M 0089
Note: Only those rolls covering periods when CONSTITUTION was in squadron service have been researched.
Midshipman R. M. Caldwell |
Disease of liver |
Sailmaker G. D. Blackford |
Asthma |
Surgeon's Steward John Bruce |
Syphilis |
Seaman Robert Kirby |
Rheumatism |
Ordinary Seaman John Swann |
Chronic Bronchitis |
Ordinary Seaman James Forrest |
Debility |
Ordinary Seaman Richard McCormick |
Scrofula |
Ordinary Seaman Lewis Meeker |
Bronchitis & Rheumatism |
Landsman Henry Valentine |
Glandular swelling |
Ordinary Seaman Nehemiah Bass |
Scrofulous ulcers |
Seaman Daniel Lawler |
Secondary syphilis |
Quartermaster Daniel Cushman |
Disease of liver |
Private Alex. Barbour |
Chronic Bronchitis |
Seaman John J. Stiness |
Rheumatism |
invalided home after 2 Nov.]
Captain George S. Blake for Commodore Morgan, USS INDEPENDENCE, 15 Nov 1849:
Refers to court martial charges
against Seaman Charles Virgin of CONSTITUTION that have been pending since
July, during which time he has been confined.
Recommends that he be ordered to
Commodore Charles W. Morgan, USS INDEPENDENCE, 22 Apr 1850:
CONSTITUTION "will continue,
until further instructed, to cruise in the
Commodore Charles W. Morgan, USS INDEPENDENCE, 17 May 1850:
Refers to Joseph S. Crow of
CONSTITUTION, saying the order to discharge him will be forwarded.
Commodore Charles W. Morgan, USS INDEPENDENCE, 26 Oct 1850:
Mentions Surgeon Guillou and Gunner
John C. Ritter of CONSTITUTION.
Roll 106 (January 23, 1851 ‑ March 30,
Commodore Elie A. F. La Vallette, USS GERMANTOWN, 3 Feb 1853:
Awaiting the arrival of Commodore Mayo
in CONSTITUTION at Porto Praya.
Understands he was to sail some time in December.
Roll 107 (January 4, 1853 ‑ June 1, 1855)
Commodore Isaac Mayo,
Requests that Lieutenant M. C. Perry,
son of Commodore Perry, be ordered to CONSTITUTION as a supernumerary in the
expectation that the African climate will cause casualties among ships'
officers. [Annotated: "Done 10 Jany
Commodore Isaac Mayo,
Requires a Clerk. [Annotated: Allowed.]
Commodore Isaac Mayo,
CONSTITUTION is about 60 seamen short.
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Feb 1853:
Acknowledges receipt of orders to
touch at "certain ports" in the
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Mar 1853:
At sea. Not happy with crew, but hopes it will
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 15 May 1853:
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Jun 1853:
Arrived at Gibraltar on 2 Jun, having
taken 15 days from
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jun 1853:
Rports arrival at Funchal on 17 Jun
after a 60 hour passage from
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 17 Jul 1853:
Sailed from Funchal on the 3rd, touched at
Teneriffe on the 5th, paused at
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 18 Jul 1853:
Observes that there will be much
activity in
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 21 Jul 1853:
Intends to send BAINBRIDGE home
because she has been out 34 months, her crew will be beyond their terms of
service, and her relief, VIXEN, cannot be on station soon. Is invaliding 8 men from CONSTITUTION home in
her, together with 9 from PERRY.
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 13 Aug 1853:
Arrived at
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Aug 1853:
Sailed from
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Sep 1853:
Arrived at
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 14 Sep 1853:
At El Mina. On 5 Sep, at the mouth of the Cavally River,
he sought to negotiate a settlement between the Barbos on the south bank and
the Grebos on the north. They had been
fighting intermittently for 3 years.
After having a messenger under a white flag twice threatened with
murder, fired signal rockets over the village and a few rounds from the boat
guns. This brought a white flag and an
agreement to talk. Successful peace
talks were held in CONSTITUTION on the 6th, and she sailed that same day. Intends to leave for Dix Cove "this
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Oct 1853:
Forwards CONSTITUTION's punishment
reports without comment:
Pvt Thos Gorman |
D. Irons |
3‑6 Mar |
Sleeping on post |
Ordy Jno White #1 |
D. Irons |
11‑15 Mar |
Insolence to BMt |
Ordy Geo Baker |
D. Irons |
12‑15 Mar |
Insolence to Mr. Johnson |
Lds Walter Coalman |
D. Irons |
12‑15 Mar |
Neglect of duty |
Sea Hy Johmon |
D. Irons |
15 Mar |
Disobedience |
1/cB Chas DeGroot |
D. Irons |
15‑18 Mar |
Ditto |
Pvt Thos Gorman |
D. Irons |
15‑18 Mar |
Fighting |
Pvt Jno Gorman |
D. Irons |
15‑18 Mar |
Fighting |
B Jno Conway |
in Brig |
18 Mar |
Disobedience |
Lds Edw Hall |
in Brig |
23‑27 Mar |
Sleeping lookout |
B Thos Noble |
in Brig |
24‑27 Mar |
Insolence to Sgt |
Lds Thos C. Spencer |
D. Irons |
24 Mar |
Fighting |
Lds Wm Sullivan |
D. Irons |
24 Mar |
Fighting |
Ordy Geo Baker |
D. Irons |
24 Mar‑6 Apr |
Besmearing a Marine with filth |
B Chas Miller |
D. Irons |
25 Mar |
Fighting |
B Jonathan Berry |
D. Irons |
25 Mar |
Fighting |
Ordy Martin Murphy |
D. Irons |
26 Mar |
Making game of SCpl |
Ordy Thos Williamson |
D. Irons |
27 Mar |
Refusing to take hammock
on deck |
Lds Wm Perkins |
D. Irons |
27‑28 Mar |
Fighting |
B Terence Smith |
D. Irons |
27‑28 Mar |
Fighting |
B Wm Wolley |
D. Irons |
27‑28 Mar |
Fighting |
Ordy Wm Williams |
In Brig |
27‑28 Mar |
Fighting |
Lds Wm Perkins |
In Brig |
28 Mar |
Insolence to Mr.Cushman |
Ordy Jno Pennington |
In Brig |
28 Mar |
Fighting |
Ordy Jno T. Hackett |
In Brig |
28 Mar |
Fighting |
B Hy Griffen |
D. Irons |
29‑31 Mar |
Fighting |
Ordy Jno Pennington |
D. Irons |
29 Mar |
Leaving the boat |
Ordy Jno T. Hackett |
D. Irons |
29 Mar |
Leaving the boat |
Sea Hy Johnson |
D. Irons |
1‑4 Apr |
Disobedience |
Lds Hy Singleton |
D. Irons |
1‑4 Apr |
Fighting |
Ordy Thos Williamson |
In Brig |
2 Apr |
the boom cloth |
Lds Hy F. Seaman |
In Brig |
4‑5 Apr |
Fighting |
Ordy Wm Young |
In Brig |
4‑5 Apr |
Fighting |
Lds Hy F. Seaman |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Apr |
Fighting |
Ordy Geo H. Blodgett |
Lashed up in hammock |
7‑10 Apr |
Sculking [sic] |
Lds E. P. G. Hardy |
D. Irons |
9‑10 Apr |
Sculking |
Ordy Wm Baker |
D. Irons |
9‑10 Apr |
Sculking and insolence |
Lds Jas Dougherty |
D. Irons |
10‑11 Apr |
Dirty at muster |
Ordy Jno Burke #1 |
D. Irons |
11‑12 Apr |
Gambling |
B Jonathan Berry |
Lashed up to beam |
11‑12 Apr |
Stealing from Bum Boat |
Lds Michl Logue |
D. Irons |
11‑12 Apr |
Drunk on duty |
Ordy Wm Loughheed |
D. Irons |
11‑12 Apr |
Drunk on duty |
Ordy Chas Howard |
D. Irons |
12 Apr |
Insolence to
sentry |
Sea Wm Simpson |
D. Irons |
12 Apr |
Contempt to Mr Pilott [sic Pelot]: |
Pvt Alfred Weldon |
In Brig |
13‑14 Apr |
Sleeping on post |
Ordy Worthe L. Howd |
In Brig |
13‑14 Apr |
Disobedience |
Lds J. D. Springer |
In Brig |
15‑16 Apr |
Insolence to Mr Sullivan |
B Thos Noble |
Lashed up to beam |
15‑16 Apr |
Fighting |
Ordy Jno White #1 |
Lashed up to beam |
15‑16 Apr |
Fighting |
Ordy Jno Crump |
In Brig |
15‑16 Apr |
Fighting and drunk on duty |
Pvt Jno Kane |
D. Irons |
19‑20 Apr |
Striking Jno Hosser [?] |
Ordy Jacob Brumock |
D. Irons |
20 Apr‑10 May |
Desertion |
Ordy [?] Merchant |
In Brig |
20‑22 Apr |
Disobedience |
Ordy Albert C. Griswold |
Lashed up to beam |
21‑23 Apr |
Gambeling [sic] |
Sea Luis Costa |
Lashed up to beam |
21‑23 Apr |
Ditto |
QrGr Jas Johnson |
In Brig |
23‑24 Apr |
Stricking [sic] A. C. Rubins |
Ordy Jno Pennington |
D. Irons & lashed up |
24‑25 Apr |
Destroying ship's property |
Lds Peter M. Baker |
D. Irons & lashed up |
24‑25 Apr |
Ditto |
OffCk Luis Lutfo |
Lashed |
Disrespect to SCpl |
Sea Jno Irwine |
D. Irons |
25‑28 Apr |
Drunk |
Sea Geo Wilson |
D. Irons |
25‑28 Apr |
Drunk |
Ordy Jno Pennington |
D. Irons |
25‑26 Apr |
Threatening SCpl |
Sea Jas Kenny |
D. Irons |
25‑26 Apr |
Drunk on duty |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
Lashed to beam |
25‑27 Apr |
Striking Hy P.Seaman |
Lds C. D. Springer |
In Brig |
25 Apr |
Insolence to Mr Beer (OOD) |
Sea Geo Davis |
Grog stopped 3 days |
26-28 Apr |
Calling SCpl a |
Lds Jas Dougherty |
D. Irons & triced up |
27 Apr‑2 May |
Striking Hy P. Seaman |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
D. Irons & triced up |
27‑28 Apr |
Throwing a chew of
tobacco in Jno |
Ordy Jas Carrol |
D. Irons |
28‑29 Apr |
Drunk on duty |
B Thos Noble |
D. Irons & triced up |
29‑30 Apr |
Fighting |
Lds Chas Wieffer |
D. Irons & triced up |
29‑30 Apr |
Fighting |
B Hugh Conway |
D. Irons & triced up |
29 Apr |
Fighting |
Lds C. D. Springer |
D. Irons & triced up |
29 Apr‑2 May |
Interfering with
prisoners |
B Jno Green |
D. Irons & triced up |
29 Apr‑3 May |
Abusing Boy Holdridge |
Lds Wm Whelply |
Lashed up in hammock |
29‑30 Apr |
Sculking |
1/cB Thos Noble |
Lashed up in hammock |
2‑3 May |
Fighting |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
Lashed up in hammock |
4‑5 May |
Fighting |
B Hy Griffen |
Lashed up in hammock |
4‑5 May |
Fighting |
Lds Thos Dolan |
Lashed up in hammock |
4‑5 May |
Striking Steerage [?] |
Lds Chas Winterbell |
S.Irons & triced up |
14‑15 May |
Committing a "nuisance" |
Ordy Geo Baker |
D. Irons & triced up |
17 May |
Theaft |
B Thos Noble |
S. Irons & triced up |
17 May |
Disobedience |
D. Irons & triced up |
17 May |
Drunk on duty |
Ordy Richd King |
D. Irons and gagged |
17 May |
Drunk and noisy |
Sea Hy Ingham |
In brig |
17 May |
Disobedience |
Ordy Thos Williamson |
S. Irons & triced up |
18‑20 May |
Fighting |
Pvt Jas Pierce |
S. Irons & triced up |
18‑20 May |
Fighting |
Ordy Wm Rushmore |
S. Irons & triced up |
18‑20 May |
Fighting |
CptMnTp Francis Gillespie |
In Brig |
18‑20 May |
Insubordinate to Mr. Watkins |
Pvt Josp Downes |
In Brig |
18‑20 May |
Fighting |
Pvt Nicholas Dooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
18‑20 May |
Neglect of duty |
Lds Jno J. Quinn |
S. Irons & triced up |
20‑21 May |
to Mr Beer |
Lds Jno Rutto |
Lashed up in hammock |
20‑21 May |
Insolence to sentry |
Ordy Worth L. Howd |
S. Irons & triced up |
22 May |
Disobedience to SCpl |
Ordy Jno Hughes |
In Brig |
26 May |
Suspicion of theft |
Sea Geo Davis |
S. Irons & triced up |
26‑27 May |
Sculking & insolence |
Sea Wm H. Ingham |
S. Irons & triced up |
26‑27 May |
of duty |
Ordy Jno Baker |
S. Irons & triced up |
27 May |
Cutting up Worth Howard's boot |
Ordy Worthy L. Howard |
Lashed up in hammock |
27‑28 May |
Striking Geo Baker [sic] |
Ordy Jno T. Hackett |
D. Irons & triced up |
27‑28 May |
Sculking |
Sea Jas Fowler |
S. Irons & triced up |
29‑30 May |
Fighting |
Ordy Jno White #1 |
S. Irons & triced up |
29 May‑1 Jun |
Fighting |
Sea Wm Coffee |
S. Irons & triced up |
29 May |
Fighting |
Ordy Jas Dolan |
S. Irons & triced up |
29 May |
Fighting |
Ordy Wm Shields |
S. Irons & triced up |
29‑31 May |
Bmt Jno |
Ordy Jno T. Hacket |
S. Irons & lashed in hammock |
30‑31 May |
Fighting |
Ordy Richd Curry |
S. Irons & lashed in hammock |
30‑31 May |
Fighting |
Lds Wm Wooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
31 May |
Fighting |
Ordy Owen Duffy |
S. Irons & triced up |
31 May |
Fighting |
Lds Jno Smith |
S. Irons & triced up |
31 May |
Striking Cpl Wright when sick |
Lds Jas Robinson |
In Brig |
1‑2 Jun |
sentry |
Lds Jno F. Gardner |
S. Irons & triced up |
1‑3 Jun |
Sculking |
Ordy [?] T. Lynn |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
2‑3 Jun |
Striking Jno San |
B Jonathan Berry |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
2‑3 Jun |
Sculking |
B Jno J. Nolan |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
4‑5 Jun |
Fighting |
Lds Hy F. Seaman |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
4‑5 Jun |
Fighting |
Lds Hy Singleton |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
4‑5 Jun |
paint brush overboard |
B Jno Green |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
5‑7 Jun |
below decks |
Lds Bill Rilling |
Irons; lashed in hammock |
6‑8 Jun |
Disobedience |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
6‑11 Jun |
Disobedience |
Lds Chas H. Winterbell |
S. Irons; lashed in hammock |
6‑11 Jun |
to Sgt |
Ordy Jacob Bremock |
D. Irons |
8‑16 Jun |
Desertion |
Sea Jas Jackson |
In Brig |
8‑9 Jun |
[sic] |
Sea Wm Johnson #2 |
In Brig |
8‑9 Jun |
Gambeling |
Lds Wm Wooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
9‑11 Jun |
Threatening a Marine |
Lds Hy F. Seaman |
In Brig |
9‑10 Jun |
duty |
Lds Jas Murphy |
S. Irons & triced up |
11 Jun |
Sculking |
Ordy Martin Murphy |
S. Irons & triced up |
11 Jun |
Sculking |
Lds Jno F. Gardner |
S. Irons & triced up |
11‑12 Jun |
Sculking |
Lds Bill Rilling |
S. Irons & triced up |
14‑16 Jun |
Throwing bones through gun ports |
B Wm Sinclair |
S. Irons & triced up |
14‑16 Jun |
Ditto |
Ordy Chas Splane |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑20 Jun |
to sentry |
Ordy Wm Shields |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑20 Jun |
Insolence to MAA |
Ordy Robt Malcolm |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑20 Jun |
Sculking |
Ordy Richd Jones |
D. Irons |
23 Jun‑16 Jul |
Drunk &
insolent to Lt
Hazard |
Ordy Thos Hare |
D. Irons |
23‑25 Jun |
Noisy drunk |
Ordy Hy Hinds |
D. Irons |
23 Jun‑3 Jul |
Desertion |
Ordy Wm Longheed |
D. Irons |
23 Jun‑3 Jul |
Desertion |
Lds Michl Haley |
In Brig |
23 Jun‑6 Jul |
Grog Tub |
Lds Wm Wooley |
D. Irons |
24‑26 Jun |
of duty |
B Jas Miller |
S. Irons |
24‑26 Jun |
Neglect of duty |
Ordy Owen Duffy |
D. Irons |
25‑26 Jun |
drunk |
Sea Wm Bradt |
D. Irons |
25 Jun‑3 Jul |
drunk & leaving boat |
Lds Chas Kiefer |
D. Irons |
25 Jun |
Ditto |
B Jas Brown |
In Brig |
25‑26 Jun |
Smuggling liquor |
Sea Wm Rose |
D. Irons |
26 Jun‑3 Jul |
Desertion |
Ordy Wm Young |
D. Irons |
26 Jun‑3 Jul |
Desertion |
Lds Josp Brown |
D. Irons & triced up |
26 Jun‑10 Jul |
Theaft [sic] |
Ordy Geo Wilson |
D. Irons & triced up |
28 Jun‑3 Jul |
Breaking liberty |
Ordy Michl Haley |
D. Irons |
1‑3 Jul |
Theaft |
Ordy Thos Eldridge |
D. Irons |
2‑3 Jul |
Overstaying liberty |
Lds Hy Johnson |
D. Irons |
2‑3 Jul |
& disrespect to Mr. Beer |
Lds Hy F. Seaman |
D. Irons |
2‑10 Jul |
unaccounted mess
money |
ComoStd Edw Butler |
Under sentry's charge |
2‑6 Jul |
Insolence to Lt. McDonough |
Ordy Danl Flynn |
S. Irons & triced up |
8‑10 Jul |
Insolence to BMt |
Lds Robt Clark |
S. Irons & triced up |
9‑12 Jul |
of duty |
Sea Hy Johnson |
D. Irons |
9‑12 Jul |
Fighting |
Ordy Thos Eldridge |
Lashed up hammock |
10‑12 Jul |
Insolence to Mr.Swayze |
Sea Fredk French |
D. Irons |
11‑13 Jul |
Disobedience |
Pvt Augs P. Herford |
S. Irons |
11‑13 Jul |
Fighting |
Pvt Thos Carroll |
S. Irons |
11 Jul |
Fighting |
CaptBand Josp Lamastri |
S. Irons |
12‑13 Jul |
Disrespect to Lt. Rogers |
B Thos Brown |
S. Irons & triced up |
13‑15 Jul |
Disobedience |
B David B. Nichols |
S. Irons & triced up |
13 Jul |
Disrespect to |
Sea Hy Johnson |
D. Irons |
15‑20 Jul |
conduct |
Lds Jas Dougherty |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑20 Jul |
Sculking & shirking |
Lds Wm Wooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
16‑17 Jul |
Disobedience |
Ordy Jno Logue |
Under sentry's charge |
16‑18 Jul |
Drunk and dirty |
Lds Jno Rutta |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
Drunk & fighting |
Ordy Hy Evans |
D. Irons & gaggd |
17‑18 Jul |
Drunk on duty |
CaptTp Jas Tolen |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
on duty |
Sea Jno Irwin |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
on duty |
CaptTp Thos Holland |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
on duty |
Ordy Danl Flynn |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
on duty; struck
sentry |
Ordy Hy Johnson |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
Drunk on duty |
Ordy Hy Mechan |
D. Irons |
17‑18 Jul |
Fighting |
Lds Benj Dutton |
D. Irons |
18‑20 Jul |
Ordy Owen Duffy |
D. Irons |
18‑20 Jul |
on duty |
Ordy Andrew Cox |
D. Irons |
18‑20 Jul |
Drunk on duty |
Lds Jas Lee |
Grog stopped |
18‑20 Jul |
on duty |
Ordy Jno Bartlett |
Grog stopped |
18‑20 Jul |
on duty |
Ordy Ernest Lang |
Grog stopped |
18‑20 Jul |
Drunk on duty |
Ordy Wm Williams |
D. Irons |
18‑19 Jul |
boat |
Ordy Wm Young |
D. Irons |
18‑19 Jul |
boat |
Lds Michl Holland |
S. Irons & triced up |
19‑20 Jul |
Refused order |
Lds Chas Sheppheard |
S. Irons & triced up |
19‑20 Jul |
Disobedience |
Ordy Wm Bradt |
D. Irons |
18‑20 Jul |
& threatening Cpl |
Ordy Josp Fowler |
D. Irons & triced up |
20 Jul |
to Mr. Johnson |
SCpl Slater West |
Prisoner at large |
20‑23 Jul |
Disobedience of doctor |
Ordy Jas Dolan |
D. Irons & triced up |
21‑23 Jul |
Refusing duty |
Lds Hy F. Seaman |
D. Irons & triced up |
21‑23 Jul |
Refusing duty |
B Wm Wilson |
S. Irons & triced up |
24‑28 Jul |
Kicking Schoolmaster Jno Coffin |
Pvt Augs Herford |
S. Irons & triced up |
24‑28 Jul |
Neglect of duty |
Ordy Richd Bull |
S. Irons & triced up |
26 Jul‑3 Aug |
bread bag |
Ordy Geo H. Blodgett |
S. Irons & triced up |
27‑28 Jul |
Sculking |
Sea Chas Smith |
S. Irons & triced up |
27‑28 Jul |
Sculking |
Ordy Thos Eldridge |
S. Irons & triced up |
27 Jul |
Giving a prisoner
tobacco |
Sea Jno Irwin |
S. Irons & triced up |
27‑28 Jul |
Disobedience |
Lds Chas DeGroot |
Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Jul |
Sculking |
Ordy Jno Crump |
S. Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Jul |
Sculking |
Lds Josp Brown |
S. Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Jul |
Sculking |
Sea Jas Cummings |
S. Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Jul |
Threatening SCpl |
Sea Jno Warton |
S. Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Jul |
Sculking |
B Danl Hare |
S. Irons & triced up |
30‑31 Jul |
Insubordinate |
Ordy Geo H. Blodgett |
S. Irons & triced up |
31 Jul |
Neglect of duty |
Pvt Nichs Dooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
31 Jul |
Refusing orders |
Pvt Alfd Weldon |
S. Irons & triced up |
1‑2 Aug |
Sculking |
Pvt Josp Downes |
S. Irons & triced up |
1 Aug |
Sculking |
Sea Alex. Nisbett |
S. Irons & triced up; on B&W |
1 Aug |
Refusing orders |
Lds Michl Logue |
S. Irons & triced up |
2 Aug |
Missing muster |
Ordy Hy Mechan |
S. Irons & triced up |
3‑5 Aug |
sentry |
Lds Hy A. Smith |
S. Irons & triced up |
4 Aug |
Cursing Cpl |
Lds Joachim |
4 Aug |
Neglect of duty |
Ordy Wm Young |
S. Irons & triced up |
4‑6 Aug |
Refusing order |
Ordy Hy Mechan |
S. Irons & triced up |
4‑6 Aug |
Refusing order |
B Thos Noble |
S. Irons & triced up |
4‑6 Aug |
Abusive language |
Sea Wm Johnson |
D. Irons & triced up |
5‑18 Aug |
Leaving boat; riotous conduct |
Ordy Wm Murphy |
D. Irons |
5‑18 Aug |
Ditto |
Ordy Wm Rose |
D. Irons |
5‑18 Aug |
Ditto |
Sea Hy Hines |
D. Irons |
5‑18 Aug |
Ditto |
Sea Jno Burke #1 |
D. Irons |
5‑18 Aug |
Ditto |
Lds Hy Grey |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
boat |
Lds Jno White #2 |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
Ditto |
Lds Hy Singleton |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
Ditto |
Lds Hy A. Smith |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
Ditto |
Ordy Michl Gonzalus |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
Ditto |
Lds Kneeland A. Trull |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
Ditto |
Ordy Thos Jones #1 |
D. Irons |
5‑6 Aug |
Ditto |
Pvt Geo Paris |
S. Irons & triced up |
5 Aug |
language |
Lds Bill Rilling |
S. Irons & triced up |
5‑6 Aug |
language |
Lds Jno F. Gardner |
S. Irons & triced up |
5‑6 Aug |
Fighting |
Lds Luis Rutta |
S. Irons & triced up |
5‑6 Aug |
Fighting |
Ordy Jno Herman |
D. Irons |
6‑7 Aug |
berth deck
light w/o permission |
Pvt Jno Hughes |
S. Irons & triced up |
7 Aug |
Disobedience |
Pvt Hy Byrnes |
S. Irons & triced up |
7 Aug |
Disobedience |
Pvt Jno Collings |
S. Irons & triced up |
7 Aug |
Disobedience |
Ordy Chas Splane |
S. Irons & triced up |
7‑8 Aug |
of duty |
Pvt Josp Downes |
S. Irons |
9‑11 Aug |
sentry |
B Jas Miller |
S. Irons & triced up |
9‑12 Aug |
Disobedience |
Ordy Danl Flynn |
S. Irons & triced up |
11‑12 Aug |
Cpl |
B Jno Livingston |
S. Irons & triced up |
11‑12 Aug |
Disobedience |
Lds Jas Dougherty |
S. Irons & triced up |
12‑16 Aug |
the deck |
Lds Jno Rutta |
S. Irons & triced up |
13‑16 Aug |
sentry |
Lds Chas Kiffer |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑16 Aug |
Missing muster |
Ordy Danl Flynn |
S. Irons & triced up |
16‑18 Aug |
Abusing sentry |
Ordy Jno Herman |
S. Irons & triced up |
16‑18 Aug |
knife |
Pvt Jno Coffin |
Under sentry's charge |
18‑22 Aug |
conduct |
B Wm Wilson |
S. Irons & triced up |
18‑25 Aug |
Insolent to BMt |
Lds Bill Rilling |
S. Irons & triced up |
23‑27 Aug |
Theaft |
Sea Wm Coffee |
S. Irons & triced up |
23‑24 Aug |
Insolence |
B Wm Wooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
23‑24 Aug |
Insubordinate |
Sea Geo H. Davis |
S. Irons & triced up |
26‑29 Aug |
Theaft |
B Wm Sinclair |
S. Irons & triced up |
27‑28 Aug |
Refusing duty |
Lds Jas Brown |
S. Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Aug |
Theaft |
Lds Joachin Martines |
Under sentry's charge |
30 Aug |
Drunk |
Sgt Michl McCluskey |
Under sentry's charge |
31 Aug |
on duty |
Pvt Hy Byrnes |
Under sentry's charge |
31 Aug |
on duty |
B Jas Miller |
Under sentry's charge |
31 Aug |
Drunk on duty |
Ordy Danl Flynn |
S. Irons & triced up |
1‑7 Sep |
Disobedience |
Lds Jno J. Quinn |
S. Irons & triced up |
1‑7 Sep |
Insolence |
Sea Geo H. Davis |
D. Irons |
3‑7 Sep |
a boy |
Lds Luis Rutto |
S. Irons |
3‑4 Sep |
Interfering with
sentry |
Ordy Wm Shields |
S. Irons & triced up |
6‑7 Sep |
Insolence |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
S. Irons & triced up |
6‑7 Sep |
Fighting |
Lds Jno Logger [?] |
S. Irons & triced up |
6‑7 Sep |
Fighting |
Lds Jas Daugherty |
S. Irons & triced up |
7‑9 Sep |
Fighting |
Pvt Augs G. Herford |
D. Irons & triced up |
8‑11 Sep |
Insolence |
Ordy Thos Hare |
S. Irons |
10‑13 Sep |
Fighting |
B Andrew Hennessey |
S. Irons & triced up |
14‑16 Sep |
Fighting |
B Jas Miller |
S. Irons & triced up |
14-16 Sep |
Fighting |
Ordy Adolphus Drias |
S. Irons & triced up |
14‑16 Sep |
Disobedience |
QrMr Geo Hare |
D. Irons |
14 Sep |
Awaiting court
martial for
drunk & noisy |
Sea Hamlet |
14 Sep |
Ditto |
Sea Jas Fowler |
D. Irons |
14‑16 Sep |
drunk |
CaptTp Hy Gillespie |
D. Irons |
14‑26 Sep |
drunk |
Lds Richd Jones |
D. Irons |
15‑16 Sep |
Fighting |
Sea Edw Griffin |
D. Irons |
15‑16 Sep |
Fighting |
Lds Jno Smith |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑22 Sep |
Disrespect to Mr. Johnson |
Lds Wm Wooley |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑16 Sep |
Leaving hammock on deck |
B Jno Burke #2 |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑16 Sep |
Ditto |
Ordy Martin Murphy |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑16 Sep |
Ditto |
Ordy Jno Appleby |
D. Irons |
17‑19 Sep |
Striking OOD |
COMOCk Geo Barcray |
Sentry's charge |
19‑20 Sep |
Drunk on
duty |
B Jno R. Herring |
D. Irons |
19‑22 Sep |
Noisy drunk |
Ordy Jno Monehan |
D. Irons |
20 Sep |
Awaiting court martial for breaking
into storerooms for rum |
Pvt Alfd Weldon |
S. Irons & triced up |
20‑22 Sep |
on post |
Sea Geo H. Davis |
D. Irons |
22 Sep |
court martial
for theft |
Sea Jno Brown |
S. Irons |
22‑23 Sep |
Throwing kettle
overboard |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
S. Irons & triced up |
23‑26 Sep |
Sculking |
B Jno Burke #2 |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑16 Sep |
Sculking |
Ordy Martin Murphy |
S. Irons & triced up |
15‑16 Sep |
Sculking |
Ordy Jno Appleby |
D. Irons |
17‑19 Sep |
Striking OOD |
COMOCk Geo Barcray |
Sentry's charge |
19‑20 Sep |
on duty |
B Jno R. Herring |
D. Irons |
19‑22 Sep |
Noisy drunk |
Ordy Jno Monehan |
D. Iron |
20 Sep |
Awaiting court martial for breaking into storerooms for rum |
Ordy Jno Applebee |
D. Irons |
20 Sep |
Ditto |
Pvt Alfd Weldon |
S. Irons & triced up |
20‑22 Sep |
Sleeping on post |
Sea Geo H. Davis |
D. Irons |
22 Sep |
Awaiting court |
Sea Jno Brown |
S. Irons |
22‑23 Sep |
a kettle |
Lds Jno Smith #1 |
S. Irons & triced up |
23‑26 Sep |
Sculking insolence |
Lds Jacob Dedrick |
S. Irons & triced up |
23 Sep |
Sculking |
Pvt Thos Bagwell |
S. Irons & triced up |
23‑24 Sep |
Refusing duty |
Ordy Jno Hughes |
S. Irons & triced up |
26‑27 Sep |
another's |
Lds Traxton Taylor |
S. Irons & triced up |
26‑27 Sep |
Striking Jno
Hughes |
B Jno R. Herring |
S. Irons & triced up |
26‑27 Sep |
conduct in school |
B Jno Lynch |
S. Irons & triced up |
27 Sep |
muster |
Lds Chas Kelly |
S. Irons & triced up |
27 Sep |
muster |
Ordy Wm Shields |
S. Irons & triced up |
27 Sep‑3 Oct |
on |
Lds Hy A. Smith |
S. Irons & triced up |
27‑29 Sep |
Fighting |
B David Nicholls |
S. Irons & triced up |
27‑29 Sep |
another |
Ordy Jno Hilman |
S. Irons & triced up |
28‑29 Sep |
another |
B Jno Livingston |
S. Irons & triced up |
29‑30 Sep |
on |
Ordy Wm Postel |
S. Irons & triced up |
29‑30 Sep |
Ditto |
Lds Jno Williams |
D. Irons |
29 Sep‑2 Oct |
Assault |
Lds Jas Brown |
D. Irons |
30 Sep‑3 Oct |
Theft |
Ordy Michl Holland |
S. Irons & triced up |
30 Sep‑1 Oct |
Refusing duty |
From Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 5
Nov 1853:
Mentions Passed Midshipman G. H. Bier.
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 7 Nov 1853:
"My instructions from the Navy
Department direct me to avoid having recourse to Courts Martial as far as may
be possible.
"...the unfortunate position in
which the Navy has been placed by the abolition of the former mode of
punishment, without providing a substitute, leaves me scanty means of maintaining
discipline, without resorting to the power still possessed by a Court
Forwards the records of several he has
been "compelled" to hold.
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Nov 1853:
Departed Fernando Po on 2 Oct and
arrived off the mouth of
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Nov 1853:
Has ordered Lieutenant deCamp to take
H. N. GAMBRILL to the
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 10 Nov 1853 [2nd ltr]:
Took H. N. GAMBRILL of
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 20 Dec 1853:
Aknowledges receipt of orders to send
home the remains of Captain's Clerk [N. M. C.] Abbott, late of MACEDONIAN, in
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 26 Jan 1854:
Arrived at Porto Praya on 6 Jan to
find store ship PALMETTO. Sailed on the
19th for
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Apr 1854:
Arrived at Funchal on 1 Apr to rest
the crew and maintain health. It will be
first liberty of cruise. Reports having
appointed E. Cobb as his clerk, replacing the ailing B. F. Waters, who returned
home in the store ship REPUBLIC.
From Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION,
17 May 1854:
Sailed from Funchal on 2 May, the
funds he was awaiting having arrived, and made Teneriffe on the 4th. Sailed on the 5th, arriving at the
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 3 Jun 1854:
Notes that CONSTITUTION was sent out
with no new sails, and her best suit "half worn." If she is to remain into the next winter, she
needs a fore topsail, a main topsail, a fore course, a main course, fore and
main topgallants, a "main trysail," and a fore topmast staysail.
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 24 Jul 1854:
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Aug 1854:
At Prince's I. The King of Lagos visited the ship on 31 Jul
while at
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 9 Oct 1854:
Forwards with "hearty
concurrence" a request from the officers of the ship that Boatswain's Mate
Thomas C. Berry be appointed a Boatswain.
Suggests the appointment be made retroactive to 29 Sep 1854, the date on
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 31 Oct 1854:
Mentions Master's Mate John Collins.
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Apr 1855:
Departed the Cape Verde Is. on 1 Apr,
having previously transferred Lieutenant C. S. McDonough and Midshipman E. E. Potter
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Apr 1855 [2nd ltr]:
On the 23rd, when 400 miles from
Portsmouth, NH, learned from a passing American ship that the US was sending
warships to Cuba. Believing that the
Department wanted maximum force near
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 27 Apr 1855 [3rd ltr]:
Intends to send his secretary,
Llewellyn Boyle, to the
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 16 May 1855:
Reports "just anchored" at
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 23 May 1855:
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Jun 1855 (telegram):
Reports arrival at
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 2 Jun 1855 [2nd ltr]:
Notes that he placed in irons for one
day a number of men who protested his diversion from the homeward track by
claiming to be sick. Ten of these he
later transferred to
of protesters:
Chas Smith |
Jno Green |
Charles Finley |
Henry Jones |
Wm Rose |
Frs Dolen
[sic] |
Wm Conner |
Orrin King |
Chas Lacy |
Wm M Albion |
James Carroll |
Stewart Goff |
Robt Jackson |
C D Springer |
Geo W Collins |
W Sinclair
(Transfd) |
Henry Sanford |
Jos Ninnis |
Wm King |
J O Witham |
Thos Jones 2d |
Michl Hally |
D W Brennan |
Chas Keifer |
G H Blodgett (Transfd) |
Geo Orner
(Transfd) |
Saml Jones |
Dickerson ditto |
Wm Ford |
Hillman (ditto) |
Frs Gorey |
Wm Johns |
Jno Hines |
J L Cuffee Transfd |
Geo Geoler |
W Dangler |
Jno Hutchinson |
H S Lang |
L A Folsom |
J Cronan
(Transfd) |
Chas DeGroot (Transfd) |
Walter Gurna |
Wm Treadt |
Callitan Marine |
Wm Van Alse |
Bartly ditto |
J Hamilton (Transfd) |
Byrnes ditto |
T Brown (ditto) |
Weldon ditto |
Commodore Isaac Mayo, USS CONSTITUTION, 4 Jun 1855:
Forwards copies of letters to each of
the Midshipmen in the ship:
Midshipman Wm L. Bradford, his aid,
has been in the ship since June 1853.
Warmly recommended to examiners.
Midshipman Aeneas Armstrong also has
been aboard since June 1853, and is likewise warmly recommended.
Midshipman Wm H. Dana, aboard since
November 1852, is warmly recommended.
107 (Supplemental) (January 4, 1853 ‑ June 1, 1855)
between the Barbo and Half Cavally tribes, 6 Sep 1853:
"Commodore Mayo being desirous of
concluding a peace between the Half Cavally and Barbo people, present the
following officers, Commodore Isaac Mayo, Commander in Chief, Commander John
Rudd, Lieutenants Jno De Camp, Benj F. Dove, C. R. P. Rodgers, Flag
[Lieutenant] Llewellyn Boyle, Secretary.
Peter Headman in place of King George the Chief King of the Barbo people, being
sent as the Representative of King George.
Wilson, Headman, Representing King Freeman, of Cavally being sent by his said
King as his legal Representative.
Williams, or Simby Bala, being of
"On the 4th inst: anchored off
Cavally River, sent a boat with Lieut Rodgers to communicate with the King
of the Cavally River tribe, who
expressed his willingness for peace, and to be guided by the Commodore, at the
same time an officer was sent with Ben Coffee, head Krooman, of this ship, to
communicate with the Barbo people, on the left bank of the River, the two
tribes being at War.
"Ben Coffee on his return
reported that the Barbo people refused the Commodore's 'Dash,' or present,
stating that they would not make peace until the Cavally river people abandoned
the territory, which they now occupy, they refused all further communication
with the Commodore and threatened to shoot Ben Coffee, until he left their
shore. The Cavally people being allies
with the Colonists at Cape Palma and within their territory, the Commander in
Chief felt it his duty to urge upon the Barbo people the necessity of making
"The interruption of trade upon
the coast was most injurious to the Colonists; On the morning of the 5th, the
Commander in Chief fitted out five armed boats from the 'Constitution' and approached
"Ben Coffee was again sent on
shore with a White Flag to know if the Barboes were willing to treat with the
Cavally people in [?] of making a treaty of Peace. The Barboes replied to Ben Coffee that they
had said every thing to him on yesterday.
Ben Coffee returned and stated that the Barboes were armed and ready for
"A General Order was given to
Captain Rudd, not to fire unless ordered or fired from the shore, a further
order, was given Capt Rudd to commence firing Signal Rockets over the town, by
way of intimidating the inhabitants and brining [sic] them to terms, or failing
Lieut De Camp was ordered to fire over the "town" with his 12
pounder, 24 shot fired, when the Barbo people hoisted a 'Flag of Truce' on the
beach, when the firing ceased, Ben Coffee, the interpreter, was again sent on
shore, on his return, stated that he had seen the old King George, and 'Jim Peter,' who is now present. The King stated that he begged pardon, for
what had been done, and wished 'Peace' all around. Ben Coffee further stated that the Barbo
people proposed that the Commo, should come on shore the following morning, and
in the Commo's presence they would arrange the terms of the 'Peace,' they
further requested Ben Coffee to come on shore and receive a 'Dash' for the
Commo, as confiming the Peace.
"All parties dined in the Cabin,
and after receiving presents from the Commo, departed in company for the shore,
highly pleased.
I. Mayo|Commander in Chief
John Rudd|Commander
Jno De Camp|Lieutenant
M. Dove|do
R. P. Rodgers|do
"Done on board the U. S. Ship
Constitution, on the 6th day of Sept 1853.
(Signed) Llewellyn Boyle
Edward Cobb
Commodores Clerk
African Squadron"
The Captain's Clerk