EIGHTH Congress, Session I, Volume 2, Chapter 53.


An Act supplementary to the act entitled "An act providing for a naval peace establishment, and for other purposes."


          Sec. 1.  Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to attach to the navy yard at Washington, and to the frigates and other vessels laid up in ordinary in the Eastern Branch, a captain of the navy, who shall have the general care and superintendence of the same; and shall perform the duties of agent to the Navy Department, and shall be entitled to receive, for his services, the pay and emoluments of a captain commanding a squadron on separate service.  And the President of the United States is hereby further authorized to attach permanently, to the said navy yard and vessels, one other commissioned officer of the navy, who shall receive for his services the pay and emoluments of a captain commanding a twenty gun ship, one surgeon and one surgeon's mate of the navy, who shall be severally allowed for their services the same pay, rations, and emoluments, as are allowed a surgeon, and to a surgeon's mate in the army of the United States; one sailing‑master, one head carpenter, one plumber, one head block‑maker, one head cooper, two boatswains, two gunners, one sailmaker, one storekeeper, one purser, one clerk of the yard, and also such seamen and marines as, in the opinion of the President, shall be deemed necessary: provided, that the number of seamen or marines shall not at any time be greater than what is at present authorized by the act to which this is a supplement.

          Sec. 2.  And be it further enacted, That that part of the act to which this is a supplement, which attaches to each frigate, laid up in ordinary, one sailing‑master, one boatswain, one gunner, one carpenter, and one cook, one sergeant or corporal of marines, and eight marines, and to the large frigates twelve, and to the small frigates ten seamen, and which declares that the sailing‑master shall have the care of the ship, and shall execute such duties of a purser as may be necessary, shall be, and hereby is, repealed.


          Approved, March 27, 1804.