FOURTEENTH Congress, Session II, Volume 3, Chapter 63.


An Act to fix the peace establishment of the marine corps.


          Sec. 1.  Be it enacted in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the peace establishment of the marine corps shall consist of the following officers, non‑commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, viz: one lieutenant colonel commandant, nine captains, twenty‑four first lieutenants, sixteen second lieutenants, one adjutant and inspector, one paymaster, one quartermaster, to be taken from the said captains and lieutenants, seventy‑three corporals, forty‑two drums and fifes, and seven hundred and fifty privates.

          Sec. 2.  And be in further enacted, That the President of the United States cause the provisions of this act to be carried into effect on the first day of April next, or as soon thereafter as circumstances will admit, and cause any supernumerary officers to be discharged from the service of the United States; and to all persons so discharged there shall be paid three months' additional pay.

          Sec. 3.  And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States may, in the recess of the Senate, appoint any of the officers authorized by this act, which appointments shall be submitted to the Senate at their next session for their advice and consent.


          Approved, March 3, 1817.