Congress, Session II, Chapter 81, Vol. 3.
An Act regulating the payments to invalid
it enacted in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That, in all cases of application for the
payment of pensions to invalids, under the several laws of Congress granting
pensions to invalids, the affidavit of two surgeons and physicians, whose
credibility, as such, shall be certified by the magistrate before whom the
affidavit is made, stating the continuance of the disability for which the
pension was originally granted, (describing it,) and the rate of such
disability at the time of making the affidavit, shall accompany the application
of the first payment which shall fall due after the fourth day of March next,
and at the end of every two years thereafter; and if, in case of a continued
disability, it shall be stated at a rate below that for which the pension was
originally granted, the applicant shall only be paid at the rate stated in the
affidavit: provided, that, where the
pension shall have been originally granted for a total disability, in
consequence of the loss of a limb, or other cause which cannot, either in
whole, or in part, be removed, the above affidavit shall not be necessary to
entitle the applicant to payment: and
provided, also, that this act shall not extend to the invalids of the
revolution, who have been, or shall be, placed on the pension list, pursuant to
an act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons
engaged in the land and sea service of the United States in the revolutionary
war," approved the eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and eight.*
Approved, March 3, 1819.
* As in the original. It should be "eighteen."