.]


From Midshipman A. J. D. Browne, USS INDEPENDENCE, 2 Apr 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Thomas J. Browne, USS INDEPENDENCE, 2 Apr 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Surgeon John H. Gordon, Philadelphia, PA, 5 Apr 1821:


        No answer received on request of 22 Mar.  Will proceed to Boston if I must.  [Revoked 7 Apr.]


From Lieutenant Charles H. Caldwell, USS INDEPENDENCE, 9 Apr 1821:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ship full.]


From Surgeon's Mate George S. Sproston, Baltimore, MD, 18 Apr 1821:


        Have received orders to CONSTITUTION today, and will proceed as soon as funds received.


From Surgeon John H. Gordon, Philadelphia, PA, 20 Apr 1821:


        If no replacement has yet been ordered, is now ready to accept orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Was replaced.]


Vol 60 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1821)


From Sailing Master Briscoe Doxey, Washington, DC, 1 Jun 1821:


        Expresses his appreciation for the Secretary's permission to test his "propellor" in CONSTITUTION.  Notes that he was able to move the ship at 3 knots despite thecrew's unfamiliarity with the equipment and strong tides.  Says such defects as were found are "at fair way to remedy."  The device is still in the ship.  Forwards testimonials as to the results of the trial from Master Commandant Benjamin W. Booth; Lieutenants W. Boerum, Samuel L. Breeze, D. Geisinger, J. R. Jarvis, U. P. Levy, I. McKeever, Foxhall A. Parker, J. Percival, W. B. Schubrick, and George Washington Storer; Sailing Masters James Ferguson and Robert Knox; Purser Thos Breese; Midshhipmen H. j. Auchmuty, A. R. Bogardus, J. Bradford, John L. Buchanan, Saml F. Du Pont [sic]. Francis B. Ellison, Samuel Garham, John Hamilton, Edward S. Lewis, John H. Little, A. L. Paine, Wilson C. Purviance, Thos H. Saul, and John M. Sullivan; and Master Builder Josiah Barker.


From Lieutenant C. K. Stribling, Norfolk, VA, 21 Jun 1821:


        Per Commodore Jones' invitation, request orders to CONSTITUTION.


Vol 61 (July 1 ‑31, 1821)




Roll 27, Vol 62 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1821)




Vol 63 (September 1 ‑ October 15, 1821)




Vol 64 (October 16 ‑ December 31, 1821)




Roll 28, Vol 65 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1822)




Vol 66 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1822)


From Midshipman Simon W. Walsh, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Apr 1822:


        Requests his Midshipman's warrant.  [Annotated: "No certificate as such is required."]


Vol 67 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1822)


From Commodore Jacob Jones, USS CONSTITUTION, to Surgeon Samuel D. Heap, 30 Apr 1822:


        Ordered by SecNav to take on board CONSTITUTION the hospital stores at Pisa, and to "order home the medical gentleman belonging to that establishment," directs the stores to be brought to Leghorn for loading.


From Midshipman Wilson C. Purviance, New York, NY, 16 Jun 1822:


        Reports his arrival in the US, detached in "extreme ill health" from CONSTITUTION.  Requests permission to recover at Baltimore.


Roll 29, Vol 68 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1822)




Vol 69 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1822)


From Midshipman Thompson D. Shaw, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Sep 1822:


        Purser Breese has debitted his account for $50, representing the travel advance allowed.  Since he never  received a travel allowance from Philadelphia to Norfolk when he joined CONSTELLATION, requests it now largely to balance off the present debt.


From Lieutenant Pardon M. Whipple, Marseilles, France, ? Oct 1822:


        Reports himself off leave, having reported to CONSTITUTION until the Department's pleasure is known.


Vol 70 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1822)




Roll 30, Vol 71 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1823)




Vol 72 (February 1 ‑ April 4, 1823)




Vol 73 (April 4 ‑ May 8, 1823)


From Midshipman R. B. Bell, New York NY, 23 Apr 1823:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 31, Vol 74 (May 8 ‑ June 24, 1823)




Vol 75 (June 24 ‑ July 30, 1823)


From Midshipman John H. Little, Baltimore, MD, 25 Jun 1823:


        Having been permitted to return to the US from CONSTITUTION, requests orders to the Baltimore Station.


From Midshipman Jott S. Paine, Washington, DC, 28 Jun 1823:


        "...Reason of Capt Jones' unfriendly disposition towards me ‑‑ Because I reported to him some circumstances in the conduct of the late Mid. Wilson C. Purviance, some of which were, and all of which are susceptible of being, probed, and insisted on a Court‑Martial or Court of Enquiry on the said Purviance.

"Reasons for my leaving the Mediterranean Firstly, Because I was tried by a Court Martial for reporting disgraceful conduct in Mr Purviance altho' it was proved in the Court that he did steal.

        "Secondly, Because I was debarred a priviledge [sic], during my trial which had been granted me by the Court, and contrary to the will of that Court, kept confined during the trial and afterwards, in addition to the sentence of the Court, was imprisoned on board the US Schooner Nonsuch, until my health had suffered so much that Lieut Comdt Turner of that vessel on the recommendation of the Surgeon, applied and obtained permission for me to visit the shore once in Naples.

        "Thirdly ‑‑ Because I was kept suspended from Duty, after the expiration of the term mentioned in the sentence of the Court.

        "Fourthly, Because there was an acting Appointment of Sailing Master given to Mid. James P. Wilson, while I was neglected, altho' in date of Warrant and having passed the Examination of October 1820.

        "Fifthly, Because I was imprisoned on board the U. S. Ship Ontario, without cause, and under the pretense that I had been the bearer of a challenge altho' it was not the case, and altho' Mid. Jones (son to Capt Jones) challenged two persons during the last winter, and no notice was taken of it notwithstanding it was publicly known ‑‑

        "Sixthly, Because I was refused a copy of the Proceedings of the Court, which I wished to publish, and was not furnished, even with a copy of the sentence.

        "Lastly, Because I wish, and feel myself capable of defending my character from any reports which may have reached the Dept since I have served under Capt Jones ‑‑

        "I only request that I may be considered on the same footing as if no misunderstanding had taken place between Capt. Jones and myself ‑‑ that I may receive orders for some vessell [sic] fitting out, and that I may be allowed a copy of the Proceedings and sentence of the Court ‑‑"  [Ordered to the New York Station that same day.]


Roll 32, Vol 76 (July 30 ‑ September 15, 1823)




Vol 77 (September 15 ‑ October 21, 1823)


From Midshipman Samuel B. Cocke, Norfolk, VA, 14 Oct 1823:


        Reports his return from CONSTITUTION and requests orders to the Norfolk Station.  [Done.]


Roll 33, Vol 78 (October 21 ‑ November 30, 1823)




Vol 79 (November 30 ‑ December 31, 1823)


From Surgeon L. Osborne, Washington, DC, 29 Dec 1823:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION for her next cruise.


Roll 34, Vol 80 (January 2 ‑ February 14, 1824)


From Lieutenant H. S. Newcomb, Providence, RI, 10 Jan 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION on the assumption she will return to the Mediterranean.  [Done.]


Vol 2 [sic: 81] (February 15 ‑ April 3, 1824)


From Purser E. N. Cox, New York, NY, 27 Feb 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 35, Vol 82 (April 3 ‑ May 19, 1824)


From Lieutenant E. A. F. Vallette, Philadelphia, PA, 15 Apr 1824:


        Protests orders to ONTARIO.  States that Commodore Macdonough had indicated an intention to request him as First Lieutenant in CONSTITUTION when he was appointed to that ship.


From Lieutenant E. A. F. Vallette, Philadelphia, PA, 15 Apr 1824:


        Forwards a letter he just received from Commodore Macdonough which confirms Macdonough's intention clearly but also states he has yet to make his desires known to the Secretary.


From Lieutenant E. A. F. Vallette, 1 May 1824:


        Expresses concern that he has not had a response to his earlier letters.  [Annotated: it has not yet been determined when and how Commodore Macdonough will go to sea; the Lieutenant must obey the order to join ONTARIO.  Commodore Macdonough's desires for particular officers will be addressed at the appropriate time.]


From Lieutenant John A. Wish, Charleston, SC, 5 May 1824:


        Understands CONSTITUTION is returning from the Mediterranean and will be immediately fitted out for another cruise.  Requests orders to her.


Vol 4 [sic: 83] (May 20 ‑ June 18, 1824)


From Midshipman James B. Glentworth, Trenton, NJ, 21 May 1824:


        Request a leave of absence and orders to the Boston Station to await CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated: "Attend to this immediately."]


From Midshipman John E. Prentiss, New York, NY, 21 May 1824:


        Requests 3 or 4 months leave of absence to recover his health, then orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Annotates: "Granted 4 mos."]


From Midshipman Henry J. Auchmuty, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 May 1824:


        Requests orders to the Boston Station.


From Lieutenant D. Geisinger, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 May 1824:


        Requests orders to the Boston Station.


From Lieutenant Samuel L. Breese, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 May 1824:


        Requests 4‑6 months leave to visit family in Utica, NY.


From Lieutenant P. M. Whipple, USS CONSTITUTION, ? May 1824:


        Requests orders to Washington in order to settle accounts outstanding since 1821.


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 May 1824:


        Requests orders to Boston Station, where his family is.


From Lieutenant W. Boerum, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 May 1824:


        Requests "a few months" leave.


From George S. Sproston, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 May 1824:


        Reports the transfer of all medical stores to the hospital ashore and commends his assistant, Surgeon's Mate Thomas Boyd.


From Surgeon's Mate T. J. Boyd, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 May 1824:


        Requests 5 months leave of absence.


From Midshipman Edward Hoban, Washington, DC, 25 May 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant P. M. Whipple, New York, NY, 27 May 1824:


        Requests orders and travel expenses to Washington to settle accounts.  [Orders issued; expenses to be paid if Auditor certifies his presence necessary.]


From Midshipman Richard D. Miller, New York, NY, 27 May 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Thomas W. Freelon, Charlestown, MA, 27 May 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Chaplain Addison Searle, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 May 1824:


        Requests a leave of absence.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman Richard H. Morris, Springfield, MA, 29 May 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Samuel Lockwood, Norwich, VT, 29 May 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Surgeon L. Osborne, New York, NY, 31 May 1824:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman S. William Walsh, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 May 1824:


        Requests orders to the Philadelphia Station in order to attend the "Mathematical School" there.


From Midshipman Thompson D. Shaw, Philadelphia, PA, 1 Jun 1824:


        Permitted, due to ill health, to proceed to his home, he requests permission to remain there until well.  [Granted.]


From Thomas Brown, Philadelphia, PA, 2 Jun 1824:


        If it is intended to recruit for CONSTITUTION here, be advised that Seamen "may be difficult to procure."


From Midshipman John L. Ball, Washington, DC, 2 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Isaac Mayo, Annapolis, MD, 3 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Edward S. Lewis, USS OHIO, 4 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION. [Done.]


From Midshipman Amasa Paine, Jr., USS SHARK, 5 Jun 1824:


        With both commanders' permission, requests permission to exchange with Midshipman James K. Vallette in CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Lloyd B. Newell, Washington, DC, 5 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant T. W. Wyman, Portsmouth, NH, 9 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman John T. Jenkins, USS SHARK, 10 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant William M. Armstrong, Norfolk, VA, 10 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant M. P. Mix, USS OHIO, 13 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Harrison H. Cocke, New York, NY, 13 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Charles N. Armstrong, Elizabethtown, NJ, 15 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Chaplain John Cook, New York, NY, 15 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipmen Richard D. Millen and Edward S. Lewis, New York, NY, 16 Jun 1824:


        Request orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Lewis done.]


From Midshipman James K. Vallette, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to the West Indies Squadron.  [Ordered to USS DECOY.]


From Midshipman Philip A. Stockton, Sidney, NJ, 17 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant G. J. Pendergast, Washington, DC, 17 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 36, Vol 5 [sic: 84] (June 18 ‑ July 30, 1824)


From Midshipman John Pope, Charlestown NY, 18 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Edward H. Hubbard, Belfast, MD, 20 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant George Washington Storer, Portsmouth, [NH], 21 Jun 1824:


        Currently on leave from CONSTITUTION, repeats request orders to the Portsmouth Station first made on 23 May.


From Midshipman James B. Glentworth, Trenton, NJ, 22 Jun 1824:


        In view of no response to request for orders to CONSTITUTION, requests orders to NORTH CAROLINA.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman Francis B. Ellison, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to attend the school on board USS WASHINGTON.  [Done.]


From Surgeon's Mate Joseph B. Stillman, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to the West Indies or the Pacific.  [Ordered to USS SHARK.]


From Lieutenant William Taylor, USS CONGRESS, 23 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION, "having served on board her during all the late war."  [No.]


From Midshipman Andrew A. Harwood, Trenton, NJ, 26 jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or NORTH CAROLINA.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman George A. Magruder, USS WASHINGTON, 30 Jun 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Henry W. Morris, New York, NY, 2 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman J. E. Calhoun, Philadelphia, PA, 5 Jul 1824:


        Awaits orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Forthcoming.]


From Purser Thomas Breese, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Jul 1824:


        His accounts are ready for settlement.  What is to be done with those for officers still in ship?


From Sailing Master W. B. Nicholson, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Jul 1824:


        Requests reordering to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Augustus Barnhouse, Washington NY, 13 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to NORTH CAROLINA or CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


 From Midshipman Daniel L. Randolph, Norwich, CT, 14 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or NORTH CAROLINA.


From Lieutenant Charles L. Williamson, Elizabethtown, NJ, 15 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Amasa Paine, Jr., USS SHARK, 15 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or NORTH CAROLINA.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman Thomas L. Leib, USS WASHINGTON, 17 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Charles Hay, Philadelphia, PA, 19 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant William M. Armstrong, Norfolk, VA, 19 Jul 1824:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION or ONTARIO.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman James B. Lardner, Holmesburg, PA, 20 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to NORTH CAROLINA, CONSTITUTION, or ONTARIO.  [Not to CONSTITUTION.]


From Surgeon's Mate Edmund L. Dubarry, Washington, DC, 22 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman John H. Marshall, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Jul 1824:


        Requests his warrant.


From Midshipman John J. Glasson, USS GRAMPUS, 27 Jul 1824:


        Requests orders to NORTH CAROLINA or CONSTITUTION.  [Not to CONSTITUTION.]


Vol 6 [sic: 85] (July 30 ‑ September 24, 1824)


From Midshipman James B. Glentworth, Trenton, NJ, 31 Jul 1824:


        Has received his orders to CONSTITUTION, together with those for Midshipman Harwood who isn't present.


From Midshipman Robert G. Robb, USS GRAMPUS, 1 Aug 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or NORTH CAROLINA.  [Done for CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman F. S. Gibbon, Washington, DC, 2 Aug 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman George A. Magruder, USS WASHINGTON, 11 Aug 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Samuel Swartwout, New York, NY, 15 Aug 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Commodore Thomas Macdonough, New York NY, 16 Aug 1824:


        Midshipman Augustus Barnhouse has been suspended for flagrant breach of discipline in sending libelous notes concerning Purser John B. Timberlake.  Further, his conduct toward me has been "indecorous."


From Midshipman Daniel L. Randolph, Newport, RI, 30 Aug 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or NORTH CAROLINA.  [Not to CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman Richard R. W. Mullin, USS ALERT, 3 Sep 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Samuel Mercer, New York, NY, ? Sep 1824:


        Suffering from an eye ailment, and on the advice of his doctor, requests orders as a supernumerary in CONSTITUTION where the sea environment is hoped will promote a cure.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Benjamin Page, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Sep 1824:


        Per orders, has reported to the ship.  He is, however, ill with a disease "of a delicate nature" and asks for a 6‑month furlough.  [Done.]


From Midshipman James H. Ward, New York, NY, 17 Sep 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman John W. West, Philadelphia, PA, 18 Sep 1824:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or NORTH CAROLINA.  {Not CONSTITUTION.]


From Midshipman Charles E. Hawkins, New York, NY, 18 Sep 1824:


        Requests orders for CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Edmund L. Dubarry, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Sep 1824:


        Cancels request for orders to leave the ship.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Samuel L. Breese, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Sep 1824:


        Wishes to remain in ship, as supernumerary if necessary.  [No.]


From Midshipman Charles E. Hawkins, New York, NY, 22 Sep 1824:


        Again applies for CONSTITUTION.


Roll 37, Vol 7 [sic: 86] (September 24 ‑ November 8, 1824)


From Midshipman Charles E. Hawkins, New York NY, 27 Sep 1824:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Samuel L. Breese, New York, NY, 30 Sep 1824:


        Again requests to remain in the ship as a supernumerary.  [No.]


From Purser John B. Timberlake, USS CONSTITUTION, no date:


        Reports that all officers joining the ship have received two months advance pay in addition to whatever was due them.  Wishes to know the Secretary's orders of they seek more money prior to sailing.


 From Midshipman John W. West, Philadelphia, PA, 2 Oct 1824:


        Has gone to considerable expense in preparing himself for a 3‑year cruise in CONSTITUTION on being told by Captain Finch that he would get orders.  The orders have not yet appeared.  [None issued.]


From Sailmaker Benjamin Burchsted, Boston, MA, 8 Oct 1824:


        Having been out of touch on furlough, am I still attached to CONSTITUTION?  [Annotated affirmatively.]


From Midshipman Samuel Swartwout, New York, NY, 12 oct 1824:


        CONSTITUTION "is on the eve of sailing" and still no orders to her.  [Coming.]


From Gunner John Lord, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Oct 1824:


        Requests permission for his wife to accompany him on the cruise.


From Midshipman Charles M. Armstrong, New York, NY, 20 Oct 1824:


        Am I not to go in CONSTITUTION?  [Annotated: "Same as to Marshall."]


From Midshipman John H. Marshall, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Oct 1824:


        I refused to take the furlough offered the ship's officers when we returned on the understanding I would go out in her again.  Is that not to be?  [Granted.]


From Chaplain John McCarty, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Oct 1824:


        Per your orders of the 16th, I reported aboard this morning.  Because of my wife's continued delicate health, and the welfare of our 2 children (1 only 3 months old) I again request orders ashore.  [Annotated: "I regret that it is now so late that it is impossible to supply Constn. with any other Chn. before she sails.  I had not seen your letter of 4 Aug...and did not know of your request when the order was given.  As it is, you had best go in the Conn.  Direct your friends to inform me of the situation of your family before the N.C. sails & if it be indispensible an arrangement may be probably made for your return at that time."]


From Midshipman Grey Skipwith, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Oct 1824:


        Requests his half pay.


From Lieutenant Pardon M. Whipple, [Oct 1824]:


        Finds he is listed as owing the Department money.  The possible incident which led to such listing occurred in 1813 when he was ordered by Captain Stewart of CONSTITUTION, through Mr. Ballard, to draw $400 from Boston Navy Agent Amos Binney and deliver it to Midshipman Gilliam, recruiting at Providence, RI.  This he did, but being newly in service and inexperienced, he neglected to get a receipt from Gilliam.  Nonetheless, when the rendezvous was closed, our accounts were settled with the 4th Auditor and Gilliam paid "a considerable balance."  In 1819, the 4th Auditor informed him he had to account for the $400.  The Secretary was supposed to direct the 4th Auditor to seek accounting from Gilliam, then out of the country.  In 1823, while overseas, his pay was stopped for 7 months by the 4th Auditor for a total of $438, severely embarrassing him.  Now also being held accountable for $50 given him by Captain Stewart from the ship's contingency fund when ordered to command a cartel into Barbados in 1814.  Requests justice.  [A confirming letter from Captain Henry E. Ballard is enclosed.]  [Annotated: the first charge cannot be voided without vouchers; the second could be if he can provide evidence of his orders relative to the cartel.]


From Sailmaker Benjamin B. Burchsted, Boston, MA, 4 Nov 1824:


        Your letter directing me to report to Captain Macdonough was received on 23 Oct and I immediately reported in writing.  He responded with a letter I received on 30 Oct that I should have reported in person and to do so immediately.  On arrival here, I found the ship had sailed.  I would be happy for orders to NORTH CAROLINA.


Vol 8 [sic: 87] (November 8 ‑ December 31, 1824)


From Master Commandant Benjamin W. Booth, Washington, DC, 13 Nov 1824:


        Requests pay due one of his grade serving as captain of a frigate in light of his duty in CONSTITUTION under Commodore Jones.  Says he deserves it even though it was known that squadron commanders in frigates were not entitled to "flag captains."  [No.]


From Lieutenant Foxhall A. Parker, New York, NY, 17 Nov 1824:


        Reports receiving a letter from the 4th Auditor refusing him any additional allowance for having acted as CONSTITUTION's captain unless authorized by the Secretary.

        "When Master Commandant Booth left the Constitution in October 1821, I was ordered by Commodore Jones to act in his place; removed from the Wardroom to the Cabin and performed the duties assigned to me as Captain of the ship untill [sic] her return to this port in May..."


From Lieutenant H. S. Newcomb, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Nov 1824:


        NONSUCH returned unexpectedly to the US, leaving him without a command.  Will await orders here.


Roll 38, Vol 1 [sic: 88] (January 1 ‑ February 27, 1825)


From Surgeon S. D. Heap, Tunis, Tunisia, 8 Jan 1825:


        "...Com. McDonough [sic], anxious on account of the leaky state of his ship [CONSTITUTION], to get into winter quarters, Syracuse, could render me no assistance..."


From Midshipman Grey Skipwith, East Greenwich, RI, 26 Feb 1825:


        Reports his return to the US with permission from Commodore Macdonough on the grounds that he intended to resign.  Has changed his mind and wishes orders to USS FRANKLIN.


Vol 2 [sic: 89] (February 27 ‑ April 3, 1825)


From Midshipman Henry Kip Mower, New York, NY, 21 Mar 1825:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to join CONSTITUTION.


Roll 39, Vol 3 [sic: 90] (April 3 ‑ May 25, 1825)


From Midshipman Frederick Gibbon, New York, 15 Apr 1825:


        Reports being invalided home from CONSTITUTION with a condition that "has nearly deprived me of the use of my legs and feet."


From Lieutenant Joseph Cross, Washington, DC, 26 Apr 1825:


        Reports being invalided home from CONSTITUTION; requests leave.


Vol 4 [sic: 91] (May 25 ‑ July 4, 1825)


From Midshipman John W. Mooers, New York, NY, 31 May 1825:


        Reports his return to the US per orders of Commodore Macdonough.


Roll 40, Vol 5 [sic: 92] (July 4 ‑ August 14, 1825)


From Midshipman John W. Mooers, New York, NY, 8 Jul 1825:


        Reports his arrival in the US from CONSTITUTION, as ordered by Commodore Macdonough in consequence of his having been associated with a duel, and requests to know the Secretary's desires.


From Midshipman Samuel Swartwout, New York, 8 Jul 1825:


        Reports his arrival in the US from CONSTITUTION, as ordered by Commodore Macdonough in consequence of his having been associated with a duel, and requests to know the Secretary's desires.


From Midshipman Samuel Swartwout, New York, 7 Aug 1825:


        Still awaiting orders.


Vol 6 [sic: 93] (August 15 ‑ September 16, 1825)


From Chaplain John McCarty, Clermont, NY, 1 Sep 1825:


        Reports his return to the US and the great improvement in his wife's health; no longer wishes to resign.


Roll 41, Vol 7 [sic: 94] (September 16 ‑ October 26, 1825)




Vol 8 [sic: 95] (October 27 ‑ November 27, 1825)




Vol 9 [sic: 96] (November 28 ‑ December 31, 1825)


From Midshipman Joseph Arnold, Philadelphia, 28 Dec 1825:


        Reports being invalided home from CONSTITUTION; requests 6 months leave of absence.  [Granted.]


Roll 42, Vol 1 [sic: 97] (January 1 ‑ February 9, 1826)




Vol 2 [sic: 98] (February 9 ‑ March 12, 1826)




 Vol 3 [sic: 99] (March 12 ‑ April 18, 1826)




Roll 43, Vol 4 [sic: 100] (April 18 ‑ May 26, 1826)




Vol 5 [sic: 101] (May 26 ‑ July 9, 1826)




Vol 6 [sic: 102] (July 10 ‑ August 8, 1826)




Roll 44, Vol 7 [sic: 103] (August 8 ‑ September 14, 1826)


From Midshipman S. W. Downing, New York, NY, 8 Aug 1826:


        Reports that he was granted leave from CONSTITUTION to travel in Europe in Oct 1825 with orders to rejoin the ship by 1 Apr 1826.  Further reports that when he was in Leghorn, he learned the ship was at Gibraltar and took passage thence.  On arrival there, he found that CONSTITUTION already had sailed for Smyrna, that the ship in which he was taking passage would not be allowed out of quarantine, and that he would not be allowed either to go ashore or transfer to another ship.  Thus, he was returned to New York.  Requests orders.  [Directed to return to the ship by the earliest passage he can arrange; no penalties.]


Vol 8 [sic: 104] (September 14 ‑ November 3, 1826




Roll 45, Vol 9 [sic: 105] (November 2 ‑ 28, 1826)


From Midshipman Richard H. Morris, New York, NY, 16 Nov 1826:


        Reports his return to the US in poor health.  Requests leave of absence to recover.


From Midshipman Richard H. Morris, New York, NY, 20 Nov 1826:


        Repeats his previous letter.


Vol 10 [sic: 106] (November 28 ‑ December 31, 1826)




Roll 46, Vol 1 [sic: 107] (January 2 ‑ February 28, 1827)




Vol 1 [sic: 108] (January 1 ‑ May 18, 1827)




Roll 47, Vol 2 [sic: 109] (March 1‑ May 11, 1827)




Vol 2 [sic: 110] (June 1 ‑ 30, 1827)




Roll 48, Vol 3 [sic: 111] (July 1 ‑ 31, 1827)




Vol 3 [sic: 112] (May 6 ‑ December 29, 1827)


From Surgeon James Cornick, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Aug 1827:


        Seeks to explain a charge made against his account by the 4th Auditor.


Roll 49, Vol 113 (August 1 ‑ September 30, 1827)


From Midshipmen John H. Marshall, Charles C. Turner, C. A. Hansford, and Amasa Paine, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Sep 1827:


        Orders requested to return to the US to make the examination for Lieutenant.


Roll 50, Vol 5 [sic: 114] (October 1 ‑ 31, 1827)


From Midshipman Andrew A. Harwood, Boston, MA, 6 Oct 1827:


        Reports his return from CONSTITUTION to take the examination for Lieutenant.


Vol 6 [sic: 115] (November 1 ‑ 30, 1827)




Vol 7 [sic: 116] (December 1 ‑ 31, 1827)




Roll 51, Vol 1 [sic: 117] (January 1 ‑ February 29, 1828)


From Midshipman Andrew A. Harwood, Philadelphia, PA, 10 Jan 1828:


        Reports he has passed the examination and wishes to remind the Department of his service record as it might affect his seniority as a Lieutenant.


From Midshipman Edmond M. Russell, Washington, DC, 29 Feb 1828:


        Reports having passed the examination for Lieutenant and wishes to remind the Department of his service record as it might affect his seniority as a Lieutenant.


Vol 2 [sic: 118] (March 1 ‑31, 1828)




Vol 3 [sic: 119] (April 1 ‑ 30, 1828)




Roll 52, Vol 4 [sic: 120] (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1828)




Vol 5 [sic: 121] (July 1 ‑ 31, 1828)


From Lieutenant Robert B. Randolph, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jul 1828:


        Has been acting Purser since John Timberlake's death.  Requests advice from the Department has to how best to carry out his temporary duties, and also money with which to pay off the crew.  Recommends that he and Purser's Clerk Thomas Newman be ordered to Washington when that is done to close the books.


From Midshipman James N. Forsyth, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jul 1828:


        Reports his return from the Mediterranean in bad health, invalided home in CONSTITUTION.  Requests a furlough and advance of pay.


From Lieutenant John A. Carr, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Jul 1828:


        Reports his return as a passenger in CONSTITUTION.  Requests leave.


From Lieutenant T. J. Manning, New York, NY, 9 Jul 1828:


        Reports his return in CONSTITUTION as ordered by Commodore William Crane of the Mediterranean Squadron.


From Surgeon's Mate John F. Brooke, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Jul 1828:


        Reports his return in CONSTITUTION and requests orders to the Boston Navy Yard.


From Midshipman H. H. Rhodes, New York, NY, 9 Jul 1828:


        Having returned from the Mediterranean in CONSTITUTION, presents himself for the Lieutenant's examination.


From Midshipman Samuel Lockwood, New York, NY, 12 Jul 1828:


        Reports his return from the Mediterranean in CONSTITUTION in order to take the Lieutenant's examination.


From Midshipman Thomas Sands, Annapolis, MD, 16 Jul 1828:


        States he understood he was ordered home in CONSTITUTION to take the Lieutenant' examination.


From Midshipman Daniel Randolph, Newport, RI, 17 Jul 1828:


        Reports his return in CONSTITUTION and requests a furlough to prepare for the Lieutenant's examination.


From Surgeons Hyde Ray and James Cornick, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Jul 1828:


        "We are of opinion, that some other plan, should be devised to supply our vessels of war in the Mediterranean, with medicines and hospital stores, than the one pursued at present.  It has been found very difficult to find on station, such articles as the service requires, and they have generally proved of bad quality and extremely dear.  To be satisfied that the prices are exorbitantly high, it will only be necessary to examine the requisitions of the different vessels of the squadron, and particularly of the Constitution during the last summer at Smyrna; which is the most unfit place for this purpose, and where our vessels are compelled to get what they stand in need of, as they are kept cruising in the Archipelago.  At Gibraltar the prices are more than double what they are in the United States and the commonest remedies not always to be had.

        "We are, therefore, of the opinion that the service would be greatly benefited if these inconveniences were removed, and that this could be best done by having all our medicines and hospital stores sent from the United States, with the other supplies for the squadron; and by appointing some person whose business it should be to select and have them properly disposed for transportation by sea: for the great variety of vegetable preparations, used in medicine, are very liable to injury from negligence in this respect.

        "We are also confident that in order to take proper care of these things after their arrival in the Mediterranean, to save the Government many thousand dollars, and the lives of many seamen annually, a surgeon should be permanently established at Mahon.  In so large a squadron as tours there is always a number of men with chronic complaints that might get well on shore, but generally die aboard ship.  On an island in the harbour of Mahon is a very large and extensive government hospital any part of which might be obtained by application and would answer our views perfectly.  If a Surgeon were to be sent there to do the duty of purveyor, and take charge of such men as it might be thought adviseable [sic] to send on shore, we feel assured that many lives would be saved, besides the other advantages resulting from such a system."  [Recommendations included in orders to Surgeon Andrew B. Cook, Surgeon‑designate of the Mediterranean Squadron, dated 29 Jul 1828, and further discussed in his letter to SecNav dated 2 Aug 1828, reproduced in this same series.]


From Lieutenant R. B. Randolph, Boston, MA, 28 Jul 1828:


        Again seeks guidance on how to close out the accounts of the late Purser John B. Timberlake.


Roll 53, Vol 6 [sic: 122] (August 1 ‑ September 30, 1828)


From Lieutenant R. B. Randolph, Boston, MA, 6 Aug 1828:


        Reports that Ordinary Seaman Joseph Arnett, a "worthless Scoundrel" and deserter from CONSTITUTION, had appeared with his landlord to collect his pay and argued that the amount said due him was too small.  He later failed to return for an explanatory meeting.  What is to be done?


Vol 7 [sic: 123] (October 1 ‑ 31, 1828)




Roll 54, Vol 8 [sic: 124] (November 1 ‑ 30, 1828)




Vol 9 [sic: 125] (December 1 ‑ 31, 1828)




Roll 55, Vol 126 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1829)




Vol 127 (March 1 ‑ April 29, 1829)




Roll 56, Vol 128 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1829)




Vol 4 [sic] (June 1 ‑ 30, 1829)




Roll 57 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1829)




Roll 58 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1829)




Roll 59, Vol 7 [sic] (November 1 ‑ 30, 1829)




Vol 8 [sic] (December 1 ‑ 31, 1829)


From Surgeon John A. Kearney, Washington, DC, 19 Dec 1829:


        In requesting orders, provides a recapitulation of his service, including "...1814... In August of that year was appointed Surgeon of the U. S. Frigate Constitution Commo Stewart ‑‑ 1815 February 20th was Engaged in action with H.B.M. Ships Cyane and Levant, when they were captured..."


Roll 60, Vol 1 [sic] (January 1 ‑ 30, 1830)




Vol 2 [sic] (February 1 ‑ 28, 1830)


From Sailing Master Charles F. Waldo, Boston Navy Yard, 25 Feb 1830:


        In making a request to be retained in service at a time when the number of Sailing Masters is being reduced, includes a recapitulation of his service, including:    "...That during the last War, in the Month of October 1812, he joined the Naval Service of the United States, having previously commanded a Vessel in the Merchant Service for five years‑‑  That he was in the capacity of Master's Mate on board the Frigate Constitution, under Commodore Bainbridge in the action and capture of the British Frigate Java ‑ in which action he had the misfortune to lose his left leg‑  That in March 1813 he was warranted as a Sailing Master..."  Notes he now 46 years old, with a wife and 6 children.


Roll 61 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1830)




Roll 62, Vol 4 [sic] (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1830)




Vol 5 [sic] (July 1 ‑ 31, 1830)




Roll 63, Vol 6 [sic] (August 1 ‑ 31, 1830)




Vol 7 [sic] (September 1 ‑ 30, 1830)




Roll 64 [sic] (October 1 ‑ 31, 1830)


From Passed Midshipman Henry H. Bell, Old Point Comfort, VA, 18 Oct 1830:


        Requests orders as Sailing Master in CONSTITUTION or any other ship bound to the Pacific or Brazil station.  [Never ordered to CONSTITUTION.]


Unnumbered [sic] (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1830)




Roll 65 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1831)




Roll 66 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1831)


From Lieutenant J. Collings Long, Portsmouth, NH, 6 Mar  1831:


        Notes he has been in the Navy 19 Years, 14 of them as a lieutenant.  Sailed with Bainbridge and Stewart during the war, then in the West Indies and with Hull in the Pacific.  Requests command of DOLPHIN and a return to the Pacific.  [He got it.]


Roll 67, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1831)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1831)




Roll 68 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1831)




Roll 69, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 30, 1831)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1831)


From Lieutenant Stephan Champlin, Lebanon, CT, 10 Aug 1831:


        In recapitulating his career, notes his appointment as Sailing Master in Feb 1813 at Newport and subsequent orders to take a draft of men to Sacketts Harbor.  He goes on, "...in June following I was ordered to Boston for another draft of men ‑ in July 1813 I was ordered by Comd Chauncey to take charge of Seventy men and report to Comd Perry..."  [This may have included the final group of CONSTITUTIONs ordered thither from Boston, and then some of those who were sent on to Lake Erie.]


Roll 70, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1831)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1831)




Roll 71, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ December 1, 1831)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1831)




Roll 72, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 14, 1832)




Roll 73, Vol 1 (February 14 ‑ 29, 1832)




Vol 2 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Roll 74, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 16, 1832)




Vol 2 (April 17 ‑ 30, 1832)




Roll 75 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Roll 76, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1832)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Roll 77 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Roil 78 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1832)




Roll 79, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1832)




Roll 80 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1832)




Roll 81, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 30, 1833)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1833)




Roll 82 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1833)


From Purser Joseph W. Terry, Pensacola Navy Yard, 26 Mar 1833:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated: "...noted and filed..."]


Roll 83  (April 1 ‑ 30, 1833)




Roll 84  (May 1 ‑ 31, 1833)




Roll 85 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1833)




Roll 86, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 18, 1833)




Vol 2  (July 18 ‑ 31, 1833)




Roll 87, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 15, 1833)




Vol 2  (August 15 ‑ 31, 1833)




Roll 88 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1833)




Roll 89 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1833)




Roll 90, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1833)




Vol 2  (December 1 ‑ 31, 1833)




Roll 91, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1834)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 13, 1834)




Vol 3 (February 13 ‑ 28, 1834)


From Purser John N. Hambleton, St. Michael's, MD, 24 Feb 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION, or the next ship of that class to be fitted out.


Roll 92, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1834)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1834)




Vol 3 (May 1 ‑ 16, 1834)


From Midshipman Stephen Dod, Newark, NJ, 4 May 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He didn't get them.]


From Purser Henry Etting, Boston Navy Yard, 11 May 1834:


        Requests orders to POTOMAC or CONSTITUTION.  [He got the latter.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles Heywood, New York, NY, 14 May 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION as 2nd Master.  [He didn't get them.]


From Assistant Surgeon John A. Lockwood, Dover, DE, 14 May 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He didn't get them.]


From Passed Midshipman Cicero Price, Norfolk, VA, 16 May 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He didn't get them.]


Roll 93, Vol 1 (May 16 ‑ 31, 1834)


From Midshipman Montgomery Lewis, Baltimore, MD, 25 May 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION, which, he understands, is to be sent to the Mediterranean "in the fall."  [He got them.]


Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 14, 1834)


From Lieutenant Harrison M. Carter, Petersburg, VA, 3 Jun 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION "or any other frigate, as executive officer."  [He didn't get CONSTITUTION.]


From Passed Midshipman Joseph W. Revere, Washington, DC, 12 June 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He got them.]


Vol 3 (June 14 ‑ 30, 1834)


From Purser John de Bree, Norfolk, VA, 18 Jun 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He didn't get them.]


From Carpenter William L. Shuttleworth, USS HUDSON, 22 Jun 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He didn't get them.]


From Captain [?] A. Ludlow, Newburgh, NY, 24 Jun 1834:


        Requests command of CONSTITUTION.  [Not found in Register.]


From Passed Midshipman Henry Walke, Philadelphia Navy Yard, 26 Jun 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He didn't get them.]


Roll 94 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1834)


From Purser John de Bree, Norfolk, VA, 2 Jul 1834:


        Is "much disappointed" upon notification that he will not receive orders to CONSTITUTION.  Believes it only just that he receive such orders and repeats his request.  [No.]


From Purser John N. Hambleton, Washington, DC, 9 Jul 1834:


        Repeats his request for orders to POTOMAC or CONSTITUTION.  [Still no.]


From Carpenter William L. Shuttleworth, USS HUDSON, 18 Jul 1834:


        Changes his request from CONSTITUTION to POTOMAC, since he believes she will sail first.


From Midshipman William P. Bradburn, USS ST LOUIS, 21 Jul 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, Philadelphia, PA, 24 Jul 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Midshipman James A. Doyle, USS ST LOUIS, 25 Jul 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Charles F. McIntosh, Norfolk, VA, ? Jul 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 95 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1834)


From Midshipman Benjamin F. Anderson, Norfolk, VA, 23 Aug 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Gunner Thomas Ripley, Boston Navy Yard, 25 Aug 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Henry Darcantel, Washington, DC, 25 Aug 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION as Sailing Master.  [No.]


From Midshipman Lafayette Maynard, Richmond VA, 27 Aug 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION. [No.]


Roll 96, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1834)


From Midshipman M. Mason, Clermont, VA, 1 Sep 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUION.  [No.]


From Midshipman J. N. Maffitt, Washington, DC, 17 Sep 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [He got them.]


From Lieutenant W. C. Nicholson, Baltimore, MD, 27 Sep 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Carpenter Richard Thomas, Baltimore, MD, 27 Sep 1834:


        Notes he is now the senior Carpenter in the Navy.  In summing up his service, notes "...in 1821 I again went to that sea [the Mediterranean] in the Frigate Constitution, Comr. Jones, & with him, & Commodores McDonough [sic], & Patterson in the same ship, & remained in that sea until 1828..."  Requests a renewal of a leave of absence.


Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1834)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Heywood, New York, NY, 6 Oct 1834:


        Confirms his request for orders to CONSTITUTION as 2nd Master.  [To no avail.]


From Carpenter John A. Dickason, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 10 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman John T. Williams, Huntsville, NC, 13 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Frederick Oakes, Jr., Hartford, CT, 13 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant W. Smith, Washington, DC, 13 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not until 1839.]


From Purser John N. Hambleton, St. Michael's, MD, 21 Oct 1834:


        Complains that the appointment of Purser Etting to CONSTITUTION was unfair in that Hambleton is his senior and "the oldest purser in the Navy who has not had a frigate..."  Is concerned that there is some mark on his record of which he is unaware.  [Annotated to the effect he will receive such orders "at the proper time."]


From Lieutenant A. G. Slaughter, USS JAVA, 23 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman William S. Ringgold, Georgetown, MD, 29 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman James T. McDonough, Gosport Navy Yard, 29 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Sylvanus Godon, Philadelphia, PA, 29 Oct 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 97, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1834)


From Passed Midshipman A. Ludlow Case, Newburgh, NY, 2 Nov 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION "or the first Ship going to Sea."  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman F. W. Walbach, Annapolis, MD, 6 Nov 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman R. Perry, Cumberland, MD, 14 Nov 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Assistant Surgeon J. W. Rummer, Petersburg, VA, 19 Nov 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Purser Henry Etting, Washington, DC, 20 Nov 1834:


        Requests reassurance that he will receive orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Henry Darcantel, Washington, DC, 28 Nov 1834:


        Inquires about his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman P. W. Humphreys, Lexington, KY, 29 Nov 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1834)


From Midshipman George T. Sinclair, USS JAVA, 4 Dec 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant Frank B. Ellison, Brooklyn, NY, 10 Dec 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No, not this time.]


From Gunner Thomas Ryby, New London, CT, 12 Dec 1834:


        Inquires about his previous request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Assistant Surgeon J. W. Rummer, Philadelphia, PA, 12 Dec 1834:


        Inquires about his previous request for orders to CONSTITUITION.


From Passed Midshipman James Alden, Boston Navy Yard, 22 Dec 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not until 1844.]


From Lieutenant W. Nicholson, Baltimore, MD, 24 Dec 1834:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No, not this time.]


From Passed Midshipman William Lewis Herndon, Fredericksburg, VA, 29 Dec 1834:


        Requested orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 98, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1835)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Steedman, Charleston, SC, 1 Jan 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION "or any other Vessel going to the Mediterranean..."  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant J. M. Watson, Washington, DC, 12 Jan 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not until 1837.]


From Passsed Midshipman A. A. Holcomb, Versailles, KY, 16 Jan 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Thomas W. Brent, Washington, DC, 21 Jan 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Charles E. Fleming, New York, NY, 24 Jan 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Midshipman William Edwin Newton, Burlington, NJ, 25 Jan 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1835)


From William Ronckendorff, Philadelphia, PA, 2 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Gunner Thomas Ryby, New London, CT, 2 Feb 1835:


        Repeats his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant William Green, Norfolk, VA, 2 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders "to either of the Frigates fitting out for sea service."  [Not CONSTITUTION.]


From Purser John N. Hambleton, Washington, DC, 5 Feb 1835:


        Reiterates his "oldest purser" thesis in requesting orders.


From Lieutenant Charles C. Turner, Washington, DC, 5 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not this time.]


From Midshipman James A. Doyle, USS JAVA, 6 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Allen W. Lane, Wilmington, DE, 13 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION, with permission to return in USS DELAWARE.  [Annotated: "It is not certain the Constitution will proceed to the Med."]


From Passed Midshipman Charles F. M. Spotswood, Salines, [?], 15 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant John B. Montgomery, Brooklyn, NY, 17 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 14 Feb.  As he had no prior notice, and as his wife is sick abed, requests the longest possible delay in reporting.  [Annotated to the effect that he can delay as long as Commodore Elliott will allow.]


From Lieutenant F. A. Neville, Philadelphia, PA, 17 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Assistant Surgeon Isaac Brinckerhoff, Philadelphia, PA, 17 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges orders to CONSTITUTION dated 14 Feb.


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, Philadelphia, PA, 17 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 14 Feb.


From Boatswain John McNelly, Windsor, VT, 18 Feb 1835:


        Reports that Commodore Elliott has told him to hold himself in readiness for orders to CONSTITUTION.  Requests authority to make a $20/mo. allowance for his family.  He would prefer to stay home, as his father is ill and debts have amassed.  [Annotated that a Boatswain already has been ordered, leaving a vacant billet at the Boston Navy Yard.]


 From Midshipman Oliver Perry Baldwin, Hudson, NY, 18 Feb 1835:


        Understands CONSTITUTION is to visit New York before going overseas.  Requests orders to "a ship which is the favorite of the Navy and the country."  [No.]


From Purser Henry Etting, Boston Navy Yard, 19 Feb 1835:


        "Gratefully" acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Charles Cullen Barton, USS SEA GULL, 19 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Francis S. Haggerty, Philadelphia, PA, 19 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 17 Feb.


From Carpenter John Dickason, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 19 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 14 Feb 1835.


From Lieutenant W. C. Nicholson, Philadelphia, PA, 19 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.  Requests leave until 10 Mar due to death in the family.  [Annotated to the effect that the orders were changed to have him report while the ship is at New York.]


From Boatswain W. Hart, Boston Navy Yard, 20 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 14 Feb.  Reports he is still lame, the product of recovering from an accident incurred while heaving out USS ERIE in which his right leg was broken.  Cannot climb rigging.  Suggests he be left in the Yard.  [Orders revoked.]


From Passed Midshipman Percival Drayton, Philadelphia, PA, 20 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Chaplain James Everett, Boston Navy Yard, 21 Feb 1835:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Frederick Oakes, Jr., Hartford, CT, 21 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Charles Steedman, Charleston, SC, 22 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Edward C. Rutledge, Charleston, SC, 22 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders "to Boston" [CONSTITUTION].


From Surgeon Thomas J. Boyd, Wilmington, DE, 22 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.  The unexpectedness of the orders and their immediacy has found him without proper housing for his wife, who is at a late stage of pregnancy.  Wishes to delay reporting until the ship is in New York.  [Annotated that he is to report in New York "by the 4th."]


From Midshipman Allen W. Lane, Wilmington, DE, 24 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Purser Henry Etting, Boston Navy Yard, 25 Feb 1835:


        Reports his relief at the Yard is urgently needed in order to insure a proper turnover of accounts, etc.  [Repeats his concern in a second ltr the next day.]


From Passed Midshipman James P. McKinstry, Detroit, MI, 26 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Melancton Smith, New York, NY, 26 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not until 1848.]


From Midshipman Edward C. Anderson, Savannah, GA, 28 Feb 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman John M. Berrien, Norfolk, VA, 28 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION as 2nd Master dated 23 Feb.


From Boatswain Robert Whittaker, New York, NY, 28 Feb 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


Roll 99, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1835)


From Midshipman Stephen Decatur Trenchard, New York Navy Yard, 4 Mar 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Edward C. Anderson, Savannah, GA, 7 Mar 1835:


        Reports receiving his orders this date and will proceed "by the first opportunity to N.Y."


From Assistant Surgeon Robert Woodworth, Albany, NY, 7 Mar 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION and will "comply immediately."


From Passed Midshipman Robert Emmett Hooe, Fredericksburg, VA, 7 Mar 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Francis P. Woban, New York, NY, 7 Mar 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman John F. Mercer, New York Navy Yard, 9 Mar 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Montgomery Lewis, Philadelphia, PA, 9 Mar 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Edward C. Anderson, New York, NY, 20 Mar 1835:


        Reports he arrived at New York "this morning" and that CONSTITUTION already had sailed.  Awaits further orders.


From Passed Midshipman James P. McKinstry, Detroit, MI, 22 Mar 1835:


        Renews his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1835)




Roll 100, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1835)




Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1835)


From Midshipman Oliver Perry Baldwin, New York, NY, 5 Jun 1835:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Charles Hunter, Washington, DC, 19 Jun 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Edward C. Anderson, Sandy Hook, NY, [20?] Jun 1835:


        Requests his orders to CONSTITUTION "be renewed."


From Midshipman Frederick Oakes, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Jun 1835:


        Requests leave of absence for health reasons.  [Annotated to the effect that it is granted and that he is to return to the ship when well.]


From Lieutenant John S. Nicholas, New York Navy Yard, 23 Jun 1835:


        Reports that CONSTITUTION has arrived and "is now anchored in the North River."


From Boatswain Robert Whittaker, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jun 1835:


        Reports a problem with his pay and requests resolution.


From Passed Midshipman William Radford, New York, NY, 23 Jun 1835:


        Had been put ashore at Marseilles for medical reasons earlier in the year, then took advantage of CONSTITUTION's presence in France to report to Commodore Elliott for transport home.  Requests three months leave of absence to complete his recovery.  Is going to Baltimore.  [Leave granted.]


From Midshipman Oliver Perry Baldwin, New York, NY, 23 Jun 1835:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to a receiving ship "at present."]


From Surgeon Thomas J. Boyd, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jun 1835:


        Requests a month's leave of absence.  [Granted.]


From Lieutenant F. Ellery, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jun 1835:


        Requests detachment for reasons "of a private nature."  [Annotated: "Detach him."]


From Midshipman Benjamin Shattuck, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jun 1835:


        Requests 3 months leave.  [Annotated: "Detach him." Done, with 3 months leave.]


From Midshipman James B. Lewis, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jun 1835:


        Requests 3 months leave.  [Detached with 3 months leave.]


From Lieutenant G. F. Pearson, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jun 1835:


        Requests 1 month's leave.  [Granted, with orders to return to the ship.]


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jun 1835:


        After 23 years of service (according to him), he writes: "...A Master in the Navy in active service in a sea going ship, calld [sic] to the daily performance of as important duties, exposed always to the same hardships, and privations, and subject to the same expences [sic] as the other sea officers with whom I mess and associate on board ship, I find myself not only cut off from all the hopes of promotion which are held out to them, but reduced to a level in point of pecuniary compensation, which places my means of support though the necessary claims on these means are precisely and unavoidably the same, in the  extraordinary at least, if not odious relation of 2 to 3 compared with them...

        "...But it is not the smallness of the pay, much, very much as it affects me, that forms the principle [sic] ground of my complaint.  it [sic] is the humiliating relation in which I am made to stand to almost all other classes of officers on board ship.  it [sic] is the sense of degradation which is daily and hourly forced on me by the relation particularly humiliating in which I am made to stand to officers whose duties are not more important, whose efficiency in the discharge of them, I may venture to say is not greater, and who came into the Service years after me.  the [sic] close association in which I am daily & hourly thrown with such officers cannot fail to make the difference of our conditions constantly presest [?] to my mind, I cannot when feated at the mess table fail to feel all the bitterness of of the reflection that these young men though these expenses are exactly the same as mine, secure annually 500 dollars more pay, though their duties are not more important or more faithfully executed they alone secure the natural rewards.  Pardon me if I say, now that no hope remains of any amelioration of this dreadfull [sic] condition from the Legislature that no man of spirit and intelligence can sustain the constant view of such odious and mortifying dispareties [sic] without feeling that he is the subject of studied & deliberate insult, and that with such feelings constantly pursuing him, it must naturally be expected that whatever may be his powers and attainments they cannot fail to perish under its banefull [sic] influence.

        "I trust therefore now that the proximity of hostilities with France are removed, and with it the chances of advancement which might have grown out of it, for it is clear that for me no other chances but such exist.  you [sic] will in consideration of my age, & long service spare me the the [sic] bitter mortification to which I am exposed on board ship, and with equal consideration for the pecuniary embarassment to which the late and violent changes 1) by removal from the Navy yard at Philadelphia & 2d from the order for sea service, have subjected me.  appoint [sic] me to some shore duties, if possible in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, a request which I have made the subject of a public letter transmitted through the commander of this this ship..."  [Annotated that he will be detached if he wishes, but there is no shore position open to him near Philadelphia.]


From Midshipman Francis P. Hoban, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jun 1835:


        Requests 3 months leave of absence.  [Granted; detached.]


From Midshipman William E. Newton, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jun 1835:


        Requests 2 months leave.  [Not granted as he has insufficient sea time in grade.]


From Lieutenant Edward Rutledge, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jun 1835:


        For health reasons, requests detachment on leave of absence.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Edward C. Anderson, New York, NY, 26 Jun 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman John T. Williams, Gosport Navy Yard, 26 Jun 1835:


        Requests permission to travel as passenger on CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Charles Hunter, White Sulphur Springs, VA, 27 Jun 1835:


        Reports his change of residence and says if orders to CONSTITUTION have been issued for him they will be forwarded.


From Midshipman William Ross Postell, USS HUDSON, 27 Jun 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Henry Darcantel, Philadelphia, PA, 29 Jun 1835:


        Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated: "...if a vacancy."]


From Passed Midshipman Raphael Semmes, Jr., Cincinnati, OH, 29 Jun 1835:


        Should either Master in CONSTITUTION wishes relief, he is available.  [Annotated to the effect that he can have orders to the ship, but not for that billet.]


From Passed Midshipman John F. Mercer, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Jun 1835:


        Requests detachment from ship and leave of absence.  [Annotated: "Detach him."]


From Midshipman R. Lloyd Tilghman, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Jun 1835:


        Requests orders to the Naval School at Gosport, VA.  [So ordered.]


From Lieutenant F. Ellery, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Jun 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders detaching him.


From Passed Midshipman H. S. Stellwagen, Philadelphia Navy Yard, 29 Jun 1835;


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated: "Leave and order another."]


From Chaplain James Everett, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Jun 1835:


        Commodore Elliott has approved a 1week leave, but he wants a month.  [Approved.]


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Jun 1835:


        Again requests orders to duty in the vicinity of Philadelphia.  [Annotated that action was taken "yesterday."]


Roll 101 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1835)


From Midshipman Francis P. Hoban, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave of absence with detachment from the ship.


From Passed Midshipman John T. Williams, Gosport Navy Yard, 1 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Jul 1835:


        "...under the alternatives it offers, it would not be advisable that I should leave the ship..."  Requests a month's leave to attend to personal affairs, with Commodore Elliott's concurrence.  [Granted.]


From Passed Midshipman James P. McKinstry, Detroit, MI, 2 Jul 1835:


        Request orders to CONSTITUTION.  Will pay his own travel expenses.  [Ordered to USS EXPERIMENT.]


From Midshipman Henry Skipwith, Washington, DC, 2 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to USS SHARK.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles Heywood, New York, NY, 2 Jul 1835:


        Understands that Sailing Master Ferguson is detached and requests orders to CONSTITUTION as 1st Master.  [Annotated: "Inform him that Sailing Master Ferguson is still attached..."]


From Passed Midshipman W. S. Ringgold, Georgetown, DC, 2 Jul 1835


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or to the Mediterranean Squadron.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman J. W. Revere, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jul 1835:


        Request a month's leave for medical reasons.  [Granted.]


From Passed Midshipman James F. Duncan, Norfolk, VA, 4 Jul 1835:


        Reports that Commodore Elliott had granted him a week's leave due to "extreme ill health" in his family, with permission to request its extension.  Makes that request now.  [Done.]


From Purser Henry Etting, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Jul 1835:


        "The letter enclosed marked A, I received yesterday from Comr Jesse D. Elliott, whilst I was engaged in paying to the Crew of this Ship, grog money, due to the 30th June ultimo, after accomplishing that duty, I made out a requisition for some monthly returns which, when approved, I immediately took on shore, procured the returns, & returned to the ship for the purpose of executing his order, on Commencing which, I perceived that the printed returns furnished would not answer the object intended, and I then addressed a note to Comr. Elliott (a Copy of which is also enclosed) he was not on board however at a late hour of the night to receive it, and before 9 Oclock this morning, he sent Lieut. Montgomery to me, to say, that I had not obeyed his order respecting the returns and to Consider myself Suspended from duty; I mentioned the reason to Mr. Montgomery why the order was not yet executed, and requested that he would hand to Comr Elliott  the letter I had addressed to him on the Subject, and to shew [sic] him also the inaccuracies of the printed returns to which I referred.

        "The foregoing statement is merely to give the Department a better idea that it had before of the disposition of Comr Elliott towards me, & will shew the Situation in which I have been placed, being on board ship under his Command.‑

        "That alone has prevented my applying to the Department (since the arrival of the Constitution) to be detached from her, was the hope & belief, I, with many others have had, that the present Commander would not be Continued in her, if however this impression be incorrect, I most respectfully beg that you will Consider this my application to be relieved from her, whilst I may add, that with any other Commander I should be pleased to remain attached to the Constitution."  [Annotated: "Letter A not attached nor the copy of the note to Com. E.  Detach him and grant leave of absence for one Month."]


From Passed Midshipman P. W. Hunter, Brooklyn Navy Yard, 5 Jul 1835:


        Knowing that "several officers have been detached," requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Philip Cortlandt Van Wyck, Mount Pleasant, NJ, 6 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Charles E. Fleming, New York, NY, 6 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Purser Thomas Breese, Newport, RI, 6 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to USS NORTH CAROLINA and provides a summary of his service to date, which includes:


        CONSTITUTION (in ordinary) 14 Dec 1818‑31 Mar 1821

        CONSTITUTION (in commission) 1 Apr 1821‑31 May 1824


From Lieutenant Levin Mynn Powell, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jul 1835:


        Forwards copies of the preamble and resolutions adopted by a meeting of the ship's officers relating to the establishment of "a Naval School for the instruction of the junior officers of the Navy" and urging the Secretary's aid and cooperation in bringing it to reality.  He notes that only one of the ship's officers failed to support the recommendation.


From Passed Midshipman John F. Borden, Cincinnati, OH, 7 Jul 1835:


        "...should a change of officers take place on board the Constitution...", requests orders to her.  [No.]


From Lieutenant John Cochran, Philadelphia, PA, 10 Jul 1835:


        "Having understood that some of the Lieutenants of the U. S. Frigate Constitution are desirous of being detached...", requests orders to her.  [No.]


From Midshipman R. N. Lowndes, New York, NY, 10 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Purser Henry Etting, USS CONSTITUTION, 11 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of information that he will be detached, and requests to know as early as possible who his replacement is so that he can arrange the transfer of "the private Stores purchased [by me] for the Ship; I have had the misfortune to sail with an officer who took away every means & occasion to deprive me of the advantages which under other Circumstances I should have enjoyed..."


From Lieutenant Francis B. Ellison, Baltimore, MD, 11 Jul 1835:


        "I am informed that some changes will probably be made in the Officers of the Frigate Constitution...", requests orders to her.  [No.]


From Purser Henry Etting, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Jul 1835:


        "I will thank you to inform me whether the Commander of a Ship is authorized to order or direct a disbursing officer to advance money or pursers Stores to men who are in debt? & if so, to whom overpayments (arising from this cause) to men who afterward desert from the Service will be charged by the Department?"


From Purser John N. Hambleton, St, Michael's, MD, 12 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Purser McLean Buchanan, Philadelphia Navy Yard, 14 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or CONSTELLATION.  [Not to CONSTITUTION at this time.]


From Passed Midshipman Daniel F. Dulany, Fairfax, VA, n. d.:


        "Earnestly" requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [In 1837.]


From Passed Midshipman P. W. Hunter, Brooklyn, NY, 15 Jul 1835:


        Requests a response to his for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant W. Nicholson, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Jul 1835:


        Requests to be detached and placed on leave of absence.  [Done.]


From Acting Surgeon Isaac Brinckerhoff, USS CONSTITUTION, to Captain Jesse D. Elliott, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Jul 1835:


        Reports four men unfit for duty:


    Musician Samuel Weatherby ‑ erysipelus and swollen legs

    Seaman John Hudson ‑ badly mended broken ribs

    Carpenter's Mate John Jacobs ‑ wrist deformed by dislocation

    Seaman John Vincent ‑ imbecility


From Passed Midshipman Edward Middleton, New York, NY, 18 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Charles Heywood, New York, NY, 20 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders as 2nd Master in CONSTITUTION in place of Mr. Berien, who has told him he intends not to sail with the ship.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman William T. Muse, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jul 1835:


        Requests a one month leave of absence.


From Passed Midshipman James F. Duncan, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jul 1835:


        Regretfully requests detachment from CONSTITUTION due to the extremely delicate health of his family.  [Done.]


From Professor of Mathematics Edward Ward, New York, NY, 21 Jul 1835:


        In 16 years of teaching mathematics and nautical science to Midshipman, he has frequently had the opportunity of examining the skills of those hired as Schoolmasters on Navy ships, and not once has he found one he considered qualified.

        Until he received quite recently a copy of the resolutions of CONSTITUTION's officers on the subject, he had never gotten around to making any observations to the Department, but now he is inspired to do so.  After delineating his view of the problem and what ought to be required of schoolmaster candidates, he strongly endorses the concept of a Naval School.


From Midshipman F. A. Bacon, Centerbury, CT, 21 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to the Mediterranean or West Indies.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION for later transfer to USS SHARK.]


From Carpenter Francis Sagee, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jul 1835:


        Belatedly acknowledges receipt of orders to the ship.


From Midshipman Charles E. Fleming, New York, NY, 22 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant J. M. Watson, Washington, DC, 22 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Assistant Surgeon Isaac Brinckerhoff, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Jul 1835:


        Requests detachment from the ship.  [Done.]


From Acting 2nd Master John M. Berrien, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jul 1835:


        Requests to be detached from the ship.  [Done.]


From Surgeon Thomas J. Boyd, Washington, DC, 24 Jul 1835:


        Requests a further extension of his leave from CONSTITUTION.  [Granted until 14 Aug.]


From Passed Midshipman James L. Henderson, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jul 1835:


        Requests to be detached from the ship.  [Done.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jul 1835:


        Requests a 3 month leave of absence.  [Commodore Elliott in his endorsement, said he believed the motivation behind the request was a reprimand Barton had received from the 1st Lieutenant, and he recommended against the leave.  SecNav concurred.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles Hunter, New York, NY, 26 Jul 1835:


        Reporting that he has heard Passed Midshipman Henderson is leaving CONSTITUTION, he requests orders to her.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Jul 1835:


        Reports having reported for duty this date.


From Midshipman James O'Shaughnessy, New York, NY, 27 Jul 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant John B. Montgomery, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Jul 1835:


        Requests to be detached from CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, Philadelphia, PA, 29 Jul 1835:


        Requests detachment from CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant John A. Davis, Washington, DC, 29 Jul 1835:


        Requests permission to take passage in CONSTITUTION in order to join USS JOHN ADAMS.  [Ordered to ship.]


From Midshipman Edward C. Anderson, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Jul 1835:


        Requests a 1 month leave due to his father's health.  [Annotated that he may have the leave and rejoin the ship or he may be detached.]


From Assistant Surgeon Victor L. Godon, Philadelphia, PA, 30 Jul 1835:


        Acknowledges cancellation of his orders to CONSTELLATION and receipt of new ones to CONSTITUTION.


Roll 102, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1835)


From Sailing Master F. W. Moores, USS HUDSON, 1 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.   Reports his health makes him unfit for sea service, caused by having been struck in the groin by a capstan bar.  [Order revoked.]


From Lieutenant John L. Ball, Washington, DC, 1 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Henry Darcantel, Philadelphia, PA, 1 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION. 


From Midshipman John Rutledge, Jr., Charleston, SC, 1 Aug 1835:


        With the understanding that Captain Shubrick will be ordered to CONSTITUTION, requests orders there himself.  [Annotated that his information is incorrect and the ship already is fully officered.]


From Lieutenant John A. Davis, Washington, DC, 1 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to take passage in CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant L. M. Powell, Washington, DC, 3 Aug 1835:


        Requests to be detached from CONSTITUITION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman George T. Sinclair, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Aug 1835:


        States his detachment from CONSTITUTION as a result of his guardian's politicking; makes known his desire to remain.  [Detachment revoked.]


From Passed Midshipman James L. Henderson, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment orders.


From Chaplain James Everett, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Aug 1835:


        Reports his return from leave.


 From Lieutenant Charles Hunter, Newport, RI, 5 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Charles Wager, Philadelphia, PA, 5 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Percival Drayton, New York, NY, 5 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Assistant Surgeon Daniel Egbert, ?, 5 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to take passage in CONSTITUTION for later transfer to USS SHARK.


From Lieutenant Andrew A. Harwood, Newport, RI, 6 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to take passage in CONSTITUTION for later transfer to USS SHARK, and requests a delay due to pressing personal matters.  [Done.]


From Surgeon R. J. Dodd, Frankford, KY, 6 Aug 1835:


        When am I to take passage for USS POTOMAC?  [Annotated that he is to go in CONSTITUTION.]


From Passed Midshipman George L. Selden, Washington, DC, 8 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman H. P. Robertson, Philadelphia, PA, 8 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to take passage in CONSTITUTION for later transfer to USS SHARK.


From Sailing Master William Vaughn, Sackett's Harbor, NY, 9 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Acting Midshipman Stephen Decatur Trenchard, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Aug 1835:


        Requests transfer to "any other ship."  [Annotated: "Already detached."]


 From Purser John N. Hambleton, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Aug 1835:


        Reports that Commodore Elliott wishes him to take aboard $10,000, half in gold and half in silver.  Half will be Spanish doubloons, which he can procure at $16 the ounce.  Requests instructions as to how to proceed with regard to Spanish milled dollars on which a premium of 3‑4% will be demanded.  Also inquires if he is to provide officers aboard for passage "the customary advance of three months."  [Annotated that he is not to pay a premium of more than 3%, and to advance the money to passengers.]


From Midshipman William E. Newton, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Aug 1835:


        Requests to be detached from CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Passed Midshipman W. S. Ringgold, Georgetown, DC, 10 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Henry Darcantel, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Aug 1835:


        On the understanding that Sailing Master Vaughn "will not be able to comply with his orders," requests that, as senior Passed Midshipman aboard, he be ordered as Sailing Master.


From Passed Midshipman Bushrod W. Hunter, New York Navy Yard, 13 Aug 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Purser Henry Etting, Philadelphia, PA, 15 Aug 1835:


        "I duly received a letter from John Boyle, Esqr acting Secretary of the Navy bearing date 11th July 1835 enclosing a copy of a letter from Commodore Elliott to the Navy Commissioners dated the 1st July and which had been referred to the Navy Department, requesting that I will 'furnish an explanation on the Several points affecting [my] character and return the Copy with [my] explanation to the Department.'

        "I have attentively read the letter of Commodore Elliott & will bestow on it that careful consideration which a proper respect for myself and the nature of its contents require.  Commodore Elliott is pleased to remark that 'the letter of Mr. Etting is to me one of a very extraordinary character ‑ the origin of his groundless complaints may be discovered by a reference to the Navy Department ‑ they proceed from a disposition to cover his incapacity and delinquency under the pretext of opression {sic} on my part.'  Permit me to call your attention to the following facts ‑ The Frigate Constitution Commanded by Commodore Elliott of which I was the Purser, arrived at New York on the 23rd day of June 1835.  I addressed a letter on the preceeding day to the Commissioners of the Navy, as I felt in duty bound to do, setting forth such causes of complaint in the deportment of the Frigate under my Charge as in my opinion the interests of the Service required should be remedied.  That letter was forwarded by the Navy Commissioners to Commodore Elliott, and on the 1st of July, and in reply to my letter of the 22d of June, the letter of Commodore Elliott was written to which my attention is requested.  Up to this time no application had been made for my removal from the Ship; no complaint of incapacity, nor charge of delinquency preferred to the department against me; but I was, on the Contrary, permitted to continue in the discharge of the duties of my office.  It is true, on the 4th of July, I was suspended on the charge of having disobeyed a specific order, but the order for my suspension had scarcely gone forth before it was withdrawn.‑  It was then, on the 1st of July, and not till then, nine days after the arrival of the Frigate, and when apprized through the Navy Commissioners of my letter, that to quote Commodore Elliott's language, he says, alluding to what he terms 'my groundless complaint' that 'they proceed from a disposition to cover his incapacity & delinquency under the pretext of opression {sic} on my part‑'  I will not cast back the unworthy imputation, but these circumstances will explain where, if at all, it ought to rest.‑  So far, as respects the charges of incapacity & delinquency 'where unsustained by any specification, they are too general and vague to be susceptible of reply.  I will, however, remark that I have served under many Commanders of established character & it is my happiness that such charges are now for the first time preferred & that only by Commodore Elliott.‑  As regards the charges particularly set forth, they are some of them, of grave import, which, if true, should affect my character and should deprive me of my Commission; but which, if unfounded, have injured me grievously {sic} & entitle me to a full vindication of my character, as an Officer, and a Gentleman.  I [?] and earnestly request a full investigation of each & every Charge.

        In compliance with your request I herewith return the copy of the letter from Commodore Elliott to the Navy Commissioners and will proceed to notice the specific allegation {sic} in the order in which they are preferred.‑  In the Copy of Commodore Elliott's letter I have numbered the charges in red ink and beg your attention thereto while I endeavor to meet and I trust successfully to answer them.‑‑


No 1  The Charge refers to the space allotted, on board the Constitution, to the Purser for his public and private Stores.


        The dimensions given of the Room in the Cock Pit, of course to be lessened when it is considered that much of this space is occupied by carlings, shelves &c: that, in the Fore Scuttle, {?} only intended for Tobacco, Soap and articles of that description, as the Spirit room had been contracted [so I was informed] to enlarge the after hold; and  nothing which belonged to {me?} was allowed to be placed there, on the sailing of the Ship, that Commodore Elliott is not correct as to the accommodation afforded me in the Spirit room: but he is right in saying that at least four fifths of the room in the Fore Scuttle were ever occupied by me: and for these reasons:‑ It was in the first instance, nearly all occupied by the store of the Sailmaker and afterwards I was never permitted to have the use of more than one half of this room, the Larboard side of which was given to me, and the Starboard side, to the Sailmaker, who retained it during the cruise.‑  The part I did occupy injured the Stores to such a degree owing to the quantity of water which came in there that I was compelled after several unsuccessfull {sic} attempts by the 1st Lieut, to remedy the evil, to remove all the stores I had placed there; and they were then put into an empty Bread Room about the 1st of June last; Since [sic] which time I have had no stores in the Fore Scuttle.  The department will, therefore, judge of    the accommodation allowed to the Purser on board the Constitution‑  Commodore Elliott is not correct in stating that there were Four Store rooms in the Cock Pit filled at Boston: there were originally but three filled as State Rooms, the fourth was fitted as a store room, nor is Commodore Elliott Correct in  stating that I filled any room in the Cock Pit with shelves for the reception of my articles & I would ask if Commodore Elliott granted permission to Lieut Carpenter to occupy two rooms in the cock Pit what  room besides the Store room then occupied by me could he have intended.‑  Commodore Elliott's wine room, as he calls it, which he gave as a substitute, is two feet nine inches in width and I would beg leave to state that none of Mr. Livingston's Stores, though he had a great many were put into the store room in the Cock Pit.‑  The Fore Magazine and the Birth {sic} Deck were appropriated for that purpose.


No 2  This Charge refers to the purchase of good by me from an English Pilot Boat on              the Coast of France


        The inconvenience to which I had been subjected by the want of apartments was in a slight degree removed after the ship arrived on the Coast of France, by the issue of clothing, which had been made from the Store Room; this enabled me, though at much inconvenience, to purchase some stores.  The Considerable quantity of Broadcloth; & Linen, which Commodore Elliott says, I introduced on board was Eighteen pieces of the Cloths and Sixteen pieces of Irish Linen.‑  Not a piece or a yard of the latter was issued on board though the Officers would have taken it all.‑  Even the Cloth for a long time I   refused to let them have having reason to believe it would expose me to painful animadversion on the part of Commodore Elliott.‑  Commodore Elliott is not correct in stating that I purchased these goods under a strong remonstrance from his 1st Lieut: on  the contrary his 1st Lieut or rather as I should express it the 1st Lieut of the Ship seemed pleased that Mr Woodyear had bought them.‑  The 1st Lieut and the Commanding Officer of the Ship at the time, and clearly, nothing could have been introduced on          board against his approbation.  If I remember rightly the Ship was {word obscured} too to take these goods on board, at any rate, they were hoisted in by his order or permission.‑  The goods referred to were purchased on the 23d of April, the day             before Commodore Elliott returned from Paris, and the order which he says was issued on his return from Paris and which he extracts from the log book of 24th April, was not given to me till the 29th of this month; nor was this order on the log book, seen by the Officer who signed the remarks for the watch which contain it, till exhibited to him by me since the ship's arrival at New York.  That Commodore Elliott was not over anxious to have certificates of the kind suggested will appear evident from the Certificate submitted herewith [marked A.] {sic}  As an apology for procuring the certificate I must urge the peculiar disposition Commodore Elliott had manifested towards me.  The emoluments resulting from the purchase of Stores is {sic] a legitimate perquisite of the grade of Officer to which I belong.‑


No 3  This Charge refers to the Smallness in the Supply of Slops and Stores in my epartment received on board the Frigate Constitution while at Boston.‑


        Commodore Elliott is not correct, in stating that the deficiencies of apartments was urged by me as an excise for the smallness of the Supply of Slops received in my department of the Ship when at Boston.  In proof of this I refer to a copy of my letter to the Navy Commissioners herewith submitted [marked B] and if I omitted any part of my duty at Boston The Honble Secretary of the Navy was fully apprized by me in several communications shewing (sic} the impracticability of my attending the duties of the ship previously to her Sailing from Boston at the same time I was called on to perform at that Station duties which in other Stations are devolved on two officers of my grade.  It was obviously my interest to have a full supply of every thing that could be required.‑  At New York I might have purchased many stores had I been allowed a place in which to put them.  My letter to the Commissioners of the Navy [marked B.] {sic} above referred to will corroborate my statement.


No 4  This Charge refers to my not furnishing Commodore Elliott with a private letter which i had received from Mr Vincent, a merchant in Norfolk, previously to the Sailing of the Frigate Constitution and to the supplanting Government Slops by the receipt of certain articles on board that Ship.


        The letter in question, it will be perceived, is not alleged to contain any charge against me & neither does {words obscured} my Character; and was entirely private in its nature.  The right of Commodore Elliott to demand a copy of such a letter may well be questioned.  At the time he requested it, it could not immediately be found.  It has since been found and is now in my possession and if in the opinion of the department, it is proper that it should be produced, I certainly can have no hesitation in placing at its disposition.  Commodore Elliott says 'he [meaning myself] informs me that Mr ?} will call upon him for it.'  Is it characteristic of a manly mind to deal in indirect imputation?  I feel that this requires no further notice.  Commodore Elliott gave me permission however to purchase Sheeting from Mr Vincent and observed that I could have it sent to New York for me.  I beg leave to refer you to letters on this subject herewith submitted [marked C.D.E. & F.] [sic]  I would here remark that the letter to me [marked E] did not advise me that he wanted a Copy of the letter from Mr Vincent in order that he might shew [sic] it to the Commissioners.  The sheeting from Mr Vincent is charged at 24 1/2 Cents per yard: whether this be at a treble advance as Commodore Elliott asserts it will be for the Commissioners to judge.  Commodore Elliott must have known that all articles sold by the purser are for his private emolument.


No 5      This Charge refers to my answering a letter from the American Consul at Cowes received by Commodore Elliott at Plymouth.


         This letter was not a llittle extraordinary in its Character considering that it was addressed by a Consul at an English port to an American Commodore he being in a Frigate on the Coast of France instructing him as to the duties, & questioning the propriety of the course adopted by the Ship under his command.  It was natural that the purser of the Ship should feel some surprise on the duty of answering such a communication being devolved on him.‑  The circumstances respecting the letter of the Consul to Commodore Elliott are these [of which letter a copy is in the possession of the Navy Commissioners. . . [in the original]   Commodore Elliott employed a man named Edwd Milligan who was, I believe, the master of the vessel from which I bought the goods of Mr Woodyear.  He was employed to pilot the Constitution from Havre to Cowes or Portsmouth but the wind not permitting the ship to go into either of these ports she bore away for Cherbourg and the discharged Milligan [See copy of his receipt annexed marked H.] {sic}  His charge for the days detention was Seventy five dollars.Commodore Elliott wrote & sent to the Consul at Cowes, to enquire respecting this charge.  The letter referred to from the Consul to Commodore Elliott was received through Mr Woodyear the purport and substance of which as near as I can recollect is here given, to wit.

        'I think Milligan has charged too much ‑ pay him [blank] dollars in addition to what he has received and then he will be fairly and properly paid ‑ his vessel is known on the coast as a Smuggler and it appears Singular to me that you should employ any ther persons to supply your Ship when it could be done and ought to be done through the Consul.  It is the duty of Commanders of vessels of War of the United States who come to this Coast to Communicate with the Consul.  In this instance I have heard of your wants, which you have carefully concealed from me, through Mr Woodyear a clothier at Cowes, who called upon me to ask for my commands & said that he was going over to France to furnish the Constitution with supplies.  I would caution you Sir, against dealing with persons of whose character you have no knowledge‑' 

        The foregoing, to the best of my recollection, is the substance of the letter of the Consul at Cowes; it is evident that he was disappointed in not furnishing the Ship himself.  It is not a little singular that an American Consul should permit these smugglers as he terms them to have intercourse with him and with a Frigate of the United States without giving notice to the authorities of the place‑  I would remark that purchases by a purser may be from any individual and had the Ship been at Cowes the Consul would not necessarily have been employed by the purser to make purchases for him‑  Of course it will not be expected that I should, after this, answer a letter on behalf of Commodore Elliott.


No 6    This Charge refers to my having knowingly dealt with and purchased Goods from a Smuggler, with a view to benefitting myself and violate the revenue laws.


        This charge is indeed a weighty one,,and if there is guilt on the part of any one, calls for an example.  How Stands the Case?  On the 23d of April 1835 Mr Woodyear, who had written to me from Cowes, [See his letter herewith submitted marked J.] [sic] came on board the Constitution when off Havre with some stores which he said he had brought to sell me‑ On reporting this to the 1st Lieut of the Ship the articles referred to were received on board and most of them were purchased by me‑  Some were taken by   other Officers‑ A list of Most which I purchased has already been furnished to the Commissioners of the Navy.‑  The articles I purchased were such as are commonly used on board, some of them only samples of articles of which there were none on board at the time.  I took out in the Constitution fewer store [sic] than were ever before to my knowledge taken in a Frigate in our Navy.‑  After paying for these goods Mr Woodyear, who had been entertained at the Ward Room mess Table, left the Ship to return to Cowes, but Milligan the reported Smuggler who came with him was kept on board by     Commodore Elliott as a pilot for the Constitution‑ Commodore Elliott shews [sic] that, however others may have been ignorant, that he did know the Character of the vessel to be such as the Consul represents, and with this knowledge and after the date of the order on the log book 24th of April he himself introduced into the Ship a number of articles from the same vessel and from the same person from whom I had purchased on the 23d of April.  These goods I paid for by his order May 5th eleven days after the date of my purchase, [See bill annexed marked K.] nor [sic] nor did Commodore Elliott receive these goods when first brought along side the ship by mr Woodyear, but gave him to understand so Mr Woodyear informed me that they should be received on board so soon as it could be done without offending the authorities at Cherbourg, and they were accordingly taken on board so soon as the Ship had left the Port.  Woodyears vessel in the mean time had been cruising in sight of the Ship.‑ On the conduct of Commodore Elliott in charging me with dealing with a Smuggler under these circumstances it does not become me to pronounce judgement.


No 7    This Cannot be Considered a Charge but refers to an order issued by Commodore Elliott directing certain articles to be served out as the Slop advance


        The order which Commodore Elliott here refers to is dated June 11th nearly two months after the articles were purchased and only a few days before the return of the Ship to New York.  None of the linen however was served out & no cloth to the Crew excepting that which I was compelled to issue by Commodore Elliott's order [See letter to Lieutenant Montgomery marked M.]  In reply to which Commodore Elliott sent me word by Lieut Montgomery that the boys were not much in debt at any rate to serve the Cloth [See letter and voucher annexed marked N. & O.] [sic]


No 8    This Charge referes to my not having received on board the Constitution some Blue Cotton then in store at the Navy Yard at Boston for which Commodore Elliott had signed a requisition.


        I must again remark that Commodore Elliott is not correct. I did receive the Blue Cotton then in store [See Store Keepers Acct herewith marked P.]  and I beg leave to state that the list of Slops and Stores received on board & exhibited by me to  Commodore Elliott and by him approved & countersigned also Shews [sic] the receipt of these Cottons on board the Ship, as well a [omitted word] of the quantity of nankeen and Black Silk Hdkfs on board and which Commodore Elliott after approving forbade me to issue [See paper annexed marked K].  I must also remark that Commodore Elliott is not  correct when he says I introduced on board a large quantity of nankeens the paper last referred to will shew there were but seventy pieces of nankeen, not half the number usually taken in a Sloop of War.‑ Some of these nankeens are Still on board.‑


No 9     Commodore Elliott says this is what the purser calls 'persecution'


        The purser no where uses the word persecution.  It is of Commodore Elliotts election, and it is not my province to question its application.


No 10    This refers to the Cost of the Monkey Jackets


        It is true that this is no concern of mine but as Commodore Elliott's statement respecting it is not correct it may be my duty to furnish information.  I therefore beg leave to refer you to the Cost of the woolen article in the Store Keeper's Account annexed [marked P.] and to letter [marked S] of the Cost of the India rubber.‑


No 11.    This Charge would seem to impute to me extortion.


        No such charge is sustained as is shewn by [word obscured] approved by Commodore Elliott to the bills of purchase.  If it be true as Commodore Elliott suggests that by keeping the Ship indebted to the men, a disposition to desert will be in a great degree obviated why did Commodore Elliott in direct violation of the law compel me to advance money to every man on board the Constitution whether in debt or not [See letters annexed marked T & U.] and why against my strong remonstrance did Commodore Elliott compel me to issue Slops to persons known to him to be in debt & this too only a few days before the arrival of the Ship, [See letters marked M & N.]  Some of whom are included among fifty of the Crew and upward, who have deserted from the Constitution since March last.‑‑

        And why, did Commodore Elliott on the 28 or 29th of April last permit a number of persons to come from Cherbourg and dispose of sundry articles of            Merchandise &c to the Crew of the Ship in direct violation of the laws or regulations of the Navy which say 'no suttler [sic] shall be allowed on board our Ships of war.'  Although the above is put in the shape of an interrogation the facts amply warrant the same.‑

        I have in conclusion, Sir, to express the hope that the Department will not suffer me to remain in doubt as to the light in which my conduct is to be perceived but will cause such an investigation to be made, as if guilty, may subject me to deserved        prosecution and punishment, but if innocent will repair the wrong which has been done me."




Commodore Jesse D. Elliott to Commodore John Rodgers, BNC, 1 Jul 1835:


        "The communication from the Navy Comrs office of the 25th inst enclosing a copy of a letter from Henry Etting, Purser of this ship and bearing date the 22nd inst was duly recd and I hasten to give the explanations which that letter may seem to require. I have caused the dimensions of the Apartments on board this ship which its Purser has appropriated to his own use, to be correctly taken.  His storeroom in the Cockpit measures 12 feet, 7 inches in length, 6 feet in width, and five in height.  That in the fore scuttle is 5 ft 4 in from the deck to the skin, 3 feet 5 in to kelson [sic] and 4 feet between the bulkheads extending from side to side.  Also every accommodation in the after hold and Spirit room have been afforded.  The stores room in the fore peak has been used by him for articles required in the monthly and quarterly servings, and that in the cockpit for those of immediate requirement, and at least four fifths of the former unoccupied by him.  There are in the Cockpit of this Ship four state rooms, one for each Asst Surgeon, one for the professor of Mathematics, and the remaining one for the Clerk of the Commander.  Such was the arrangement at the Boston Dock Yard.  Upon a representation made to me, at that station (thro' the first Lt of the Yard) that he should require two rooms in the Cock Pit, I granted him permission to occupy that number but under a misapprehension, he took possession of the State Room of the Clerk, and fitted it with shelves for the reception of his articles.  I was ignorant of this until after the departure of the Ship, when upon information of the fact, I ordered the fixtures to be removed and the room to be restored to its original condition.

        "For reasons hereinafter mentioned, I have caused this apartment to be measured, its length is six feet, width five feet three inches and height five feet nine inches.

        "Having deprived the Purser of this, I gave him my Wine Room in the Cockpit as a substitute, which on the outward passage, for the accommodation of my own stores and those which I anticipated would be brought on board by Mr Livingston, I was also compelled to take from him.

        "The letter of Mr Etting is to me one of a very extraordinary character.  The origin of his groundless complaints may be discovered by a reference to the Navy Department.  They proceed from a disposition to cover his incapacity and delinquency under the pretext of oppression on my part.

        "Notwithstanding the inconvenience to which he asserts, he has been subjected by the want of apartments, he on the Coast of France, without my knowledge and under strong remonstrance from my 1st Lt, introduced on board from an English Pilot Boat a considerable quantity of Broad Cloths and Linens.  On my return from Paris, I issued the  following orders, which I extract from the Log Book of this Ship 'The articles received on board this day (April 24th) will be returned unless proper certificates  are obtained from the Custom House officers at Cowes, shewing that they are legally brought on board, in which case they may be retained & issued to the officers and crew.'

        "The plea of want of room by the Purser did not then prevent the purchase of articles the introduction of which would be to supplant those of the Government.

        "The deficiency of apartments is again urged by the Purser as an excuse for the smallness of the supply of articles of Slops and stores received in his department of this Ship at Boston.  He had at that time, by his own shewing, two apartments in the Cockpit, and if he was deprived of one afterwards, it will not avail him as a justification for his delinquency in furnishing an adequate supply for the ship at the t ime of her departure.

        "Previous to his or my appointment to the Constitution, Mr Etting exhibited to me at the Boston station, a letter from Mr Vincent of Norfolk containing a statement of articles which he (Mr V) had furnished the Delaware and Potomac at the same time expressing his wish that the same articles should be introduced on board the Constitution.  I have requested Mr Etting to furnish me with a copy of that letter in order that I might shew to the Commissioners the extent to which the Government slops are supplanted by the introduction of articles at treble advance and for the private emolument of the Purser.  He informs me that the letter is lost or mislaid.  Whether it be so or not, I hope the Commrs will call upon him for it.  I enclose to the Commrs a copy of a letter marked A from the American Consul at Cowes, received by me at Plymouth when the Ship was under weigh.  I coould not then reply to it, but early in the passage to the U. S. I requested the Purser to make the reply.  Since my arrival I addressed a note a copy of which is enclosed marked B requesting a copy of his answer to the letter of the American Consul, but for the frivolous reasons stated in his note herewith enclosed (marked C) my request has not been complied with.  The unexpected information which the letter of the Consul contains, served to confirm the opinion I had previously formed of the character of the vessel from which Mr Etting introduced the articles, when on the Coast of France and of the object of his purchase.  A copy of the list of those articles and their cost and issuing price is herewith enclosed marked (D).  In addition to the order above extracted from the Log Book, I issued another to the Purser directing those articles to be served out at the Slop advance.  I would here remark that at the Boston Station I signed for this Ship a request for a quantity of Blue Cottons then in store at the Navy Yard, but they were not received on board by Mr Etting, although there was room enough for a 98.  Yet I find a large quantity of nankins [sic] introduced on board, and also a quantity of blk silk Hkfs, all at his private advance and which I forbade to be issued to the crew.  This is what the Purser calls persecution.  The monkey Jackets were of India Rubber & at a cost of about half the woolen article and designed for the use of the petty officers.

        "I feel it my duty, Gentlemen, to protect the crew from extortion, and by keeping the Ship indebted to the Men a disposition to desert will in a great degree be obviated.  I would respectfully recommend to the Commrs [words obscured] whole served out to the crew of our Ships should be specified by name in their accounts, in order that every man may know with what he has been charged.  A necessity still exists of introducing into the service further regulations defining and circumscribing the power which Pursers possess of taking advantage of their official stations for the purposes of private speculation, as also to provide some preventative against the introduction of articles to supplant the Government Slops."


A.  Statement of George Woodyear, 5 May 1835:


        "On the afternoon of the 3d May 1835, when the Boat which brought me and my goods from Cowes was alongside the Frigate Constitution, bound to Havre, I requested Mr Etting to dispatch me soon as possible, that he would oblige me by receiving & paying me at once for such articles as Comre Elliott was willing to purchase, that I was anxious to go, as the Ship was advancing rapidly towards Havre.

        "Mr Etting remarked that he did not know that Comre Elliott would be willing to purchase or receive any of my articles; at least till the proper certificates of regular clearance at Cowes was produced, not only of the goods I had with me, but of those I had previously sold to him, as there was some difficulty on board the Ship respecting them;and the letter which he had addressed to me a day or two since, by order of Comre Elliott, called for the Certificates from the custom House of the Clearance of these goods.  Mr Etting then advised my speaking with Comre Elliott on the subject, & afterwards to inform him of the result; I immediately saw Comre Elliott & returned & told Mr Etting that there was no difficulty about recg my goods, that comre Elliott when I went to speak to him about the Clearance of the goods, said 'never mind that, Mr Woodyear, it is of no consequence your word is sufficient that all is right your goods shall be received & paid for Sir.'"


B.  Letter of Henry Etting to the BNC, 24 Mar 1835:


        "Herewith I have the Honor to enclose to you  an inventory of the Slop Clothing received on board the Ship at Boston, Mass. and also a list of the resale stores in my department, want of time prevented my transmitting  these previous to my leaving the united States.

"P. S. I would respectfully remark, that the Sixteen hundred suits of Blue Cotton Clothing and one hundred & fifty India Rubber Coats, ordered for this Ship at Boston, were not finished at the time of her leaving the port, & it is no doubt proper I should mention that it was out of my power (from causes which will hereafter be made known to you) to provide as Customary, a supply of private Stores for the wants of the crew."


C.  Note from Henry Etting to Commodore Elliott, 24 Jun 1835:


        "The sheeting (as per sample exhibited to you) which I purchased from Mr Vincent by your permission to serve to the Crew of this Ship as Pursers Stores, which arrived at New York about the time of our sailing, has been even Since, and is now in Store there as an expense to me; I therefore respectfully ask permission to have it brought on board this Ship to be issued to the Crew."


D.  Note from Commodore Elliott to Henry Etting, 28 Jun 1835:


        "I acknowledge the receipt of your letter in relation to the introduction of Duck; I recollect that you submitted to me at the Boston Station, a letter in reference to the same matter, will you be pleased to furnish me with a Copy of that letter."


E.  Note from Elliott to Etting, 29 Jun 1835:


        "Be pleased to furnish me with the [word obscured] and quantity of the articles which you wish to introduce into the Ship; as furnished by Mr Vincent of Norfolk."


F.  Note from Elliott to Etting, 4 Jul 1835:


        "Your letter in relation to the Quantity of Sheeting was not recd this morning.  I expressly forbid the introduction of this article on board this Ship, evidently designed to supplant the articles furnished by the Government."


H.  Receipt from Edward Milligan, 24 Apr 1835:


        "For service on board the U. S. Frigate Constitution being employed at Havre as Pilot for the Harbour of Cowes

                            Spanish $75

        "Received U. S. Frigate Constitution April 24th 1835 Off Cherbourg of Henry Etting, purser, Twenty five dollars on acct of the above‑ the balance, to say Fifty dollars, to be paid me by Robert Hunter Esqr American Consul at Cowes, agreeably to a Certificate of Comre Jesse D. Elliott of  this date."


J.  Note from George Woodyear to Henry Etting, 12 Apr 1835:


        "I have taken the liberty of soliciting your favors for my supplies you may be in want of having on several occasions supplied U. S. Ships bound to the Mediterranean.the [sic] last ship the Delaware, I furnished supplies when off Cherbourg, and have since forwarded a large Quantity to Gibraltar, for which I have Mr Thornton's testimonials.  I have annexed a few of the articles Supplied the Delaware.  Should you favor me with an order I will bring them to Havre, or forward them direct to Gibraltar.  The Southampton Steam Packet will leave Havre on Tuesday Evening the 14th at 9 OClock when your reply will oblige."


K.  Bill of George Woodyear, 3 May 1835:


        "For the following articles purchased May 3d 1835 by order of Come Jesse D. Elliott for the use of the U. S. Frigate Constitution.


Twelve Dozen Half Hose at $3


Four Dozen Drawers at $12


Four Dozen [?] at $12


Twenty One pair Cotton drawers at 50 cwt


Eight Yew Jackets @ $7.50


Thirty five Monkey Jackets a $3


One hundred pair Shoes at $1.75


Forty five Cotton Shirts @ $1.25


Thirty nine Cotton Shirts @ $1.12 1/2


Forty Blue Cloth Jackets @ $6


Forty Blue Cloth Trowsers @ $4


Forty Blue Cloth Vests @ $2.50


Three Monkey Jackets @ $3




"Received U. S. Frigate Constitution Off Havre May 5th 1835 of Henry Etting, purser, Ten hundred Eighty Six Spanish dollars & Seventy nine Cents in full of the above bill."


L.  Note from Elliott to Etting, 11 Jun 1835:


        "All articles (not included in the Commissioners Regulations) introduced on board this Ship since her departure from the United States, to represent the article of Slops, you will serve out at the Slop advance."


M.  Note from Etting to Lieutenant John Montgomery, 15 Jun 1835;


        "The Boys in the Ship are generally rated 2d class at six dollars per mo., & came on board 1st March, overpaid Two & Three mos., which, with the supplies they have recd from me, leaves them of course still in debt.  I should not therefore willingly make advances of purser's stores to them, the Ship being bound to a port in the U. States, at which we expect she will arrive within a week; private Stores, issued to the crew you are aware, are at my own risk."


N.  Note from Etting to Montgomery, 15 Jun 1835:


        "As I feel unwilling to incur any risk by advances to the men or Boys on board the Ship who are in debt, except of necessaries (which I never deny them) you will do me a favor by asking Come Elliott if he will receive on the Government acct, the Cloth as I purchased it, which he has ordered me to issue to the Crew, the issue of which, will then be at the risk of the Government and not at mine; I am the more particular as the opportunity for desertion will soon be offered to the Crew; the inducement for which I need not say to you, is increased, with those who are in debt."


"remark.  In reply to the above Come Elliott said ‑ he would take from me as suggested so much Cloth as was required see Lieut Mongomery's certificate marked O."


O.  Lieutenant Montgomery's "certificate" (receipt):



March 18

14 lbs Soup for Coppers @ 10 cts


March 31

14 lbs Soup for Coppers @ 10 cts


April     1

3 Tin Pots @ 25 cts


April     7

7 lbs Soup @ 10 cts


May    16

20 1/4 lbs Soup @ 10 cts


June     3

9.4 lbs Soup @ 10 cts


June    3

1 Tin Pot


June    3

20 lbs Sugar for Hos Dept @ 14 cts


June  16

52 Yard Blue Cloth @ $2.50


July      3

16 Yard Muslin


July      6

16 1/4 lbs Soup @ 10 cts



One hundred forty four 92/100 Dollars ($144.92)


The Fifty two yards of Cloth Charged 16th June 1835 in  the above bill at Two 50/100 dollars per yard were purchased from Purser Etting & issued on board the Constitution as Public Slops by my Order.


This will Certify that the different items in the above bill with the exception of the Sugar & the Cloth were drawn from Purser Etting for the use of the Ship, and through me, Come Elliott directed that the Cloth should be received from Purser Etting, as public Slops, and issued for the Hospital depart[ment] of the Ship on requisition  of the Surgeon.


P.  Bill of Storekeeper George Bates, Boston Navy Yard, Feb 24, 1835, for Slop Clothing for CONSTITUTION:


12 Blue Cloth Trowsers @ $3


188 Blue Cloth Trowsers @ $3


8 Blue Cloth Jackets @ $4


192 Blue Cloth Jackets @ $4.50


6 Pair Duck Trowsers @ 50 cts


204 Pair Duck Trowsers @ 60 cts


8 Pair Blue Cotton Trowsers @ 65 cts


242 Pair Blue Cotton Trowsers @75 cts


300 Duck Frocks @ 66 cts


60 Pea Jackets @ $5.40


100 Blankets @ $1.10


30 Mattresses @ $3.18


500 Blk Silk Hdkfs @ 55 cts


500 Pair Shoes @ 95 cts


500 Flannel Shirts @ $1.20600.00




R.  List of Slops received on board Frigate Constitution, n. d., approved by J. D. Elliott:


"200 Blue Cloth Trowsers

200 Blue Cloth Jackets

300 Duck Frocks

300 Duck Trowsers

250 Blue Cotton Trowsers

500 Flannel Shirts

60 Pea Jackets

100 Blankets

54 Mattresses

500 Blk Silk Hdks

500 Pair Shoes

100  Pr. Stockings

100 Flannel Drawers



List of Pursers Stores recd on board Frigate Constitution



2591 lbs Seamans Tobacco


370 lbs Officers Tobacco


17,000 Cigars

18.00 (.22/doz.)

5,000 Cigars

15.00 (.18/doz.)

1177 2/3 lbs Hyson Tea


60 lbs Black Tea


5 Pair India Rubber


200 Boxes India Paste


4259 lbs Sugar


400 Tin pans


328 Tin Pots


25 pieces Blk Silk Hdkfs


20 pieces Pocket Hdkfs


70 pieces Blue Nankeens


24 pair Sheeting Trowsers


1625 lbs Soap


72 Doz Table Spoons


200 Scrub Brushes


312 Cannisters Mustard


10 Doz Red Pepper


20 Doz Black Pepper


12 1/2 Doz Fine Combs


9 Doz Dressing Combs


96 Doz Linen Tape


352 lbs Thread


72 Doz Jack Knives


12 Doz Jack Knives


3000 Needles

.10 per paper

90 Pieces Blk Ribbon


4 Razor Strops


6 Doz Scissors



S.  Note from George Bates to Henry Etting, 4 Aug 1835:


        "The Pea Jackets of India Rubber shipped to New York for the Constitution were Charged at Five dollars each."


T.  Letter from Etting to Montgomery, 28 Apr 1835:


        "The orders of Come Elliott given to me yesterday through you 'to pay in addition to the grog money which might be due, the sum of two dollars to every man in the Ship whether in debt or not' have been complied with, with the exception, that the marines received but one dollar instead of two ‑ the Marine Officer ‑ Mr Hardy representing to Come Elliott that it would be sufficient, and obtaining his permission to pay them that Sum, and I would state that some of the mess boys have not yet received what is to be paid to them, but will be paid tomorrow when it is ascertained how much is to be allowed them.

        "As these orders were verbal altogether, I will thank you to state whether I have executed them according to the intention and orders of Come Elliott."


"Note: Lieut Montgomery declined affixing his name to the above, but said that if necessary, he would at any time testify to it."


U.  Note to 4th Auditor from Henry Etting, 22 Jun 1835:


        "I will thank you to inform me whether the Commander of a Ship is authorized to order or direct a disbursing officer to advance money or pursers Stores to men who are in debt?  and [sic] if so, to whom over payments (arising from this cause) to men who afterward desert from the service will be charged by the department?"


From Midshipman Thomas S. McDonough, Utica, NY, 19 Aug 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION, or to NORTH CAROLINA if CONSTITUTION has her full complement of officers.   [No.]


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, New York Navy Yard, 20 Aug 1835:


        "...By referring to the list of expenses under the head of pilotage of all our public ships who have visited the ports in the upper part of the English Channel previously to the 'Constitution' under the command of Commo. Elliott, there will be found a heavy charge for Channel pilotage, this charge was saved to the Government in the case of the Constitution by the reliance the Commo. had on my experience, in which as is well known he was not deceived.  I trust that in the service I rendered on this occasion the Government will find an additional reason to save me from any expense that might with propriety be assumed by itself."


Roll 102, Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1835)


From Purser Henry Etting, Philadelphia, PA, 4 Sep 1835:


        Asks whether or not his report of 15 Aug 1835 has been received.


From Purser Henry Etting, Philadelphia, PA, 5 Sep 1835:


        Acknowledges receipt of the Secretary's acceptance of his report, but is disappointed that no further enquiry has been thought necessary.  Requests a court of inquiry or court martial to officially clear his name.  [Annotated that the SecNav has every confidence in him and that official proceedings are not possible due to Commodore Elliott's absence overseas.]


Roll 103, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1835)


From Lieutenant Oscar Bullus, Boston, MA, 22 Oct 1835:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION in accordance with the expressed desires of Commodore Elliott; suggests he can "go out" in NORTH CAROLINA.  [Yes.]


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1835)




Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1835)


From Carpenter John Dickason, Charlestown, MA, 28 Dec 1835:


        Reports expiration of leave, but "...as I still labour under a severe Hernia for which I was detached from the Constitution," requests another three months' leave.  [Granted.]


Roll 104, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1836)


From Passed Midshipman Edward Middleton, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Jan 1836:


        Requests a 1 year leave to travel the continent.  [Approved for the end of the cruise.]


 Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1836)


From Passed MIdshipman J. W. Revere, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Feb 1836:


        Requests a 1 year leave to travel on the continent.  [Approved for the end of the cruise.]


Roll 105, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1836)


From Surgeon William P. C. Barton, Philadelphia, PA, 20 Mar 1836:


        Forwards letters from Fleet Surgeon Boyd and Passed Midshipman William S. Ringgold, both in CONSTITUTION, recounting details of a duel fought in Smyrna (Izmir), Turkey, by Passed Midshipmen Barton (the writer's son) and Wood.  Barton, wounded in the affair, and his second, Ringgold, both have been placed under arrest by Commodore Elliott.  The principal reason for the present letter is to bring to the Secretary's attention the severe handling imposed on Barton by the Commodore.




From Passed Midshipman William S. Ringgold to Surgeon Barton, Philadelphia, PA, 5 Dec 1835:


        "I regret to inform you, your Son was a few days since, severely wounded in a duel with Mr Wood, Pass Mid, in the leg.  The quarrel I believe is one of an old standing, but brought to this unhappy termination by his being ordered to the Schooner Shark where Mr Wood was, who refused to mess with him and I regret to say the rest of the mess followed his example.  This together with other insults left him no other recourse, but to call him out: when after receiving two fires, his pistol missing fire both times, had his leg fractured by the second shot.  I am indeed happy to say Sir, that your son's conduct on the field evinced that coolness and determination which always emanate from a good cause, and every person acquainted with the circumstances is of the opinion of myself that the course he pursued could not be avoided without dishonor.  I and the Surgeon who attended deemed it necessary for him to be brought on board of this vessel to have the ball extracted rather than on the schooner.  He was accordingly broughton board and the ball extracted with no difficulty; during this time Com. Elliott was absent from the ship and as soon as he returned the thing was of course reported by the 1st Lieut.  You cannot judge our surprise to hear the order given that 'Mr Barton should be immediately taken on board of the Shark,' this order being issued without knowing what the consequence might be.  Dr Boyd the Surgeon of the Ship immediately waited upon him  and protested in the strongest terms against this inhuman order, but he would not be heard by the Come. [sic] who said he must go and he would bear the responsibility.  He was therefore hoisted over the side and sent back to the Schooner.  You sir as a medical gentleman can imagine what his suffering must have been, labouring under excitement from opium and such inhumane treatment.  Through Dr Boyd's intercession he was removed on shore yesterday where he will receive all the attention & care which he requires in his present condition.  Before your son was ordered on board the schooner her Capt. knowing the difference between them told the Commdr he was afraid that this would be the result of their being together.  All the parties are now suspended and the Com. has threatened to report them to the Sec. of the Navy."


From Surgeon Thomas J. Boyd to Surgeon Barton, 31 Jan 1836:


        "I promised Midshipman Barton to inform you by the first opportunity of his condition.  We left him at Smyrna on the 5th inst doing well in every respect.  The ball wound had healed, the circular opening which was made for the extraction of the Ball was still discharging.  The only obstacle to a speedy recovery was a fragment of the Tibia which was exfoliating but not sufficiently detached to be removed by incision.  This fragment had been put in its place at the first dressings and i believe would have united as did the others had not Mr Barton been subjected, against my urgent remonstrance, to removal.  The ball traversed the Tibia in its upper third fracturing it transversely & splintering it longitudinally and lodged posteriorly to it [word obscured] the gastroenemia [?].  The entrance of the Ball being on the front could not give vent to the discharge & I therefore cut down to the Ball, removed it & dressed the incision so as to heal it by the first intention if nature should consolidate the bone without producing any suppuration in the soft parts or to secure as an outlet against any accumulation that might form in the inflammatory stage.  The slivers were thrown off favourably & no accidents occurred.  The Tibia had consolidated with the exception of the above mentioned fragment.  The Surgeon under whose charge I left him perceived the necessity of removing it by incision as soon as a slight sore throat which Mr B. laboured under subsided.  After the treatment Mr B. received from Com. Elliott I could only urge his coming on board this ship and I insisted on his [obscured] being sent to the Shark.  to leave him in Smyrna was his own request."


From Sailmaker James Davis, Charlestown, MA, 29 Mar 1836:


        Notes he has been in service since Apr 1821, when he cruised with Commodore Jones in CONSTITUTION until 1824.   Wishes orders to Boston Navy Yard.  [Noted.]


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1836)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, Smyrna, Asia Minor, 8 Apr 1836:


        "...It is now four months since the accident, and my surgeon tells me, it will be unsafe to trust my leg for as many months more, I therefore respectfully request leave of absence for six months from the receipt of this application...  Having heard that our squadron is recalled, I think it necessary to state to you Sir, never having been asked by Commo. Elliott to vindicate myself, that my antagonist Passd Midn Wood insulted me, not only by repeated aspersions on my bravery but, by refusing to mess with me on board the Schr. Shark, an insult which I felt bound for the honor of the button I wear to resent."  {Annotated to inform him the squadron has not been recalled, the leave is therefore not granted, and Commodore Elliott has been told to handle the matter.]


From Surgeon Thomas J. Boyd, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Apr 1836:


        Requests detachment and permission to return to the U.S. for his health.  [Annotated: return in POTOMAC.]


From Midshipman George T. Sinclair, Washington, DC, 25 Apr 1836:


        Reports his return to the US from CONSTITUTION; requests leave.  [Granted.]


Roll 106, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1836)


From Passed Midshipman J. W. Cooke, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 May 1836:


        Requests a 1 year leave to tour Europe.


Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1836)




Roll 107, Vol. 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1836)


From Passed Midshipman Montgomery Lewis, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Jul 1836:


        Requests leave of absence and permission to return home due to problems there.  [Granted.]


From Assistant Surgeon Victor L. Godon, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Jul 1836:


        Requests a 1 year leave of absence at the end of the ship's cruize to travel in Europe.  [No.]


Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1836)




Roll 108, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1836)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1836)




Roll 109, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 20, 1836)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, New York, NY, 18 Nov 1836:


        Reports his arrival in New York in the merchant schooner HERO of New Orleans, from Smyrna.

         "...I have been detained in Smyrna, since the 5th of January last, at which period Com. Elliott left with the squadron for Gibraltar.  At the time of Com. Elliott's departure no orders were issued on the event of my recovery, and until the 28th of August last I never heard a word from him.  It was through a letter from Mr. Offley, our Consul at Smyrna, dated Aug 28th (and which is enclosed marked No. 1.) that I received a message from Co. Elliott, saying, that if I were in a state to join my vessel, I could meet her at Malta, early in October.  Com. Elliott however does not give me an order to proceed to Malta but leaves it as you will perceive in a degree optional with myself.  The severe and protracted suffering which I have undergone has coincidentally impaired my health, and  rendered me heretofore incapable of joining with either the squadron or my country; and I hope Sir, that the following reasons will at once be sufficient to reinstate me in the estimation of yourself and my government for a step, which I have been induced to take, solely for the preservation of my leg and my life.


"1st     The three surgeons by whom I was attended, thought it imprudent to wander from place to place, the cavity in my leg being nearly an inch deep; and the new  bone formed, extremely tender.   They recommended for my recovery, the climate I was most accustomed to, and pronounced me unfit for duty for twelve months  hence.  In support of which allow me to refer you to the enclosed opinions of the surgeons of H.B.M. ships 'Tribune' and 'Favorite' as well as that of my constant      surgeon V. L. Morpargo of Smyrna, marked No. 2 & 3.


"2nd   There had been no opportunity for Malta for some months prior to the receipt of  Mr. Offley's communication, and was now at the time of my sailing 25 days after; nor was any expected shortly to occur, so that it would have been an impossibility for me to reach Malta, and ride out the quarantine of 21 days, by the           time mentioned in Mr. Offley's letter.  In support of which Sir, I refer you to the enclosed certificate from Mr. Offley marked No. 4.


"3rd   I did not possess the means of reaching Malta, even had a chance offered, Com. Elliott having left no 'Bill of Credit' for pay since the 31st of last March, from   which time I have been without one cent, in a foreign country, with a broken leg, and entirely destitute of friends and acquaintances, save those I made while there.   In support of this Sir, allow me to refer you to the enclosed certificate from Griffin Smith Esqr, merchant from Baltimore at Smyrna, marked No. 5.


        "Subsisting as I was on the generosity of a countryman ‑ daily incurred debts, which the unhappy state of my leg rendered necessary, and which I was unable to pay, and would have been unable to pay, until the arrival of the squadron next year, together with the certificates and opinions, enclosed, will I trust Sir, obliterate any blame that you might impute to me for leaving Smyrna.‑  For this passage to my country Sir, I am even indebted to the generosity of the Captain of the 'Hero.'  Previous to my leaving Smyrna, I wrote Com. Elliott my intentions.  Allow me therefore respectfully to solicit permission to enter the Naval Hospital at this place      until my leg is cured..."

        [Hospitalization ordered.  Enclosures not copied as they are as stated above.]


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1836)


From Passed Midshipman William T. Muse, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Dec 1836:


        Requests a 1 year leave to travel Europe, to begin 13 Mar 1837.  [No.]


Roll 110, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1837)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1837)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1837)




Roll 111, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1837)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, PA, 20 Apr 1837:


        Requests release from asylum to recuperative leave.  [Granted.]


From Assistant Surgeon D. C. McLeod, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Apr 1837:


        Reported to the ship on 28 Jan 1837 and so missed the previous examination for promotion.  Requests permission to return to the US in September or October so as to be present for the next examinations.  [Annotated: "Have him relieved in time..."]


Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1837)




Roll 112, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1837)


From Chaplain Thomas R. Lambert, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Jul 1837:


        Requests detachment from the ship when next it arrives at Port Mahon, and leave to travel in Europe "until next summer."  Commodore Elliott's endorsement is that he intends returning the Chaplain to UNITED STATES, from whence he came, so he can complete his required sea duty.  [Annotated that leave of absence will be granted at the end of the cruise.]


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jul 1837:


        "I feel that it is not only right, but my duty to represent to you the Conduct of Comme Elliott towards me on the Quarter Deck of this ship, in presence of most of the Officers and ship's company.

        "On the morning of the 23rd Inst, all hands were called to bring ship to an anchor, and I immediately repaired to my station on the Forecastle.  when [sic] hailed by the first Lieut. and ordered to stand by and haul up the Foresail I immediately answered, but before I had time to report that I was ready, the order was given to haul up   the Sail.  It not coming in as soon as the Comme wished, I was sent for by Captain Boerum and asked the reason why the men did not work faster, and why I did not answer the hail from the Quarter Deck.  I replied that I had answered all hails which I had heard, and that I was exerting myself to carry on the duty properly; The Captain appeared satisfied with the explanation, when Comme Elliott addressed me in a loud and angry manner.  'You have not attended to your duty Sir.'  'You do not attend to your duty Sir.'  When I replied I do always attend to my duty Sir, he said 'You do not Sir,' repeating the same words several times and I answering as aforesaid, he concluded by ordering me forward to my duty.

        "On the 24th Instant, immediately after the Comme had finished his dinner, he sent me an order to man his boat, which order was complied with.  when [sic] the Comme was about stepping over the side of the Ship, he turned around and asked for Mr. Darcantel, and I immediately sent a Midshipman for him.  He then asked who was Officer of the Deck, and on replying that I was, he looked fiercely at me and said in a very excited manner, 'I don't like your manner Sir.'  I replied I am not aware of anything improper in my manner Sir, when he repeated the same remark several times, and on my again replying, that I was not aware of any thing improper in my manner, he called out in a loud and angry tone of Voice 'I observed your conduct yesterday Sir,' ‑ 'You have mistaken your man Sir' ‑ "leave the Deck Sir' ‑ 'appoint another Officer in his place Sir.'

        "In making this communication I feel no ordinary sensation and relying on the Justness of my cause, I respectfully submit the case for your consideration, asking that protection to which my rank entitles me."  [Annotated: "File for further consideration."]


Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1837)




Roll 113, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1837)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1837)




Roll 114, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1837)




Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1837)


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, USS SHARK, 3 Nov 1837:


        "...And I again deem it incumbent upon me to lay before the Honble Secretary of the Navy, a statement of Comme Elliott's continued ill treatment towards me.

        "From the time of my being suspended from duty on the 25h of July, I was confined to the Ship by Comme Elliott's order, and denied all the privileges of the other Officers, and visited the Shore but four times, and that by the recommendation of the Surgeon, by confinement in a warm climate.  This lasted until the 26th of October; when (after three months confinement for no Offence, no misconduct, no violation of etiquette, or regulations of the service; and after by my communication Dated July 25th, I had referred my case to the Secretary of the Navy, and was informed that I was to remain suspended until his decision was known) I was ordered to report for duty on board the U. s. Schooner Shark, which is but a continuance of ill treatment ‑ Oppression, and unmerited punishment‑‑

        "If Commodore Elliott had sufficient grounds for my suspension, why am I restored to duty, without an investigation, after I have reported him to the Department?  and [sic] why have not any charges been advanced against me?  If the Comme found that he had no real charge to prefer against me, why am I still persecuted by being ordered from the vessel to which I was attached, and of which by my date of Commission I was Second Lieutenant, to a Schooner when even to be ordered in honor, is a punishment.

        "I respectfully remonstrated against what was evidently intended as a continued punishment, to which I merely received a verbal answer that it as not intended as such.

        "The verbal assertion so far from being sufficient to convince any one, amounts to an additional outrage, being but an insult to my understanding, when Comme E knew that there were many Officers in the Squadron who had they been ordered in my place, would not have had the reasons that I must have, to believe that my orders to this vessel were intended as a punishment, at the very moment that he was openly acknowledging the injustice of my suspension, by restoring me to duty.

        "Situated as I am, regarded by every Officer of the Squadron as suffering punishment by my orders to this Schooner, knowing that I have in no way violated the Regulations of the Navy, or given Comme Elliott any just cause for offence, still suffering under the recollections of insults offered while on duty on board the Constitution, which immediately led to my suspension.  I feel bound in duty to my Rank, and to my outraged feelings Respectfully to present this report to the Department, and urgently solicit again its protection.‑‑

        "I have addressed five several communications to Commodore Elliott, requesting to be informed as why I was suspended from duty, disclaiming all consciousness of  having deviated in any way from a correct course of conduct, requesting to be allowed the same privileges as other Officers &&; to none of which have I received any but verbal and unsatisfactory answers through Captain Boerum.

        "I beg leave respectfully to forward to the Department a Copy of all my communications to Comme Elliott in relation to this matter."


[Enclosures not copied as they contain nothing not in the foregoing letter.]


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, USS SHARK, to Senator James Buchanan, 13 Nov 1837:


        "I trust the liberty I take in addressing a communication to one with whom I am personally unacquainted, may be lost sight of in consideration, that I address a representative of my voting state...

        "I was persecuted, insulted, and abused by Comme Elliott, so much so, that I found it necessary to make an official report of the same to the Navy Department, which had but the effect of drawing down upon me repeated and continued ill treatment, which I have again represented to the Honorable Secretary of the Navy.

        "A regulation of the Department requires us to forward all communications through the Comme of the Squadron, in accordance with which mine has been placed in Commo Elliott's hand to be forwarded.  We have an instance in the Squadron of Comme Elliott's acting upon such a document before reaching the hands of the Secretary of the Navy to whom they were addressed ‑ a document over which he had no just right, as it was merely placed in his hands, by regulation of the Depart. to be forwarded and to plainly, (for only in a plain manner can I express my sentiments) I have not that confidence in Comme Elliott, to trust to his fulfilment [sic] of his duty in this respect.

        "I herewith forward to you a copy of my communications and respectfully request that, if your feelings will allow you to act in the case, you will call the notice of the Department to them, and request the Secretary of the Navy to have me removed from Comme Elliott's command."  [Annotated to authorize leave.]


Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1837)


From Passed Midshipman Montgomery Lewis, Port Mahon, Minorca, 4 Dec 1837:


        Reports having detached "from the Mediterranean Squadron;" request 6 months' leave to visit Paris.


Roll 115, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1838)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1838)




Vol 3 (March 1‑ 31, 1838)




Roll 116, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1838)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1838)




Vol 3 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1838)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, USS EXPERIMENT, 25 Jun 1838:


        Understanding that CONSTITUTION is now returning, prefers charges against Commodore Jesse Duncan Elliott for cruelty, oppression, inhumanity, persecution, and conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.  Reports all witnesses either are in the US, or will be when CONSTITUTION and SHARK return.  Places himself under the protection of the Department.


Roll 117, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1838)


From Assistant Surgeon D. C. McLeod, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Jul 1838:


        States he reported aboard CONSTITUTION at Tangier on 28 Jan 1837, ending a protracted leave studying in Paris.  Is concerned about taking promotion examinations.


Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1838)


From Passed Midshipman James L. Heap, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Aug 1838:


        Reports his return to the US in this ship.


From Lieutenants C. H. McBlair, P. Drayton, Henry A. Steele, and Henry Darcantel, and Midshipman W. T. Muse, Norfolk, VA, postmarked 22 Aug 1838:


        "We the undersigned officers recently attached to the U. S. S. Constitution beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the Department to the following outline of circumstances involving insubordination of the gravest character which recently occurred on board of that ship.

        "Whilst in Hampton Roads, some of the crew who had been employed transporting horses and Jack asses on shore for the Commodore returned very much intoxicated & They at once became riotous and disorderly; no effectual measure being adopted to secure the person of the offenders and to quell the disturbances, the difficulties in a short time became more violent and so general as to embrace a large portion of the crew.  The  gun deck became as in personal contest [sic], and all order and discipline seemed abandoned, giving place to the wildest noise, uproar and confusion.  Some of the men at length attacked the Master at arms, the nature of whose duties is calculated to excite dislike; though rescued by some of the officers, it was not before he had been most severely beaten: after some difficulty two of the assailants were secured and put in irons on the verge of the Quarter Deck under charge of a sentry ‑ but they were the whole time using the most violent and mutinous language.  Shortly afterward all hands were called to stand by their hammocks, when a more dangerous crisis appeared approaching; a large body of men rushed aft, bore off and liberated the prisoners although both the Commodore and Captain were at the time, on deck and within a short distance, and the  request of the former that they should be returned was treated with the utmost contempt.

        "A negro who had in some way rendered himself obnoxious to the crew was next the object of a vigorous pursuit and as loud menaces were made against his life, and preparations actually made for hanging him, nothing but the utmost watchfulness saved his life.

        "During the continuance of these disturbances which lasted until a late hour of the night, the highest state of excitement prevailed attended with the most outrageous language, loud threats and denounciations were directed against certain officers, and at one period in the presence of the Commodore many heaped the most violent reproaches and execrations on the first Lieutenant and even talked it was said of using personal violence.  One of the crew who seemed to possess much influence walked up and said that he now commanded the ship, and the first Lieutenant actually considered his life in danger.

        "Such Sir are the leading circumstances of a sedition that rarely occurs in a well organized Navy and is we hope entirely novel and unprecedented in ours.

        "We submit them to the Department in the most respectful spirit, and with the most upright intentions confining ourselves simply to a concise and faithful narrative of facts, without venturing to pass on them any judgement, to offer any comment, to propose any remedy, or to form any conjecture as to the causes which produced them.

        "We are induced to address the head of the Navy Department on this subject by honest, direct and sincere motives of duty.  We are animated by a high sense of what we owe to the service to which we have the honor to belong; we are moved by a lively regard for our own characters, which must necessarily be affected in some degree by the events which transpired on board of the ship in which we are serving.

        "Such at once are the reasons which govern us and such is the apology we offer for communicating this affair to the department."  [Annotated: "Copy sent to Com Elliot & explanation asked."]


From Lieutenant Henry A. Steele, Wilmington, DE, 22 Aug 1838:


        Reports himself on leave, having been detached from CONSTITUTION on 17 Aug.


From Captain Daniel T. Patterson, Washington Navy Yard, 27 Aug 1838:


        Forwards request of Purser G. C. Cooper for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman R. Forrest, Washington Navy Yard, 25 Aug 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Boatswain John C. Miller, New York Navy Yard, 29 Aug 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Assistant Surgeon J. R. Addison, Washington, DC, 29 Aug 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 118, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1838)


From Passed Midshipman Lafayette Maynard, Richmond, VA, 3 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant S. F. DuPont, Wilmington, DE, 4 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to either OHIO or CONSTITUTION (as her First Lieutenant).  [Not the latter.]


From Assistant Surgeon B. Houston Magill, Philadelphia, PA, 7 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman M. Carrington Watkins, USS MACEDONIAN, 8 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not until 1853.]


From Passed Midshipman Lloyd J. Bryon, USS MACEDONIAN, 12 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Lieutenant John C. Sharpe, Norfolk, VA, 15 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Sailmaker A. B. Pees, Norfolk, VA, 16 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman John B. Marchand, Philadelphia, PA, 17 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders as Master in CONSTITUTION.  [Not until 1843; then as Lieutenant.]


From Midshipman John P. Bautche, Fredericksburg, VA, 17 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Assistant Surgeon Edward H. Van Wyck, Philadelphia, PA, 18 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Commandant Cadwallader Ringgold, USS ?, 19 Sep 1838:


        "...At the period of the return of the John Adams to the U. States from her late cruise to the Mediterranean, I was directed to reenter for the Constitution any of her crew that chose to volunteer, with the priviledge [sic] of a week on shore and a doubloon each.  I accordingly reentered a portion of the crew of the John Adams with the understanding that they were to be discharged at the close of the cruise of the Constitution."


From the Secretary of the Navy Dickinson to Purser Henry Etting, 8 Oct 1836 (enclosure to Etting's letter to Secretary of the Navy Paulding, 20 Sep 1838):


        "I do not consider your short term of service as purser of the Frigate Constitution as interfering with your claims for service on board of any other vessel whatever.  In asking to be relieved from duty in the Constitution I did not consider you in fault."


From Lieutenant William D. Newman, New York Navy Yard, 25 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman W. M. Caldwell, Hudson, NY, 28 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Acting Carpenter Henry Little, Gosport Navy Yard, 28 Sep 1838:


        Is it true that I am to be ordered to CONSTITUTION?  [No.]


From Midshipman J. D. Usher, USS MACEDONIAN, 29 Sep 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1838)


From Lieutenant R. R. Pinkham, Nantucket, MA, 1 Oct 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman James F. Armstrong, Woodbury, NJ, 3 Oct 1838:


        Requests orders to OHIO, CONSTITUTION, or ST LOUIS.  [Not CONSTITUTION.]


From Carpenter Henry P. Leslie, Gosport Navy Yard, 4 Oct 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant T. D. Shaw, Philadelphia, PA, 8 Oct 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant G. F. Pearson, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 12 Oct 1838:


        "I have just received your letter of the 8th instant, relating that the Department has learned that a sword was presented to me while in command of the U. S. Schooner Shark, in the Mediterranean.

        "While in command of the Shark I was not presented with a sword of any description, but when first lieutenant of the U. S. Ship Constitution, under the command of Commodore Elliott, I received, through him, a Turkish sabre, which he informed me had been presented by Mahemet Ali, while at Alexandria in Egypt, and which he had received together with one for himself, through the American Consul of that place.

        "Commodore Elliott also informed me that he had received these sabres subjected to the orders of the Navy Department.

        "The sabre which I received is a plain one, of little value, and is still in my possession ready for any disposition the Department may require."  [Annotated that the lieutenant is to be provided with a copy of the regulation prohibiting the acceptance of such gifts.]


From Purser Nathaniel Wilson, Boston, MA, 27 Oct 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, Philadelphia, PA, 31 Oct 1838:


        Apprises the new Secretary of the Navy of his existing complaint against Commodore Elliott, wishing the subject be addressed.  [Annotation indicates the Secretary already had accepted the Commodore's explanations.]


Roll 119, Vol 1 (November 1‑ 30, 1838)


From Sailmaker A. B. Pees, Norfolk, VA, 1 Nov 1838:


        Reiterates his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Edward H. Burnet, Boston Navy Yard, 5 Nov 1838;


        Requests orders to OHIO or CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant E. L. Handy, Baltimore, MD, 5 Nov 1838:


        Awaiting orders to CONSTITUTION he was told to expect.  [No.]


From Assistant Surgeon Samuel Jackson, Jr., Philadelphia, PA, 5 Nov 1838:


        Renews his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant Joseph Lanman, Washington, DC, 12 Nov 1838:


        Says he went to the Mediterranean Sea at his own expense, and in Oct 1837 reported to Commodore Elliott, and subsequently served in both CONSTITUTION and UNITED STATES.  Again requests orders to CONSTITUTION (apparently thinking she will return to that sea).  [No.]


From Midshipman A. C. Rhind, New York, NY, 12 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant John Kells, Philadelphia, PA, 13 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders as 1st Lieutenant of CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Acting Midshipman Charles W. Hayes, USS CONCORD, 15 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to OHIO or CONSTITUTION.  [Not to CONSTITUTION.]


From Lieutenant T. D. Shaw, Philadelphia, PA, 16 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From P. G. Clark, Cheshire, CT, 17 Nov 1838:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Not in Register.]


From Midshipman John S. Maury, Boston Navy Yard, 19 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes, in 1839.]


From Midshipman Silas Bent, New York, NY, 20 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant J. H. Little, Baltimore, MD, 20 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Lardner Gibbon, Holmesburg, PA, 23 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman H. H. Harrison, Carysbrooke, ?, 23 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Assistant Surgeon George Maulsby, Philadelphia, PA, 24 Nov 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, 24 Nov 1838:


        "On the eve of the expected arrival of the frigate Constitution from the Mediterranean, I addressed a letter to the Honble the Secty of the Navy, (your predecessor) preferring a complaint in the manner pointed out by Law, against Commd Jesse D. Elliott for certain inhuman, unofficerlike and illegal conduct to me ‑ (jeopardizing my life and, at least, hazarding the loss of a hurt limb‑)  Being under his command and control, at the time, I was necessarily, from my condition the passive victim of such treatment.‑‑  The result of this course on the part of the said Commd Jesse D. Elliott was, intense agony at the time, and much and long suffering after ‑‑ as well as being left in a foreign country for nine months wholly without pay or subsistence, or the means of paying for medical and surgical attendance; and completely dependent on the succor, support and sympathy of utter Strangers.  Without the good fortune of having met with an American family who, (in all honor to all feelings and conduct honorable to human nature) for this long period extended to me, untiring and without abatement, this succor, support and sympathy, and furnished me the means of returning to my country ‑‑ what my condition would have been is easily imagined.‑‑

        "The complaint to which I have just alluded, was made to the Department, with the settled aim and object of obtaining such redress as a Court Martial should give me; by awarding due and legal punishment for the offence complained of.‑‑ Though of humble rank in the service, I felt, and still feel, a well grounded confidence ‑ that on  this account I would not be debarred from my rights and immunities as an officer and an American Citizen: Rights and immunities dear to freemen in themselves, and guaranteed to even the youngest and most humble officer in the Navy, as well as to those above him in grade and importance, by the Acts of Congress for the government of the Navy, and by the usages and immemorial customs of our Naval service.  Since the return of the frigate Constitution I have to add my former complaint of injuries received from Commd Jesse D. Elliott (now reiterated to you as successor to the Honble the Secty of the Navy to whom they were made) an additional one, for support of which I desire to cite Lieut Oscar Bullus as witness, viz, that the said Commd Jesse D. Elliott, did falsely represent to said Lieut Bullus, the occurrence of the affair in question, giving him a perverted and garbled statement of the incidents which could not be denied: and did declare falsehoods, knowing them to be such, to Lieut Bullus concerning myself and his (Commd Jesse D. Elliott's) own conduct ‑‑ and did perpetrate Lieut Bullus,  either by express request, or by a comic tantamount to this, to publish in the 'Times' daily paper of New York, of July 26th 1836, an entirely false statement of the affair and of my own conduct ‑ highly injurious to my Character and honor; and also to give his (Lieut Bullus') name to the editor of said paper as authority; and that in consequence of such authority further injurious editorial remarks concerning me were made in the same daily paper of August 20th 1836, all of which Lieut. Bullus did by dates August 23rd and September 10th 1838 acknowledge to be erroneous.‑‑  I therefore charge Commd Jesse D. Elliott in addition to my complaint lodged with the Department on the 25th day of June 1838, with the following specification bearing on the charge of 'conduct unbecoming and officer and a gentlemen' viz, that he did by false representations made (knowing them to be so) to an officer under his command in his ship, on his pledge of honor to their truth implied or declared, cause or induce Lieut Bullus to publish with his name given as authority injurious statements, implicating my honor and standing in the daily paper of New York the 'Times' of July 26th and August 20th 1836, severally.‑‑

        "I beg leave therefore to seize this time most respectfully and earnestly to solicit for the several communications heretofore and now made to the Navy Department your present attention. As guardian of the rights and immunities of officers of the Navy, and as the legitimate channel through which to seek redress for my grievances, I now address you, and in the fullest confidence express the hope, that you will see cause to order a Court Martial to investigate and decide upon them.‑

        "I further respectfully ask that you will from the several communications made to the Department on this subject, cause to be drawn up in legal manner, such charges and specifications as those several statements set forth ‑ to the end that, I may not be deprived of redress by reason of any informality which inadvertance or unacquaintance with the required legal mode, might beget.  By the arrival of the frigate United States all the witnesses necessary to establish my complaint are now returned.  I shall therefore be much obliged if you will inform me in what way I am to proceed in bringing their names before you."


"P. S.  Annexed I transmit copies of a correspondence with Lieut Bullus, and the publications alluded to as well as the papers themselves, also an extract of a letter from Passd Midn Stellwagen.  CCB"


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1838)


From Midshipman John H. Madison, Washington, DC, 3 Dec 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From R. B. Banister, Portsmouth, ?, 5 Dec 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or MACEDONIAN.  [Not in Register.]


From Purser McKean Buchanan, Philadelphia, PA, 6 Dec 1838:


        Understands CONSTITUTION is now destined for the Pacific and that Captain William Bolton is to command her.  Requests orders to the ship.  [Yes.]


From Midshipman Edward A. Barnet, Easton, PA, 8 Dec 1838:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or ST LOUIS.  [No.]


From Lieutenant S. Barron, Norfolk, VA, 13 Dec 1838:


        "...I have recently returned from sea as the 1st Lieutenant of the Frigate Constitution..."


Roll 120, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1839)


From Purser G. C. Cooper, Washington, DC, 8 Jan 1839:


        Has learned from Commodore Alexander B. Claxton [sic] that Purser Henry Etting, who has been ordered to CONSTITUTION, may not be able to return from Pensacola in time; requests orders in his stead.  [No.]


From Gunner Daniel Kelley, Gosport, VA, 9 Jan 1839:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Assistant Surgeon Charles D. Maxwell, Philadelphia, PA, 14 Jan 1839:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Purser McKean Buchanan, Philadelphia, PA, 21 Jan 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman John H. M. Madison, Norfolk, VA, 22 Jan 1839:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION instead of BRANDYWINE.  [Yes.]


From Sailmaker A. B. Pees, Gosport Navy Yard, 24 Jan 1839:


        Reports aboard CONSTITUTION.  [Not in Register.]


From Assistant Surgeon Charles D. Maxwell, Marietta, PA, 24 Jan 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Boatswain Robert Whittaker, New York, NY, 25 Jan 1839:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman George M. McCreery, Norfolk, VA, 26 Jan 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Surgeon Mordecai Morgan, Philadelphia, PA, 26 Jan 1839:


    Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Withdrawn 28 Jan.]


From Surgeon Thomas Dillard, Philadelphia, PA, 28 Jan 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Assistant Surgeon Samuel Jackson, Philadelphia, PA, 29 Jan 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1839)


From Lieutenant W. H. Kennon, Norwood, MA?, 2 Feb 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Hambleton F. Porter, USS COLUMBUS, 7 Feb 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Francis S. Haggerty, Philadelphia, PA, 7 Feb 1839:


        Requests revocation of his orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Lardner Gibbon, Holmesburg, ?, 16 Feb 1839:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


 From Captain Daniel Turner to Purser Banjamin J. Cahoone, 17 Jan 1839, and enclosure in Cahoone's letter to SecNav, 19 Feb 1839:


        "...I know that Commodore Claxton is determned to leave the selection of such as officer [as Purser] entirely at the decision of the Dept. deeming it improper to make suggestion, or to interfere in behalf of any one..."


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, Philadelphia, PA, 25 Feb 1839:


        Notes that among documents sent to Congress concerning his complaint, a number of those he forwarded to the Secretary in the past were not included.  Asks if those documents can now be found in the departmental files.  [Annotated: "The papers are on file."]


Roll 121 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1839)


From Lieutenant R. A. Jones, Baltimore, MD, 6 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Sailing Master James Ferguson, Naval Asylum, 7 Mar 1839:


        Has filed a claim for pilotage fees for having guided CONSTITUTION "up and down the English Channel" in 1835.  Commodore Elliott had "declined the services of regular pilots."  Says he is motivated to this action by the fact that the pay bill concerning Sailing Masters never was taken up by the Congress.  [Not accepted.]


From Lieutenant G .W. Hollins, Washington, DC, 8 Mar 1839:


        Has heard that Lieutenant [Franklin] Buchanan has received orders to CONSTITUTION.  Requests orders to succeed him in command of the receiving vessel at Baltimore.


From Gunner G. Newman, Gosport Navy Yard, 15 Mar 1839:


        Says he has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, 18 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of notice that a court of inquiry will be called in Commodore Elliott's case.  Says he published his version of events only after Commodore Elliott had done so, and after he had given up hope of a positive response from the Department.  Lists as witness on his side Lieutenant Egbert, Passed Midshipmen James W.  Cook, Charles Steedman, Francis Haggerty, Midshipman Charles E. Fleming, Charles Wager, "&c."


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, Philadelphia, PA, 26 Mar 1839:


        Forwards two more documents for the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant W. Smith, St. Louis, MO, 26 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Assistant Surgeon V. L. Godon, Philadelphia, PA, 27 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Passed Midshipman William S. Ringgold, Philadelphia, PA, 27 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant Henry Pinkney, Baltimore, MD, 27 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Midshipman Henry N. T. Arnold, Perth Amboy, NJ, 27 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Frank Ellery, New York, NY, 28 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Assistant Surgeon D. C. McLeod, Portsmouth Naval Hospital (VA), 28 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant C. G. Hunter, Bordentown, NJ, 28 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant Henry A. Steele, Wilmington, DE, 28 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Surgeon George Clymer, Jr., Morrisville, PA, 28 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Sailing Master Samuel C. Hixon, Boston Navy Yard, 29 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Purser D. M. Thornton, West Park, NJ?, 29 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant Oscar Bullus, New York, NY, 30 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders "only received this day."


From Surgeon Solomon Sharp, Wilmington, DE, 30 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant J. Crowninshield, Boston Navy Yard, 30 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant John B. Montgomery, USS COLUMBUS, 31 Mar 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Purser John N. Hambleton, St. Michael's, MD, 1 Apr 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to be a witness in the Elliott case.


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, Philadelphia, PA, 3 Apr 1839:


        Repeats his assertion that he published only because "Captain" Elliott already had published scurrilous remarks about him.  "I will not be an officer in the Navy of doubtful claims to officer like conduct."  Important  witnesses: Commander Boerum, Purser Jno Hambleton, D. Fauntleroy, Surgeons Bailey Washington, Daniel Egbert, Asst Surgeons Robt Woodworth, V. L. Godon, Lieuts G. F. Pearson, Zachs Johnson, Oscar Bullus, Benj J. Totten, Ebenezer Ridgway, John Colhoun, James Watson, Bushrod W. Hunter, Passed Midn James W. Cook, Wm T. Muse, Wm S. Ringgold, Fras Haggerty, Midn Charles E. Fleming and Charles Wager, and Lieut Jabez Rich of the Marines.


From Lieutenant Henry A. Steele, Wilmington, DE, 4 Apr 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant P. Drayton, Philadelphia, PA, 13 Apr 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Assistant Surgeon Robert Woodworth, USS HUDSON, 15 Apr 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott Case.


From Lieutenant G. F. Pearson, Portsmouth Navy Yard (NH), 15 Apr 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report on 22 Apr as a witness in the Elliott case.


From Lieutenant C. G. Hunter, Philadelphia, PA, 24 Apr 1839:


        Requests the following officers be ordered to the Elliott court of inquiry: Lieutenants Andrew A. Harwood and W. J. A. Robinson; Passed Midshipmen D. F. Dulany and W. C. Craney; and Midshipman Hubley Jenkins.


From Lieutenant C. G. Hunter, Philadelphia, PA, 25 Apr 1839:


        Requests additional witnesses: Lieutenant George Hurst and Passed Midshipman J. Humphreys.  Also requests that Messrs Lewis Cass, Jr., and Henry Ledyard be requested to appear.


From Lieutenant John Colhoun, Philadelphia, PA, 25 Apr 1839:


        Also requests that Lieutenant Andrew Harwood be ordered to the court of inquiry as he was First Lieutenant of CONSTITUTION at the time.


From Lieutenant Franklin Buchanan, Baltimore, MD, 29 Apr 1839:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to be flag lieutenant in CONSTITUTION.


Roll 122 (May 1 ‑ June 29, 1839)


From Passed Midshipman Charles Crillon Barton, Philadelphia, PA, 7 May 1839:


        Requests that his letter of 24 Nov 1838 and its enclosed documents be made available to the court, together with two other letters written by Dr. Egbert on the subject, since he will not be in attendance.


From Purser McKean Buchanan, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 May 1839:


        Ship at New York.


From Purser John N. Hambleton, St. Michael's, MD, 28 May 1839:


        Forwards the original subscription list for the plate presented Commodore Elliott by the crew.  [List not included.]


Roll 123, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1839)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1839)




Roll 124, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1839)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1839)




Roll 125, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1839)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1839)




Roll 126, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1840)


From Purser McKean Buchanan, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jan 1840:


        In view of Commodore Claxton's letter about the sale, seizure and condemnation of silk handkerchiefs, believes he should provide an explanation.

        "The hdkfs in question were issued by my Steward, without my knowledge or approbation,when, on 15th Dec, I was apprised of the issue, I ordered that it should not be repeated, as I never intended that it should be made."  No regulations of the service or of the ship were violated by the Steward's action.  The Commodore purports that "I am a Smuggler, and have caused the Government of Peru to be defrauded of its revenue."  That is untrue.  "But Sir is it not a notorious fact that the Government of Peru is every year defrauded of thousands of dollars of its lawful revenue by the Commanders of our National vessels, who for a percentage allow plata pina [sic] and money to be smuggled off to their Ships at night, oftentimes in their own boats?  Did not one of the Captains in this Squadron confess to Commodore Claxton that he had smuggled money to his Ship?  Has he been punished?  no [sic] Sir."  "...I had served in four Squadrons on this Coast" and "I issued articles 'without requisitions, and...the priviledge [sic] was allowed to the other Pursers in the Squadron, so i was informed."  "...I cannot but express my surprise that Commre Claxton, never 'before heard of articles being issued to a crew, even, when out of debt, without the indispensable formality of a requisition'."

        Commodore Claxton has caused much pain by his letter of the 5th.  Captain Turner's thorough investigation cleared Buchanan, noting that is accounts were all in order.  Had Commodore Claxton announced his policy at the outset of the cruise, this wouldn't have happened.

        Includes letters from the following officers of the ship attesting to his performance of duties: Lieutenants E. W. Carpender, Franklin Buchanan, William H. Kennon, John Graham, William Smith; Surgeon Thomas Dillard; Lieutenant J. C. Rich, USMC; Acting Master James E. Brown; Assistant Surgeons C. Maxwell and Samuel Jackson; Passed Midshipmen L.C. Sartori, M. Hunt, F. S. Haggerty, T. M. Brasher; Midshipmen R. T. Renshaw, George Cooper, John H. Madison, Charles W. Hayes, and H. H. Harrison, as well as those in ST LOUIS.


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1840)


From Purser McKean Buchanan, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Feb 1840:


        Forwards his letter of the 7th, which previously had been passed to Commodore Claxton for forwarding.  That officers had returned the correspondence with the note "Let the whole go."  Nonetheless, wishes it a matter of record.  "I beg leave to refer you to my brother [Flag] Lieut. F. Buchanan for many particulars of the unpleasant occurrences which have taken place in this Ship and in the Squadron."  [Annotated to "return all."]


From Purser McKean Buchanan, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Feb 1840:


        With this cover letter, Buchanan forwards 16 letters that passed among himself, Captain Daniel Turner, and Commodore Alexander Claxton on the subject of the issuance of slops and private stores.  Although the regulations of the service gave precedence to the issuance of slops of government purchase over the private stores of a purser, in practice pursers generally were allowed to offer their usually finer quality, and more expensive, private stores first.  It seems it was assumed the Commodore would follow this practice when he failed to react to Buchanan's purchases prior to sailing, but once on station he suddenly became a holy terror about following regulations both in these sales and in the matter of the transportation of specie in ships of the squadron.  This series of letters is the argument over his position and the determination of who is to bear the liability for losses incurred through the sale of the private stores, normally allowed a 25% profit, as slops, at 10%, as dictated by Claxton.  Too, he demanded, and received from Buchanan, the name of one of his captains {McKeever in FALMOUTH} who had admitted to excessive trafficking in specie to the purser.  [That there had been gross abuses in these areas in the Pacific Squadron is certain, but brought the business out in the open and resulted in official steps being taken to curb them.  The present situation was exacerbated by the Commodore's inconsistent revelation of his views on the one hand, and the fact that this was Buchanan's fourth tour in the squadron on the other.]


Roll 127, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1840)


From Passed Midshipman H. Gansevoort, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Mar 1839:


        Requested permission to return to the US.  Originally a member of the Exploring Expedition, poor health had led him to ask to go home.  He was exchanged with an officer then in FALMOUTH, as that ship was expected to return "soon."  When CONSTITUTION arrived, Commodore Claxton negated the arrangement by ordering him to the frigate.  Requests the Secretary's intercession.


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1840)


From Midshipman Frederick J. Sperry, USS CONSTITUTION, 9  Apr 1840:


        Because his letters were reaching home irregularly, thought sending them via the Secretary might improve delivery.


From Midshipman W. C. Bolton, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Apr 1840:


        Admit to having incurred debts during previous service in the Mediterranean and intend liquidating them.


Roll 128, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1840)


From Lieutenant B. W. Hunter, Tower Hill, VA, 10 May 1840:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to court martial of Commodore Jesse Duncan Elliott.


Vol 2 (June 1‑ 30, 1840)




Roll 129, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1840)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1840)




Roll 130 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1840)




Roll 131, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 15, 1840)




Vol 2 (October 16 ‑ 31, 1840)




Roll 132, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1840)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1840)


From Lieutenant Franklin Buchanan, Washington, DC, 9 Jan 1841:


        "The regulations of the service require that, previously to issuing slops &c to the men on board our public vessels, the Purser shall obtain the authority, either written or verbal, of the commander of the vessel for so doing.

        "The fact, being admitted, that the Purser's Steward did serve out certain silk handkerchiefs to a portion of the crew of the frigate Constitution without a previous requisition or the order or approval of the Commodore, or the Commander of the ship, thereby violating the regulations of the service which prescribe the kind and quantity of the articles which may be furnished to the men and which require such requisition or order or approval of the Commander of the ship;‑ that the Steward was selected by Purser Buchanan himself and was subject to such rules for his government as he might think proper to prescribe, and that even after the improper and unauthorized act of the Steward in issuing the silk handkerchiefs, Purser Buchanan expressed to Commo Claxton his perfect confidence in his Steward and his desire that, notwithstanding the order of Commo Claxton, he should still be permitted to entrust the keys of the Storeroom to  him, renders, in the opinion of the Department, Purser Buchanan justly responsible for the act of his Steward in the instance referred to, and it therefore declines making the alteration in the general order of the 20th of March 1840, as suggested by you."


Roll 133, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1841)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1841)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1841)




Roll 134, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1841)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1841)




Roll 135 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1841)




Roll 136  (July 1 ‑31, 1841)




 Roll 137 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1841)




Roll 138 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1841)




Roll 139 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1841)


From Midshipman Thomas Loundes Kinloch, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Oct 1841:


        Requests orders to the Naval School at the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman Silas Bent, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Oct 1841:


        Requests orders to the Naval School at the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman Charles R. Smith, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 Oct 1841:


        Requests orders to the Naval School at the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia.  [Granted.]


Roll 140  (November 1 ‑ 30, 1841)


From Acting Midshipman Y. Philipse Wheelock, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Nov 1841:


        On passage from USS MARION on the Brazil Station, wishes to withdraw his resignation.  [Annotated that it has not yet reached the Department.]


From Lieutenant T. D. Shaw, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Nov 1841:


        Requests duty at either Philadelphia or Baltimore.


From Lieutenant W. Smith, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Nov 1841:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave of absence.


From Sailmaker A. B. Pees, Portsmouth, VA, 17 Nov 1841:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave of absence.


From Midshipman Jacob F. Sperry, Washington, DC, 21 Nov 1841:


        Requests permission to withdraw his resignation.  [No, because of charges brought against him for lying and stealing in CONSTITUTION.]


Roll 141 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1841)




Roll 142, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1842)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1842)




Roll 143, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1842)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1842)


From Purser John N. Hambleton, St. Michael's, MD, 2 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  Encloses a letter from Captain E. R. Shubrick stating he has preparatory orders to command her, and would like to have Hambleton as his purser.


From Lieutenant R. B. Pegram, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 4 Apr 1842:


        Requests detachment from PENNSYLVANIA, a month's leave, and orders to COLUMBUS, CONGRESS, or CONSTITUTION.  [Done, with orders to the last.]


From Acting Midshipman Nathaniel T. West, USS GRAMPUS, 4 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Midshipman Hunter Davidson, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 6 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Midshipman Archibald H. Waring, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 13 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Acting Midshipman William W. Wilkinson, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 17 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Already done.]


 From Acting Midshipman Stanwix Gansevoort, USS NORTH CAROLINA, 18 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Acting MIdshipman Gideon D. Chenoweth, USS NORTH CAROLINA, 18 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Changed his request to COLUMBUS on 22 Apr; it was honored.]


From Lieutenant Bushrod W. Hunter, Littleton, VA, 18 Apr 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Purser John A. Bates, Portsmouth, NH, 22 Apr 1842:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 18 Apr.


Roll 144, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1842)


From Surgeon George Blacknall, Norfolk, VA, 2 May 1842:


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION this date.


From Acting Midshipman Stanwix Gansevoort to SecNav, 2 May 1842:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Bushrod W. Hunter, Littleton, VA, 2 May 1842:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Benjamin B. Wright, USS ONTARIO, 6 May 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION, which, he understands, will go to the Mediterranean.  [No.]


From Purser John A. Bates, Norfolk Navy Yard, 7 May 1842:


        Requests leave of absence to remain with his family until needed in the ship.  [Allowed 15 days.]


From Lieutenant George Mason Hooe, USS COLUMBIA, 12 May 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Purser D. M. Thornton, USS COLUMBIA, 20 May 1842:


        If Captain Parker is transferred to CONSTITUTION, would like to go with him.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Charles Thomas, USS COLUMBIA, 21 My 1842:


        If Captain Parker is transferred to CONSTITUTION, would like to go with him.  [Done.]


From Pursers John A. Bates and D. M. Thornton, 23 May 1842:


        Request permission to exchange duty assignments: Bates to COLUMBIA and Thornton to CONSTITUTION.  [Done; Bates never reported to the latter.]


 Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1842)


From Lieutenant Charles Thomas, USS COLUMBIA, 6 Jun 1842:


        Reports that Lieutenant Cutting in CONSTITUTION is willing to exchange.  [Approved; at his own expense.]


From Acting Midshipman Wingate Pillsbury, USS COLUMBIA, 7 Jun 1842:


        Wishes to exchange with Midshipman George Harrison Hall in CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Acting MIdshipman A. T. Byrens, USS WARREN, 13 Jun 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Acting Midshipman George W. Young, USS LEVANT, 18 Jun 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Charles Thomas, Baltimore, MD, 20 Jun 1842:


        Acknowledges orders to CONSTITUTION at his own expense.


From Midshipman John F. Maury, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 24 Jun 1842:


        Reports having received orders to CONSTITUTION while attached to USS MISSISSIPPI.  Purser Bryan of that ship passed his pay record to Purser Bates, who had been transferred from CONSTITUTION to COLUMBIA by the time he reported.  Requests a new pay record.


From Acting Midshipman D. Clinton Hugunin, USS LEVANT, 24 Jun 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Passed Midshipman Thomas M. Crossan, Pittsburg, PA, 27 Jun 1842:


        Requests orders as Sailing Master of CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


Roll 145 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1842)


From Midshipman John H. Madison, Norfolk, VA, 2 Jul 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman John S. Neville, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Jul 1842:


        Is willing to permit Midshipman Crossan to succeed him if he can have orders to the rendezvous at New York, otherwise he would prefer to remain in the ship.  [Received desired orders.]


From Midshipman Edward Barrett, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, [VA?], 3 Jul 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Acting Midshipman George W. Young, USS CONSTITUTION, 5 Jul 1842:


        Has reported for duty.


From Acting Midshipman W. Withers Wilkinson, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 22 Jul 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or COLUMBUS.  [The latter.]


From Midshipman D. Clinton Hugunin, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Jul 1842:


        Requests orders to COLUMBUS.


From Acting Midshipman William H. Weaver, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, VA, 28 Jul 1842:


        Requests orders from CONSTITUTION to USS MARION.


From Acting Midshipman James Heron, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, VA, 29 Jul 1842:


        Wishes to remain attached to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


Roll 146  (August 1 ‑ 31, 1842)


From Professor of Mathematics Joseph T. Huston, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Aug 1842:


        Requests 1 month's leave.  [Done.]


From Sailmaker William Bennett, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Aug 1842:


        Requests detachment due to "family affliction."  Reports Sailmaker George Parker is willing to replace him.  [Detached 31 Aug; Parker ordered in.]


From Lieutenant Charles W. Chauncey, USS CONSTITUTION, to Captain E. Pendleton Kennedy, Port Captain, Norfolk, VA, 27 Aug 1842:


        Reports that Lieutenant George M. Hooe has never reported.  All other lieutenants "joined her early in May."  Considers another lieutenant necessary.


Roll 147 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1842)


From Passed Midshipman James W. Ripley, USS OHIO, 2 Sep 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Sailmaker George Parker, Portsmouth, VA, 5 Sep 1842:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant George Mason Hooe, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Sep 1842:


        Has been told by Lieutenant Charles Chauncey, the 1st Lieutenant, of that officer's request for orders to the East Indies Squadron.  Wishes to be detailed as Chauncey's successor in CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant George Mason Hooe, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Sep 1842 [2nd ltr]:


        Explains his delay in reporting was to due the severe illness of his child.


From Lieutenant Charles W. Chauncey, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Sep 1842:


        Requests orders to "the first frigate ordered to the East Indies" or command of one of the apprentice training ships.  Is happy in CONSTITUTION, but wishes duty in an area he has never been or of a type in which he takes "a great interest" (apprentice training).  ["Noted."]


From Lieutenant Charles W. Chauncey, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Sep 1842:


        With regard to Landsman Thomas Tanner, he was received from USS PENNSYLVANIA "last June" and is still $14 in debt.  (Tanner wants a discharge.)


From Lieutenant Charles Thomas, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Sep 1842:


        Requests 1 month's leave of absence.  [No.]


Roll 148, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1842)


From A. O. Dayton, USS NORTH CAROLINA, 22 Sep 1842:


        Notes he served in CONSTITUTION during her "late cruize" in the Pacific Squadron as Professor of Mathematics, but under an irregular appointment.  Wishes to receive the pay due the position.  [Dayton not in Register; claim disallowed.]


From Lieutenant George Mason Hooe, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Oct 1842:


        Proposes he be given command of USS WAVE or USS PHOENIX, crewed by about 8 Passed Midshipmen/Midshipmen, about 40 apprentices, and 2 each of seamen, ordinary seamen, and landsmen, he will enter and explore every "harbor, river, bay, and inlet" from Maine to Louisiana, in the process making pilots for those waters of the embarked midshipmen and apprentices.  [Annotated: "the means of the Department do not admit of it."]


From Assistant Surgeon Marius Duvall, USS WAVE, 21 Oct 1842:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION as she is in need of one of his rank.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant George Mason Hooe, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Oct 1842:


        Notes he was ordered to CONSTITUTION from COLUMBIA "in the spring of this year."  Seeks correction to what he believes is an error in accounting his pay.


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1842)


 From Lieutenant W. T. Muse, Fairfax, VA, 19 Nov 1842:


        On leave from CONSTITUTION, he had been about to return "yesterday" when he received a letter from the 1st Lieutenant saying the ship would sail on 10 Nov for a 30 day period.  Requests continuation on leave until she returns.  [Done.]


Roll 149 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1842)


From Lieutenants Bushrod W. Hunter and Charles Thomas, and Chaplain George Jones, 13 Dec 1842:


        Protests that an imputation in a letter from the Chief, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, that values assigned to Purser Thornton's private stores [apparently in assessing losses caused by the recently experienced flooding for the purpose of a damage claim] were excessive, stating that they were "governed by the original bills."


From Midshipman William T. Burwell, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Dec 1842:


        Wishes orders "to any Sea going Ship," or a month's leave.  [Granted 2 weeks' leave.]


From Midshipman Allan McLane, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Dec 1842:


        Requests 2 weeks' leave.  [Granted.]


From Assistant Surgeon Marius Duvall, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Dec 1842:


        Requests an extension of the 1 week leave granted by Captain Parker to 1 month.  [Granted.]


From Lieutenant George Mason Hooe, Fredericksburg, VA, 22 Dec 1842:


        Requests extension of a 1 week leave granted him by Commodore Kennedy until about 1 Apr in order to settle his father's estate.  [Leave extended until February when "the Brandywine shall be ready to receive" CONSTITUTION's crew.]


From Lieutenant Charles W. Chauncey, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Dec 1842:


        Renews his 9 Sep request for orders to sea.  [No.]


Roll 150, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1843)


 From Lieutenant R. B. Pegram, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jan 1843:


        Requests 1 months' leave.  [15 days granted.]


From Lieutenant Bushrod W. Hunter, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Jan 1843:


        If BRANDYWINE is going to the East Indies, requests transfer to MACEDONIAN, as he has repeatedly suffered from dysentery, a common complaint in the East Indies.  [Detached awaiting orders.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1843)


From Midshipman John Stuart, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Feb 1843:


        Has more than 3 years sea service, and since BRANDYWINE is scheduled for a foreign cruise, requests orders to USS NORTH CAROLINA so he will be able to take his promotional exam on time.  [Done.]


From Professor of Mathematics Joseph Huston, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Feb 1843:


        Requests shore duty, preferably Boston.  [Relieved.]


From Sailmaker George Parker, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Feb 1843:


        Requests orders rather than transfer to BRANDYWINE.


Roll 151 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1843)


From Lieutenant George R. Gray, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Mar 1843:


        Requests 3 months' leave, then orders to sea service.


Roll 152 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1843)


From Lieutenant George R. Gray, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Apr 1843:


        Repeats his request of 20 Mar.  [Leave granted.]


From Midshipman [?] McLauchan [McLenahan?], USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Apr 1843:


        Requests orders to USS ST LOUIS.  [No; not in Register.]


Roll 153 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1843)


 From Lieutenant Gabriel Galt Williamson, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 May 1843:


        Requests 2 months' leave.  [Granted.]


Roll 154, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1843)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1843)




Roll 155 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1843)




Roll 156 (Septemmber 1 ‑ 30, 1843)


From Passed Midshipman P. U. Murphy, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Sep 1843:


        Requests orders as Master of USS PENNSYLVANIA or CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered as Master of the Ordinary.]


Roll 157 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1843)




Roll 158, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1843)


From Professor of Mathematics E. Estabrook, Brooklyn, NY, 2 Nov 1843:


        Acknowledges receipt of his appointment as Professor of Mathematics.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION 13 Nov.]


From Lieutenant Amasa Paine, Boston, MA, 10 Nov 1843:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Purser Thomas Marston Taylor, USS OHIO, 13 Nov 1843:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION; will detach on 30 Nov.


From Lieutenant John B. Dale, Boston, MA, 18 Nov 1843:


        Understanding that CONSTITUTION is to go to the Mediteranean under Captain Percival, requests orders to her.  Has never served in that area, nor has he ever had duty on a ship larger than a sloop on coast survey.


From Gunner George Sirian, Washington, DC, 21 Nov 1843:


        Requests that his name be entered on the Navy Register with the date of his appointment as Gunner, 21 Apr 1837, rather than the date of his warrant, 17 Jun 1841.  [No.]


From Lieutenant James Alden, Boston Navy Yard, 27 Nov 1843:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman George B. Douglass, Pallatin, TN, 29 Nov 1843:


        Requests orders to a frigate.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION 1 Dec.]


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1843)


From Lieutenant John B. Dale, Boston, MA, 12 Dec 1843:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


Roll 159, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1844)


From Carpenter John Southwick, Washington, DC, 9 Jan 1844:


        States he reported on board CONSTITUTION  on 25 Nov 1843.  As to the condition of the ship, "...Her frame is sound...  I have not seen a timber, I would have taken out, unless the ship was to have all her wales, and sides stripped, for a thorough repair, and not more than three or four then.  The outboard planking, from the wales down to the keel, are, as far as I have been able to ascertain, free from rot.  The Decks are good, and will last a three year cruise."  [Annotated: "Let it be done."]


From Gunner Adrian A. Peterson, Gosport Navy Yard, 12 Jan 1844:


        States he reported for duty in CONSTITUTION only to be told that another Gunner had been appointed to the ship in Nov 1843.  That being so, requests orders back to the Boston Navy Yard.  [Ordered to the Ordinary at Boston 22 Jan.]


From Surgeon David Egbert, Philadelphia, PA, 22 Jan 1844:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 20 Jan.


From Assistant Surgeon R. McSherry, Jr., Martinsburg, VA, 23 Jan 1844:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman W. F. Davidson, Petersburg, VA, 24 Jan 1844:


        Awaiting orders for any service.  [Ordered to CONSTITUTION 26 Jan, which he acknowledged on 29 Jan.]


From Lieutenant Fabius Stanly, Norfolk, VA, 27 Jan 1844:


        Reported aboard CONSTITUTION "this morning."


From Assistant Surgeon R. McSherry, Jr., Norfolk, VA, 30 Jan 184


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION "this day."


From Midshipman W. F. Davidson, Petersburg, VA, 31 Jan 1844:


        Ice has delayed his travel; will proceed as soon as possible.


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1844)


From Surgeon Daniel Egbert, Norfolk, VA, 3 Feb 1844:


        Reported to CONSTITUTION "to day."


From Midshipman A. F. Warley, USS RARITAN, 5 Feb 1844:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION or any other vessel going to sea.  [Filed; ordered to CONSTITUTION 21 Feb.]


From Passed Midshipman R. A. Knapp, Erie, PA, 7 Feb 1844:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 22 Jan, but is unwell at this time and unfit for sea service.  [Told he may delay reporting 3 weeks.]


From Midshipman Colville Terrett, Norfolk, VA, 9 Feb 1844:


        Reported to CONSTITUTION on 8 Feb.


From Lieutenant James Alden, Boston Navy Yard, 13 Feb 1844:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION; requests permission to delay until 10 Mar.  [Yes.]


From Midshipman Lewis Beard, Washington, DC, 20 Feb 1844:


        Requests orders from CONSTITUTION to USS PLYMOUTH.  [No.}


 From Lieutenant Amasa Paine, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Feb 1844:


        Requests orders to command USS PIONEER.  [Yes, if vacancy occurs.]


From Surgeon Daniel Egbert, Washington, DC, 23 Feb 1844:


    Protests having been ordered from CONSTITUTION "to a store Brig of 20 Men [PIONEER]," a post usually assigned an Assistant Surgeon.  [Revoked 26 Feb.]


From Surgeon D. C. McLeod, New Orleans, LA, 26 Feb 1844:


        Understanding that Surgeon Egbert wishes to leave CONSTITUTION  "on account of ill health," asks for the assignment.  [Annotated: "He has already been ordered."]


From Passed Midshipman C. M. Morris, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Feb 1844:


        Requests orders to USS PIONEER.  ["Noted."]


Roll 160, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1844)


From Passed Midshipman Henry A. Wise, Washington, DC, 1 Mar 1844:


        Requests orders to the Boston Rendezvous "on the expiration of my leave."  [Done 7 Mar.]


From Surgeon D. C. McLeod, New Orleans, LA, 1 Mar 1844:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 19 Feb.


From Midshipman A. F. Warley, Portsmouth, VA, 6 Mar 1844:


        Reported to CONSTITUTION on 5 Mar.


From Midshipman Joseph J. Cook, Newbern, NC, 7 Mar 1844:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done 14 Mar.]


From Midshipman Lewis Beard, Norfolk, VA, 9 Mar 1844:


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION this date.


From Lieutenant James Alden, Gosport Navy Yard, 12 Mar 1844:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Carpenter John Overman, USS VANDALIA, 13 Mar 1844:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 22 Jan.  In view of my recent arrival in this ship, are they correct?  [Cancelled 15 Mar.]


From Assistant Surgeon Marius Duvall, Annapolis, MD, 14 Mar 1844:


        Detached from USS PHOENIX, requests permission to remain on leave until the ship is ready for sea.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman R. A. Knapp, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Mar 1844:


        Concerning a debt complaint received against him in connection with his previous ship.


From Midshipman Lewis Beard, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Mar 1844:


        He was delayed in reporting by shortage of funds, having to wait for more from home before proceeding.


From Midshipman Lewis Beard, Norfolk, VA, 23 Mar 1844:


        Now says he was delayed because he stopped in Washington to try and get transferred from CONSTITUTION to USS PLYMOUTH.  (Captain Percival's endorsement notes that Beard was a week in Norfolk before reporting.)


From Midshipman Cornelius Comegys, Norfolk, VA, 23 Mar 1844:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman Charles F. Collins, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Mar 1844:


        Reported for duty on 18 Mar.


From Midshipman Charles F. Collins, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Mar 1844:


        Requests to be transferred either to USS VANDALIA or USS LAWRENCE, both now in Norfolk.  (Positively endorsed by Captain Percival because he already has more midshipmen than wanted.)  [Ordered to USS PIONEER 29 Mar.]


From Lieutenant W. C. Chaplin, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Mar 1844:


        Requests leave to visit his home.  [Granted 30 Mar.]


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1844)


From Midshipman Joseph J. Cook, Norfolk, VA, 1 Apr 1844:


        Reported on board CONSTITUTION this date.


From Lieutenant Amasa Paine, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Apr 1844:


        Requests orders to command USS CONSORT, should the billet become open.  [No, CONSORT is to be stricken.]


From Lieutenant Amasa Paine, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Apr 1844:


        Withdraws request, saying personal reasons behind it no longer exist.


 From Lieutenant J. W. Cooke, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Apr 1844:


        Reports Midshipman Beard's ungentlemanly reneging on a $50 loan he got in order to make the trip to the ship, and subverting the Lieutenant's subsequent effort to have the debt paid.  Beard also borrowed more money during his stop in Washington, also not yet repaid.


Roll 161 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1844)


From Lieutenant W. C. Chaplin, USS CONSTITUTION, 11 May 1844:


        Requests permission to allot $70/mo. to his family.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman M. Patterson Jones, Prospect Hill, VA, 13 May 1844:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [So ordered 14 May.]


From Lieutenant Fabius Stanly, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 May 1844:


        Was informed by Captain Percival that he is a supernumerary.  If that is so, wishes transfer.  [Ordered to USS PRINCETON 21 May.]


From Lieutenant James Alden, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 May 1844:


        Requests orders to USS PRINCETON.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Alexander Gibson, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 May 1844:


        Requests permission to leave an allotment of $80/mo. for his family.  [Granted.]


Roll 162, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1844)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1844)




Roll 163 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1844)




Roll 164 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1844)




Roll 165 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1844)


From Passed Midshipman R. A. Knapp, USS UNITED STATES, 4 Oct 1844:


        Reports his return from CONSTITUTION as a passenger in this ship.  Says Captain Percival granted him condition because of a facial injury, and that the captain had been totally satisfied with his conduct and performance.  Admitted that he subsequently was found to have been suffering from syphilitic rheumatism for two years in addition to the unhealed facial wound from a past duel.  Requests orders.  [Annotated: "Noted."]


Roll 166, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1844)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1844




Roll 167 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1845)




Roll 168 (February 1 ‑ March 31, 1845)




Roll 169, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1845)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1845)




Roll 170, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1845)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1845)




Roll 171, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1845)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1845)




Roll 172, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1845)




Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1845)




Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1845)




Roll 173, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1846)




Vol 2  (February 1 ‑ 28, 1846)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1846)




Vol 4 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1846)




Roll 174 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1846)




Roll 175, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1846)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1846)




Vol 3 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1846)




Roll 176, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1846)


From Midshipman Thomas J. Miller, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Sep 1846:   


        Reports his return to the United States.


From Midshipman Thomas J. Miller, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Sep  1846:


        "I am an orphan and have sisters and brothers, one of the former is lame and will in part be dependent upon myself for support.  By the foulest kind of machinations, one of the most disgraceful charges that could possibly be summoned up, was laid against me, while suffering from a wound over the eye, and other bodily injuries inflicted by a deserter, who was afterward condemned to death, in the execution of my duty, leaving it therefore entirely out of my power to shield myself from their slanderous charge."  Requests an interview before the SecNav makes any decision in his case.  Has certificates from eight men who were with him in SARANAC at the time.  [Annotated: "Detach him with permission to come to Washington."]


From Purser T. M. Taylor, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Sep 1844:


        Reports that Purser's Steward James Heron also performed as Purser's Clerk throughout the voyage as no‑one ever was shipped to fill that allowed billet at his regular pay of $18/mo.  He has applied to be paid at the same rate as a Purser's Assistant in sloops of war and brigs, who perform that combined function, that is, $24/mo.  ["Done."]


Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1846)


From Assistant Surgeon Richard McSherry, Jr., Martinsburg, VA, 8 Oct 1846:


        Acknowledges receipt of his leave from CONSTITUTION and reports his place of residence.


From Lieutenant Amasa Paine, Providence, RI, 12 Oct 1846:


        Acknowledges receipt of his 3 months leave from CONSTITUTION and reports his place of residence.


Roll 177, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1846)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1846)




Roll 178, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1847)


From Lieutenant G. W. Grant, Philadelphia, PA, 1 Jan 1847:


        Reports end of his leave following return of CONSTITUTION.


 From Lieutenant W. C. Chaplin, Pittsburgh, PA, 2 Jan 1847:


        Reports end of his leave following return of CONSTITUTION.  If his services are not wanted for the Mexican War, he wishes to remain on leave.


From Assistant Surgeon Richard McSherry, Jr., Martinsburg, VA, 3 Jan 1847:


        Reports end of his leave; awaiting orders.


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1847)




Roll 179, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1847)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1847)




Roll 180, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1847)




Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1847)




Vol 3 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1847)


From Carpenter Henry G. Thomas, Boston Navy Yard, 21 Jul 1847:


        Is concerned about whether or not he can expect to serve 2 years in his present post, which he assumed just the preceding November.  If not, he wishes to be ordered to one of the frigates said to be fitting out at Norfolk.

(Encloses copies of certificates regarding a rupture he suffered in a fall aloft in CONSTITUTION on 15 Mar 1845, while he was routinely inspecting spars.)


Roll 181, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1847)


From Passed Midshipman W. F. Davidson, Petersburg, VA, 3 Aug 1847:


        As he was absent overseas in CONSTITUTION when his year group was examined for promotion, requests he now be considered without penalty.  Encloses a letter from Captain John Percival certifying his unavoidable absence and commenting, "His habits are good and his conduct merited my approbation."


Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1847)




Roll 182, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1847)




Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1847)


From Passed Midshipman W. P. Buckner, New Orleans, LA, 22 Nov 1847:


        Forwards a printed circular addressed "To The Officers Of The Navy" by an unidentified group of officers on the subject of naval guns.  Principal points:

            1.  "Nine‑tenths of our new guns have been cast without dispart pieces" on which to mount accurate sights.

            2.  "Our guns are almost entirely without sights."  Very few ships have tangent sights.

            3.  No range tables nor tables of foreign ship lengths so their range can be taken.

            4.  "Our decks are not graduated nor has [sic] the Spar decks any sight pickets."

            5.  "There are no pendulums near the batteries."

            6.  "There are no methods in practice of concentrating and controlling the fire of our ships."

            7.  "The men are not drilled to the exercise of the sword..."

            8.  "But few of our ships have ever been allowed or carried field pieces."

            9.  "There is usually only one boat gun allowed (or rather carried) on board of a frigate..."

            10.  "There are no gun spikes provided wherewith to disable guns should a fort be taken."

            11.  "The percussion locks which have been introduced of late years require a heavy steady strong pull and seamen almost always give them a jerk, the        consequence is that they very frequently misfire..."

            12.  The rammers for chambered guns, from their bad shape, frequently get jammed.

            13.  "Our shot are much neglected..."

            14.  Shells are kept unfilled and unready.

            15.  "There are no spherical shot allowed..."

            16.  "There are no Congreve rockets allowed..."

            17.  "We have no systematic exercise established throughout the service...  The men are allowed to make use of a great many useless, obsolete and ridiculous words of command.  Sequence given (the gun being run in and unloaded): 1, Stop vent and sponge; 2, Load with cartridge, ram home; 3, Round shot wad, ram home; 4, Run out; 5, Prick and prime; 6, Point at the enemy [and where, e.g., "two points forward of the beam"]; 7, Elevate (or level) your guns; 8, Fire.

            18.  "Our target practice is almost always bad..."


[Buckner had participated in CONSTITUTION's circumnavigation.]


Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1847)




Roll 183, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1848)


From Passed Assistant Surgeon J. S. Whittle, Naval Hospital, Norfolk, VA, 23 Jan 1848:


        Forwards statement of service of Charles Collins, who "served in the Constitution during the war under Commodore Stewart."  "Collins is a very dull old man and this is the best account I have been able to obtain from him of his service."  [Collins was Private, USMC, in CONSTITUTION.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1848)




Roll 184, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1848)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1848)




Vol 3 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1848)


From Carpenter George Wisner, Charlestown, MA, 9 May 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


Roll 185, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1848)


From Gunner Edwin Ross, New York, NY, 3 Jun 1848:


        Has "seen by the papers" that ST. MARYS, PORTSMOUTH, and CONSTITUTION are to be fitted out.  Requests orders "for some foreign Station."


From Lieutenant R. M. Mullany, New York, NY, 4 Jun 1848:


        Acknowledges orders to ST. LOUIS.  Requests transfer to ST. LAWRENCE or CONSTITUTION.  [Not to the latter.]


From Purser William B. Hartwell, Augusta, GA, 9 Jun 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Lieutenant Henry K. Hoff, Philadelphia, PA, 16 Jun 1848:


        Requests orders as First Lieutenant of CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated: "Constitution is not to fit out for Sea..."]


Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1848)


From Carpenter Luther Manson, USS FRANKLIN, 5 Jul 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles W. Aby, Grand Gulf, MS, 24 Jul 1848:


        Requests orders to either ST. LAWRENCE or CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to latter, 1 Sep.]


From Purser Benjamin J. Cahoone, New York, NY, 27 Jul 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Passed Midshipman H. Rolando, Washington, DC, 28 Jul 1848:


        Requests orders as Acting Master of CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


Roll 186, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1848)


From Boatswain R. Dixon, New York, NY, 16 Aug 1848:


        Requests orders to the Boston Navy Yard or to CONSTITUTION.  [Not to the latter.]


From Acting Midshipman Eugene H. Oakley, USS SPITFIRE, 19 Aug 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1848)


From Acting Gunner John C. Ritter, New York, NY, 4 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant B. F. Shattuck, Boston, MA, 4 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.   Requests permission to allot $80/mo. to his family.  [Granted.]


From Captain John Gwinn, Philadelphia, PA, 7 Sep 1848:


        Understanding that the health of Lieutenant Lardner, now ordered as First Lieutenant of CONSTITUTION, will not permit him to  go to sea, requests that Lieutenant Melancthon Smith, now ordered as Second Lieutenant, be moved up.  Will proceed to Boston "tomorrow."  [Annotated that Gwinn had been informed that Lieutenant Rowan had been ordered in Lardner's stead.]


From Passed Midshipman Dulany A. Forrest, Martinsburg, VA, 8 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report to CONSTITUtION by 1 Oct.


From Lieutenant James H. Rowan, New York, NY, 8 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report to CONSTITUTION on 15 Sep.


From Midshipman James Stillwell, New York, NY, 11 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report to CONSTITUTION by 1 Oct.


From Chaplain Nathaniel Frost, New York, NY, 11 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION in response to a stated desire for his services by Captain Gwinn.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant Melancton Smith, New York, NY, 12 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Assistant Surgeon Phineas J. Horwitz, Philadelphia, PA, 13 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report to CONSTITUTION by 10 Oct.


From Assistant Surgeon Alexander J. Rice, Portsmouth, NH, 13 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman N. T. West, Martha's Vineyard, MA, 14 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Purser Benjamin J. Cahoone, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Sep 1848:


        Reported this date.


From Passed MIdshipman P. G. Watmough, USS UNION, 14 Sep 1848:


        Requests he not be ordered to CONSTITUTION as requested by Captain Gwinn.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant A. F. V. Gray, Providence, RI, 14 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated to the effect that CONSTITUTION already has her complement of officers, but Gray will be ordered to her for transport to the Mediterranean and transfer to another ship there.]


From Passed Assistant Surgeon R. W. Jeffrey, Norfolk, VA, 14 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant W. R. McKinney, Richmond, MO, 15 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant James H. Rowan, Boston, MA, 15 Sep 1848:


        Reported this date.


From Lieutenant Melancton Smith, Boston, MA, 15 Sep 1848:


        Reported this date.


From Sailmaker George D. Blackford, Boston, MA, 15 Sep 1848:


        Reported this date.


From Acting Midshipman R. M. Caldwell, Fulton, PA, 15 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Acting Gunner John C. Ritter, Boston, MA, 16 Sep 1848:


        Reported this date.


From Carpenter Luther Manson, Boston, MA, 16 Sep 1848:


        Reported for duty yesterday.


From Passed Midshipman James Henry Rochelle, Jerusalem, VA, 18 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report to CONSTITUTION by 1 Oct.


From Passed Midshipman John H. Russell, Rockville, MD, 18 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Robert C. Duvall, Hamptonville, NC, 20 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.  Wishes his leave of absence, due to end 27 Oct, not be curtailed.  [Orders revoked.]


From Midshipman D. L. Braine, USS MICHIGAN, 22 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman Charles W. Aby, Grand Gulf, MS, 23 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman William H. Parker, Boston Navy Yard, 23 Sep 1848:


        Requests that his orders to CONSTITUTION be revoked and replaced with orders to YORKTOWN as Acting Master.  [Done.]


From Surgeon Charles F. Guillou, Philadelphia, PA, 25 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Midshipman N. T. West, Martha's Vineyard, MA, 25 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Boatswain John Featherston, Boston Navy Yard, 25 Sep 1848:


        Reports having been detached from FRANKLIN on 31 Aug and having reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Acting Midshipman James G. Maxwell, Naval Hospital, New York, NY, 25 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done 28 Sep.]


From Lieutenant A. F. V. Gray, New York Navy Yard, 25 Sep 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Surgeon Charles F. Guillou, Philadelphia, PA, 29 Sep 1848:


        Requests permission to delay reporting until 17 Oct in order to take care of "unfinished business."  [Allowed until 15 Oct.]


From Midshipman James Parker, Somerset, OH, 30 Sep 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Ordered to YORKTOWN.]


From Lieutenant A. F. V. Gray, Boston Navy Yard, 30 Sep 1848:


        Reported for duty.


Roll 187, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1848)


From Acting Midshipman James L. Butler, Boston, MA, 2 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Passed Midshipman Joseph D. Daniels, Boston, MA, 2 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Midshipman James Stillwell, Charleston [sic], MA, 2 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Passed Midshipman Dulany A. Forrest, Boston, MA, 3 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty 2 Oct.


From Passed Midshipman James Rochelle, Boston, MA, 3 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty 2 Oct.


From Midshipman George H. Chapman, Boston, MA, 3 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty this date.


From Chaplain Nathaniel Frost, Boston, MA, 4 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Lieutenant Carter B. Poindexter, Boston, MA, 5 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty this date.


From Acting Midshipman Eugene H. Oakley, Boston, MA, 5 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Passed Midshipman Edward Y. McCauley, Boston, MA, 5 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty this date.


From Passed Assistant Surgeon R. W. Jeffrey, Boston, MA, 5 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Lieutenant W. R. McKinney, Boston, MA, 10 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Assistant Surgeon Phineas J. Horwitz, USS CONSTITUTION, 11 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty 10 Oct.


From Midshipman D. L. Braine, USS MICHIGAN, 16 Oct 1848:


        Repeats his request for orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman George E. Morgan, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty 19 Oct.


From Surgeon Charles F. Guillou, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Oct 1848:


        Reported for duty 16 Oct.


From Sailmaker George D. Blackford, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Oct 1848:


        Requests an allotment of $40/mo. for his family.


From Acting Gunner John C. Ritter, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Oct 1848:


        Requests an allotment of $40/mo. for his family.


From Acting Midshipman E. F. Coddington, Annapolis, MD, 23 Oct 1848:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant James H. Rowan, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Oct 1848:


        Requests and allotment of $80/mo. for his family.


From Acting Midshipman Francis H. Baker, Boston, MA, 30 Oct 1848:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1848)


From Acting Midshipman James L. Butler, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Nov 1848:


        Forwards a good report of his Service in USS ON‑KA‑HYE, and requests his warrant.  [Annotated: "wait [sic] a while.  Not warranted ‑ resigned."]


From Acting Midshipman E. F. Coddington, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Nov 1848:


        Reported for duty.


From Acting Midshipman J. P. K. Mygatt, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1848:


        Requests his warrant.


From Passed Midshipman E. Y. McCauley, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1848:


        Requests leave of absence.  [No.]


From Passed Midshipman N. T. West, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Nov 1848:


        Requests an allotment of $35/mo. for a term of 8 months.


Vol 3 (December 1‑ 30, 1848)


From Acting Midshipman Eugene H. Oakley, USS CONSTITUTION, 5 Dec 1848:


        Requests his warrant.  [Yes.]


Letter from Carpenter Luther Manson, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Dec 1848:


        "...I am indeed sorry, that the difficulties existing between my wife and myself should have been reported to you.  and [sic] from the tenor of your letter, I am induced to believe that the feelings of Commodore [Foxhall A. Parker], has [sic] been wrought upon, in such manner as to show you but one side of the picture.

        "I believe it is not an unusual occurrence for difficulties to take place in almost every Family ‑ and more especially in those who are in indigent circumstances,‑ in such difficulties, and more especially, when the assistance of a third Person, is called upon as a Mediator or intercessor, by the Woman or the Wife the Man & the Husband, must either submit to the decision of the third party or, perhaps much against his will, make known to the world, at large the existing difficulties in his family ‑

        Such is my case, and under such circumstances, I am forced, to lay before you, a plain statement of facts, together with the enclosed documents, which I am induced to believe will in some measure relieve me of the foul imputations cast upon me.  Some four Years since, when these troubles first commenced, my Wife accused me of Infidelity ‑ of paying no attention to her, and devoting my spare hours to the company of Lewd Women;[sic]  So convinced was she of this being the case that no proofs or arguments could convince her to the contrary.

        On my return from my daily labour, I have found my house closed.  no [sic] meals provided for me, & left to Surmise as to my Wife's whereabout, [sic]  She finally left my house ‑ taking with her all my Furniture, which she has since appropriated for the use of her Father and a married Brother,‑  As regards the children I placed the Eldest with a Friend, & have provided for it ever Since, the Youngest then an infant was retained by the Mother, but has been supported by me at my Wife's Mother's for some time, and I have already made provision, for my children's support, during my absence.‑  The chief desire of my Wife, is, that I shall go to days Work, Quite the Service, or leave her half pay ‑ this I cannot in Justice to myself and Children do,‑  She voluntarily left me, and by so doing deprived not only myself and children of what Furniture I owned but ran me in debt, wherever, she could get trusted, on my account, [sic]  She was then a Member of a church, and it is reasonable to suppose, that her story of her sufferings, would be received, and passed upon as Truth, no matter how void of it, it may have been,‑  Within the last Month a bill of Dry Goods,  amounting to twenty three dollars was presented me, for  good sold her,‑ to avoid having any difficulty or trouble, and not wishing to tell every one, the trouble that existed between us,‑ I paid the bill,‑  A few days afterward, a second bill of $70, for dry goods, (and articles for which she had no necessity for whatever, and for which not One dollar was for clothing my children)  this [sic] I have also paid, and expect to hear, from some other of her creditors, as soon as our Ship shall attempt to go to Sea,‑  To save myself from being farther [sic] annoyed by her, at present, and until I can apply for a divorce, I have been Obliged to publish her as not to be trusted on my Account,‑‑  She has complained to Commodore Parker, that I would in no manner provide for her, this I can prove to you is false,‑  I procured a good and respectable boarding house for her at Boston,‑ to which she positively refused to go,‑  As for me to buy Furniture & again commence house keeping ‑ would only be a throwing away of Money.  Such is a plan statement of facts, and I am indeed pained, that by the interference of others (who are only acquainted with one side of the story) I have been forced to make known to the Department the why & wherefore, of the difficulties between my Wife and Myself."




                                        "Portsmouth Nov. 1 1848


"Dear Sir,

        In answer to your request, I have to say that about three years ago, at the time your wife left your house, I was induced to call upon her at her fathers house for the purpose of ascertaining the nature of the difficulties between you.  This I did in company with the late Robt Smith Esq. in behalf of a benevolent society of which we were members.  We inquired of her the cause of the disagreement, and particularly whether she had Suffered any ill treatment from you.  She said that she complained of no personal ill treatment, but that you kept a loaded pistol in the house, & she was afraid you would kill yourself.  I explained to her that such arms were commonly kept by persons connected with the military or naval service; and with Mr. Smith advised her to return to your house, and offered to intercede with you for the settlement and forgiveness of all misunderstandings.  She absolutely and with much passion refused to return to your house & to live with you.  Being persuaded that in addition to a violent temper, she was acting under the influence of injudicious advisors, we left her.  She did not to my recollection [sic] in her account of the differences between you, allege any thing which Seemed to me a justification for leaving you.

        "I know that, at that time, you offered to provide for the support of both your children; and am satisfied that you have from that time supported the child which she permitted you to control.

        "It is not pleasant to interfere in any manner in disputes of this nature, but having been satisfied at the time, that a moderate and reasonable compliance with her duties, on her part, would have prevented the breach, or produced a reconciliation, I will freely state any facts which may be within my recollection [sic], which may tend to the perfect exculpation of your conduct in the whole affair, ‑ as I believe such is your due.

                        I am

                                respectfully yours

                                    Albert R. Hatch

"Mr. Luther Manson

    U.S. Ship Constitution"


[Annotated: "The Dept cannot further interfere."]


Roll 188, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1849)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1849)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1849)




Roll 189, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1849)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1849)


From Surgeon Charles F. Guillou, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 May 1849:


        Request a correction to the sea duty time listed for him in the latest Register, noting that he accepted orders to CONSTITUTION on 25 Sep 1848, and stating that he should be credited with 8 years of sea duty.


Roll 190, Vol 1  (June 1 ‑ 30, 1849)


From Assistant Surgeon Phineas J. Horwitz, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Jun 1849:


        Request orders to one of the ships "now fitting out for the Arctic Ocean."


From Passed Midshipman Dulany A. Forrest, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Jun 1849:


        Requests orders to one of the ships "now fitting out to explore the Arctic Ocean."


Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1849)




Roll 191, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1849)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1849)




Roll 192, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1849)


From Gunner John C. Ritter, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Oct 1849:


        Reports that in Oct 1848, he met a naval officer named Higgins, a stranger to him, who was in financial distress.  Ritter got $50 on credit to lend to Higgins [apparently one of two Passed Midshipmen of that name then in service], who subsequently repaid him $15, promising to forward the remainder to his family after CONSTITUTION sailed.  Encloses a letter for forwarding to Higgins pressing repayment.


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1849)




Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1849)




Roll 193, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1850)


From the Lieutenants of USS JAMESTOWN, Mediterranean Squadron, [] Jan 1850:


        The letter discusses the negative side of the new regulations giving "assimilated rank" to medical officers that belittles the long years of service of the sea officers.




            "To the Honorable, the Secretary of the Navy.

            "We, the undersigned Lieutenants in the United States Navy, believing that injustice has been done our grade, by promoting over us a large number of officers: most  respectfully and earnestly request, that the general orders, giving Surgeons and Pursers of more than twelve years, assimilated rank with Commanders, be so modified as to place them where they originally belonged.

            "We also take this opportunity to call your attention to the fact, that by the present assimilated rank, Surgeons and Pursers of more than twelve years, take rank and precedence over all Lieutenants off duty, but when on duty many of the Lieutenants take rank and precedence over many of the Surgeons and Pursers of more than twelve years, and at the same time these very Surgeons and Pursers take rank and precedence over many of the Commanders in the service.

            "By giving rank and precedence over officers when off duty and at the same time placing them under the same officers when on duty, a system is created difficult in its operation and is inconsistent with military usage.

            "We, therefore, sincerely believe the Honorable, the Secretary of the Navy will, on mature deliberation, grant this, our petition or afford such relief as in his wisdom shall seem just and equitable,


J. H. Rowan, Lt         Frigate Constitution

A. F. V. Gray                "            "

B. F. Shattuck                "            "

Carter B. Poindexter        "            "

L C Sartori                    "            "

W. C. McKinney            "            "


From Sailmaker George D. Blackford, New York Navy Yard, 29 Jan 1850:


        Reports his arrival in the US, having been invalided home from CONSTITUTION.  [Detached 5 Nov.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1850)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1850)




Roll 194, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1850)


From Gunner Adrian A. Peterson, Chelsea, MA, 24 Apr 1850:


        "Your memorialist would respectfully represent to the Hon: Secretary of the Navy, that I have been in the Naval Service of the Country for a period of 42 years, ever since 1807, & am now 62 years of age.  I had the honor of serving the Country during the late British War, & was in the frigate Constitution, from April 1812 to 17th June 1815, & was in the three battles viz. with the Frigate  [sic] Guerriere, Java, Cyane & Levant.  During the action with the Java, I received a contusion in [sic] the head, & have been quite deaf from that time to this.  Since 1815, I have been variously employed, within the Navy Yards or Magazines, or in vessels of war in various places.  Most of the Senior Officers of the Navy & Marine Corps know me personally.

        "I have been waiting orders for some time, & now desire to be ordered to some Southern Station, to a milder climate, as my health is infirmed, & the rigors of this climate are too severe for me.  I could make myself useful on shore, in the ordinary at Norfolk, or in the laboratory at Washington, having been fourteen years a Gunner in the Service, & I would respectfully ask the Department to assign me some at those or other Southern Stations."


Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1850)


From Surgeon Charles F. Guillou, USS CONSTITUTION, to Captain Thomas A. Conover, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 May 1850:


        "Having now finished vaccinating the officers and crew of this Ship, and waited sufficiently to observe the termination of the cases infected, I respectfully report:

        "The Ship's company having undergone considerable changes since I first examined them in reference to their liability to small‑pox, I deemed it necessary to renew this examination in March last, after I had obtained some recent vaccine matter from Dr. Auban, a Medical Prefect in the French Navy and Surgeon in Chief of the Naval Hospital at Toulon.

        "Of 460 officers and men on board the Ship 57 were found not sufficiently protected.  115 were considered doubtful:  Although vaccine cicatrices or variola pits existed in all of these last, they were not so distinct as to place their specific characters entirely beyond doubt.

        "The remainder of the Ship's company were considered sufficiently protected: but such among them as desired it were again vaccinated.

        "Those not protected were vaccinated and revaccinated until the whole number except three have taken the infection.  These three unsuccessful cases have now each been vaccinated from five different scabs, but without effect.

        "Of the doubtful cases eighteen have taken the infection; each of this class has been vaccinated from at least two good scabs.

        "Of these having perfectly distinct and normal cicatrices, nine have, upon revaccination, had regular pustules with all the required characteristics.

        "From the foregoing data, I think we may fairly conclude that the Officers and Crew of this Ship are as secure against small‑pox as vaccination can well render them."


Roll 195, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1850)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1850)


From Master H. Rolando, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Jul 1850:


        Has heard he has been promoted to lieutenant.  Is it true?  [Yes.]


Roll 196, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1850)


From Surgeon Charles F. Guillou, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Aug 1850:


        Upon the ship's return to the US, requests shore duty in Philadelphia.  And if the ship remains deployed over the winter, requests leave to visit Paris during the period she normally is inactive.


Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1850)




Roll 197, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1850)


From Passed Midshipman James H. Rochelle, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Oct 1850:


        Requests that the Register be corrected to show his name as "James H. Rochelle," his middle initial presently being omitted.


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1850)




Roll 198 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1850)




Roll 199 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1851)


From Midshipman Edward R. Shubrick, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Jan 1851:


        Reports his return to the US in CONSTITUTION.  [Annotated: "Detach him on leave."]


From Assistant Surgeon P. J. Horwitz, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Jan 1851:


        Requests orders to USS ST. LAWRENCE.  [No.]


From Lieutenant James H. Rowan, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Jan 1851:


        Requests orders to the New York Rendezvous.




From Captain Thomas A. Conover, USS CONSTITUTION, to Lieutenant James H. Rowan, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Jan 1851:


        "As we are about to separate, I cannot permit you to leave me, without expressing to you the high sense entertained by me of your services as Executive Officer of this Ship.  I have ever found you vigilant, active, intelligent and persevering in the performance of your very arduous duties, and ever ready and anxious to cooperate with me in carrying out the proper discipline of the Service..."


From Passed Midshipman Thomas S. Phelps, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt "this date" of his detachment with three months leave.


From Lieutenant Carter B. Poindexter, New York, NY, 20 Jan 1851:


        Reports that "after this date" he will be at Norfolk, VA.


From Lieutenant Melancton Smith, New York Navy Yard, 20 Jan 1851:


        Reports that he received "this day" a three months' leave of absence, which he will spend in Wisconsin, "as soon as the season will admit."


From Midshipman James Stillwell, New York, NY, 20 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of his leave of absence for three months, which he will spend in Zanesville, OH.


From Lieutenant Thomas M. Crossan, New York, NY, 20 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of his leave of absence for three months.  Will be at Pittsburgh, PA.


From Lieutenant B. F. Shattuck, New York, NY, 20 Jan 1851:


        Reports his detachment from CONSTITUTION "this date."  Requests orders to the Boston Navy Yard.  [Done.]


From Midshipman J. P. K. Mygatt, New York, NY, 21 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave orders "this date."  Will be at Poland, OH.


From Assistant Surgeon P. J. Horwitz, New York, NY, 21 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave orders; will be at Philadelphia, PA.


From Chaplain Nathaniel Frost, New York, NY, 21 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave orders; will be at Boston, MA.


From Midshipman F. H. Baker, New York, NY, 21 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave orders; will be at Portsmouth, NH.


From Midshipman George H. Chapman, New York, NY, 22 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges detachment from CONSTITUTION on leave; will be at Indianapolis, IN.


From Passed Midshipman William W. Low, New York, NY, 22 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges detachment from CONSTITUTION on three months leave.  Will remain at New York.


From Passed Midshipman William Gilmer Hoffman, Baltimore, MD, 22 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment orders from CONSTITUTION.


From Passed Assistant Surgeon R. W. Jeffery, Norfolk, VA, 23 Jan 1851:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment from CONSTITUTION on leave.


Roll 200 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1851)




Roll 201, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1851)


From Midshipman E. F. Coddington, New York, NY, 5 Mar 1851:


        Reports he contracted chronic bronchitis and was recommended to be invalided home 18 months before the end of the cruise.  He refused, but was on sick List for the entire return voyage.  Says he is not fit for sea duty and requests additional leave.  [Annotated that he should report to JAMESTOWN and request medical survey if necessary.]


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1851)


From Purser Benjamin J.Cahoone, New York, NY, 3 Apr 1851:


        Reports having returned the unexpended balance of funds drawn for CONSTITUTION to the Treasury.


Roll 202, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1851)




Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1851)




Roll 203, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1851)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1851)




Roll 204, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1851)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1851)




Roll 205, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1851)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1851)




Roll 206, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1852)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1852)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1852)




Roll 207, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1852)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1852)




Roll 208, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1852)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1852)




Roll 209 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1852)




Roll 210 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1852)


From Surgeon George Terrill, Newport, RI, 16 Sep 1852:


        Acknowledges receipt of notice that he is to receive orders as "Surgeon of the Fleet" in the African Squadron.  Intends to leave for Washington immediately to provide the Department with reasons not to so order him.  [Ordered to the Pensacola Naval Hospital instead.]


Roll 211 (October 1‑ 31, 1852)


From Lieutenant C. R. P. Rodgers, Morristown, NJ, 16 Oct 1852:


        On the advice of Commodore Isaac Mayo, requests orders to the African Squadron as that officer's Flag Lieutenant.  States he is recovered from the bronchitis that forced his early return from CONGRESS "last year," and although his heart is still in no condition to permit him to act as a watch officer, he is sufficiently well to perform the duties of aide.  [Annotated: "Preparatory orders issued 20 Octr 1852."]


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Washington, DC, 23 Oct  1852:


        Requests preparatory orders to CONSTITUTION with leave until her officers are required.


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, 25 Oct 1852:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders detaching him from the National Observatory on leave until ordered to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant S. F. Hazard, Newport, RI, 26 Oct 1852:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


Roll 212, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1852)


From Purser J. C. Eldridge, New York, NY, 1 Nov 1852:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [No: one already ordered.]


From Lieutenant A. G. Clary, USS OHIO, 1 Nov 1852:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 26 Oct.


From Lieutenant S. F. Hazard, New York, NY, 2 Nov 1852:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Purser Thomas B. Nalle, Washington, DC, 3 Nov 1852:


        Requests permission to delay until 20 Nov in reporting to CONSTITUTION.  [Granted.]


From Lieutenant S. F. Hazard, New York, NY, 10 Nov 1852:


        Requests permission to leave an allotment of $90/mo. for his family.  [Authorized.]


From Lieutenant A. G. Clary, New York, NY, 15 Nov 1852:


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION 8 Nov.


From Midshipman W. H. Dana, Warren, OH, 21 Nov 1852:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant C. R. P. Rodgers, Morristown, NJ, 23 Nov 1853:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to be Commodore Mayo's Flag Lieutenant.


From Midshipman Thomas P. Pelot, New York, NY, 27 Nov 1852:


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION this date.


From Midshipman Thomas P. Pelot, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Nov 1852:


        Being most interested in seeing the Far East, requests transfer to USS MACEDONIAN.  [No.]


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1852)


From Midshipman W. H. Dana, New York, NY, 1 Dec 1852:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Purser Thomas B. Nalle, Washington, DC, 13 Dec 1852:


        Requests leave extension until 10 Jan 1853.  [Referred to ship's captain.]


From Purser Thomas B. Nalle, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Dec 1852:


        Requisitions money ($4000 for pay and provisions) for the ship.


Roll 213, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1853)


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Augusta, GA, 2 Jan 1853:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Midshipman J. C. Sullivan, Madison, IN, 3 Jan 1853:


        Reports end of leave of absence.  [Annotated: "Ordered to Constitution Jany 11, 1853."]


From Gunner A. S. Lewis, New York Navy Yard, 3 Jan 1853:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION dated 31 Dec 1852; reported this date.


From Lieutenant A. G. Clary, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jan 1853:


        Reports he has this day been ordered to USS MARION, but hopes he will be allowed to rejoin CONSTITUTION again.  [Annotated to the effect that his return to the frigate will be up to the squadron commander.]


From Purser James H. Watmough, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jan 1853:


        Reports he has drawn a "large amount" of money for the ship as it is hard to get on the African coast, and then usually only in small quantities.  [Received $15,000.]


From Passed Midshipman J. Walcott, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Jan 1853:


        Is happy to learn that the officers of USS MARION, to which he was lately attached, are willing to overlook his past transgressions.  Requests permission to sail in CONSTITUTION to rejoin MARION.


From Purser James H. Watmough, USS CONSTITUTION, 11 Jan 1853:


        Requests permission to allot $200/mo. of his pay.  [Granted.]


From Passed Midshipman Colville Terrell, Washington, DC, 13 Jan 1853:


        Request his orders of 6 Jan be revoked and that he be reordered to the Office of the Coast Survey until such time as CONSTITUTION "is about to sail, when he would report aboard for transport to become the acting Master of USS MARION.  Failing that, wishes orders to the Ringgold Expedition.  Also wishes authority to allot half his pay.  [All but Coast Survey part granted.]


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, New York, NY, 14 Jan 1853:


        Reported "this day" for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant W. R. Garner, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Jan 1853:


        Requests permission to allot $75/mo.  [Granted.]


From Surgeon M. G. Delaney, Cobleskill, NY, 18 Jan 1853:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION as "Surgeon of the Fleet" dated 15 Jan.


From Midshipman Charles L. O. Hammond, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Jan 1853:


        Reported for duty on 15 Jan.


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1853)


From Sailmaker John J. Stanford, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Feb 1853:


        Wishes to allot $40/mo. to his family.  [Approved.]


From Lieutenant W. Carrington Watkins, New York, NY, 1 Feb 1853:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Yes.]


From Lieutenant S. F. Hazard, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Feb 1853:


        Wardroom Cook Robert Durand, who was incompetent and nominated for immediate discharge, deserted on 30 Jan.  He "is no loss, as he recvd no advance."


From Surgeon M. G. Delaney, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Feb 1853:


        Requests the purchase of oil cloth to cover the deck of Sick Bay to facilitate cleanliness.  [Denied by the Chief of the Bureau of Construction.]


From Assistant Surgeon John C. Coleman, New York, NY, 10 Feb 1853:


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION this date.


From Boatswain Charles Johnston and Carpenter Lewis Holmes, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Feb 1853:


        Each wishes to allot $40/mo. to their family.  [Approved.]


From Midshipman Thomas P. Pelot, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Feb 1853:


        Wishes orders to the Ringgold Expedition because he already has had duty in two frigates and feels he will become better qualified by being in a smaller ship.


From Lieutenant C. R. P. Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Feb 1853:


        Wishes to allot $84/mo. to his family.  [Approved.]


Roll 214 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1853)




Roll 215 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1853)




Roll 216 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1853)




Roll 217 (June 1‑ ‑30, 1853)


From Midshipmen Charles H. Cushman, Aeneas Armstrong, W. H. Dana, Edward E. Potter, Thomas P. Pelot, and William L. Bradford, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Jun 1853:


        At Gibraltar.  The undersigned, never having had the advantage of the prescribed course at the Naval Academy, request that a Professor of Mathematics be ordered to the ship to further their studies.


Roll 281 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1853)


From Midshipman J. C. Sullivan, USS SAN JACINTO, 5 Jul 1853:


        Reports his return to the US, as ordered by Commodore Isaac Mayo.  Detached from CONSTITUTION on 4 Jun in order to return and take up studies at the Naval Academy.


From Sailmaker J. J. Stanford, Norfolk, VA, 8 Jul 1853:


        Reports his return to the US due to temporary unfitness for duty.  Detached from CONSTITUTION on 3 Jun and returned in USS SAN JACINTO.


From Lieutenant M. Carrington Watkins, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Jul 1853:


        At Porto Praya.  Has spent a total of almost six years on the African coast, and again [for at least the 3rd time] recommends a Navy‑sponsored exploration of the continent.  Had requested duty in CONSTITUTION in the hope that he might, at the least, be provided a boat "and a few Kroomen" with which to "make a reconnaissance of one of the most magnificent rivers in Africa."  Commodore Mayo has refused him.  Request a month's leave from 1 Jan 1854 to travel in Africa.  "I wish to seek information, fame, and renown in the wilds of Africa."  Requests he be retained on full pay during the leave, and be provided with boat, Kroomen, instruments, and arms.




From Lieutenants S. F. Hazard, C. S. McDonough, W. R. Gardner, and John De Camp; Surgeon of the Fleet M. G. Delaney; Passed Assistant Surgeon John L. Bush; Assistant Surgeon John C. Coleman; Acting Master Coleville Terrett; Brevet Major N. S. Waldron, USMC; and commodore's Secretary Llewellyn Boyle:


        Urge approval of a leave of "six months or more" for the proper exploration of "certain rivers on the coast of  Africa" [those between Cape Palmas and Liberia]."


[Annotated: "file."]


From Master D. R. Lambert, USS JOHN ADAMS, 23 Jul 1853:


        Reports his return to the US, having been detached from CONSTITUTION 20 Jun due to ill health.  An enclosed letter from the squadron commander notes he was "a zealous and meritorious officer" of "untiring fidelity."


Roll 219, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1853)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1853)




Roll 220 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1853)




Roll 221, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1853)


From Lieutenant C. R. P. Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 5 Nov 1853:


        Wishes his state of record to be listed as "New Jersey."


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1853)




Roll 222, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1854)


From Lieutenant John De Camp, Morristown, NJ, 5 Jan 1854:


        Reports arriving in New York on 4 Jan in charge of the prized slaver H. N. GAMBRILL of Baltimore.  The crew of the GAMBRILL and 12 invalids from CONSTITUTION have been turned over to the New York Navy Yard.  The schooner is in the custody of US marshals, and her documents in the hands of Mr. O'Connor, the US District Attorney.  He said it appeared to have been a valid capture.  Boatswain Johnston of CONSTITUTION was among the invalids returned.  He gave valuable assistance during the "long and tempestuous" return passage.  All the enlisteds invalids are recovering and desire discharges.  Commodore Mayo indicated he wanted De Camp back ‑ at Madeira, if possible.  [Offered duty at the NY Rendezvous.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1854)




Roll 223, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1854)


From Sailmaker William Bennett, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Mar 1854:


        Authority for his $45/mo. allotment expires on 31 Jul; requests it be extended 2 years.  [Done.]


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 29, 1854)




Roll 224, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1854)




Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1854)


From Midshipman C. H. Cashman, Salem, MA, 22 Jun 1854:


        Reports his return to the US in the merchant brig PLANET in order that he may join his class at the Naval Academy on 1 Oct.


Roll 225 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1854)




Roll 226, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1854)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1854)




Roll 227, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1854)




Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1854)




Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1854)




Roll 228, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1855)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1855)




Roll 229, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1855)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1855)


From Purser James H. Watmough, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Apr 1855:


        "At the Island of Mayo [sic] in March last Commodore Mayo purchased provisions for this ship without allowing me as Purser of the Vessel to have any Agency in the transaction, beyond the payment of the bills.

        "I now respectfully call upon the Department to decide whether Pursers are not the Agents appointed to attend to these matters according to the orders of April 13, 1843, March 15, 1844 officially communicated by the Hon. Wm. A. Graham acct. of the Navy under date Nov 11, 1851, and instructions from the 4th Auditor of Novr 1950 (copies of which I herewith enclose) and I most respectfully request t hat instructions may be issued to prevent a recurrence of similar infringements of the duties and responsibilities of my Office."




Letter of 13 Apr 1844, effective immediately, ends the practice of paying commissions to anyone for purchases made overseas.  All such purchases are to be made either by ships' pursers or resident storekeepers.


Letter of 15 Mar 1844 directs Pursers of ships on foreign stations to make purchases for their ships where there are no USN Storekeepers.


Later letters cited reiterate the above.


[Annotated in concurrence of Watmough's position.]


Roll 230 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1855)




Roll 231 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1855)


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, New York, NY, 1 Jun 1855:


        "I have the honor to report my arrival in the U. States agreeable to permission from Commodore i. Mayo, and I beg leave to state that on the 24th of April last, the day after we bore up for Cuba, I received a communication from Commodore Mayo, offering to place me on board the first homeward bound vessel that we might meet, or, to remain, and should the present state of affairs in Cuba result in hostilities, to be released from arrest, in order that I might participate in any active service assigned to the other Lieutenants on board the 'Constitution,' my case still being held subject to the decision of the Navy Department.  I choose [sic] the latter, and on our arrival in Havana, finding that there was no probability of immediate hostilities, I then asked permission to return to U. States [sic].  The circumstances which led to my making such a request will be fully understood when the Despatches from the Constitution arrives [sic].  I will report in person to you in Washington, to enable you, should there be any doubt in your mind, to form a more correct opinion on the subject of the difficulty between us.  [Annotated: "Detach him & 3 mos leave & say that the subject of his communication will receive the immediate action of the Dept."]


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Washington, DC, 2 Jun 1855:


        Acknowledges his detachment from CONSTITUTION.  Says his residence will be Augusta, GA.


From Purser James H. Watmough, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Jun 1855:


        Requisitions $105,000 for the ship.


From Lieutenant C. R. P. Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jun 1855:


        Notes that he had to return early from the Brazil Station in 1851 due to ill health.  Reports he has now completed a full cruise on the African Station with only 2 weeks sick with "African fever."  Requests that an enclosed certification as to his good health, from Surgeon Delaney, be made a part of his record.


From Sailmaker William Bennett, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Jun 1855:


        Acknowledges receipt of his detachment orders and 3 months leave.


From Lieutenant Samuel Larkin, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Jun 1855:


        Reports his detachment "this date" with 3 months leave.


From Lieutenant Benjamin M. Dove, Portsmouth, NH, 14 Jun 1855:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment orders and 3 months leave.  Intends to remain at Portsmouth.


From Lieutenant S. F. Hazard, Portsmouth, NH, 15 Jun 1855:


        Reports he will spend his leave at Newport, RI.


From Midshipman Aeneas Armstrong, Portsmouth, NH, 15 Jun 1855:


        Reports he will spend his leave in Macon, GA.


From Passed Assistant Surgeon John L. Burtt, Portsmouth, NH, 15 Jun 1855:


        Reports his detachment from CONSTITUTION on the 14th; will be on leave at Philadelphia.


From Midshipman W. H. Dana, Portsmouth, NH, 15 Jun 1855:


        Reports his detachment; will spend his leave at Athens, OH.


From Midshipman William L. Bradford, Portsmouth, NH, 15 Jun 1855:


        Reports his detachment from CONSTITUTION; will spend his leave at Huntsville, AL.


From Surgeon M. G. Delaney, Albany, NY, 16 Jun 1855:


        Has been detached from CONSTITUTION and is residing at Albany.


From Carpenter Lewis Holmes, Portsmouth, NH, 17 Jun 1855:


        Detached from CONSTITUTION on 14 May [sic: meant June]; will remain at Portsmouth on leave.


From Master Colville Terrett, Washington, DC, 22 Jun 1855:


        Detached from CONSTITUTION on 14 Jun; on leave in Washington, DC.


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Augusta, GA, 23 Jun 1855:


        "Knowing how severely your time was taxed when I was in Washington, I have delayed again troubling you about my case, but I feel confident you will think that one who has served at sea, or attached to sea going ship's [sic] for nearly seventeen years without ever having had a difficulty; will naturally feel restless under the severe course pursued towards him by Commodore I. Mayo.

        "I was kept under arrest for two months and twenty‑four days after the adjournment of the Court Martial that tried me, in direct violation of an order of the Navy Department of December 15th 1844.  This was done, and the pretext of referring the case to the Department which he had full power to dispose of himself; and had not even the excuse of preferring new charges against me*.  A case very similar to mine will be found in the trial of Commodore Thomas Ap C. Jones which trial took place at the Washington Navy Yard December 1850.  I would like to draw your attention to the 10th Page of that trial, on which you will find Charge V ‑ Oppression.  A portion of the specification.‑‑ runs thus 'He the said Captain Jones having dissolved the said court on the twenty‑first day of October in the year aforesaid, thereafter oppressively, and maliciously did suppress, and withhold from promulgation, the said finding and opinion of the said court for the space of nearly two months; thereby oppressively and maliciously depriving the said Lieutenant Stanley of the benefit of the said finding and opinion; and keeping him under the odium and disgrace of charges affecting not only his character as an officer, but his honor as a gentleman; and oppressively and maliciously pending the secrecy, ordered the said Lieutenant Stanley from the said Pacific station, thereby confirming the injurious effect produced by the suppression of the said finding as aforesaid.'  by [sic] turning to Page 269, you will see the finding of the Court, viz 'That the first specification of the fifth charge is proved, except the words "and maliciously" wherever they occur in said specification And that of the said fifth charge the said Captain Thomas ApCatesby Jones is Guilty.'

         "There are two points in which my case differs from the above ‑ the first, I was kept under arrest a longer time and secondly, I applied for orders to return home in the 'Constitution' for by her the proceedings of my court would be taken to the U. States, and also I was informed that the Commodore did not intend to restore me to duty: for the night Commander H. Y. Purviance handed me my orders to the 'Constitution' he remarked that if I had remained in the 'Marion,' he intended to restore me to duty as soon as the Commodore left the station.

        Now Sir, I beg leave to be understood as not requesting any charges to be brought against Commodore Mayo.  That I leave for you to judge, but I do desire such an expression of opinion from the Department as is due to an officer who has performed his duty faithfully ‑‑

        "I was arrested at Porto Praya on the 26th day of February last, and did not learn the finding of the Court in my case until my arrival in Washington June 2d 1855, and I have heard that Mr. Morse [Wm. H. Morse, Navy  Storekeeper at Porto Praya since 1847] has boasted that 'he had fixed me,' this I would not regard, but for the apparent confirmation of it, by my not being restored to duty; for it requires more than his assertion to give credence to any thing, and this boast appeared to have been founded in truth.  The Inhabitants of Porto Praya, my brother officers of the African Squadron, and those of my profession generally, have every reason to believe, that as I had not been restored to duty, and being deprived of the finding and opinion of the court, that I had at least been severely adjudged, instead of the Acquittal which the court found for me, for no one previously to this would have even hinted that there was any sympathy between the Commodore and a man of Mr. Morse's known character, and in confirmation of such, I will give you the substance of a message sent through the Flag Lieutenant to me on our passage home (April 24th).  That if I would express regret at sending the message that led to my trial, He (Commodore Mayo) would restore me to duty, for any arrangement that would be satisfactory to him (Commodore Mayo) would also be satisfactory to Mr. Morse.  I declined complying with this, although in ignorance of the finding of the court, but at the same time stated my readiness for any duty that he might assign me‑ and I believe Sir, that if he Commodore Mayo could take an impartial view of the case, that he would agree with me in thinking that the Charge was light and frivolous, and that he had exceeded his authority by inflicting a punishment beyond that found by the court that tried my case..."  [Annotation largely obscured.]


Roll 232 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1855)


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Miranda, NC, 30 Jul 1855:


        "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 28th of June informing me that you had examined carefully the proceedings of the Court Martial in my case, and also, that you had approved of the finding of the Court, and took pleasure in relieving me from any further suspence [sic] on the subject; for which Sir, I beg leave to make my acknowledgements; But I fear, that I have not been sufficiently explicit in my letter of the 23d of June last. I, in that communication, attempted to draw your attention also to the conduct of Commodore I. Mayo towards me.  The length of time that I was kept under arrest after the adjournment of the Court that tried me, in direct violation of an order of the Navy Department, which, together with the secrecy as to the finding &c of the Court, has a strong tendency to injure me in the opinion of the Inhabitants of Porto Praya, and the officers of the Squadron in which I was then serving, which Squadron I left under arrest, (had I remained, I would not have been restored to duty by Commodore Mayo) thereby leaving the impression that I had been at least severely adjudged; And by again referring to your letter of the 28th of June, I would respectfully draw your attention to that part, runs thus 'There was nothing in the case presented, of so serious a nature as  to involve your character as an officer' &c, and at the same time, I have, in the most public manner been injured in the eyes of all who know only of my having been tried, for the charge implies a grave offence, and by his oppressively maintaining the secrecy on the finding and opinion of the Court, and not restoring me to duty, was exceeding his authority, for it was inflicting a punishment when none was found by the Court, an arbitrary act, in which I very much doubt, if he can find any law to justify himself.  A case very similar will be found in the trial of Commodore Thos A. P. [sic] Jones for his conduct to Lieutenant Stanley, which trial took place at the Washington Navy Yard December 1850, and the Court found him (Captain Jones) Guilty of Oppression.  This I stated more at length in my communication of the 23d of June last.  I also stated in that, that I did not request charges to be preferred against Commodore Mayo, that I leave for you to judge, but I do not think that I ask too much in requiring such an expression of opinion from you, you to whom I can alone appeal, upon the 'oppressive' conduct of Commodore Mayo, as may in the future guard those who may have been acquitted by a Court Martial from like oppression.  And also, that the finding & opinion of the Court Martial in my case may be read on the Quarter Deck of each vessel of the African Squadron.  It was on that station that I was tried, and as they already consequently have a part, I would prefer that they should officially be informed of the Whole, thereby leaving no room for the apparent truthfulness of Mr. Morse's boast, that he had fixed me..."  [Annotated: "File."]


Roll 233, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1855)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1855)




Roll 234 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1855)




Roll 235, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1855)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1855)




Roll 236, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1856)


From Lieutenant W. R. Garner, Naval Observatory, 12 Jan 1856:


        Reminds the Secretary that he has been promised an interview on his complaint against Commodore Mayo.  [Annotated that :" Gardner has been answered verbally."]


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Washington, DC, 17 Jan 1856:


        Again requests that the decision of the court martial in his case be published in the African Squadron, and that he receive a letter from the Secretary condemning Commodore Mayo's actions on that occasion.  [Annotated:: "File."]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1856)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1856)


From Lieutenant W. R. Gardner, Naval Observatory, 3 Mar 1856:


        Acknowledges receipt of the Secretary's letter of 26 Feb 1856, icluding copies of letters to Commodore Mayo and to the commander of the African Squadron.


From 64 Lieutenants (including Jas W. Cooke, W. P. Buckner, Wm R. Gardner, M. P. Jones, F. S. Haggerty, and Colville Terrett), 31 Mar 1856:


        They propose the Department develop uniform watch, quarter, and station bills for each class of warship, just as standardized gun batteries have been imlemented.  The proposal is endorsed by 4 captains (including W. B. Shubrick and S. F. Dupont) and 13 commanders (including W. T. Muse and Chas Steedman).  [Men listed in parentheses are officers who once served in CONSTITUTION.]


Roll 237, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1856)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1856)




Roll 238, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1856)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1856)




Roll 239, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1856)




Vol 2 (September 1‑ 30, 1856)




Roll 240, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1856)


From Lieutenant Colville Terrett, Washington, DC, 14 Nov 1856:


        "I respectfully request a certificate of he following record evidence, contained in the Log‑Book of the U. S. Frigate Constitution, of the service rendered by her during the Mexican War, in the year 1846:‑viz:‑

        "1st:‑ The U. S. Frigate Constitution sailed from Mazatlan (California) April 23rd 1846, and passed round Cape Horn homeward bound on the 7th day of July 1846:‑ making fifty‑five days service rendered by her in the Pacific Ocean during the Mexican War, (west of Cape Horn) from its commencement 13th May 1846 to the 7th day of July 1846

        "2nd:‑ The U. S. Frigate Constitution arrived at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) July 29th 1846, and got underway from thence for Boston, (Mass.) August 5th 1846, having in convoy American merchant vessels (six in number) and anchored the same day in consequence of light winds, &c.

        "3rd:‑ The U. S. Frigate Constitution sailed from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on the 6th day of August 1846, for Boston, (Mass.) with the Convoy of American merchant vessels in company.‑‑  Convoyed said American merchant vessels, or the most of them, to the vicinity of the Atlantic coast of the United States (off Cape Hatteras) until the 16th and 17th of September 1846.

        "4th:‑  The U. S. Frigate Constitution on the 2nd day of September 1846, in the Atlantic Ocean, in Lat. 17‑54 North and Long. about 49‑45 West, at 1h20m P.M. spoke the American ship Mississippi from Talcahuana ((Chili) [sic] bound to Baltimore:‑ informed her of War existing between the United States and Mexico, and took her in convoy.‑‑  See remarks for the 2nd, 3rd & 4th days of September 1846, in the Log‑Book of the U. S. Frigate Constitution."  [Annotated: "Transmit certificate to Terrell."]


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1856)




Roll 241, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1857)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1857)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1857)




Roll 242 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1857)




Roll 243 (May 1 ‑ 30, 1857)




Roll 244 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1857)




Roll 245, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1857)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1857)




Roll 246 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1857)




Roll 247 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1857)




Roll 248, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1857)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1857)




Roll 249, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1858)




Roll 250, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1858)




Roll 251 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Roll 252 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1858)




Roll 253, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Roll 254 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1858)




Roll 255 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Roll 256, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1858)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1858)




Roll 257, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1859)




Vol 3 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Roll 258 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1859)




Roll 259 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Roll 260 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1859)




Roll 261, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Roll 262, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1859)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Roll 263, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1859)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1859)




Roll 264, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1860)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1860)




Roll 265, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1860)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1860)




Roll 266, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 11, 1860)




Vol 2 (May 12 ‑ 31, 1860)




Vol 3 (June 1 ‑ 15, 1860)




Roll 267, Vol 1 (June 16 ‑ 30, 1860)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 14, 1860)




Vol 3 (July 15 ‑ 31, 1860)


From Lieutenant David D. Porter, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 19 Jul 1860:


        Understands that he is to be ordered to take CONSTITUTION to Annapolis; requests permission to take his family with him.  [Request granted.]


From Boatswain Zacheriah Whitmarsh, Beverly, MA, 23 jul 1860:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Boatswain Zacheriah Whitmarsh, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 25 Jul 1860:


        Reports having reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant Edward C. Grafton, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 26 Jul 1860:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


Roll 268, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 16, 1860)




Vol 2 (August 17 ‑ 31, 1860)


From Surgeon Charles Chase, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 24 Aug 1860:


        Mentions that "Surgeon [Andrew A.] Henderson" has "just returned here from his temporary duty on board the Frigate Constitution."


From Lieutenant David D. Porter, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Aug 1860:


        "I should fail in my duty if I permitted the men to be transferred from this ship (to another Sea going vessel) without stating that rates of Seaman and ordinary Seaman had been given to persons totally unqualified physically and professionally to perform the duty ‑ in some instances weakly youth are rated Seamen, men who should have been rejected are rated ordinary Seamen, and many of the landsmen are worthless.  Any ship would be crippled by having some of these men added to her crew, and a great deal of trouble would be entailed upon the Service by retaining them.  I respectfully enclose a list of them with recommendations in relation to those I deem unfit for the Service, &c and who should receive a lower rate or be discharged.  I trust the Dep't. will appreciate the motive which induces me to make this unusual recommendation.  The rewards held out are fully adequate to procure a better Class of men than were sent here on an occasion when it was necessary for the safety of a valuable ship to have able bodied men who knew how to perform the duty for which they were pa[?].


"List of men transferred from U. S. Ship Constitution with Recommendations relative to their disposal


Ordiinary Seamen

Recommended to be

John F Riley


 disrated to Landsman

Thos D Brigham



James M Cunningham

O.S. H.D.


James Abbott

 O.S. H.D.


John Fitzgerald

O.S  H.D


Richard Lyons



Thomas H Kelly


disrated to Landsman

Wm Burns



James H Mars



James Norman


O.S. H.D.

Thomas Flaherty


disrated to Lands

John E Smith



John Williams

1st  O.S.


John Markey


disrated to lands

Wm A Nunes



Vaughan L Hendrick



John Doherty

O.S. H.D

disrated to O.S. [sic]

Francis Ford


disrated to Lands

Wm Hilt



Edward Castro



Cornelius Murphy



John Shuter



John Welch



Charles Ainsworth



Ephraim H Dewey



John Sweeney

1st O.S.

disrated to Lands

Daniel Fielding

gets [?]

O.S. H.D.

Henry Sharp

very good  O.S.


James McHugh


disrated to Lands

Charles Williams







Lewis Francis

fair Ship cook

Lds  H.D.

Henry Murray


Lds   H.D.

Thos Seaman

very good

Lds   H.D.

Emanuel Boykin


Lds   H.D.

Charles L. Sawin



Richard Allen



Wm Norman



Peter Wintack

fair Lds


Richard Howard



Wm Mahoney



Edwin Thompson



James Neilan



James Latham



Evans Covington



Smith Gatchell



Michael Zanelli


Not found

Nicholas Gargiule


Lds   H.D.

Wm Murray

Not found


William H Latham


discharged (simple

John Lawton



George P Bullen


Not found



John Field





Wallace Halstead


disrated to O.S 



John Rixon


sick-disrated to O.S.



John Jackson





Nathaniel Martindale


good man



John Hart


good man



John Smith


good man



James Brown


good man

H. D.


Albert Allen


good man



William Wetherbie





Wm Smith




Not found

John Gordon





Daniel Curtis





James Barrett




Not found

Johnathan [sic] J Burdge





Wm Harrington




disrated to O.S.

John McLaughlin




disrated to O.S.

Charles Salen




discharged Sea

John Lyon




arm broken

Wm Landers




discharged good

Harry Rolph




disrated to O.S.

John McNelly




disrated to O.S.

 Henry Edgar




too old

Lewis Willard


fair only



Wm Brown





George Bennett





Joseph Nason





John Palmer




disrated to OS

Wm McGale





Thomas Hamson





Wm Gilbert





Joseph Bennett




fair only

John Harrington





John Kelly




fair only

John Raymond





Charles Randall





Wm Parks





John E Ryan




disrated to OS

John H Thompson





Joseph Hemmings





Oscar Stone




disrated to OS.

Robert Mar




discharged Sea

James Miller




discharged Sea

Edward Biggs




discharged Sea

Edward T Chandler




discharged Sea

Isaac L Bridges




discharged Sea

John Williams 2nd




discharged Sea

John Sweeney 2nd




discharged Sea

John Marley




discharged Sea


[Note: The foregoing list appears to be a combination of Lieutenant Porter's reporting and the notations of follow‑up activity. “H.D.” presumably means “honorable discharge..]


Vol 3 (September 1 ‑ 16, 1860)


From Paymaster J. D. Bruceford, USS PENNSYLVANIA, 14 Sep 1860:


        Reports that the crew of CONSTITUTION "have been transferred to this Ship without their accounts.  A check with the Paymaster of OHIO found that they had been ordered transferred from OHIO to the Naval Agent Baltimore.  What is Department's intention?  [Accounts transferred to PENNSYLVANIA.]


Roll 269, Vol 1 (September 17 ‑ 30, 1860)


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, Naval Academy, 20 Sep 1860:


        Reported this date for duty in CONSTITUTION.


Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 10, 1860)


From Gunner Thomas P. Venable, Washington, DC, 4 Oct 1860:


        Requests orders to CONSTITUTION.  [Done.]


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Oct 186


        Requests his orders to the ship be reissued with him designated as a Lieutenant Commanding in order to make his status clear to all concerned.  [No.]


From Gunner Thomas P. Venable, Washington, DC, 9 Oct 1860;


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Gunner Thomas P. Venable, Annapolis, MD, 10 Oct 1860:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


Vol 3 (October 11 ‑ 31, 1860)


From Paymaster B. F. Gallaher, Washington, DC, 20 Oct 1860:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Paymaster B. F. Gallaher, Naval Academy, 25 Oct 1860:


        Reported to the Academy this date. 


Roll 270, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 13, 1860)




Vol 2 (November 14 ‑ 30, 1860)


From Boatswain E. Kenney, Norfolk, VA, 26 Nov 1860:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Boatswain E. Kenney, Annapolis, MD, 27 Nov 1860:


        Reported for duty in CONSTITUTION this date.


Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1860)


From Sailmaker Samuel V. Turner, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Dec 1860:


        Requests 20 days leave in order to move his family from Norfolk to Annapolis.  [Granted.]


Roll 271, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1861)


From Acting Midshipman Barron Carter, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jan 1861:


        In support of his resignation, submitted 21 Jan 1861, reports his brother is his legal guardian and that he has permission for his action from his living mother.  [Resignation accepted; from Georgia, he was appointed Master's  Mate, CSN, 19 Jun 1861.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1861)




Roll 272 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1861)




Roll 273, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑14, 1861)




Vol 2 (April 15 ‑ 30, 1861)


 From Carpenter Joseph E. Miller, Wilmington, DE, 24 Apr 1861:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to CONSTITUTION.


From Lieutenant G. W. Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Apr 1861:


        "I am just about to sail for New York with the Act'g Midn of the Academy.  Capt Blake spoke to me today of fort Adams Newport as a good place to temporarily locate the Midn and asked me for information as to it's [sic] capabilities for receiving them, before you decide on any place if you will permit me immediately upon my arrival at New York to ascertain the conveniences at Newport or some other place and report to you I can I think make such arrangements as will be suitable in the meantime I can easily organize and accommodate them on board ship."


From Lieutenant G. W. Rodgers, New York, NY, 29 Apr 1861:


        Reports the arrival of CONSTITUTION at New York with 151 Acting Mid'n on board.


From Sailmaker Benjamin B. Blydenburgh, New York, NY, 30 Apr 1861:


        Has reported on CONSTITUTION this date, having been twice to Perryville, MD, trying to learn where the ship was.


Roll 274, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 13, 1861)


From Lieutenant Bush B. Taylor, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 May 1861:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment orders; requests permission to allot $90/mo. to his family.


From Lieutenant Edmund O. Matthews, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 May 1861:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment orders transferring him to USS WABASH.


Vol 2 (May 14 ‑ 31, 1861)


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, New York Navy Yard, 31 May 1861:


        Has reported this date for duty in USS SAVANNAH.


Roll 275, Vol 1  (June 1 ‑ 14, 1861)




Vol 2 (June 15 ‑ 30, 1861)




Roll 276, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 13, 1861)




Vol 2 (July 14 ‑ 31, 1861)




Roll 277, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 13, 1861)




Vol 2 (August 14 ‑22, 1861)


From Lieutenant George W. Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Aug 1861:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to report to Captain William L. Hudson in connection with the instruction of newly appointed officers.


Vol 3 (August 23 ‑ 31, 1861)


From Acting Midshipmen E. S. Dickman, P. H. Cooper. A. S. Crowninshield, C. H. Craven, Ira Harris, Jr., W. K. Wheeler, C. McGregor, A. J. Clark, C. H. Brantingham, G. W. Coffin,W. W. Maclay, F. Morris, Wm Bainbridge Hoff, W. C. Wise, Wm A. Van Vleck, Chas. H. Poor, Jr., A. S. Newlin, John D. Clark, S. Mallory, C. G. Bush [deleted], Geo. B. Glidden, E. Buckmaster, C. H. Chester, R. P. Leary, J. C. Pegram, Chas. J. Barclay, D. W. Mullan, Wm Hammett, Jr., Charles V. Gridley, H. G. Cass, Nicoll Ludlow, J. M. Califf, A. H. Wright, W. O. Hoyle, G. M. McClure, C. C. Clements, D. R. Cassel, F. A. Cook, Aug. G. Kellogg, F. Wildes, C. D. Sigsbee, W. R. Hunter, Allan D. Brown, R. C. Irwin, J. B. Coghlan, Thomas R. Brooks, J. C. McIlwain, L. Morris, Tom S. Dana, G. P. Vance, H. C. Taylor, T. Williams, C. E. Clark, R. D. Evans, A. F. Brady, Wm H. Whiting, Jr., S. J. Morris, J. H. Smith, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Aug 1861:


        "We the undersigned, Acting Midshipmen at the U. S. Naval Academy, respectfully state, that at the present time, where our country demands the aid and assistance of everybody who is capable of rendering such; it is very painful for us to be obliged to lead a life of comparative inactivity at the city of Newport.

        "We do not wish to flatter ourselves by stating our accomplishments in the profession we have chosen, but we can safely assert, that according to the opinion of our officers, we would be as fully capable of discharging the duties of Midshipmen as those, which the present crisis has so suddenly called into active service.

        "Since we have entered the third class, up to this time, our studies have been professional, and we dare say, that owing to the actions of our officers and instructors, we have acquired considerable knowledge of these.

        "Our only wish now is that we may be assigned a position, where we can be of some service to our country, and we should be highly gratified to obtain active employment in the new vessels which are now being added to our navy.


[Annotated that they are to be commended for their zeal, but advised the service wishes them to complete their education.]


Roll 278, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 10, 1861)




Vol 2 (September 11 ‑ 20, 1861)




Roll 279, Vol 1 (September 21 ‑ 30, 1861)


From Lieutenant Edward P. Lull, Naval Academy, 24 Sep 1861:


        Reports he has reported for duty at the Academy.


Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 8, 1861)




Roll 280, Vol 1 (October 9 ‑ 14, 1861)


From Acting Midshipman Joseph S. Ross, Jr., USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Oct 1861:


        Has tendered his resignation due to continuing ill health.  [Accepted.]


Vol 2 (October 15 ‑22, 1861)




Roll 281, Vol 1 (October 23 ‑ 31, 1861)


From Lieutenant E. Orville Matthews, Newport, RI, 24 Oct 1861:


        Requests orders to the Naval Academy as his health renders him unfit for sea service.  [So ordered, 28 Oct.]


From Lieutenant E. Orville Matthews, Naval Academy, 30 Oct 1861:


        Has reported for duty.


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 9, 1861)




Roll 282, Vol 1 (November 9 ‑ 19, 1861)




Vol 2 (November 20 ‑ 30, 1861)




Roll 283 (December 1 ‑ 10, 1861)


From Acting Master Charles L. Huntington, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Dec 1861:


        Has been on duty at the Naval Academy since the previous May, and wishes active sea duty.  [Endorsed to the effect that his services are needed at the Academy at this time.]


From Acting Midshipman George N. Flagg, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Dec 1861:


        Requests 8 days leave.  [Annotated that no Midshipman  is to have leave.]


Roll 284 (December 11 ‑ 20, 1861)




Roll 285 (December 21 ‑ 31, 1861)




Roll 286, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Vol 2 (January 11 ‑ 21, 1862)




Roll 287, Vol 1 (January 22 ‑ 31, 1862)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Roll 288, Vol 1 (February 11 ‑ 18, 1862)




Vol 2 (February 19 ‑ 28, 1862)




Roll 289, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Vol 2 (March 11 ‑ 19, 1862)




Roll 290, Vol 1 (March 20 ‑ 31, 1862)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Roll 291, Vol 1 (April 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




 Vol 2 (April 21 ‑ 30, 1862)




Roll 292, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Vol 2 (May 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Roll 293, Vol 1 (May 21 ‑ 31, 1862)




Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Roll 294, Vol 1 (June 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Vol 2 (June 21 ‑ 30, 1862)




Roll 295, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Vol 2 (July 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Roll 296 (July 21 ‑ 31, 1862)




Roll 297 (August 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Roll 298 (August 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Roll 299 (August 21 ‑ 31, 1862)




Roll 300 (September 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Roll 301 (September 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Roll 302 (September 21 ‑ 30, 1862)




Roll 303 (October 1 ‑ 10, 1862)


From Gunner George Sirian, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Oct 1862:


        Reports that he has reported for duty at the Naval Academy.


Roll 304 (October 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Roll 305 (October 21 ‑ 31, 1862)


From Paymaster H. M. Hieskell, Naval Academy, 27 Oct 1862:


        Notes that SANTEE is now "one of the school ships."  [In addition to CONSTITUTION, JOHN ADAMS, and MARION.]


From Surgeon James C. Palmer, Naval Academy, 30 Oct 1862:


        In reporting the need for additional personnel with the arrival as a practice ship "on the same terms precisely as the Constitution," he quotes a departmental order issued with regard to CONSTITUTION issued on 25 Nov 1861: "The ship's complement of the school ship Constitution, will be considered at 200 or over, and the Hospital Steward on duty on board said vessel will be entitled to $33 per month."  [Signed by Gideon Welles.]  A similar order for SANTEE is requested.


Roll 306 (November 1 ‑ 10, 1862)


From Acting Volunteer Lieutenant James P. Conthony, USS KINGFISHER, 7 Nov 1862:


        In a printed enclosure, CONSTITUTION is listed as being assigned the signal letters "GQPK" in the "commercial code of signals for use of all nations."  When such signal letter flags are hoisted, the ensign is "to be shown at the peak, over the Code Pendant."


Roll 307 (November 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Roll 308, Vol 1 (November 21 ‑ 30, 1862)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 10, 1862)




Roll 309, Vol 1 (December 11 ‑ 20, 1862)




Vol 2 (December 21 ‑ 31, 1862)




Roll 310 (January 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 311 (January 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 312 (January 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 313 (February 1 ‑ 9, 1863)




Roll 314 (February 10 ‑ 19, 1863)




Roll 315 (February 20 ‑ 28, 1863)


From Midshipman Samuel W. Very, Naval Academy, 24 Feb 1863:


        Reports that, in response to orders from Bull's Bay, SC, to the Academy, he was sent first to Cuba in a government vessel in accordance with orders from Admiral Wilkes, then to Chelsea (MA) in a merchantman, and finally to Newport.  He asks that he be reimbursed for the entire trip made under orders rather than just for the last leg, which is all the secretary of the Academy will authorize.  Notes he is "to go on the School Ship 'Constitution' today."


Roll 316 (March 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 317 (March 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 318 (March 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 319 (April 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 320 (April 11‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 321 (April 21 ‑ 30, 1863)


From Lieutenant Commander Edward P. Lull, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Apr 1863:


        Acknowledges receipt of his commission as a Lieutenant Commander.


Roll 322 (May 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 323 (May 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 324 (May 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 325 (June 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 326 (June 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 327 (June 21 ‑ 30, 1863)




Roll 328 (July 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




 Roll 329 (July 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 330 (July 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 331 (August 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 332 (August 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 333 (August 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 334 (September 1 ‑ 10, 1863)


From Lieutenant Commander Edward P. Lull, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Sep 1863:


        Acknowledges receipt of letter of 7 Sep alerting him to imminent sea duty orders.


Roll 335 (September 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 336 (September 21 ‑ 30, 1863)




Roll 337 (October 1 ‑ 10, 1863)


From Sailmaker Benjamin B. Blydenburgh, Newport, RI, 4 Oct 1863:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders detaching him from CONSTITUTION.  After 6 Oct, can be reached at New London, CT.


Roll 338 (October 11 ‑ 20, 1863)


From Sailmaker Henry T. Stocker, Newport, RI, 12 Oct 1863:


        Has reported for duty in CONSTITUTION.


Roll 339 (October 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 340 (November 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 341 (November 11 ‑ 20, 1863)




Roll 342 (November 21 ‑ 30, 1863)




Roll 343 (December 1 ‑ 10, 1863)




Roll 344 (December 11 ‑ 20, 1863)


From Lieutenant Commander Edward P. Lull, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Dec 1863:


        Acknowledges receipt of detachment orders this date; transferred to USS BROOKLYN.


Roll 345 (December 21 ‑ 31, 1863)




Roll 346 (January 1 ‑ 15, 1864)


From Boatswain Edward Kenney, Newport, RI, 12 Jan 1864:


        Acknowledges receipt of letter detaching him from CONSTITUTION awaiting orders.  Requests quick orders as he has a large family to provide for, and that he be retained in CONSTITUTION until actually ordered to sea.  Would like orders to USS LANCASTER in the Pacific.


Roll 347 (January 15 ‑ 31, 1864)




Roll 348 (February 1 ‑ 14, 1864)




Roll 349 (February 15 ‑ 29, 1864)


From Boatswain Edward Kenney, Newport, RI, 22 Feb 1864:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders transferring him to USS SARANAC.


 Roll 350 (March 1 ‑ 15, 1864)




Roll 351 (March 16 ‑ 31, 1864)


From Lieutenant Commander Philip C. Johnson, Jr., Naval Academy, RI, 25 Mar 1864:


        Reported to the Academy this date.


Roll 352 (April 1 ‑ 15, 1864)




Roll 353 (April 16 ‑ 24, 1864)




Roll 354 (April 25 ‑ 30, 1864)




Roll 355 (May 1 ‑ 10, 1864)




Roll 356 (May 11 ‑ 21, 1864)




Roll 357 (May 22 ‑ 31, 1864)




Roll 358 (June 1 ‑ 10, 1864)




Roll 359 (June 11 ‑ 20, 1864)


From Lieutenant Henry F. Picking, Newport, RI, 15 Jun 1864:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders detaching him from the Naval Academy.


From Carpenter Joseph E. Miller, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Jun 1864:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders detaching him upon his relief's arrival, for transfer to USS SUSQUEHANNA.


From Carpenter John A. Dixon, Newport, RI, 18 Jun 1864:


        Reported for duty this date.


Roll 360 (June 21 ‑ 30, 1864)




Roll 361 (July 1 ‑ 10, 1864)


From Paymaster Charles W. Abbott, Naval Academy, 2 Jul 1864:


        Are the crews of CONSTITUTION and SANTEE excluded from the "Pay Tables" annexed to General Order 36 [16 May 1864]?


Roll 362 (July 11 ‑ 20, 1864)




Roll 363 (July 21 ‑ 31, 1864)


From Gunner George Sirian, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Jul 1864:


        Requests orders to USS VANDERBILT or any other sea duty.  [Done.]


Roll 364 (August 1 ‑ 10, 1864)




Roll 365 (August 11 ‑ 20, 1864)




Roll 366 (August 21 ‑ 31, 1864)


From Carpenter John A. Dixon, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Aug 1864:


        Requests sea duty.


Roll 367 (September 1 ‑ 10, 1864)




Roll 368 (September 11 ‑ 20, 1864)




Roll 369 (September 21 ‑ 30, 1864)


From Sailmaker Henry T. Stocker, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Sep 1864:


        Requests orders to USS COLORADO.


Roll 370 (October 1 ‑ 10, 1864)




Roll 371 (October 11 ‑ 20, 1864)


From Sailmaker Henry T. Stocker, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Oct 1864:


        Acknowledges receipt of orders to USS SAN JACINTO.


Roll 372 (October 21 ‑ 31, 1864)




Roll 373 (November 1 ‑ 10, 1864)




Roll 374 (November 11 ‑ 20, 1864)




Roll 375 (November 21 ‑ 30, 1864)




Roll 376 (December 1 ‑ 6, 1864)




Roll 377 (December 7 ‑ 12, 1864)




Roll 378 (December 13 ‑ 21, 1864)


From Carpenter John A. Dixon, USSS CONSTITUTION, 20 Dec 1864:       


        Requests orders to sea duty.  [Annotated: "Ordered. 27 Dec."]


Roll 379 (December 22 ‑ 31, 1864)




Roll 380 (January 1 ‑ 10, 1865)




 Roll 381 (January 11 ‑ 20, 1865)




Roll 382 (January 21 ‑ 31, 1865)




Roll 383 (February 1 ‑ 10, 1865)




Roll 384 (February 11 ‑ 20, 1865)




Roll 385 (February 21 ‑ 28, 1865)


From Lieutenant Commander C[lark] Merchant, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Feb 1865:


        Acknowledges receipt of commission as Lieutenant Commander.


Roll 386 (March 1 ‑ 10, 1865)




Roll 387 (March 11 ‑ 20, 1865)




Roll 388 (March 21 ‑ 31, 1865)




Roll 389 (April 1‑ 10, 1865)


From Lieutenant Commander P. C. Johnson, School Ships, Newport, RI, 4 Apr 1865:


        Forwards the record of a summary court martial held aboard USS CONSTITUTION the previous day.


From Lieutenant Francis S. Brown, Naval Academy, 6 Apr 1865:


        Has served at the Naval Academy for "over a year and a half."  Requests sea duty.


Roll 390 (April 11 ‑ 20, 1865)




 Roll 391 (April 21 ‑ 30, 1865)




Roll 392 (May 1 ‑ 7, 1865)




Roll 393 (May 8 ‑ 16, 1865)




Roll 394 (May 17 ‑ 31, 1865)


From Lieutenant Francis S. Brown, Naval Academy, Newport, RI, 18 May 1865:


        Acknowledges receipt of telegraphic detachment orders reassigning him to USS DACOTAH,


Roll 395 (June 1 ‑ 15, 1865)




Roll 396 (June 16 ‑ 30, 1865)




Roll 397, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 17, 1865)




Vol 2 (July 18 ‑ 31, 1865)




Roll 398, Vol 1 (August 1 = 14, 1865)




Vol 2 (August 15 ‑ 31, 1865)


From Lieutenant Commander P. C. Johnson, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Aug 1865:


        Forwards the following statement made by Landsman James Henson against "Commander Carr, U. S. Navy:"


From Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Charles W. Wilson, Executive Officer, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Aug 1865:


        "James Henson, Landsman, now on board this ship makes the following statement: during the month of July on or about the 11th 1864.  He enlisted in the U. S. Naval  Service in the City of Washington DC.  Was sent to the Receiving Ship or Quarters at the Naval Station in that City.

        "On the 19th of July he was to receive $250 dolls [sic] bounty money.  The amount was laid before him by Comdr Carr U. S. Navy who requested Henson to deposit $200 dolls with him, Comdr Carr assuring Henson before leaving the Station he should receive the amount in full.  Henson states that no receipt was given for the money, and from that time up to the present has heard nothing from Comdr Carr in reference to his claim."

        [Witnesses: Assistant Surgeon S. F. Shaw and Acting Ensign H. F. Tinkham.  Henson signed with an "X." No "Commander Carr" has been found in available records.]


Roll 399 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1865)




Roll 400, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1865)




Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1865)


From Lieutenant Commander P. C. Johnson, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Nov 1865:


        Reports that Seamen John Young and Arthur Munden of his ship state they enlisted at $20 per month, but that the Academy Paymaster, Charles W. Abbott, will pay them only $18, saying the current pay table does not apply to them (although he pays the higher rate to seamen of other ships attached to the Academy).  Requests a determination in the case.


Vol 3 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1865)




Roll 401 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1866)


From Lieutenant Commander P. C. Johnson, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Jan 1866:


        Requests detachment at end of half term and three months leave, with permission to leave the country.  [Annotated: "Done.  Jan 18/66."]


 Roll 402 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1866)


From Lieutenant Commander P. C. Johnson, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Feb 1866:


        Reports his detachment from the Naval Academy; requests three months leave.  [Annotated: "Done. Feb. 17/66."]


Roll 403 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1866)




Roll 404 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1866)




Roll 405 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1866)




Roll 406 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1866)




Roll 407 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1866)




Roll 408 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1866)




Roll 409 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1866)


From Mate G. Rogers, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Sep 1866:


        Request 2 weeks leave from the 11th, inst.  [Done.]


Roll 410, Vol 1 (October 1 ‑ November 30, 1866)


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Oct 1866:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board on 2 Oct.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 Oct 1866:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board on 29 Oct.


Vol 2 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1866)


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1866:


        Forwards proceedings of a summary court martial held on board 8 Nov.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Nov 1866:


        Forwards proceedings of a summary court martial held on board this date.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 12 Nov 1866:


        Forwards proceedings of a summary court martial held on board this date.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 Nov 1866:


        Forwards proceedings of a summary court martial held on board the previous day.


Roll 411 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1866)


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Dec 1866:


        Forwards proceedings from 3 summary courts martial held on board that date.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Dec 1866 [2nd ltr]:


        Forwards proceedings from 3 summary courts martial held on board on 6 Dec 1866.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Dec 1866:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board the previous day.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Dec 1866:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board that day.


Roll 412 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1867)


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 5 Jan 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board on 4 Jan.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Jan 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board that day.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Jan 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board on 12 Jan.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Jan 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of 2 summary courts martial held on board on 21 Jan.


Roll 413, Vol 1 (February 1 ‑ 28, 1867)


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Feb 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of 3 summary courts martial held on board on 4 Feb.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Feb 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board on 6 Feb.


From Passed Assistant Paymaster Robert R. Rodney, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Feb 1867:


        Submits corrections to his statement of service as it appears in the Naval Register.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Feb 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board the previous day.


Vol 2 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1867)


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Mar 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board that day.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION,  9 Mar 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of a summary court martial held on board the previous day.


From Lieutenant Commander T. H. Eastman, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Mar 1867:


        Forwards the proceedings of 2 summary courts martial held on board on 14 Mar.


Roll 414 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1867)




Roll 415 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1867)


From Mate William Dyer, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 May 1867:


        Requests 30 days leave to visit his ailing sister.  [Granted.]


Roll 416 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1867)


From Chaplain G. Williamson Smith, Naval Academy, 8 Jun 1867:


        Submits his report of service for the ending school year.

        "...Daily Morning Prayers

        "The session of the Naval Academy opened with morning prayer, as required by the Regulations, October 1, 1866, and daily morning prayers have been continued throughout the year.  They have been held in  the Chapel for the three higher classes and on the ship 'Constitution' for the 4th class..."  Chaplain W[illiam]. H. Stewart was his back up.

        "Sunday Services.

        "The arrangements made last year for Sunday servics have been continued.  Services have been held for the 4th class at 9 A.M., either in Chapel or on ship.  They were conducted by me until December, when Chaplain Stewart was directed by the Superintendent to assume their charge in order that the work might be more equally divided..."  An 11 A.M. service in  the Chapel was for upper classes and staff families.


Roll 417, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1867)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, !867)




 Roll 418, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1867)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1867)


From Mate Joseph Rodgers, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Oct 1867:


        Requests 30 days leave to visit family in Newport, RI.  [Done.]


Roll 419, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1867)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1867)




Roll 420, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1868)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 29, 1868)




Roll 421, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1868)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1868)




Roll 422, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1868)




Vol 2 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1868)


From Chaplain G. Williamson Smith, Naval Academy, 8 Jun 1868:


        Presents his annual report of activities.  Morning prayers continued to be said on board CONSTITUTION, at 7:15 or 7:45.  More than 25% of the midshipmen a "full members with some Christian body."  He officiated at the 3 funerals associated with the explosion of the steam yacht ALBEMARLE.


Roll 423, Vol 1 (July 1 ‑31, 1868)




Vol 2 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1868)


From Midshipman 4th Class Charles H. Crosswait, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Aug 1868:


        Requests leave for month of September to visit ailing mother.  [Done.]


From Midshipman 4th Class Charles H. Crosswait, 29 aug 1868:


        Acknowledges receipt of leave permission, but, because he has received news of her recovery, has decided to remain at school.


Roll 424, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1868)


From Midshipman F. Tyler, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Sep 1868:


        Requests leave until 20 Sep.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman William D. Rosencrantz, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Sep 1868:


        Requests leave until 20 Sep.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman L. Van Epps, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Sep 1868:


        A former naval apprentice who has not had leave, requests same until school reopens to visit his friends.  [Granted until 20 Sep.]


From Midshipman 4th Class William H. Sutherland, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Sep 1868:


        Requests 10 days leave.  Has been in service 14 months.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman 4th Class R. H. Galt, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Sep 1868:


        Requests leave until 20 Sep.  [Granted.]


From Midshipman 4th Class Arthur C. Smith, USS CONSTITUTION, 11 Sep 1868:


        Requests sick leave until 30 Sep.  (Is suffering from "intermittent fever.")  [Granted.]


Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1868)




 Roll 425, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1868)


From Mate R. V. Wickes, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Nov 1868:


        Requests 5 days leave beginning 30 Nov.


Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1868)




Roll 426, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1869)


From Lieutenant Commander George Dewey, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Jan 1869:


        Forwards the articles of agreement for lately appointed Commanding Officer's Clerk Philip Rutter.


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 27, 1869)




Roll 427 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1869)




Roll 428, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1869)


From Paymaster W. Goldsborough, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Apr 1869:


        Requisitions funds for "the use of the Ships at the Naval Academy except the Macedonian."


Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1869)




Roll 429, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1869)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1869)




Roll 430, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1869)


From Paymaster W. Goldsborough, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 Aug 1869:


        Requisitions $15,000 for CONSTITUTION "& ships" for the month of September.


 Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1869)




Roll 431 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1869)


From Lieutenant Commander George Dewey, USS SANTEE, 11 Oct 1869:


        Forwards oath and allegiance and letter of acceptance of Captain's Writer William A. Jones of this ship.


Roll 432, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1869)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1869)




Roll 433, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1870)


From Paymaster W. Goldsborough, USS CONSTITUTION, 5 Jan 1870:


        Requests funds "for the Ships at the Naval Academy" for the current month.  [Appears regularly through Jun 1871.]


Vol 2 (February 1 ‑28, 1870)




Roll 434, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑31, 1870)


From Paymaster W. Goldsborough, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 Mar 1870:


        Submits February returns for the ships.  [Appears regularly through May 1871.]


From Lieutenant Commander George Dewey, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Mar 1870:


        Forwards record of summary court martial in the case of Landsman Edward Williams.


Vol 2 (April 1‑ 30, 1870)




Vol 3 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1870)




Roll 435, Vol 1 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1870)




Vol 2 (July 1 ‑ 31, 1870)




Roll 436, Vol 1 (August 1 ‑ 31, 1870)




Vol 2 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1870)




Vol 3 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1870)


From Lieutenant Commander George Dewey, USS NARRAGANSETT, 13 Oct 1870:


        In command of NARRAGANSETT.


Roll 437, Vol 1 (November 1 ‑ 30, 1870)




Vol 2 (December 1 ‑ 31, 1870)




Roll 438, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ 31, 1871)




Vol 2 (February 1 ‑ 28. 1871)




Roll 439, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1871)


From Chaplain Henry B. Hibben, Naval Academy, 29 Mar 1871:


        Requests to be detached on 12 Apr next "from my present duty as Chaplain to the Constitution and other Ships in connection with the Naval School."  Wants leave "for the remainder of this year."  [Done.]


Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1871)




Roll 440 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1871)


From Passed Assistant Paymaster John Furcy, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Jun 1871:


        Requests $5000 to pay crews of CONSTITUTION and other ships at the Naval Academy.  [Requested $10,000 in Jul and $7000 in Sep 1871.]


Roll 441 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1871)


From Lieutenant Commander H. L. Howison, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Jul 1871:


        Forwards the oath of allegiance and letter of acceptance of Paymaster's Clerk James MacGregor of CONSTITUTION, appointed 30 Jun.


From Lieutenant Commander H. L. Howison, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Aug 1871:


        Forwards "corrected papers" on Paymaster's Clerk James MacGregor.


Roll 442, Vol 1 (September 1 ‑ 30, 1871)




Vol 2 (October 1 ‑ 31, 1871)




Roll 443 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1871)




Roll 444 (January 1 ‑ February 29, 1872)




Roll 445 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1872)




Roll 446 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1872)




Roll 447 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1872)




Roll 448 (September 1 ‑ October 30, 1872)




Roll 449 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1872)




Roll 450 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1873)




Roll 451 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1873)




Roll 452 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1873)




Roll 453 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1873)




Roll 454 (September 1‑ October 31, 1873)




Roll 455 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1873)




Roll 456 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1874)




Roll 457 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1874)


From Boatswain Edward Kenney, USS ST. LOUIS, 11 Apr 1874:


        "...previous to the Removal of the Academy from 'Annapolis' to 'Newport' I was orderd [sic] to the USS 'Constitution.'  My family were then living in 'Norfolk,' Virga. which was my 'home'.  On account of the breaking out of the Rebellion I was necessitated [sic] to remove my family to 'Annapolis', on this account I was subjected to considerable loss and expense, (my family being large, (nine children, nearly all girls)[.]  A short time after moveing [sic] my family to 'Annapolis', an order was Received from the Navy Dept. to Remove the Academy to Newport R.I.  All those attached to the Academy were allowed to Remove the familys [sic] and furniture in the Govt. steamers.  I being attached to the Constitution had to go round in the ship, by an order from the Supdt. [sic] of the Academy my family had to Remain until I could return for them.  On the establishment of the Academy at 'Newport', I was granted leave to Return to 'Anapolis'  [sic] for my family, with the Request to the Col. Commanding to furnish me transportation in one of the Govt. steamers, for my family, and furniture, there being no steamer I had again to Remove my family at my own expense: to do this I was forced to sell some of my furniture, and also to borrow money, to pay traveling expenses.  On arriving with my family at 'Newport' I found the expense of living very high, so much so that I was unable to settle any of my liabilitys [sic] without distressing my family.  When detached from the Station at 'Newport' I immediately applied for Sea service, thinking my sea Pay would enable me to pay some of my little debts.  I was ordered to the USS 'Saranac'; unfortunately for me, i found the 'Saranac' stationed in the Harbor of San Francisco, Cal, where the officers were all paid in'Greenbacks,' which not being current in San Francisco, each one had to take their Pay on shore and sell it for 'Gold' to get enough money for necessary expenses.  Gold was selling at from 140 to 180.  This reduced the value of my pay considerable [sic], and made it difficult for me to send money enough home to support my family. On this account my Wife was necessitated to contract other little debts.  Mr. Crandalls [sic] statement is correct..  My Wife finding it difficult to get along in 'Newport,' concluded it would be better to Remove to 'Brooklyn' where she had friends, she notified Mr. Crandall that she was going to move, and promised to pay the Rent as soon as she could.  On my arrival home from the 'Saranac' I was ordered to Philadelphia N. Yd. and had to again Remove my family.  Since that time I have been unable to settle Mr. Crandalls claim having had to settle other more pressing liability.  I expect to be enabled in a short time to send Mr. Crandall a part of the amount and the balance as soon after as possible..."


Roll 458 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1874)




Roll 459 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1874)




Roll 460 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1874)




Roll 461 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1874)




Roll 462 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1875)




Roll 463 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1875)




Roll 464 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1875)




Roll 465 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1875)




Roll 466 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1875)




Roll 467 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1875)




Roll 468 (January 1 ‑ February 29, 1876)




Roll 469 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1876)




Roll 470 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1876)




Roll 471 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1876)




Roll 472 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1876)




Roll 473 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1876)


From Boatswain J. Burrows and Mate Harry D. Setley, USS POTOMAC, 18 Dec 1876:


        "We the undersigned in [sic] behalf of the Steerage & Warrant Officers of this Ship, who are about to be transferred to the USS 'Constitution,' would respectfully ask to be allowed to form one mess on board that Vessel; owing to the fact that there are but few members of each mess on board..."  [Annotated: "Authorize."]


Roll 474 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1877)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Jan 1877:


        Requests appointment of J. D. Minshall as Paymaster's Clerk for the period Allowed for the settlement of his accounts when attached to USS POTOMAC, from whence he had been transferred.  [Approved.]


From Ensign J. C. Colwell, USS CONSTITUTION, 25 Jan 1877:


        Acknowledges receipt of his commission as Ensign, dated 9 Jan 1877.


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Feb 1877:


        Requests $8000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines".


From Ensign W. C. Heacock, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Feb 1877:


        Requests a one year leave of absence beginning immediately.  [No.]


Roll 475 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1877)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 19 Mar 1877:


        Requisitions $6000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines."


Roll 476 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1877)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 1 May 1877:


        Forwards a new bond.


From Paymaaster's Clerk R. C. Thompson and Captain's Clerk H. R. Beadle, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 May 1877:


        Wish to be exempted from the department order of 3 Apr 1877 "by which the Officers of the Navy cannot be paid for the months of April, May, and June" on the grounds that, unlike officers, their names do not appear in the Naval Register and they are subject to discharge at any time upon the detachment of their appointing officers.  [Denied.  Order due to a deficiency in the appropriation "Pay of the Navy."]


From Paymaster C. A, McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 May 1877:


        Requisitions $2500 with which to pay "Crew and Marines."


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 May 1877:


        Responds to a query that pay for the "Lieutenant of Marines" was not included in his last requisition.


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Jun 1877:


        Submits a new bond, as ordered.


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Jun 1877:


        Requisitions $1581.84 to pay Marines, including the officer commanding, for the months of May and June.


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jun 1877:


        Requisitions $3000 to pay the "Crew only."


From Master At Arms Henry O. Metires, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 Jun 1877:


        On behalf "of the senior Petty Officers of this vessel," requests they be issued certificates for the amount of pay due them as of this date so they can support their families.


Roll 477 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1877)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jul 1877:


        Requisitions $7000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew, and Marines."


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 6 Aug 1877:


        Requisitions $8000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines."


From Lieutenant C. A. Schultz, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Aug 1877:


        "...On the morning of the 6th inst. and order was received from the Department, mitigating the sentence of Edward T. Murry [sic], Landsman, then serving one (1)  month's confinement on board this Vessel, per sentence of summary Court Martial.

        "The order referred to mitigated one (1) month's confinement, and as the original sentence of Murry was for one (1) month's confinement only, he was of course immediately released from confinement.

        "At about 3.45 oclock PM the same day, a telegram was received from the Department substituting the name of George L. Dix 2d C Boy for Edward T. Murray Landsman.

        "Murrqy having been released on the order, I respectflly ask intructions if he is to be reconfined or not.

        "I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the order and of the telegram referred to, marked "A" & "B."





        "The sentence of Edward T. Murray [sic], Landsman, tried by Summary Court Martial, on USS Constitution July 18th 1877, is mitigated as follows: remission of the forfeiture of pay, and also of one months confinement and of two months extra duty."



        "Correct letter of (4th) fourth instant by inserting George L. Dix in place of Edward T. Murray."


[Lieutenant Schetky signed the basic letter "Comdg."]


Roll 478 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1877)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Sep 1877:


        Requisitions $6000 with which to pay "Officers Crew and Marines."  [Endorsed by "A. P. Cooke, Commander, Comdg."]


From Ensign Winslow Allerdice, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Sep 1877:


        Acknowledges his indebtedness to Messrs Shannon Miller & Crane of New York and Dr. Pinkard of Annapolis, saying he has made arrangements "to adjust the obligations."


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Oct 1877:


        Requisitions $6000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines."


Roll 479 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1877)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Nov 1877:


        Requisitions $6000 to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines."


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 11 Dec 1877:


        Requisitions $1424.78 to make up pay deficiencies of 2nd quarter 1877.


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 Dec 1877:


        Requisitions $6000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines."


Roll 480 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1878)


From Paymaster C. A. McDaniel, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jan 1878:


        Requisitions $7000 with which to pay "Officers, Crew and Marines," as well as &103.02 for "pay arrearages."


From Master Henry T. Stockton, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Jan 1878:


        Requests his Lieutenant's examination "by the 30th January."


From Acting Sailmaker Herman Hanson, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jan 1878:


        Requests his warrant as Sailmaker.  ["Warranted. 25 Jany 1878."]


From Sailmaker Herman Hanson, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 Jan 1878:


        Acknowledges receipt of his warrant dated 17 Jan 1876.


From Paymaster Robert W. Allen, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Feb 1878:


        Requests authority to draw bills of exchange on the Department's financial agents in London.  [Done.]


From Gunner Joseph Swift, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Feb 1878:


        Requests permission to allot $100 for his family.  [Authorized.]


From Ensign C. McR. Winslow, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Feb 1878:


        Acknowledges receipt of his commission as Ensign.


From Ensign Alexander Sharp, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Feb 1878:


        Acknowledges receipt of his commission as Ensign.


From Ensign Edward D. Bostick, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Feb 1878:


        Acknowledges receipt of his commission as Ensign.


From Ensign Fidelio S. Carter, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Feb 1878:


        Acknowledges receipt of his commission as Ensign.


From Lieutenant Edward W. Very, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Feb 1878:


         Acknowledges receipt of orders to duty with the American Commissioner at the Universal Exposition in Paris.


Roll 481 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1878)


From Paymaster Robert W. Allen, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 Apr 1878:


        Asks on what date Lieutenant Very's $6 per diem in connection with his orders to the Exposition should begin.


Roll 482 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1878)




Roll 483 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1878)


From Yeoman James McClintock, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jul 1878:


        Requests waiver of "paragraph 6, Page 89 of the U. S. Navy Regulations" in his behalf.  [Unnecessary.]


From Lieutenant Henry T. Stockton, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Jul 1878:


        Acknowledges receipt of his Lieutenant's commission, to rank from 2 Feb 1878.


 From Ensign Alexander Sharp, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Aug 1878:


        Informs the Department that henceforth his place of residence will be Yankton, Dakotah Territory.


Roll 484 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1878)


From Lieutenant Henry T. Stockton, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Oct 1878:


        Requests orders as Naval Attache, London.


From Lieutenant Charles M. Thomas, USS CONSTITUTION, 30 OCT 1878:


        [Is Acting Executive Officer.]  Reports that Midshipman Templin M. Potts served under him as Assistant Navigator from Jan until 3 Apr with "entire satisfaction."


Roll 485 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1878)




Roll 486 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1879)




Roll 487 (March 1 ‑ April 30, 1879)




Roll 488 (May 1 ‑ June 30, 1879)


From Paymaster Robert W. Allen, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 May 1879:


        Requisitions $25,000 for pay and other expenses.


From Lieutenant Commander William Henry Whiting, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 May 1879:


        Reports that Cadet Midshipman J. M. Orchard has performed excellently during the 17 months he has been aboard.  [Whiting is Executive Officer.]


From Lieutenant Commander William Henry Whiting, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 May 1879:


        Reports his complete satisfaction with the performance of Cadet Midshipman J. N. Jordan during the 17 months he has been aboard.


From Lieutenant Commander William Henry Whiting, USS  CONSTITUTION, 28 May 1879:


        Reports his complete satisfaction with the conduct of Cadet Midshipman O. G. Dodge during the 17 months he has been aboard.


From Lieutenant Commander William Henry Whiting, USS CONSTITUTION, 28 May 1879:


        Reports his complete satisfaction with the conduct of Cadet Midshipman W. V. Bronaugh during the 17 months he has been aboard.


Roll 489 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1879)


From Master F. H. Crosby, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jul 1879:


        Requests reimbursement for official travel.  [Approved.]


From Paymaster Robert W. Allen, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Jul 1879:


        Submits travel claims for himself and Assistant Paymaster Hoxsey covering the several trips they made between Le Havre and Paris the preceding year to pay the Marine Guard assigned to the International Exposition.


Roll 490 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1879)


From Lieutenant Charles M. Thomas, USS CONSTITUTION, 8 Sep 1879:


        "I have the honor to return the Department letter of commendation to James Horton Captain of Top, as he was discharged from this vessel at his own request on the 26th day of June 1879, at Philadelphia Penna.  His address is James Horton, care Mrs. Holmes, No. 1 Eliza Street, off Ashton Street, Oldham, Lancashire, England."  [Thomas signed this letter "Lieutenant Commanding."]


From 1st Lieutenant Frank D. Webster, USMC, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Sep 1879:


        Writes to explain his failure to comply with a Department order of 11 Sep.  It seems he departed on a week's approved leave on 12 Sep, but failed to leave his address.  Unsuccessful efforts were made to locate him, and so he failed to appear as ordered as a member of a General Court Martial on the 15th.  He reported as soon as he was aware of the order, but the trial already had closed.


Roll 491 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1879)


From Sailmaker Herman Hansen, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Nov 1879:


        Requests permission to allot $75/mo. of his pay.  [Authorized.]


From Gunner John R. Grainger, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Nov 1879:


        Requests permission to allot $120/mo. to his family.  [Authorized.]


From Schoolmaster John Bates, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Nov 1879:


        Requests permission to allot $20/mo. to his wife Catharine in Philadelphia.  [Authorized.]


Roll 492 (January 1 ‑ February 29, 1880)


From Lieutenant Clayton S. Richman, Commanding USS MONONGAHELA, to Captain O. F. Stanton, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 Feb 1880:


        [CONSTITUTION then at Colon, Panama.]  "In turning over to yor command, the twenty two apprentice boys lately on board the 'Monongahela,' I feel it a duty I owe them, to make their uniformly gentlemanly conduct and general reliability a matter of record.

        "During a tedious passage from Mare Island to Aspinwall, stopping at Mexican and other principal ports, I had an excellent opportunity to judge of their character [sic].

        "Under the above circumstances, deprived of the better food and comforts of a man of war, and with only their personal pride and previous training to govern their actions, I am pleased to state that, never at any time, was it necessary to reprove or caution them.

        "During this trip we had a Gale of wind, which rendered it adviseble [sic], if not necessary, that the Passengers should assist the Crew on board, and in this duty, I can testify to the Seamanlike and prompt manner in which, the boys, quietly made themselves useful.  As sails split or blew to ribbons or as reefs were required, there were, invariably, more than could work conveniently on the yards, and as the Saloons and Ladies' Cabins became flooded they were as promptly bailed out, and all of this, in such a quiet and orderly manner as to cause remark and praise, alike from the Officers of the Ship and from passengers, many of the latter, doubtless being reassured and prevented fromo being panic stricken, by the mere presence and assurance of the boys ‑.  On the arrival of the Ship at Punta Arenas,‑ she being much behind time in  consequence of the destruction by the Storm, and having about Four hundred Tons of Cargo to discharge, The [sic] boys accepted a proposition from the Captain of the Ship, and, for a liberal compensation discharged the Cargo in about half a day, putting it into lighters alongside at the average rate of nearly three quarters of a ton per minute.  Thereby, enabling the ship to make her connection at Panama."


Roll 493, Vol 1 (March 1 ‑31, 1880)




Vol 2 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1880)


From Master Boynton Leach, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Apr 1880:


        Requests 2 weeks' leave from the 26th, with permission to request a week's extension.  [Granted.]


From Lieutenant J. B. Murdock, USS CONSTITUTION, 29 Apr 1880:


        Acknowledges receipt of his Lieutenant's commission, to rank from 10 Mar 1880.


Roll 494, Vol 1 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1880)


From Lieutenant Commander Charles M. Thomas, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 May 1880:


        Acknowledges receipt of his Lieutenant Commander's commission, to rank from 1 Apr 1880.


Vol 2 (June 1  ‑ 30, 1880)


From Carpenter Henry Williams, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Jun 1880:


        Acknowledges receipt of his Carpenter's warrant, ranking from 1 Jun 1880.


From Midshipman J. K. Brice, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Jun 1880:


        Explains his reasons for tendering his resignation, the principal one being "my discouraging prospects as to promotion," but low pay at a time of "great business prosperity in the country" also is a factor.  [Resignation accepted after a second tender on 20 Jun 1880.]


Roll 495 (July 1 ‑ August 31, 1880)




 Roll 496 (September 1 ‑ October 31, 1880)




Roll 497 (November 1 ‑ December 31, 1880)




Roll 498, Vol 1 (January 1 ‑ February 28, 1881)




Vol 2 (March 1 ‑ 31, 1881)


From Boatswain T. W. Brown, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Mar 1881:


        Requests permission to allot $75/mo. to his wife, Annie J. Brown, for 2 years.  [Granted.]


Roll 499, Vol 1 (April 1 ‑ 30, 1881)




Vol 2 (May 1 ‑ 31, 1881)




Vol 3 (June 1 ‑ 30, 1881)


From Ensign A. W. Dodd, USS CONSTITUTION, 22 Jun 1881:


        Acknowledges receipt of commission as Ensign, to date from 29 Mar 1881.


Rolls 500 through 517 (July 1, 1881 through December 31, 1884)


        NOT SEEN


The Captain's Clerk

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